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No. 29
















Quarter past two o‟clock p.m The Speaker in the Chair




Members Present




Baloyi A,

Beremauro G,

Bhasikiti K,

Bhebhe A,

Bimha M.C

Chaderopa F Chambati T.S

Chamisa N

Chanetsa P.T.

Chebundo B

Chidhakwa W.K

Chikava B,

Chimanikire G,

Chimbetete W.M

Chimhini D.A,

Chininga E.T.C,

Chinyadza W

Chiota P.C

Chirume O

Chitando J

Chitima A,

Chivamba K,

Chombo I.M.C

Cross E.G

Denga P

Dokora            L.D.K

Dongo G.Z

Dube C.R.E

Dube M

Dube P

Dumbu F

Dzingirai                  I



Dzirutwe G

Gabuza J.G

Garadhi S

Goche N.T

Gonese I.T

Goto R

Gumbo J.M

Gwiyo C.C Haritatos P

Hlongwane M

Huruba T

Jembere E

Jiri M

Kachepa                 N

Kagurabadza M.T

Mangami                 D

Mangena J

Mangwana M.P

Maposhere               D

Maramba P.H

Maramwidze E H

Mare M

Marima E

Masaiti E Mashakada T

Masukume N.P.S

Matamisa              E.E

Matibe T.P

Matibenga L.G

Kanzama F

Kapesa R



Katsande A

Kay J.I.H

Khumalo M,

Khumalo N.M,

Khumalo S.S,

Khumalo T

Kumalo M

Langa A

Mabhena G



Madzore P

Mafios I.D

Mahlangu T

Mahoka S

Majome F.J


Makone T.M


Mandebvu N.T








Matimba T

Matinenga E.T



Matutu T



Mbwembwe Mhandu C

Mhashu F.G

Mhlanga A

Mkhosi E.T.M

Mlambo M.M

Mlilo O.S






Mnangagwa E.D

Mnkandla T

Moyo G

Moyo R

Moyo S

Mpariwa P

Mpofu N


Mpofu O.M Mpukuta L

Muchauraya P

Muchena O. N

Mudarikwa S

Mudau M

Mudavanhu E

Mudenge I.S,

Mudiwa S

Mudzuri E

Mudzuri H

Muguti C

Mukanduri S.T

Mukonoweshuro E

Ngwenya B

Nhema             C.D.F

Nkomo S.S

Nyakudanga O

Nyamande J Nyamudeza S

Nyamupinga B.B

Nyaude B

Nyoni S.G.G



Pemhenayi C.F

Raradza E

Rutsvara R

Sai S

Samkange N.T.C

Sansole T.W

Saruwaka T.J.L

Ziteya K.S



Mungofa P.T


Mushonga S.L

Mushore L

Musumbu E

Musvaire W

Mutambara A G

Mutinhiri T

Mutsekwa G.T

Mutseyami C.P

Muza I

Mwonzora D.T

Mzembi W

Navava E


Ndambakuwa F

Ndava R

Ndebele G

Ndhlovu A

Nemadziva N

Nezi W

Nguni S.R




Shamu W.K

Shirichena E

Shoko H

Shoko M


Sibanda D.S

Sibanda F.M

Sibanda P.N

Sindi C

Sithole A

Sululi A

Tachiona M

Tazviona R

Timba J.Z

Tsvangirai M

Varandeni J

Zhanda T.P

Zhuwao P

Zinyemba M





Printed by Order of the House


Absent with leave

Mombeshora D.T


  1. The Acting Speaker informed all members of the Management Committee of the Zimbabwe Women‟s Caucus that they were invited to a meeting on Wednesday, 13 May 2009 in Committee Room No. 4 at 0830 hours.


  1. The Acting Speaker announced that all Hon Members of the House of Assembly were invited to attend the National launch of the International Day of Families to be held on 15 May 2009 in Nkayi District.


  1. The Acting Speaker also announced that Members of Parliament were invited to a Public Launch of the 100 Day Plan of Government.


  1. Hon Mwonzora, seconded by Hon Matamisa moved: That Order of the Day No. 1, for today, stands over until Order of the Day No. 6 has been disposed of.


Motion put and agreed to.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned

18th March 2009 – The Deputy Prime Minister, Hon Khupe) 


[Time elapsed: 11 hours 59 minutes]          Question again proposed


That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows:-


May it please you, your Excellency the President:


We, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament - Hon Mazikana.


On the motion of the Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs:  Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the postponement of the opening of schools from the 13th to the 27th of January 2009 (Adjourned 18th March 2009 – The Deputy Prime Minister, Hon Khupe)


[Days elapsed: 4]


            Question again proposed:  That this House-


WORRIED by the postponement of the opening of schools from the 13th of January 2009 to the 27th of January 2009;


CONCERNED by the uncertainty surrounding the education sector as manifested by the delay in the marking of Grade 7, „O‟ and  „A‟ Level examinations and the threat by teachers not to go back to work unless their demands are met;


SHOCKED by the unwarranted interference in the operations of “Trust” schools and other private educational institutions;


ALARMED by the failure of those who claim to be in charge to find answers to the crisis in the educational sector which resulted in most students failing to attend lessons in 2008;


DISTURBED by the fact that this situation may deteriorate in 2009;


            NOW, therefore, calls upon those responsible to take a holistic approach and find solutions to the crisis – Hon Mhashu.


On the motion of the Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs:  Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the structural dislocation of Zimbabwe‟s economy (Adjourned 3rd March 2009- The Minister of Defence)


[Days Elapsed: 4]

Question again proposed: That this House-


CONCERNED WITH the structural dislocation of Zimbabwe‟s economy, macroeconomic dysfunctionality and the pervasive levels of failure by the state.


DISTURBED  BY the high levels of poverty, unemployment and suffering of the people of Zimbabwe.


CONCERNED BY the collapse of the public education, public health and public transport infrastructure in the country.


FURTHER CONCERNED BY the deeply seated humanitarian crisis, the absence of the rule of law, the food crisis and the extent of deprivation and want by our people.


ALARMED BY the high levels of corruption, looting, avarice, asset stripping, patronage and clientelism prevalent in the country.


CONCERNED BY THE militarization and politicization in the distribution of food.


FURTHER CONCERNED by the deliberate indifference to the crisis by those in control.




  1. i) To express its strong concern to the responsible authorities and urge all concerned to direct their energies towards the rebuilding of Zimbabwe.


  1. i) To call for the crafting of policies to address these challenges being faced by Zimbabweans- Hon Biti.


On the motion of the Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs:  Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. On the motion of the Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs:

The House adjourned at twenty minutes past three o‟clock p.m..


N.M Khumalo

Acting Speaker.











*1.    HON. A. BALOYI: To ask The Minister of Transport and Infrastructural

Development to inform the House whether or not the Ministry has made provision for the construction of the Chiloya Bridge over the Lundi River, which is critical for commuting between Chiredzi South and the rest of the country and is also critical for the implementation of the GLTP project.


[Deferred: Wednesday 1st April 2009]


*2.    HON. CHIMBETETE:  To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development, to inform this House what the Ministry‟s plans are regarding the tarring of Binya Road in Nyanga South.


*3.    HON. DUMBU:  to ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development:

  1. what measures the Ministry has put in place to address the crisis of impassable roads which is impeding efficient transfer and distribution of farm produce to market places; and
  2. what plans are underway for construction of roads in rural areas where people have to walk long distances of up to 30km to growth points for social services.


*4.       HON. NYAUDE: To ask the Ministers of State for National Healing to inform the House:

  1. whether they are aware that on the 19th and 20th March 2009,  ZANU PF officials in Bindura South Constituency, namely, Matangira and Muzondo addressed rallies denouncing and rejecting the Global Political Agreement and the inclusive Government  and that these officials questioned the integrity of the three principals to the Global Political Agreement; and
  2. whether any measures will be taken to ensure that people are not misled at rallies.


[Deferred: Wednesday 1st April 2009]


*5.       HON. NYAUDE: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare if the

Ministry is aware that the Sister-in-Charge of Nyava clinic, ward 15 in Bindura South, closed the clinic at 1100 hours to attend a political rally leaving people who needed medical attention stranded and to state the measures put in place to contain such cases of misconduct.


[Deferred: Wednesday 1st April 2009]


.*6.      HON. MADAMOMBE:  To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare:

i)                  to inform this House what the Government policy is on people living with


ii)                why the clinics are charging $5 fees for consultation and collection of

  ARV drugs which in most cases are donated by different international organisations.

[Deferred: Wednesday 1st April 2009]



HON. MANGAMI:  To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare to explain the Ministry‟s position on the upgrading of Mortuaries such as Gokwe mortuary, which cannot cope with the size of the district.


HON. NYAUDE: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Urban and Rural evelopment to inform the House when traditional leaders will start conducting their business in a non-partisan manner, in view of the fact that in Bindura South Constituency, Chief Masembura appears to be unaware of the new political order obtaining in Zimbabwe and continues to harass those perceived to be non-ZANU PF subjects.


[Deferred: Wednesday 1st April 2009]

*9. HON. L. KARENYI:  To ask the Minister of Local Government, Urban and Rural Development to explain the purpose of having special interest councillors in Local Government Councils who, as losing candidates, tend to create a lot of problems for the sitting Councillors.




[Deferred: Wednesday 1st April 2009]

*10. HON. MANGAMI:  To ask the Minister of Local Government, Urban and Rural Development whether there will be a development fund given to new towns such as Gokwe, during the life of STERP and how much it is.


*11.     HON. GARADHI: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Urban and Rural

Development to inform the House:

  1. i) whether the victims of cholera are going to be compensated; ii)   Whether Zinwa accepts responsibility for causing cholera and if so what measures were taken to bring to book those responsible; and

iii)       why he is trying to protect the town Clerk of Harare who is being investigated by writing to the Mayor. How does he justify his actions.


*12.     HON. JIRI: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Rural and Urban


  1. how Rural District Councils have been allowed to operate year in year out without audited financial statements .e.g. Chikomba district councils last audited accounts were produced in 2003 or before;
  2. what the Ministry is doing about the gross mal-administration in the running of council affairs, particularly by those of Chikomba Rural District Council where assets have been personalized and misappropriated for a period in excess of five years; and
  • what arrangements have been put in place to address the above concerns with the urgency they require.


*13.     HON. NYAUDE: To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Mechanization and Irrigation Development to inform the House when tobacco farmers can expect to get reimbursement of funds realized from their 2007/08 tobacco sales which were allegedly misappropriated by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.



[Deferred: Wednesday 1st April 2009]  

*14.     HON. MUDIWA:  To ask the Hon Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and

Irrigation Development whether the Ministry is aware:-

  1. i) that Welkom Estate (ARDA) which operate as a Rural Dairy Project was allegedly offered to Mrs Mutasa and Simba Muzariri from the President‟s

Office; ii) that the two beneficiaries are agitating for the all dairy livestock and equipment;

  • and if the Minister can clarify the circumstances surrounding the purported expulsion of ARDA from the Estate; and
  1. the resultant negative impact of the ill-advised move, which will be felt by other Rural Dairy Projects in Manicaland recipients of Dowa, Marange, Tsongo, Sangano, Honde etc which were notably breeding live stock and tillage services.


*15.     HON. J. VARANDENI: To ask the Minister of Agriculture Mechanisation And

Irrigation Development

  1. why the Maguta input scheme is operated by soldiers and whether this is an indication that the army is overstaffed;
  2. criteria used during the introduction of the Chairperson farmer scheme; iii) why it is that former white farmers used to produce enough food for the whole country but after the land was given to new farmers there was inadequate food supplies; and
  3. iv) does the Ministry has a G.M.B pre-planting price for agricultural produce such as nuts, maize, beans also cotton from cotteo as farmer are about to harvest.


*16.     HON. S. MOYO: To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Mechanization and Irrigation Development:

  1. to inform the House what the country‟s total national head of cattle is and what its potential could be;
  2. to state whether the Ministry is aware of the pending movement of 12000 cattle owned by black farmers in Mwenezi Ranch to pave way for one person when infact there is no alternative grazing land;
  • what the Ministry‟s plans on rebuilding the national herd and when Zimbabweans can expect the beef industry to recover significantly enough to contribute to the economic growth of the country;
  1. to state what Zimbabwe‟s total requirements for dairy products are;
  2. to explain when the country can expect positive improvements in the dairy industry; and
  3. to inform the House what the current level of employment of farm workers is given that in good agricultural times Zimbabwe employed over 300 000 farm workers.


*17.     HON MUDIWA:  To ask the Minister of Mines and Mining Development to explain:


  1. the issue surrounding the relocation of the people of Chiadzwa since the governor of Manicaland has been quoted in the press as having visited the area and given them a deadline to vacate the area by may 2009;
  2. whether an environment impact assessment has been done for the proposed mining area according to section 97 of the environmental management act and whether stakeholders were consulted;
  • whether an explanation was given to the people of Chiadzwa as to why they have to be; and
  1. whether there is a feasibility report dealing with the effect of the intended relocation showing the impact on the education and culture of the people and how the issue of compensation is going to be addressed.
  [Deferred: Wednesday, 25th March 2009]




HON KAGURABADZA: To ask the Minister of Mines and Mining Development whether the Ministry:

i)        is aware that Redwing Mine in Penhalonga, a gold mine operated by Metallon Gold of Zimbabwe, has closed down due to flooding as the water pumps at this mine are malfunctioning or cannot be repaired and new ones have not been bought because the RBZ is alleged to have withdrawn money from the mine‟s Foreign Currency Account (FCA) and did not reimburse it; ii)      can advise when this money is going to reimbursed; and

iii) can inform the House if there are measures in place to ensure that over 1000 employees who were laid off get their retrenchment packages.


[Deferred: Wednesday, 25th March 2009]



HON. MUCHAURAYA: To ask the Minister of Mines and Mining Development to inform the House whether the relatives of the eighty-three diamond panners who were allegedly buried in two mass graves in Dangamvura, Mutare, in 2008 were notified of the burial.

[Deferred: Wednesday, 25th March 2009]




HON. MUDIWA:  To ask the Minister of Mines and Mining Development to explain the Government position the Government position regarding the 2000 hectares of diamond claims at Chiadzwa which belonged to the African Consolidated Resources who were evicted by the police in favour of ZMDC.


HON. PEMHENAYI:  To ask the Minister of Mines and Mining Development what measures are being put in place by the Ministry regarding the problems suffered by  global mining houses as a result of the current economic crunch.
*22. HON NYAMANDE:  To ask the Minister of Finance to explain what people of Makoni Central should do with their old bank notes that have been made obsolete by the introduction of new bank notes as they feel that they have been prejudiced of their hard earned cash.


[Deferred: Wednesday, 25th March 2009]


*21.     HON MADZIMURE:  To ask the Minister of Finance to:-


  1. inform this House whether an independent audit of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe‟s activities vis-à-vis the distribution of farm mechanization equipment and agricultural inputs will be carried out; and
  2. furnish this House with the names of the beneficiaries of the Reserve

Bank of Zimbabwe‟s farm mechanization and input distribution schemes.


[Deferred: Wednesday, 25th March 2009]


*23.     HON. F.M. SIBANDA:  To ask the Minister of Finance to state:-

  1. i) the measures that were put in place to prevent abuse of the USA$ 100 vouchers given to civil servants as allowances; and
  2. II) if any corrective measures have been taken against Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe employees who were given USA$ 100 allowance since they are not civil Servants.


[Deferred: Wednesday, 25th March 2009]


*24. HON. KAGURABADZA: To ask the Minister of Finance whether the allegation that the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe intercepted and withdrew funds totaling $720 000 from Foreign Currency Accounts of several companies, among others, the

Zimbabwe Coffee $231 000, Tanganda Tea Company $134 000, Non Governmental Organisation $95 000, and Small Scale traders $260 000, is true and if the Minister could make a statement on when the RBZ would reimburse the said funds so that the companies can conduct their normal operations.


            [Deferred: Wednesday 1st April 2009]

*25. HON. GWIYO: To ask the Minister of Finance to inform the House which vote of the 2009 Budget caters for the Prime Ministers Office.
                                                  [Deferred: Wednesday 1st April 2009]




HON. PEMHENAYI:  To ask the Minister of Finance to inform the House what measures have been put in place to ensure good business practice in light of the amended gold trading policies.
*27. HON. NYAUDE: To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs if they are aware that Matangira and Muzondo, ZANU PF officials in Bindura South have been threatening residents in the Constituency each time they hold rallies and if they could inform the House what action would be taken to stop such intimidation.

[Deferred: Wednesday 1st April 2009]




HON. MUDIWA:  To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to inform the House on the progress made in case No HC 3085/07 reference No. H2053/07 where a Chief Superintendent, in Mutare, Named Govo, allegedly stole US $1000 and also allegedly assaulted a Mr Malvern Mudiwa on the 17th April 2007.
*29. HON MADZIMURE:  To ask the Minister of Defence to inform the house what happened to guns that were allegedly issued for campaign purposes to retired

army officers and war veterans during the period 29 march 2008 to 30 June 2008.

  [Deferred: Wednesday, 25th March 2009]





HON. F.M. SIBANDA:  To ask the Minister of Defence to state:-

i)                the correct position of the Defence Forces regarding the political order

as signed on 15th September 2008 and the measures the Ministry is taking to ensure that the entire Defence Forces uphold the Global Political Agreement (G.P.A).


ii)              the steps the Ministry is taking to protect junior soldiers from unwarranted threats by their Commanders for supporting the new political order as signed on the 15th September 2008.

[Deferred: Wednesday, 25th March 2009]



HON. NYAMANDE:  To the Minister of Defence whether the service Chiefs still maintain that they will not salute the Prime Minister, Hon. Morgan Richard Tsvangirai and to explain their absence during the swearing in of Prime Minister by His Excellency, the President.

[Deferred: Wednesday, 25th March 2009]


*32.     HON. A. BALOYI: To ask the Minister of Information Communication

Technology to spell out the Ministry‟s policy and strategy to ensure that cell phone network operations licensed by the Government of Zimbabwe will roll out networks to cover all areas of the country, in particular the rural areas of Sengwe and Chikombedzi Growth Points in Chiredzi South.



[Deferred: Wednesday 1st April 2009]


*33.     HON. MUCHAURAYA: To ask the Minister of Water Resources, Development and Management when the people of Makoni South will eventually have access to the water at Osborne Dam since it is not benefitting the local community.


[Deferred: Wednesday, 25th March 2009]


*34.    HON. A. BALOYI: To ask the Minister of Water Resources Development and Infrastructure when the Ministry plans to complete the construction of the Tokwe Mukorsi Dam in Masvingo Province and whether the Government allocated funds for this project in the current fiscal year.



                                                                                       [Deferred: Wednesday 1st April 2009]


*35. HON. MADAMOMBE:  To ask the Minister of Water Resources, Development and Management to inform this House:


  1. what progress has been made regarding the handover take over of water management from ZINWA to the Local Authorities; and
  2. to state financial and material support that has been given to local authorities by the Government for the management of the water reticulation system.


[Deferred: Wednesday 1st April 2009]


*36.     HON. KAGURABADZA: To ask the Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education whether he is aware that the RBZ is alleged to have withdrawn some money from the Africa University‟s Public Sector Management Programme‟s Foreign Currency Account (FCA) and did not reimburse the University resulting in the stalling of the programme and if he could inform the House when the money would be refunded so that the programme can resume its normal operations.


[Deferred: Wednesday, 25th March 2009]


*37.     HON. NYAUDE: To ask the Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education if he isaware that a number of university students seeking work related attachments are failing to do so as the economy in its current state cannot absorb them and if he could state if there are any plans to assist these students so that they can complete their studies with minimum delay.


[Deferred: Wednesday 1st April 2009]


*38.      HON. F. M. SIBANDA: To ask the Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary

Affairs to explain:-

  1. i) why the Ministry has not publicized the Kariba draft for the benefit of this

House and the general public;    ii)        to define what a people driven and democratic constitution is, vis-à-vis the process and the end result of the constitutional making process;

  • When the constitutional making process will begin in essence taking into account the limited time frame of 18 to 24 months as per the G.P.A signed on 15 September 2008; and
  1. to enlighten this House on the envisaged process in view of public participation and ownership of both the process and the final document.


*39.     HON. MANGAMI:  To ask the Minister of Education Sport, Arts and Culture:

  1. to state the Ministry‟s position on the teachers who resigned or absconded from duty,
  2. to explain to the House whether they will return to work and carry out their duties in the posts they occupied when they left the Ministry.
  • when the deadline for them to resume their duties is.
  1. What the Ministry‟s position is regarding their pension contributions.


*40.     HON.C.R.E. DUBE: To ask the Minister of Energy and Power Development:-

  1. what the Ministry‟s policy on the refurbishment and rehabilitation of thermal power stations in urban centers apart from Hwange Power Station is; and
  2. how much contribution to the national grid these thermal power stations would make if they were to be fully operational.


*41.     HON. MUDIWA:  To ask the Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs to explain the circumstances relating to the removal from the court proceedings of the matter relating to the confiscated diamonds from a Mr Norman Chiadzwa on the 14th October 2006 after approval by Government had been given to the Local Community to mine and sell the mineral to MMCZ.


*42.     HON. S. MOYO: To ask the Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs the policy regarding the role played by NGOs in the provision of food and medical treatment for Prison inmates  considering the serious budgetary constraints faced by these institutions.


*43.      HON. GONESE: To ask the Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs to explain why

“D” class Prisoners at Mutare Remand Prison are not allowed to wear their own clothes when the Prison has run out of uniforms and they move around naked beneath the blankets they wrap around themselves.


*44.     HON. GONESE: To ask the Minister of Agriculture Mechanization and Irrigation Development to:


  1. confirm whether ARDA Nuanetsi, ARDA Chirundu, ARDA Katiyo, ARDA Halstead, ARDA Middle Sabi, ARDA Chisumbanje, ARDA Nandi and ARDA Mkwasine have been or are in the process of being availed to private individuals outside the Short Term Emergency Recovery

Programme (STERP);


  1. confirm if it is true that one individual, namely Mr Billy Rautenbach has illegally occupied ARDA Middle Sabi (5 000 ha), ARDA Chisumbanje (40 000 ha) and ARDA Nuanesti (150 000 ha) under different companies owned by the same individual, and whether it is true that his contribution to the proposed joint ventures is in the form of loans which will have to be repaid before ARDA realizes any value, and in the case of ARDA Nuanetsi there is no realizable value to ARDA for all the Authority‟s investment to date;


  • explain how one individual can be in possession of over 300 000 ha of land and how much ARDA has realized from these transactions since it is alleged that these assets are being grabbed with no financial rewards for the equity acquired by the individuals to ARDA, and if that is the case, how can ARDA be turned around it if is being stripped of all its investments for the benefit of private individuals; and


  1. whether it is true that the Acting Chairperson of ARDA now has Executive powers to make decisions outside the Board and Management structures, thus frustrating and demoralizing both the Management and workers of ARDA.


*45.     HON GARADHI: To ask the Minister of State Enterprise and Parastatals to inform the House whether the Ministry has any plans to revive parastatals such as the Cold Storage Company (C.S.C), Dairy Marketing Board (D.M.B) and the Cotton Marketing Board (C.M.B).






THAT WHEREAS, SUBSECTION (1) of section 111B of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that any convention, treaty or agreement acceded to, concluded or executed by or under the authority of the President and with one or more states or Governments or international organisations shall be subject to approval by Parliament;


AND WHEREAS, the SADC Protocol on Science, Technology and Innovation was concluded and signed by SADC Members on 17 August 2008 in Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa;


AND WHEREAS, the entry into force of the aforesaid protocol is subject to ratification by the signatory Member States in accordance with their respective constitutional procedures;


NOW THEREFORE, in terms of subsection (1) of 111B of the Constitution, this House resolves that the aforesaid protocol be and is hereby approved.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the distribution of agricultural inputs (Adjourned 26th March 2009-The Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development).


[Day elapsed: 1]


            Question proposed:  That this House-


APPRECIATING that agriculture is the backbone of the economy of Zimbabwe,


ACKNOWLEDGING that the issue of food security for all Zimbabwe is a priority for the all inclusive government,


 REALISING that the distribution of inputs, which is basically, a civilian function was not done in a fair and transparent manner.


DISMAYED that endemic and debilitating corruption has plagued the input distribution programme,


REALISING that agricultural production has been adversely affected by lack of forward planning and timeous provision of agriculture inputs,




  1. The inputs for the 2009/2010 agricultural season be distributed to disadvantaged rural farmers by the end of July 2009;


  1. A completely transparent system of distribution of agricultural inputs be put in place,


  • All elected officials, namely councillors and Members of Parliament who are the trustees of the people, be actively involved in the input distribution programme- Hon Mwonzora.


Amendment proposed by Hon Gonese:


                        to delete, all the words after;

“….put in place”.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned

12th May 2009 – The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs) 


[Time elapsed: 12 hours 38 minutes]

Question proposed


That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows:-


May it please you, your Excellency the President:


We, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament - Hon Mazikana.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the postponement of the opening of schools from the 13th to the 27th of January 2009 (Adjourned 12th May 2009 – The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs)


[Days elapsed: 5]


Question proposed:  That this House-


WORRIED by the postponement of the opening of schools from the 13th of January 2009 to the 27th of January 2009;


CONCERNED by the uncertainty surrounding the education sector as manifested by the delay in the marking of Grade 7, „O‟ and  „A‟ Level examinations and the threat by teachers not to go back to work unless their demands are met;


SHOCKED by the unwarranted interference in the operations of “Trust” schools and other private educational institutions;


ALARMED by the failure of those who claim to be in charge to find answers to the crisis in the educational sector which resulted in most students failing to attend lessons in 2008;


DISTURBED by the fact that this situation may deteriorate in 2009;


            NOW, therefore, calls upon those responsible to take a holistic approach and find solutions to the crisis – Hon Mhashu.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the structural dislocation of Zimbabwe‟s economy (Adjourned 12th May 2009- The Minister of Constitutional and

Parliamentary Affairs)


[Days Elapsed: 5]

Question proposed: That this House-


CONCERNED WITH the structural dislocation of Zimbabwe‟s economy, macroeconomic dysfunctionality and the pervasive levels of failure by the state.


DISTURBED  BY the high levels of poverty, unemployment and suffering of the people of Zimbabwe.


CONCERNED BY the collapse of the public education, public health and public transport infrastructure in the country.


FURTHER CONCERNED BY the deeply seated humanitarian crisis, the absence of the rule of law, the food crisis and the extent of deprivation and want by our people.


ALARMED BY the high levels of corruption, looting, avarice, asset stripping, patronage and clientelism prevalent in the country.


CONCERNED BY THE militarization and politicization in the distribution of food.


FURTHER CONCERNED by the deliberate indifference to the crisis by those in control.




  1. To express its strong concern to the responsible authorities and urge all concerned to direct their energies towards the rebuilding of Zimbabwe.


  1. To call for the crafting of policies to address these challenges being faced by Zimbabweans- Hon Biti.





 That this House-


COMMENDING the people of Zimbabwe on a fairly decent election on 29 March 2008.


CONCERNED by the reports of alleged murder, torture, rape, arson and looting that took place after the harmonized elections of 29 March 2008.


FURTHER CONCERNED by levels of lawlessness, abuse of the rule of law and abuse of state institutions in this violence.



A select Committee of Parliament be appointed to investigate the violence that took place after the March 28 elections and report its findings to Parliament – Hon. Gonese










Committee Room No.1 at 1000 hours


Small and Medium Enterprise Cooperative Development

Hon. Moyo R  (Chairperson), Hon. Chimbetete, Hon. Chirume, Hon.

Masvaire, Hon. Matibe, Hon. Munjeya, Hon. Mutomba, Hon. Navaya, Hon.

Nemadziva, Hon. Nyamudeza, Hon. Tazviona, Hon. Zhuwao, Hon.

Zinyemba. ClerkMs Mushunje.


Committee Room No.3 at 1000 hours

            Women, Youth, Gender and Community Development

Hon. Matienga (Chairperson), Hon. Chibaya, Hon. Chirume,  Hon. Chitima,

Hon. Dumbu, Hon. Goto, Hon. Khumalo T, Hon. Mharadza , Hon. Navaya,

Hon. Nyamupinga, Hon. Shirichena, Hon. Sithole. Clerk – Mrs Khumalo


Committee Room No.413 at 1000 hours


Media, Information and Communication Technology

Hon. Chimanikire, (Chairperson), Hon. Chaderopa, Hon. Chanetsa, Hon. Hlongwane, Hon. Mandebvu, Hon. Matonga, Hon. Mudarikwa, Hon. Pemhenayi, Hon. Jembere, Hon. Muchauraya, Hon. Mudiwa, Hon. Musumbu,

Hon. Varandeni. Clerk – Mrs Nyawo




Committee Room No. 311 at 1000 hours


                Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism     

Hon. Bhebhe A (Chairperson), Hon. Bhasikiti, Hon. Chitima, Hon. Machacha, Hon. Mahoka, Hon. Marima, Hon. Matienga, Hon. Mazikana, Hon.

Mpofu N, Hon. Ndambakuwa, Hon. Nezi, Hon. Saruwaka, Hon. Shoko M,

Hon. Sibanda. – Clerk – Mr Ndlovu


Committee Room No. 3 at 1000 hrs


Higher Education, Science and Technology

Hon Mpofu N (Chairperson), Hon. Chanetsa, Hon. Chitando, Hon. Dumbu, Hon. Khumalo Martin, Hon. Kumalo Marvellous, Hon. Mafios, Hon.

Maramwidze, Hon. Matamisa, Hon. Matibenga, Hon. Mguni N, Hon. Muza,

Hon. Ndhlovu A, Hon. Zhuwao. – Clerk Miss Mudavanhu


Committee Room No. 1 at 1000 hrs


Transport and Infrastructure Development

Hon. Chebundo, (Chairperson,) Hon. Baloyi, Hon. Dongo, Hon. Dzirutwe, Hon. Huruba, Hon. Machacha, Hon. Madamombe, Hon. Mandebvu, Hon.

Mhlanga,  Hon. Mupukuta, Hon. Mushore, Hon. Ncube S, Hon. Nyakudanga,

Hon. Rutsvara. Clerk – Ms Macheza


Committee Room No. 2 at 1000 hours

                Home Affairs and Defence               

Hon. Madzore, (Chairperson) Hon. Huruba,  Hon. Mafios, Hon. Mutinhiri, Hon. Ziteya, Hon. Mangena, Hon. Mhandu (Rtd) Major C, Hon. Moyo R, Hon. Mutseyami, Hon. Mwonzora, Hon. Sibanda P N, Hon. Sululu. Clerk – Mr Daniel.


Committee Room 311 at 1400 hrs


Public Works and National Housing

Hon. Mupukuta (Chairperson), Hon. Chimhini, Hon. Jiri, Hon. Kachepa, Hon. Gonese, Hon. Mabhena, Hon. Mbwembwe, Hon. Mudzuri H, Hon.

Ndambakuwa, Hon. Ndebele G, Hon. Ngwenya, Hon. Shirichena.  Clerk – Ms



Committee Room 413 at 1400 hrs


Justice, Legal Affairs, Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs Hon. Matutu (Chairperson), Hon. Gonese, Hon. Kapesa,  Hon. Mangami, Hon. Mangwana, Hon. Matiza, T Hon. Mkandla T.Z, Hon. Mushonga S.L, Hon. Mutinhiri, Hon. Mwonzora, Hon. Parirenyatwa, Hon. Shoko M, Hon.

Tshuma B. Clerk – Miss Zenda


Committee Room No. 413 at 1400 hrs               Mines and Energy

Hon. Chindori-Chininga (Chairperson), Hon. Dube C, Hon. Dzingirayi, Hon. Katsande, Hon. Kay, Hon. Makamure, Hon. Maposhere, Hon. Mare, Hon.

Mudarikwa, Hon. Mungofa, Hon. Musvaire, Hon. Ncube,  Hon. Nemadziva, Hon. Shoko.  Clerk - Mr Manhivi





Committee Room 311 at 1000 hrs


Agriculture, Water, Lands and Resettlement

Hon. Jiri, (Chairperson) Hon. Chinomona, Hon Denga, Hon. Dube P Hon. Katsande, Hon. Madamombe, Hon. Mahoka, Hon. Makuyana, Hon. Mkhosi E  Hon. Mlambo, Hon. Mlilo, Hon. Raradza, Hon. Varandeni, Hon. Zhanda.

Clerk – Mr Ndlovu


Committee Room No. 1 at 1000 hrs


State Enterprises and Parastatals Management

Hon. Mavima (Chairperson), Hon. Chikwinya, Hon. Denga, Hon. Dube C,

Hon. Kagurabadza, Hon. Hon. Makamure, Hon. Matibe, Hon. Mkhosi E, Hon.

Moyo S, Hon. Mushore, Hon. Ndava, Hon. Ngwenya, Hon. Ziteya, Hon.

Ziyambi. Clerk – Mr Daniel


Committee Room No. 3 at 1000 hrs


Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade Hon. Mukanduri (Chairperson), Hon.Gumbo J.M, Hon. Chirongwe, Hon. Jembere, Hon. Maramwidze, Hon. Matutu T, Hon. Ndlovu A, Hon. Ngwenya, Hon. Nyamande, Hon. Rutsvara, Hon. Sibanda D, Hon. Sindi, Hon. Tshuma.

Clerk – Miss Zenda


Committee Room No. 2 at 1000 hrs


Health and Child Welfare

Hon. Parirenyatwa D (Chairperson), Hon. Chebundo, Hon. Chikava, Hon.

Dube M, Hon. Kachepa, Hon. Karenyi, Hon. Makuyana, Hon. Maramba, Hon.

Matshalaga, Hon. Mudavanhu, Hon. Munengami, Hon. Ndebele G, Hon.

Nyamupinga, Hon. Shoko H. Clerk – Ms Mukono


Committee Room No. 413 at 1000 hrs


Local Government, Rural and Urban Development

Hon. Karenyi (Chairperson), Hon. Baloyi, Hon. Chikwinya, Hon.Chinomona, Hon. Dube M, Hon. Garandi, Hon. Kagurabadza, Hon. Kanzama, Hon. Karenyi, Hon. Kapesa, Hon. Matimba, Hon. Mkandla T.Z, Hon. Nyakudanga,

Hon. Samkange.  Clerk – Mr Manhivi










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