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No. 41



















Quarter-past two o’clock p.m. Mr Speaker in the Chair




Members Present

N.B. Printer please insert all ticked names in column form. 


Absent with leave

Bushu F.

Chindori-Chininga E.

Rusere T.  Mathuthu T.A  Kanzama F.

Khupe T.

Prof. J. Moyo

Parirenyatwa D.                                          

Mutezo M.

Mushore E

Makova C.



Printed by Order of the House



  1. The Speaker made an announcement that there would be a Liaison and Coordination Committee meeting on Wednesday 15th February 2006 at 0900 hours in Committee Room No. 4.


  1. SECOND READING: Education Amendment Bill (H.B. 6A, 2006)The Minister of Education, Sport and Culture.


            Bill read a second time. Committee, with leave, forthwith.


(House in Committee)


Clauses 1 and 2 put and agreed to.


Clause 3 put and deferred.


Clause 4 put and agreed to.


Clause 5 put and deferred


Clauses 6 put and deferred


Clause 7 put and deferred.


Clauses 8 – 15 put and agreed to.


The Minister of Education, Sport and Culture moved: That the Chairman do now report progress and seek leave to sit again.


Motion put and agreed to.

(House resumed)  Progress reported.


Committee to resume – tomorrow.


  1. COMMITTEE: Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education (H.B. 13, 2005 )- The Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education


(House in Committee)


Clauses 1 – 31, first and second schedule put and agreed to.


Bill to be reported without amendment.


(House resumed)



Bill reported without amendment. Third reading, with leave, forthwith.


Bill read a third time.



  1. On the motion of the Deputy Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education: The House adjourned at twenty minutes to seven o’ clock p.m.








K.M.Kangai  Deputy  Speaker.














  1. HON MUTSEKWA: To ask the Minister of Defence to explain:


  • why a detachment of fifty (50) soldiers under the command of Lt Colonel Richard Sauter is providing close security for the D.R.C. President, Joseph Kabila;


  • how payment of such services is being effected and the terms of this agreement; and


  • how long soldiers have been performing these duties and, whether they are being paid in their personal capacities.


(Deferred from Wednesday, 12th October 2005)


  1. 2. HON. CHEBUNDO:  To ask the Minister of Transport and Communication to    explain:


  1. the progress that has been made so far in resolving the industrial dispute between employees and management of ZIMPOST and TELONE which started over a year ago.
  2. what the Ministry’s efforts or role has been.
  3. the impact this delayed solution has had on the company’s operations, the economy and the welfare of the workers.
  4. the effect the absence of a Board of Directors has had on the operations of ZIMPOST.


  1. HON MUSA: To ask the Minister of Transport and Communications to explain why the road shoulders on the Harare- Nyamapanda road on  sections 26km to 90km peg on the same road have neither been surfaced nor gravelled, and indicate when this can be undertaken.

 (Deferred from Wednesday, 12th October 2005)


  1. HON MUSA:  To ask the Minister of Transport and Communications to provide  statistics of road construction and surfacing programmes currently underway throughout the whole country and to indicate  when they were started and when they are likely to be completed;

(Deferred from Wednesday, 12th October 2005)


  1. HON. BALOYI: To ask the Minister of Transport and Communication to state:


  • when the phone lines at Malipati and Chikombedzi in Chiredzi South Constituency which were damaged by Cyclone Elline will be repaired as these phones have not been functioning since then.


  • the measures that are in place to improve radio and television reception in such areas as Chikombezi, Malipati, Gezamo and Whahwata in Sengwe District.


  • when Netone will establish boosters or base stations for the mobile network in Chiredzi South Constituency.


(Deferred from Wednesday, 12th October 2005)


  1. HON. CHANDENGENDA: To ask the Minister of Transport and Communications


  • explain whether he is aware that the Karoi-Binga Road and the two bridges on that road over the Gunguhwe River were washed away and have hampered development in the Omay Communal Lands as there is no public transport to ferry the people and drought relief
  • state when the two bridges will be constructed in view of the coming rainy season and given that the cost of construction is around $8 billion dollars
  • explain whether he is aware that professionals such as doctors, trained nurses and teachers are refusing to work in the area due to the poor transport network.


  1. HON MUSA: To ask the Minister of Transport and Communications to explain;


  1. whether his ministry is aware of black spots along our major highways where accidents regularly occur and if so, what measure the Ministry has put in place to avert more accidents.


  1. the extent to which these measures have worked in reducing the road carnage.


(Deferred from Wednesday, 12th October 2005)


  1. HON MUSA: To ask the Minister of Transport and Communications to explain whether there is new legislation prohibiting the ministry from removing dead animals hit by vehicles along our highways and if so to explain to the House the policy, given the fact that two cows are decomposing at the 49km peg along the Harare-Nyamapanda highway.


(Deferred from Wednesday, 12th October 2005)


  1. 9. HON W. MADZIMURE: To ask the Minister of Transport and Communications to:
  2. cite parastatals he has managed to turn around since he took over the ministry
  3. explain why service delivery at the National Railways of Zimbabwe is deteriorating so fast.
  4. explain why the parastatal has failed to provide commuter trains, lights on coaches and platforms on boarding points and to cater for the disabled and the general safety of passengers.


  1. HON. BALOYI: To ask the Minister of Water Resources and Infrastructural Development to state the measures that are in place to repair, replace or drill new boreholes in Chiredzi South as most boreholes are no longer functioning.


(Deferred from Wednesday, 12th October 2005)


  1. HON BALOYI: To ask the Minister of Education, Sports and Culture to state the measures in place to assist parents in new resettlement areas to build decent schools.

(Deferred from Wednesday, 12th October 2005)


  1. HON MUTSEKWA: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and Urban Development to


  1. confirm press reports that he threatened civil servants engaged in the construction of houses under the government’s “Operation-Garikai” for dereliction of duty and warned that he would deploy soldiers to forcibly make them perform whilst addressing senior civil servants at Chinhoyi Training Centre.


  1. explain to this House if his threats helped to confirm the widely held view that the ZANU PF government uses the national army to terrorize defenseless civilians instead of defending them.


  1. explain to this House the law that empowers the military to punish civil servants.


(Deferred from Wednesday, 12th October 2005)



  1. HON. SANSOLE: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and

Urban Development to explain why progress at Hwange District Hospital is at a

stand still and whether he is aware that the building has actually developed cracks before completion.


14          HON. W. MADZIMURE: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and   Urban Development to explain;

  1. why he took vehicle No. AAK – 4566 from ZUPCO and for what purpose.
  2. government policy regarding us of parastatals’ assets.
  3. disclose how much the vehicle cost and what payments have been made.
  4. confirm the Board Chairman’s statement that ZUPCO procured 2 cars for the Board.


  1. HON MADZIMURE : to ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and Urban Development  to inform the House on the qualifications of the Chairperson of the Commission running the City of Harare.
  2. outline the special qualities she has that she is offering to council.
  3. explain why the ministry suspended the Solomon Tavengwa led commission when it had failed to provide water to the residents for one week only, yet the Sekesai Makwawarara Commission has failed to supply clean water, electricity and street lights, road maintenance, sewerage and failed to collect garbage, but no action has been taken.


  1. HON MADZIMURE : to ask why the Minister of Local Government and Urban

Development to

  1. a) explain why the ministry has failed to provide accommodations for all the victims of Operations Murambatsvina.

b).        explain how many houses have been completed for the accommodation of the victims.

  1. HON MADZIMURE: to ask the Minister of Local Government and Urban Development to explain the ministry has not taken action against Marondera Town Council that has been releasing raw sewerage into the water supply source.


18        HON. W. MADZIMURE: To ask the Minister of State for State Enterprises, Anti- Monopolies and Anti-Corruption to:


  1. a) explain the constraints facing the ministry and the commission and suggest how they should be addressed.


  1. HON MUSA: To ask the Minister of Energy and Power Development whether the ministry has a policy on the distribution of electricity and to explain whether the electricity that we import from the neighbouring countries i.e. Mozambique, South Africa Democratic Republic of Congo and Botswana is equitably distributed.


(Deferred from Wednesday, 12th October 2005)


  1. HON MUSA: To ask the Minister of Energy and Power Development to explain:


  1. the criterion used in the selection of the ZESA Board.


  1. the terms of reference of the ZESABoard.


  1. the job description of the Board members and how effective the Board has been in its service delivery.


  1. HON MUSA: To ask the minister of Energy and Power Development to justify the billing of electricity to the City of Harare in view of the fact that about 50% of the street lights are not working, particularly in the high density areas and roads around Kambuzuma and Mufakose and other areas and to state whether  the Harare City Council has not been prejudiced of billions of dollars in unjustified billings.


(Deferred from Wednesday, 12th October 2005)


22         HON. W. MADZIMURE: To ask the Minister of Agriculture to;


  1. explain why the Ministry has continuously failed to plan adequately for each season in terms of supplying fertilizer, seed and other inputs.
  2. explain how much was invested towards targeted farming and how much crop output is expected.
  3. provide statistics of land cultivated and the names of farmers.
  4. furnish the House with a list of farmers who were caught selling diesel on the black market.
  5. to say which people are benefiting from the subsidized food allocations


  1. HON. W. MADZIMURE: To ask the Minister of Finance to;
  2. provide a list of the beneficiaries of the Productive Sector Support Programme by name and amount received.
  3. explain how the monetary policy has affected inflation and the turn around strategy of the economy.


  1. PROF. J. MOYO: To ask the Minister of Finance to explain to the house;
  2. the government’s policy reasons for introducing a new currency this year  following the announcement by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.
  3. what the government seeks to achieve by introducing a new currency given the prevailing economic environment.


  1. 25. W. MADZIMURE: To ask the Minister of Mines and Mining Development  to inform the House on the progress made so far in evaluating the uranium mining project proposal and when operations are expected to begin.







1.           HON MAHOFA

            HON. SHOKO


That this House-


Takes note of the report of the Zimbabwe Delegation to the AWEPA  conference on HIV and AIDS, Orphans and Vulnerable Children from 7-8 August 2005 in Lilongwe, Malawi.



2.            HON J. M. GUMBO

               HON MPARIWA


            That this House:


TAKES note of the Report of the Fourth Ordinary Session of the Pan African    Parliament held in December 2005 in South Africa.



3.            HON  MADZIMURE

               HON GONESE


That this House:


            CONCERNED by the prevalence of corruption in our society;


FURTHER CONCERNED by the effects of corrupt activities on the poor and ordinary  Zimbabweans;


NOTING that there has been an upsurge of corruption in the offices of authority and  abuse of government economic empowerment and productive support schemes;


            DISMAYED by the failure by government to tackle corruption head on;


            FURTHER DISMAYED by the ineffectiveness of the anti-corruption  commission;


NOW THEREFORE this House calls upon the executive to show the will to effectively deal with the causes of corruption and implores the relevant institutions to name and expose the perpetrators of corruption.



4.            HON  MASHAKADA

               HON  BITI


That this House:


ALARMED by the chronic state of macro economic instability characterised by hyper inflation, weak domestic currency, dual interest rates and persistent negative growth since 2000;


CONCERNED that parastatals are bleeding the economy, thereby,  worsening the fiscal position and reinforcing the national debt without any accountability;


FURTHER concerned that the state of economic collapse is unprecedented in the whole world since World War II;


SHOCKED by the decay in various infrastructure and collapse in the provision of public services to the people;


DISTURBED by the extent of poverty, hunger and deteriorating living standards in the country;




Government comes up with a comprehensive national development strategy to arrest the decline and;


Government implements macro-economic and structural policies to cause sustainable growth and development so as to eradicate poverty in Zimbabwe and steer the economy on to a recovery path.




               HON MUSA

That this House:


TAKES note of the Special Report of the Public Accounts Committee on  Financial Management in the Public Sector SC. 2, 2006.


6.         HON SIKHALA

                HON MGUNI


That this House:


SHOCKED by the recent tuition fees hikes in all tertiary institutions of higher learning by more than 2000 percent;


DISTURBED by that  the high fee structures  created segregation and destroy  the careers of several aspiring professionals from poor backgrounds; RESOLVES that  government reverses the abnormal hike of tuition fees  to affordable levels;


CALLS  on government to increase the grants and loan stipends to students so as to enable them to meet the academic demands of tertiary education; and


REQUESTS  that this House take immediate action to stop all tertiary institutions of higher learning from increasing fees without government’s ’s approval.



7.            HON BITI

               HON KHUPE


That this House:


TAKING note with great relief the abundance of rain in the 2005-2006 agricultural season;


CONCERNED however by low levels of agricultural activity particularly in regard to tobacco and grain production on the farms;


FURTHER concerned by the uneven and unequal distribution of agricultural inputs to the Provinces;


DISTURBED by the rampant existence of parallel non-agricultural activities on Model A1 and A2 farms;


FURTHER DISTURBED by the growing food deficit and the increasing dependence on international donor assistance to feed the people of Zimbabwe;


RESOLVES that this House-


CONDEMNS the non-productive use of land by some farmers in Model A1 and Model A2 farms.


ACKNOWLEDGES the sterling efforts of the International Community in feeding a substantial number of Zimbabweans and;


DIRECTS the Portfolio Committee on Lands and Land Reform and Resettlement  to conduct an audit of land use in Model A1 and A2 farms in the 2005 – 2006 agriculture season.


8.            HON L MOYO

               HON MATUTU


That this House:


CONCERNED with the lack of transparency in the allocation of houses and commercial stands under operation Garikayi/Hlalani Kuhle;


DISTURBED that nine months down the line the victims of Operation Murambatsvina are still homeless;


CONDEMNS government for violation of human rights through Operation



CALLS for an audit of the allocation of Operation Garikai /Hlalani Kuhle houses and community stands.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the resolution of the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights on the situation of Human Rights in Zimbabwe.

(Adjourned 9th February 2006The Deputy Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education)       


[Days elapsed: 2]       Question proposed. That this House:


NOTING the resolution of the African Commission on Human and People’s rights on the situation of human rights in Zimbabwe passed in Banjul on the 5th of December 2005; and



FURTHER NOTING that the resolution and the calls made in it appear to have been ignored to date by the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe;


CONGRATULATES AND THANKS the African Commission on Human

and People’s Rights for speaking out so boldly and frankly on behalf of the victims of human rights abuses in Zimbabwe.


CALLS on the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe to implement without delay the specific calls made by the African Commission to ensure that the Republic of Zimbabwe compiles with her obligations in terms of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights adopted by the eighteenth

Assembly of Heads and States and Government in June 1981 in Nairobi, Kenya

Hon. Coltart


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the collapse of infrastructure and services in cities and towns (Adjourned 8TH February 2006 -The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs)


[Day elapsed: 1]

Question  proposed: That this House-


ALARMED by the collapse of infrastructure and services in our cities and towns;

FURTHER ALARMED by the outbreak of cholera in our capital city in December.


DISMAYED by the removal of elected councils and their replacement by appointed commissions which have manifestly failed to improve the running of our cities;


DEMANDS that the Minister of Local Government and Urban Development immediately cease interfering with elected councils and take immediate steps to restore democratic local government.-Ms. Stevenson



  1. Adjourned debate on the condolence motion on Mrs Coreta Scott King (Jnr) ) – (Adjourned 9th February 2006The Deputy Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education)

[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed


That this House –


CONVEYS its profound condolences to the Martin Luther King family on the death of Mrs King (Jnr)


TAKES this opportunity to celebrate the life of a woman who represents an era that redefined the black civil rights movements.


EXPRESSING appreciation for the role that she and other women played during the civil rights movement Hon Misihairabwi-Mushonga.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Welfare on the Half Year Budget Performance of the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare [S.C. 6, 2005] – (Adjourned 7th February 2006 –

Hon J. M. Gumbo

 [Day elapsed: 2]


Question proposed: That this House Takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Welfare on the Half Year Budget Performance of the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare [S. C. 6, 2005] – Hon Chebundo.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on Mr Morgan Tsvangirai’s anti-government and anti-Zimbabwe campaign (Adjourned 13th October 2005 - The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).  


[Day elapsed:1]

Question proposed: That this House -


RECALLING that since the defeat of his party, the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), in the 2000 general elections, Mr Morgan Tsvangirai embarked upon an anti-government and anti-Zimbabwe campaign amongst western countries;


NOTING that Mr Tsvangirai has persistently advocated and campaigned for sanctions against Zimbabwe;


ALSO RECALLING that Mr Tsvangirai has called for a violent removal of the ZANU (PF) Government through orchestrated but failed mass action, mass stayaways and the so-called final push;


AWARE that the British Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Blair, has unequivocally stated in the House of Commons that he is working with Mr. Tsvangirai’s MDC party and other unnamed groups in the SADC region for a regime change in Zimbabwe;


OBSERVING that Mr. Tsvangirai and the entire MDC leadership has traversed the entire continent, Europe and North America to campaign for the extension and intensification of sanctions against Zimbabwe;




CONDEMNS in the strongest terms the persistent unpatriotic behaviour bordering on treason by Mr. Tsvangirai manifested in his recent appeal to, and threats against, South African companies investing in Zimbabwe and the cutting off of electricity and communication links between Zimbabwe and South Africa in order to bring about economic collapse and regime change.


EQUALLY CONDEMNS the like-minded Zimbabwe Congress of Trade

Union’s (ZCTU) support for an international ban on asbestos;


CALLS UPON all patriotic Zimbabweans to rally behind the Government and the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe economic turn-around programme and consolidation of the land reform programme-Hon. Chiota.


Adjourned debate on motion on unequal development patterns between constituencies  (Adjourned 8th February 2006  - The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).


[Day elapsed: 3]

Question proposed: That this House-


NOTING the uneven and unequal development patterns between constituencies;


DISTURBED at the lack of decisive capital allocations to the 120 Parliamentary constituencies;


AWARE of the limited capacity of constituencies and their Members of Parliament to source development and capital funds;


CALLS UPON Government to ensure that starting with the 2006 National Budget, resources are evenly and equitably allocated to each constituency for development and capital projects;


OBLIGES Government to create conducive conditions to mobilize domestic and international resources in support of constituency development;


CALLS UPON Government to consult and involve Members of Parliament and the Constituency Development Committees in constituency project prioritisation –Hon Mushoriwa 


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the fact-finding mission to Zimbabwe to assess the scope and impact of operation Murambatsvina by the

United Nations    (UN) Special Envoy on  Human Settlements.  (Adjourned 12th October 2005 – The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).


[ Days elapsed:3]

Question proposed: That this House-


NOTING the publication of the “Report of the Fact-Finding Mission to Zimbabwe to assess the Scope and Impact of Operation Murambatsvina” by the UN Special Envoy on Human Settlements in Zimbabwe, Mrs Anna Kajumulo Tibaijuka.


RECALLING that the Mission and its terms of reference were agreed at the highest levels between the Secretary General of the United Nations and His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe and therefore had the blessing of the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe.


APPRECIATING that the Report acknowledges Government’s position that it undertook Operation Murambatsvina to “clean up the cities of illicit activities:, have cities without slums and “secure people’s long term interests in line with the goal of the United Nation Habitat Agenda”,


CONCERNED that, according to the Report, while purporting to target illegal dwellings and structures and to clamp down on alleged illicit activities, the Operation was carried out in an indiscriminate and unjustified manner with indifference to human suffering and with disregard to several provisions of national and international laws such that it will take several years before the affected people and society as a whole recover;


ALARMED by the Mission’s findings that the Operation has precipitated a humanitarian crisis of immense proportions affecting an estimated 700,000 people across the country who have either lost their homes or livelihood or both while indirectly affecting an estimated 2,4 million other people bringing the estimated total of those affected close to 18% of the population;


FURTHER ALARMED that, according to the Mission’s findings, evidence suggests that the Operation was based on improper advice by a few architects of the Operation;


URGES Government to focus on implementing the progressive recommendations of the Mission and to work with the international community through the United Nations to specifically address the plight of 18% of

Zimbabwe’s population affected by the Operation as matter of urgency;


CALLS on government to immediately set up an independent commission of inquiry in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe to identify those whose properties or livelihood were destroyed and to determine who orchestrated the humanitarian crisis in order to hold accountable those responsible and to enable the prosecution of those who caused criminal negligence leading to deaths during the Operation;


FURTHER CALLS on Government to immediately compensate those whose properties or livelihood were unlawfully destroyed during the Operation-Hon

Prof Moyo


Amendment proposed by Hon Butau


To delete all the words after “House” and to substitute the following:


“NOTING that our cities, towns and other places were characterized by rampant crime, general disorder, moral decay and a serious threat to public health;


APPRECIATING that Government undertook Operation Murambatsvina to

clean up the cities of illicit activities; rid the cities of slums and secure people’s long-term interest in line with the goal of the United Nations Habitat Agenda;


NOTING that the Report of the UN Secretary General’s special envoy, Mrs Anna Kajumulo Tibaijuka’s Fact-finding Mission to assess the scope and impact of “Operation Murambatsvina” lacks a balanced reflection of the reality on the ground;


RECALLING that the British Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair, who is obsessed with regime change and demonization of the President, Cde R.G. Mugabe and Zimbabwe, in keeping with his character, made a prophetic prediction that Mrs Tibaijuka would produce a “good report”;


WELCOMING the UN Secretary General, Mr Kofi Annan’s acceptance of His Excellency, the President, Cde R.G. Mugabe’s invitation to visit Zimbabwe and see for himself the situation on the ground;




APPLAUDS Government for its openness and transparency in  accepting the visit of the UN Secretary General’s special envoy, Mrs Tibaijuka’s Fact-finding Mission and for cooperating with the Mission;


WELCOMES the UN Secretary General, Mr Kofi Annan for refusal to be dictated to by the Chair of the Security Council, Greece, obviously working with Zimbabwe’s known enemies;


CONGRATULATES the People’s Republic of China and the United Republic of Tanzania for their principled and resolute stand against attempts to place the matter before the Security Council;


CALLS UPON progressive nations to reject the continued habitual application by certain western countries of double standards against Zimbabwe for asserting its sovereignty and righting colonial imbalances and to condemn them for their silence on, and acquiescence to, similar events elsewhere and flagrant violations of the UN Charter and resolutions –Hon Butau  


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the shortage of food, drugs, foreign currency and energy (Adjourned 12th October 2005 - The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs)

[Days elapsed: 7]

Question proposed: That this House-


TAKING NOTE of the massive food, drugs, foreign currency and energy shortages;


CONCERNED with the continued unabated collapse of the public amenities in health, transport and education;


DISMAYED at the lack of any concrete, meaningful and decisive reversal programme by government;


DISTURBED by the shrinking economy and failing state particularly in areas of service provision;


RESOLVES that the government immediately addresses the critical shortages of shortages of food energy and public sector amenities;


CONDEMNS the absence of existing comprehensive monetary and fiscal reversal strategy;


FURTHER CONDEMNS the clear lack of strategy and leadership on the part of this Government –Hon. Biti


  1. COMMITTEE: To resume on Education Amendment Bill (H.B. 6A, 2006) – The Minister of Education, Sport and Culture.


(Clauses 3, 5, 6 and 7 under consideration)


(See Notice of Amendments)


  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the President’s State of the Nation Address (Adjourned 9th February 2006 – The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs)


[Days elapsed: 2]


            Question proposed. That this House:


Conveys its profound gratitude to His Excellency, the President for his 18th State of the Nation Address to Parliament;


Expresses its commitment to and support for the views contained in his address;              and

That a respectful address be presented to His Excellency the President, informing him of the sentiments of the House – Hon Baloyi


  1. SECOND READING: Attorney General’s Office Bill (H.B. 4, 2005)-The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.







Amendments proposed by Professor W. Ncube


On Clause 5, on 21(1) after  “may be “  insert the following:

“ Provided that this provision shall not apply to fees and levies existing on the day the provisions of this Amendment Act comes into effect



On Clause 6 . (2), of the Bill, substitute “shall” with “may”,


On 2(d)-“ delete the  whole sentence.”



On Clause 7(3) , new section substituted for section 36 of Cap 25:04: delete

“prescribed” and substitute with the following:


“ contained in the Constitution of the School Parents Assembly,  provided that where the School Parents Assembly has not made a Constitution, the   composition, functions, duties, procedure and powers of the School Development Committee, shall be as prescribed  .”








At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 4


EDUCATION, SPORT AND CULTURE: Mr. Mhashu  (Chairperson),  Mr. Baloyi, Mr. Madubeko, Mr. Maluleke, , Mrs. Maziriri, Mr. Mguni, Mr. Moyo L, Prof. J. Moyo,  Mr. Mupukuta , Mr. Mutomba ,Mr. Mutsekwa, Ms. Pote , Chief Shana,Mr. Sibindi. Clerk – Mrs Sunga




At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 4


PUBLIC ACCOUNTS: Mrs. Misihairabwi-Mushonga (Chairperson) Mr. Chamisa, Chief Chimombe, Mr. Kadzima, Mr. Matimba, Mr. Moyo L, Mr. L. Mupukuta, Mr. C. J. Musa, Mr. Ncube F D., Mss. Satiya, Mrs. Stevenson.

Clerk- Mr. Daniel

At 1400 hours in Committee Room No. 4



(Chairperson), Chief Bidi, Mr. Biti, Mr. Bhebhe, Mr. Kanzama, Ms. Khupe, Mr.

Majange, Mr. Mashakada, Mr. Mushoriwa, Mr. Mzembi, Mr. Ncube, D. M. Clerk –

Mrs. Khumalo


At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 3



Porusingazi (Chairperson), Mr. Gumbo J. M., Chief Mabika, Mr. Malinga, Mr. Mhashu, Mr.  Mugabe, Mr. Mukahlera, Mr. Mushoriwa, Mr. Mutomba, Mr. M. M. Ndlovu, , Chief Shana. Clerk – Mrs Khumalo


At 1000 hours in Government Caucus Room


HEALTH AND CHILD WELFARE:  Mr. Chebundo Chairperson), Mr. Chandengenda, Mr. Chindori-Chininga, Mr. Chipanga, Ms. Khumalo, Chief Mabika, Mr. Madubeko, Mr. Madzore, Mr. Mupukuta, Mrs Nyauchi, Mr. Sansole, Mr.

Zwizwai. Clerk  -  Ms Mukono.


At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 1



(Chairperson), Mr. Chamisa, Mr. Chipanga, Mrs. Dausi-Gwachiwa, Mr. Kadzima, Ms. Khupe, Mr. Madzimure, Mr. Ziyambi, Mr. Mutomba, Maj  Mutsekwa, Prof.  Ncube W., Mrs. Zinyemba. Clerk – Mr Mazorodze


At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 4



Mzembi (Chairperson), Chief. Bushu, Chief. Chimombe, Mr. Gabbuza, Mrs. Katsande, Ms. Khumalo, Mrs. Mahofa, Mr. Mguni, Mr. Mkhosi,   Ms. Mugabe, Ms. Pote , Mr. Shoko. Clerk – Ms Macheza


At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 2


LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Mrs Zinyemba (Chairperson), Mr Chidarikire, Mr Chimanikire, Mr Gonese, Mr Machaya, Mr Majange, Mrs Matamisa, Mr Matimba, Mr Mubhawu,  Mrs Stevenson. Clerk – Mrs Sunga.


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