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No. 57



















Quarter-past two o‟clock p.m.

The Acting Speaker in the Chair




Members Present

N.B. Printer please insert all ticked names in column form. 


Absent with leave

Hon. Buka

Hon Butau

Hon Chindori-Chininga

Hon Kaukonde

Hon. Mahofa

Hon. Malisa

Hon Mathuthu

Hon Mdlongwa Hon Moyo L. Hon. Muguti

Hon Musa

Hon Mushore Hon Ndlovu S.


Printed by Order of the House




  1. Papers laid upon the Table-


            Minster of Finance 


            Constitution of the Skills Retention Fund [by Chapter 22:03].


  1. Hon Gumbo, seconded by Hon Zinyemba moved: That Orders of the day Nos. 1 to 4, for today, stand over until Order of the day No. 31 has been disposed of.


Motion put and agreed to.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Welfare on the Half Year Budget Performance of the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare [S.C. 6, 2005] – (Adjourned 7th February 2006 Hon J. M. Gumbo).

 [Day elapsed: 2]


Question again proposed: That this House Takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Welfare on the Half Year Budget Performance of the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare [S. C. 6, 2005] – Hon Chebundo.


On the motion of Hon. J. M. Gumbo, seconded by Hon Zwizwai:  Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Adjourned Debate on motion on Report of the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Welfare‟s visits to Midlands and Harare provinces – (Adjourned 24 May, 2006The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).

[Day elapsed: 1]


Question again proposed:  That this House Takes note of the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Welfare‟s visits to the Midlands and Harare provinces to assess the Health Delivery System (S.C. 4, 2006) – Hon Chebundo.


On the motion of Hon J. M. Gumbo, seconded by Hon. Porusingazi: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the report of the Portfolio Committee on Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare S.C. 7, 2006 – (Adjourned 31st May 2006) The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).


[Day elapsed 1]


Question again  proposed : That this house takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare on the Drought Relief Distribution Programme and the Humanitarian Assistance S.C.7, 2006) – Hon. Mawere.


On the motion of Hon. J. M. Gumbo, seconded by Hon. Zwizwai: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


        On the motion of Hon. J. M. Gumbo, seconded by Hon. Sikhala:  The House adjourned at twenty two minutes to three o‟ clock p.m.







  1. M. KANGAI

Acting Speaker.




WEDNESDAY,  14th JUNE 2006







  1. MADZIMURE: To ask the Minister Energy and Power Development to furnish the House with a list of farmers who were caught selling diesel on the black market.

Deferred from Wednesday, 15 February 2005


  1. HON CHIKOMBA: To ask the Minister of Energy and Power Development to state when electricity is expected to reach Sengwa Coal Mine as the Mine is using an ordinate amount of diesel for operation purposes, which is extremely expensive.


  1. MADZIMURE: To ask the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare to explain to the House the people who are benefiting from the

subsidized food allocations

Deferred from Wednesday, 15 February 2005


  1. MR. CHEBUNDO: To ask the Minister of State for National Security, Lands, Land Reform and Resettlement in the President‟s Office to explain the current official policy position on the land redistribution exercise in view of the unclear and often conflicting statements over the last to years?


  1. MR. CHEBUNDO: To ask the Minister of State for National Security, Lands, Land Reform and Resettlement in the President‟s Office to explain: The ministry‟s position on


  1. the new spates of take-over of the remaining highly productive and already partioned farms in the Kwekwe Administrative District in particular and the Midlands Province in general by senior politicians and their relatives;


  1. the economical consequences as a result of the „unclear‟ and destructive take over of critical productive entities such as Kennan Investment a major poultry producing company and the Bonwei

Estates in the Midlands Province;


  1. the one person one farm policy, seeing that this is allegedly being disregarded in the Kwekwe area; and.


  1. the alleged corruption in the allocation of land by the Kwekwe Land Redistribution Committee.








That this House takes note of the Second report of the Portfolio Committee on Transport and Communications on the National Railways of Zimbabwe‟s Turn Around Strategy and the Harare- Chitungwiza Railway (S.C. 19.2006).





That this House takes note of the Report of Public Accounts Committee on Service Delivery in the Department of Deeds, Companies and Intellectual Properties.




That this House –


ALARMED by the recent incessant power cuts nationwide.


DISTURBED by the fact that the power custs have caused a great inconvenience to households, loss of production in industries and danger to aviation.


NOW THEREFORE this house resolves: -


  1. this government institutes an urgent investigation into ZESA operations.
  2. calls upon government to take the necessary measures to address this


4.             HON. BITI        HON. KHUPE


That this House:


TAKING note with great relief the abundance of rain in the 2005-2006 agricultural season;


CONCERNED however by low levels of agricultural activity particularly in regard to tobacco and grain production on the farms;


FURTHER concerned by the uneven and unequal distribution of agricultural inputs to the Provinces;


DISTURBED by the rampant existence of parallel non-agricultural activities on Model A1 and A2 farms;


FURTHER DISTURBED by the growing food deficit and the increasing dependence on international donor assistance to feed the people of Zimbabwe;


RESOLVES that this House-


CONDEMNS the non-productive use of land by some farmers in Model A1 and Model A2 farms.


ACKNOWLEDGES the sterling efforts of the International Community in feeding a substantial number of Zimbabweans and;


DIRECTS the Portfolio Committee on Lands and Land Reform and Resettlement to conduct an audit of land use in Model A1 and A2 farms in the 2005 – 2006 agriculture seasonHon. Biti.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Welfare S.C. 8, 2006 (Adjourned 31st May 2006 – The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).

[Day elapsed: 1]


 Question proposed: That this House takes note the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Health  and Child Welfare on  the National Pharmaceutical Company (NATPHARM) (S.C.8, 2006) – Hon Chebundo


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the report of the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Welfare (S.C. 9, 2006) – (Adjourned 31st May 2006 – The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).

[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: That this House takes note the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Health  and Child Welfare on  HIV and AIDS Programmes in Masvingo Province.(S.C.9,2006) – Hon. Chebundo.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the report of the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Welfare (S.C. 12, 2006) – (Adjourned 31st May 2006 – The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed:That this House takes note the Report of the Portfolio              Committee on Health  and Child Welfare on  Nurse Training              Institutions.(S.C.12, 2006 –Hon Chebundo).



  1. Adjourned debate on the motion on the Second Special Report of the Public Accounts Committee on Parastatals (Adjourned – 1st June 2006  – The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).

[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Second Special Report of the Public Accounts Committee on Parastatals (S.C. 6, 2006) MisihairabwiMushonga..


  1. Adjourned debate on motion of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Foreign Affairs, Industry and International Trade on the Shortages of Basic Commodities (Adjourned 1st June 2006 – The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).

[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Foreign Affairs, Industry and International Trade on the Shortages of Basic Commodities and the Pricing Policy (S.C. 11. 2006) – Hon Porusingazi.


  1. Adjourned Debate on the motion on the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Transport and Communications on the State of the Media in Zimbabwe (S.C. 10, 2006) (Adjourned 6th June 2006 – The Deputy Minister of Information and Publicity).

[Day elapsed: 1]


            Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Report of the              Portfolio Committee on Transport and Communications on the State of the              Media in Zimbabwe (S.C. 10, 2006) – Hon. Mugabe.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Fourth Report of the Portfolio Committee on Lands, Land Reform Agriculture, Resettlement and Water Development on the Viability of the Sugar Industry (Adjourned 6th June 2006 – The Deputy Minister of Information and Publicity).

[Day elapsed: 1]


         Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Fourth Report of the  Portfolio Committee on    Lands, Land Reform Agriculture, Resettlement and

Water Development on the viability of the sugar industry (S.C. 14, 2006) –  Hon Mzembi.


  1. Adjourned Debate on the motion on the Third Report of the Portfolio Committee on Education Sport and Culture on the Operations of Tertiary Institutions - (Adjourned 7th June 2006 – The Minister of Agriculture).


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed:That this House takes note of the Third Report of the Portfolio Committee on Education Sport and Culture on the Operations of

Tertiary Institutions (S.C. 17, 2006) – Hon. Mhashu



  1. Adjourned Debate on the motion on the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Youth, Gender and Women‟s Affairs (S.C. 18, 2006). - (Adjourned 7th June 2006 – The Minister of Agriculture).

[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed:      That this House takes note of the Report of the Portfolio  Committee on Youth, Gender and Women‟s Affairs on the Status of Women  and Law in Zimbabwe in relation to the Amended Section 23 of the  Constitution of Zimbabwe and Related International Conventions (S.C. 18,  2006) – Hon. Matamisa.


  1. Adjourned Debate on the motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government (S.C. 13, 2006) - (Adjourned 7th June 2006 – The Minister of Agriculture).

[Day elapsed: 1]


          Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the  Portfolio Committee on Local Government on Service Delivery by Local  Authorities and Legislation Pertaining to Local Government in Zimbabwe  (S.C. 13, 2006)Zinyemba.


  1. Adjourned debate on the motion on the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Home Affairs on the Ministry of Home Affairs – (Adjourned 6th

June 2006 – Hon J. M. Gumbo)

[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed:    That this house takes note of the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Home Affairs on the Ministry of Home Affairs (S.C. 14, 2006) – Hon. Makova.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Delegation to the Intersessional Meeting of the ACP-EU Joint Assembly Standing Committees and the Third Session of the ACP Parliamentary Assembly – (Adjourned 23rd May 2006 - The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.)


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed:  That this House takes note of the Report on the Intersessional Meeting of the ACP-EU Joint Assembly Standing Committees and the Third Session of the ACP Parliamentary Assembly held in Brussels from 20 –24 February 2006 – Hon. Mzembi.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion of the Portfolio Committee on Third Report of Portfolio Committee on Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs on the State of Prisons (S.C. 5, 2006) – (Adjourned 8th June 2006 – The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).


[Day elapsed: 1]


            Question proposed.  That this House takes note of the Third Report of the Portfolio Committee on Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs on the State of Prisons (S.C. 5, 2006) – Hon Chidarikire.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion of the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Mines, Energy, Environment and Tourism on the Developments in Gonarezhou Transfrontier Park (S.C. 16, 2006) – (Adjourned 8th June 2006 – The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed.  That this House takes note of the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Mines, Energy, Environment and Tourism on the Developments in Gonarezhou Transfrontier Park and the Impact of Gold Panning on the Environment (S.C. 16, 2006.) Hon Gabbuza


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on macro economic instability since 2000 (Adjourned 30th March 2006The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).

[Days elapsed: 1]

            Question proposed. 


ALARMED by the chronic state of macro economic instability characterised by hyper inflation, weak domestic currency, dual interest rates and persistent negative growth since 2000;


CONCERNED that parastatals are bleeding the economy, thereby,  worsening the fiscal position and reinforcing the national debt without any accountability;


FURTHER concerned that the state of economic collapse is unprecedented in the whole world since World War II;


SHOCKED by the decay in various infrastructure and collapse in the provision of public services to the people;


DISTURBED by the extent of poverty, hunger and deteriorating living standards in the country;




Government comes up with a comprehensive national development strategy to arrest the decline and;


Government implements macro-economic and structural policies to cause sustainable growth and development so as to eradicate poverty in Zimbabwe and steer the economy on to a recovery path - Hon Mashakada.


  1. Adjourned Debate on motion on lack of transparency in the allocation of houses and commercial stands under operation Garikayi/Hlalani Kuhle. (Adjourned 29th March 2006 – The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).


[Day elapsed: 1]

            Question proposed;


That this House:


CONCERNED with the lack of transparency in the allocation of houses and commercial stands under operation Garikayi/Hlalani Kuhle;


DISTURBED that nine months down the line the victims of Operation Murambatsvina are still homeless;


CONDEMNS government for violation of human rights through Operation



CALLS for an audit of the allocation of Operation Garikai /Hlalani Kuhle houses and community stands – Hon Moyo.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the resolution of the African Commission on Human and People‟s Rights on the situation of Human Rights in Zimbabwe.

(Adjourned 28th March 2006 – The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).          


[Days elapsed: 3]       Question proposed. That this House:


NOTING the resolution of the African Commission on Human and People‟s rights on the situation of human rights in Zimbabwe passed in Banjul on the

5th of December 2005; and



FURTHER NOTING that the resolution and the calls made in it appear to have been ignored to date by the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe;


CONGRATULATES AND THANKS the African Commission on Human

and People‟s Rights for speaking out so boldly and frankly on behalf of the victims of human rights abuses in Zimbabwe.


CALLS on the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe to implement without delay the specific calls made by the African Commission to ensure that the Republic of Zimbabwe compiles with her obligations in terms of the African Charter on Human and People‟s Rights adopted by the eighteenth

Assembly of Heads and States and Government in June 1981 in Nairobi,

Kenya – Hon. Coltart


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the collapse of infrastructure and services in cities and towns (Adjourned 28th March 2006 -The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).


[Day elapsed: 2]

            Question proposed: That this House-


ALARMED by the collapse of infrastructure and services in our cities and towns;

FURTHER ALARMED by the outbreak of cholera in our capital city in December.


DISMAYED by the removal of elected councils and their replacement by appointed commissions, which have manifestly failed to improve the running of our cities;


DEMANDS that the Minister of Local Government and Urban Development immediately cease interfering with elected councils and take immediate steps to restore democratic local government.- Hon. Stevenson


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on Mr Morgan Tsvangirai‟s anti-government and anti-Zimbabwe campaign (Adjourned 13th October 2005 - The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).  


[Day elapsed:1]

Question proposed: That this House -


RECALLING that since the defeat of his party, the Movement for

Democratic Change (MDC), in the 2000 general elections, Mr Morgan Tsvangirai embarked upon an anti-government and anti-Zimbabwe campaign amongst western countries;


NOTING that Mr Tsvangirai has persistently advocated and campaigned for sanctions against Zimbabwe;


ALSO RECALLING that Mr Tsvangirai has called for a violent removal of the ZANU (PF) Government through orchestrated but failed mass action, mass stayaways and the so-called final push;


AWARE that the British Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Blair, has unequivocally stated in the House of Commons that he is working with Mr. Tsvangirai‟s MDC party and other unnamed groups in the SADC region for a regime change in Zimbabwe;


OBSERVING that Mr. Tsvangirai and the entire MDC leadership has traversed the entire continent, Europe and North America to campaign for the extension and intensification of sanctions against Zimbabwe;




CONDEMNS in the strongest terms the persistent unpatriotic behaviour bordering on treason by Mr. Tsvangirai manifested in his recent appeal to, and threats against, South African companies investing in Zimbabwe and the cutting off of electricity and communication links between Zimbabwe and South Africa in order to bring about economic collapse and regime change.


EQUALLY CONDEMNS the like-minded Zimbabwe Congress of Trade

Union‟s (ZCTU) support for an international ban on asbestos;


CALLS UPON all patriotic Zimbabweans to rally behind the Government and the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe economic turn-around programme and consolidation of the land reform programme-Hon. Chiota.

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on unequal development patterns between constituencies (Adjourned 8th February 2006  - The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).

[Day elapsed: 3]

Question proposed: That this House-


NOTING the uneven and unequal development patterns between constituencies;


DISTURBED at the lack of decisive capital allocations to the 120 Parliamentary constituencies;


AWARE of the limited capacity of constituencies and their Members of Parliament to source development and capital funds;


CALLS UPON Government to ensure that starting with the 2006 National Budget, resources are evenly and equitably allocated to each constituency for development and capital projects;


OBLIGES Government to create conducive conditions to mobilize domestic and international resources in support of constituency development;


CALLS UPON Government to consult and involve Members of Parliament and the Constituency Development Committees in constituency project prioritisation –Hon Mushoriwa. 


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the fact-finding mission to Zimbabwe to assess the scope and impact of operation Murambatsvina by the

United Nations    (UN) Special Envoy on Human Settlements.  (Adjourned 12th October 2005The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).

[Days elapsed:3]

Question proposed: That this House-


NOTING the publication of the “Report of the Fact-Finding Mission to Zimbabwe to assess the Scope and Impact of Operation Murambatsvina” by the UN Special Envoy on Human Settlements in Zimbabwe, Mrs Anna Kajumulo Tibaijuka.


RECALLING that the Mission and its terms of reference were agreed at the highest levels between the Secretary General of the United Nations and His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe and therefore had the blessing of the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe.


APPRECIATING that the Report acknowledges Government‟s position that it undertook Operation Murambatsvina to “clean up the cities of illicit activities:, have cities without slums and “secure people‟s long term interests in line with the goal of the United Nation Habitat Agenda”,


CONCERNED that, according to the Report, while purporting to target illegal dwellings and structures and to clamp down on alleged illicit activities, the Operation was carried out in an indiscriminate and unjustified manner with indifference to human suffering and with disregard to several provisions of national and international laws such that it will take several years before the affected people and society as a whole recover;


ALARMED by the Mission‟s findings that the Operation has precipitated a humanitarian crisis of immense proportions affecting an estimated 700,000 people across the country who have either lost their homes or livelihood or both while indirectly affecting an estimated 2,4 million other people bringing the estimated total of those affected close to 18% of the population;


FURTHER ALARMED that, according to the Mission‟s findings, evidence suggests that the Operation was based on improper advice by a few architects of the Operation;


URGES Government to focus on implementing the progressive recommendations of the Mission and to work with the international community through the United Nations to specifically address the plight of 18% of Zimbabwe‟s population affected by the Operation as matter of urgency;


CALLS on government to immediately set up an independent commission of inquiry in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe to identify those whose properties or livelihood were destroyed and to determine who orchestrated the humanitarian crisis in order to hold accountable those responsible and to enable the prosecution of those who caused criminal negligence leading to deaths during the Operation;


FURTHER CALLS on Government to immediately compensate those whose properties or livelihood were unlawfully destroyed during the

Operation-Hon Prof Moyo


Amendment proposed by Hon Butau


To delete all the words after “House” and to substitute the following:


“NOTING that our cities, towns and other places were characterized by rampant crime, general disorder, moral decay and a serious threat to public health;


APPRECIATING that Government undertook Operation Murambatsvina to

clean up the cities of illicit activities; rid the cities of slums and secure people‟s long-term interest in line with the goal of the United Nations Habitat Agenda;


NOTING that the Report of the UN Secretary General‟s special envoy, Mrs Anna Kajumulo Tibaijuka‟s Fact-finding Mission to assess the scope and impact of “Operation Murambatsvina” lacks a balanced reflection of the reality on the ground;


RECALLING that the British Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair, who is obsessed with regime change and demonization of the President, Cde R.G. Mugabe and Zimbabwe, in keeping with his character, made a prophetic prediction that Mrs Tibaijuka would produce a “good report”;


WELCOMING the UN Secretary General, Mr Kofi Annan‟s acceptance of His Excellency, the President, Cde R.G. Mugabe‟s invitation to visit

Zimbabwe and see for himself the situation on the ground;




APPLAUDS Government for its openness and transparency in  accepting the visit of the UN Secretary General‟s special envoy, Mrs Tibaijuka‟s Fact-finding Mission and for cooperating with the Mission;


WELCOMES the UN Secretary General, Mr Kofi Annan for refusal to be dictated to by the Chair of the Security Council, Greece, obviously working with Zimbabwe‟s known enemies;


CONGRATULATES the People‟s Republic of China and the United

Republic of Tanzania for their principled and resolute stand against attempts to place the matter before the Security Council;


CALLS UPON progressive nations to reject the continued habitual application by certain western countries of double standards against Zimbabwe for asserting its sovereignty and righting colonial imbalances and to condemn them for their silence on, and acquiescence to, similar events elsewhere and flagrant violations of the UN Charter and resolutionsHon Butau.

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the shortage of food, drugs, foreign currency and energy (Adjourned 12th October 2005 - The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs)

[Days elapsed: 7]

Question proposed: That this House-


TAKING NOTE of the massive food, drugs, foreign currency and energy shortages;


CONCERNED with the continued unabated collapse of the public amenities in health, transport and education;


DISMAYED at the lack of any concrete, meaningful and decisive reversal programme by government;


DISTURBED by the shrinking economy and failing state particularly in areas of service provision;


RESOLVES that the government immediately addresses the critical shortages of shortages of food energy and public sector amenities;


CONDEMNS the absence of existing comprehensive monetary and fiscal reversal strategy;


FURTHER CONDEMNS the clear lack of strategy and leadership on the part of this Government –Hon. Biti


27 Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Welfare on the Half Year Budget Performance of the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare [S.C. 6, 2005] – (Adjourned 13th June 2006  –  Hon J. M. Gumbo).

 [Day elapsed: 3]


Question proposed: That this House Takes note of the First Report of the

Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Welfare on the Half Year Budget

Performance of the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare [S. C. 6, 2006] – Hon Chebundo.

  1. Adjourned Debate on motion on Report of the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Welfare‟s visits to Midlands and Harare provinces – (Adjourned 13th June, 2006 – Hon. J. M. Gumbo).

[Day elapsed: 2]

             Question proposed:  That this House Takes note of the Report of the Portfolio

Committee on Health and Child Welfare‟s visits to the Midlands and Harare provinces to assess the Health Delivery System (S.C. 4, 2006)Hon Chebundo


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the report of the Portfolio Committee on Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare S.C. 7, 2006 – (Adjourned 13th June 2006) J. M. Gumbo).


[Day elapsed 2]


Question proposed : That this house takes note of the First Report of the

Portfolio Committee on Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare on the

Drought Relief Distribution Programme and the Humanitarian Assistance

S.C.7, 2006)Hon. Mawere


  1. SECOND READING: Companies Amendment Bill (S.B.2, 2006)The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the President‟s 18th State of the Nation Address (Adjourned 8th June 2006 – Hon. Baloyi).

[Days elapsed: 8]


            Question proposed. That this House:


Conveys its profound gratitude to His Excellency, the President for his 18th State of the Nation Address to Parliament;


Expresses its commitment to and support for the views contained in his address; and


That a respectful address be presented to His Excellency the President, informing him of the sentiments of the HouseHon Baloyi


  1. SECOND READING: Attorney General’s Office Bill (H.B. 4, 2005)-The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.











Committee Room No. 4 at 0900 hrs


LIAISON AND CORDINATION:  Hon. J. M. Gumbo, (Chairperson), Hon. Buka, Hon. Butau, Hon. Chebundo, Hon. Chipanga, Hon. Gabbuza, Hon. Gonese, Hon.

Khupe, Hon. Col. Makova, Hon. L. Mugabe, Hon. Mahofa, Hon. Mawere, Hon.

Mhashu, Hon. Misihairabwi-Mushonga, Hon. Mzembi, Hon. W. Ncube, Hon.

Porusingazi, Hon. Zinyemba, Clerk – Mr Chokuda.


Government Caucus  at 1000 hrs


EDUCATION, SPORT AND CULTURE: Hon. Mhashu  (Chairperson),  Hon.

Baloyi, Hon. Senator Chimbudzi, Hon. Senator Chindanya, Hon. Madubeko, Hon.

Maluleke, Hon. Maziriri, Hon. Mguni, Hon. Senator Mkusha, Hon. Moyo L, Hon.

Prof. J. Moyo,  Hon. Senator Muchengeti, Hon. Mupukuta , Hon. Mutomba , Hon.

Mutsekwa, Hon. Pote , Hon. Chief Shana, Hon. Sibindi, Hon. Senator Sengwe. Clerk

– Mrs Sunga

MONDAY, 19th JUNE 2006


Committee Room No. 4 at 1000 hrs


PUBLIC ACCOUNTS: Hon. Misihairabwi-Mushonga (Chairperson)  Hon. Chamisa, Hon. Chief Chimombe, Hon. Senator Gava, Hon. Kadzima, Hon. Matimba, Hon. Senator Mavhaire, Hon. Moyo L, Hon. Mupukuta, Hon. Ncube F D., Hon.

Senator Nyoni, Hon. Senator Patel, Hon. Satiya, Hon. Stevenson, Hon.  Senator Thembani - Clerk- Mr. Daniel


Committee Room No. 1 at 1400 hrs



(Chairperson), Hon. Baloyi, Hon. Chibaya, Hon. Senator Gumbura, Hon. Gwetu,

Senator Haritotas, Hon. Senator Madiro, Hon. Maluleke, Hon. Matutu, Hon.  Maziriri,

Hon. Mpariwa , Hon. Mushore, Hon. Senator Nyathi, Clerk- Mrs  Muwandi


Committee Room No. 4 at 1400hrs



(Chairperson), Chief Bidi, Hon. Biti, Hon. Bhebhe, Hon. Senator Charumbira, Hon. Senator Chikava, Hon. Senator Kabayanjiri, Hon. Kanzama, Hon. Senator Khumalo, Hon. Khupe, Hon. Majange, Hon. Senator Malinga, Hon. Mashakada, Hon. Mushoriwa, Hon. Mzembi, Hon. Ncube, D. M. Clerk – Mrs. Khumalo




Committee Room No. 1 at 1000 hrs



Porusingazi (Chairperson), Hon. Senator Chimene, Hon. Senator Georgios Hon.

Gumbo J. M., Hon. Senator Hove, Hon. Chief Mabika, Hon. Malinga, Hon. Mhashu, Hon. Mugabe, Hon. Mukahlera, Hon. Senator Mumvuri, Hon. Mushoriwa, Hon. Mutomba, Hon. Ndlovu, Hon. Senator Thabiso Ndlovu, Hon. Chief Shana. Clerk – Mr Ratsakatika.


Committee Room No. 2 at 1000 hrs


LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Hon. Zinyemba, (Chairperson), Hon. Chidarikire, Hon.

Chimanikire, Hon. Gonese, Hon. Machaya, Hon. Majange, Hon. Senator Majuru,

Hon. Matimba, Hon.  Matamisa,  Hon Matuke, Hon. Mubhawu,  Hon. Chief Mudzimurema, Hon. Senator Munotengwa, Hon. Senator Musarurwa, Hon.

Stevenson, Hon. Senator Tavengwa. Clerk – Mrs Sunga


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