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- Create Date November 17, 2009
- Last Updated November 5, 2021
No. 11
Quarter past Two o‘clock p.m The Speaker in the Chair
Members Present
Baloyi A,
Bhasikiti K,
Bimha M.C
Biti L.T
Buka F,
Chaderopa F Chambati T.S Chamisa N
Chebundo B
Chidhakwa W.K
Chikava B,
Chikwinya S,
Chimanikire G,
Chimbetete W.M
Chimhini D.A,
Chininga E.T.C,
Chinomona M.M
Chinyadza W
Chiota P.C
Chirongwe R,
Chirume O Chitando J
Chitima A,
Cross E.G
Denga P
Dokora L.D.K Dongo G.Z
Dube C.R.E
Dube M
Dube P
Dzingirai I Dzinotyiweyi H.A.M
Dzirutwe G Gabuza J.G
Garadhi S
Gonese I.T
Goto R
Gwiyo C.C Hlongwane M
Hove S.R
Huruba T
Jembere E
Kachepa N Kagurabadza M.T
Kapesa R
Karenyi L
Katsande A
Kay J.I.H
Khumalo M,
Khumalo N.M,
Khumalo S.S,
Kumalo M
Mabhena G
Machacha C Madamombe S Madubeko J Madzimure W Madzore P
Mafios I.D
Mahlangu T
Makamure R Makone T.M
Mandebvu N.T
Mangami D Mangena J
Mangoma E.S
Mangwana M.P
Maposhere D Maramba P.H
Maramwidze E H
Mare M
Marima E
Mashakada T Masukume N.P.S
Matimba T
Matinenga E.T
Matonga B Matshalaga O Matutu T
Mavima L.D Mazikana P.H Mbwembwe E Mhandu C
Mhashu F.G
Mkhosi E.T.M
Mnkandla T
Moyo J.N
Moyo S
Mpukuta L Muchauraya P
Mudarikwa S
Mudau M
Mudzuri H
Muguti C
Mukanduri S.T
Mukonoweshuro E
Munengami F Mungofa P.T
Munjeyi G Mushonga S.L
Musumbu E
Musundire A.L Musvaire W
Mutambara AG
Mutinhiri T
Mutsekwa G.T
Mutseyami C.P Muza I
Mwonzora D.T
Mzembi W
Navava E
Ncube S Ndambakuwa F
Ndava R
Ndebele G
Ndhlovu A
Nemadziva N
Nezi W
Ngwenya B
Nkomo S.S
Nyakudanga O
Nyamudeza S Nyamupinga B.B
Nyaude B
Nyoni S.G.G
Raradza E
Rutsvara R
Samkange N.T.C
Sansole T.W
Saruwaka T.J.L
Shirichena E
Shoko H
Shoko M
Sibanda C.C Sibanda D.S
Sibanda F.M
Sibanda P.N
Sindi C
Sululi A
Tachiona M Tazviona R
Timba J.Z Tshuma B
Varandeni J
Zhanda T.P
Zhuwao P
Ziteya K.S
Ziyambi W.Z Zwizwai M.
Printed by Order of the House
Absent with leave
Hon A. Chibaya
Hon I. Chombo
Hon A. Langa
Hon T. Khumalo
Hon S. Mahoka
Hon J. Majome
Hon E. Matamisa
Hon O.S Mlilo
Hon S. Mombeshora
Hon W. Mutomba
Hon W. Shamu
- THE SPEAKER: I wish to inform the House that on Wednesday 11 November
2009, I announced that I had received a non adverse report on the Public Finance Management Bill. I wish to advise that the certificate should have been on the Financial Adjustments Bill. I therefore direct that the Public Finance Management Bill be removed from the Order Paper and be replaced with the Financial Adjustments Bill (H.B. 8, 2009).
- SECOND READING: Financial Adjustments Bill (H.B. 8, 2009)-The Minister of Finance
Bill read a second time. Committee, with leave, forthwith.
(House in Committee)
Clauses 1 and 2 put and agreed to.
Bill to be reported without amendment.
(House resumed)
Bill reported without amendment. Third reading, forthwith.
Bill read the third time.
- The Minister of Finance moved: That Order of the Day No. 2, for today, stands over until Order No.12 has been disposed of.
Motion put and agreed to.
- Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned
11th November – The Deputy Prime Minister Hon Prof Mutambara)
Question again proposed: That a respectful Address be presented to the
President of Zimbabwe as follows-
May, it please you, Your Excellency, the President:
We, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament – Hon. Nyamupinga.
[Time elapsed: 3 hours 50 minutes]
On the motion of the Deputy Prime Minister Hon Prof Mutambara: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.
- Matutu seconded by Hon. Madzimure moved: That this House:
NOTING that an accurate voters roll is central and key to a credible electoral process;
ALARMED by the chaotic state of the voters roll in Zimbabwe as evidenced by the presence of names of deceased persons, geriatrics over 100 years old, multiple entries and a multitude of general inaccuracies;
CONCERNED that little action has been taken to correct the situation despite several calls to do so from various quarters;
CONVINCED that an audit of the voters roll is urgent and necessary to ensure that future elections are credible;
NOW, THEREFORE, this House calls upon the inclusive government to immediately carry out a comprehensive audit of the voters roll to rid it of all inaccuracies and irregularities.
On the motion of the Deputy Prime Minister Hon Prof Mutambara: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.
- Hon Mungofa seconded by Hon Shirichena moved: That this House takes note of the report of the Observer Mission to Botswana on the SADC Parliamentary Forum Interim Statement regarding the Botswana General Elections held on 16th October 2009.
On the motion of the Deputy Prime Minister Hon Prof Mutambara: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.
- On the motion of the Deputy Prime Minister Hon Prof Mutambara the House adjourned at twenty six minutes to five o‘clock p.m.
HON. CHIMBETETE: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural
Development to explain the reason for the delays in the surfacing of the Binhanya Road which runs from Nyanga to Ruwange and to assure this House that the Ministry has budgeted for its surfacing in the coming budget for 2010. [Deferred from Wednesday 21st October]
HON. CHIMBETETE: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to state the measures the Ministry is putting in place to prevent carnage at Tombo One, which has become a black spot following a number of fatal accidents in that area dating as far back as 1991 to the latest one this year.
[Deferred from Wednesday 4th November] |
HON. CHIMHINI: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to explain why the Odzani Jombe to Mutare road has not been surfaced as a matter of priority in view of the fact that since 2005 quarry stones and gravel were already piled at the Honde River Bridge.
[Deferred from Wednesday 21st October]
HON. MARAMWIDZE: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Development to state when the surfacing of the Gutu/Buhera road would be completed.
[Deferred from Wednesday 4th November]
HON. SANSOLE: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrstructural
Development to inform the House whether the Ministry has plans to tar the border road from Makunku Makwa to Chisuma in the Binga District to the Bulawayo/Victoria falls road. |
HON. P.N. SIBANDA: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural
Development to state the plans the Ministry has to surface the section of the Karoi- Binga considering that the road appears on the map as tarred but on the ground it is not. |
HON. CROSS: To ask the Minister of Finance to:
i) inform the House the total cost incurred in the setting up of Toll Gates on all major roads; ii) indicate the estimated costs of the operation, the revenue collected from Toll Gates, state the amounts allocated to date for operation of the Toll Gates system ; and iii) State the amounts allocated to ZINARA for the maintenance of the National Road Network.
[Deferred from Wednesday 4th November] |
*8. | HON. NDEBELE: To ask the Minister of Finance whether he is aware that the foreign currency exchange cross rate in Matebeleland, Midlands and parts of |
Masvingo Provinces is US$1 to R7.50 and to state what the Ministry is doing to remedy the situation.
[Deferred from Wednesday 4th November]
*9. HON. JIRI: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development to explain:
- Why Rural District Councils have been operating without audited financial statements over the years as evidenced by the Chikomba Rural District Council whose last audited accounts were produced in 2003.
- What measures the Ministry is taking to address cases of gross maladministration in the running of Council Affairs where some assets have been misappropriated over time Chikomba Rural District Council is a case in point.
- What criteria has been used to employ the staff in the Administration of Councils and to state whether it is by merit or nepotism.
[Deferred from Wednesday 4th November]
*10. HON. KAGURABADZA: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development to explain what the ministry has done to ensure that it complies with Article 14 of the GPA, which calls for the depoliticisation of the office of the traditional chiefs.
*11. HON. S. L. MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development to inform the House:
- i) what the government policy is towards housing cooperatives that purchased unserviced and undivided pieces of Peri-Urban land since year
2000 in contravention of the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act
(Chapter 29:10) Section39; ii) if there is any government waiver in the requirements of Section 39 of the
Regional, Town and Country Planning Act (Chapter 29:10); iii) whether the Ministry is aware that unscrupulous property developers are trying to use premises of the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act (Chapter 29:10 to dishonour several contracts they entered into since the year 2000 to detriment of several poor households who invested their savings in buying these unserviced and unapproved subdivisions; and
- iv) if the Ministry of Local Government Urban and Rural Development could come up with a Statutory Instrument to retrospectively regularise the above mentioned scenario.
*12. HON. SHOKO: To ask the Minister of Water Resources Development and Management to inform the House when the suburbs of Unit ‗O‘, N, G, M, and N in Chitungwiza South Constituency would get piped water and to explain the problem being faced.
[Deferred from Wednesday 4th November]
*13. HON. KAGURABADZA: To ask the Minister of State Enterprises and Parastatals to confirm:
- whether or not the Ministry of State Enterprises and Parastatals Management recently flighted advertisements for CVs for persons wanting to become board members of various state enterprises.
- when the Ministry would assume control function of appointing members to the Board as it currently falls under various Ministries in terms of the legislation creating the enterprises in question;
*14. HON. A. SITHOLE: To ask the Minister of Water Resources Development and Management to:
- explain whether the Ministry is aware that Chilonga Irrigation Scheme in Chiredzi District has not been operating for almost two years; and
- state whether the Ministry is aware that engines from the irrigation scheme which were taken to Masvingo for repairs have not been returned to date.
*15. HON. SANSOLE: To ask the Minister of Water Resources, Development and Management:
- i) whether he is aware that Deka River has been polluted by the following companies which discharge them toxic waste into the river,
Hwange Colliery Company, South Mining and ZESA; and ii) assure the House that the Ministry will take appropriate remedial action to ensure that this practice is discontinued and to make provision for alternative sources of clean water for the communities and livestock in the vicinity of Deka river.
HON. KAGURABADZA: To ask the Minister of State Enterprises and Parastatals to explain:
i) how the various private companies established by state enterprises relate to the Audit Office and whether they are audited by the CAG and if they submit reports to Parliament; ii) whether there are any standard guidelines with respect to these companies on corporate governance issues and how Ministries deal with board appointments for subsidiary companies; iii) whether these companies are not a means of evasion by the Parastatal Executives of compliance with statutes creating Parastatals, for instance on matters of conditions of service; and iv) to what extent Ministers ensure that subsidiaries are complying with Parastatals-creating statues vis-à-vis Parastatal-owned companies. |
HON. A. SITHOLE: To ask the Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Industry to explain:
i) what package is there to encourage communities in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area to develop cultural tourism related matters; and ii) whether there are any opportunities which can be taken advantage of during the 2010 World Cup show case in South Africa. |
*18. | HON. A. SITHOLE: To ask the Minister of Environmental and Natural Resources Management to explain:
i. if he is aware that in the 2008/2009 cropping season farmers from Chiredzi District lost crops from elephants and were killed by elephants trying to protect their crops; ii. what the Ministry is doing to protect the people's lives in both communal and resettlement areas; |
- how far the Ministry has capacitated local authorities to allow villages both in communal and resettlement areas to manage veld fires; and
- what stops Zoological Society which is assisting National Parks in developing Gonarezhou Park from being registered.
HON. MUTSEYAMI: To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to explain:
i) the Ministry's position with regards to the export of scrap copper; ii) why the Ministry allows the export of copper scrap in view of the fact that Zimbabwe has not mined copper ever since the closure of Mhangura Copper Mine; iii) whether the issuing of copper export permit does not directly promote vandalism of copper based infrastructure belonging to NRZ, ZESA, TELONE etc; iv) when the births and deaths registration department would conduct mobile registration exercise in outreach areas; v) whether the Ministry would extend the mobile births and deaths registration exercise to urban centres; and vi) how the Registrar-General general handles registration requirements for orphaned and vulnerable children who do not have guardians. |
HON. P.N. SIBANDA: To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to inform the House the measures that the Ministry has put in place to curtail the threats to livestock posed by poachers and illegal immigrants in the Binga area and to explain if the Binga ZRP Station is adequately equipped to deal with the situation. |
HON. S. L. MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister Health and Child Welfare to explain:
i) why Howard Hospital in Mazowe Central has virtually become a referral hospital for patients from Harare and whether the Ministry is aware that as a result of the dollarisation of the currency these urban patients are literally elbowing out rural people who cannot afford to pay US$10 to get a medical card; ii) whether the Ministry is aware that the donor funded distribution of ARVs and ancillary drugs to people living with HIV and AIDS is inadequate at Howard Hospital resulting in patients going for months without the life prolonging drugs; and iii) when Rosa Government Hospital in Mazowe Central would be accorded the referral status in order for it to distribute the life prolonging drugs in view of its central location, accessibility and less congested as people from Harare do not overcrowd it. |
HON. SANSOLE: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare to inform the House when the designated Hwange District Hospital at ―Five Miles‖ would be completed and to state when clinics at Milonga, Sidinda and Songwa would be fully equipped and operational. |
*23. | HON. CHITANDO: To ask the Minister of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture to inform the House:
i) what progress has been made as regards the FIFA Goal Project; ii) what progress has been made in the renovation of the National Sports Stadium; and to state; and iii) when the National Sports Stadium would be open for the first game. |
*24. HON. MUCHAURAYA: To ask the Minister of Media, Information and Publicity whether there is any political will on the part of government to free the airwaves from the ZBH monopoly and if so how this has been demonstrated.
*25. HON. S. L. MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment to explain:
- the Government policy as regards the recruitment and training of youths in training centres and whether there is a deliberate bias towards one political party as was the case in the past;
- how many youths are currently undergoing training and at which training centres;
- what the cost of undertaking these trainings is to the fiscas; and iv) how many Ward Officers are still deployed in the country‘s districts and the training they have undergone.
*26. HON. S. L. MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister of State for State Security in the President‘s Office to inform the House:
- whether it is government policy for members of the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) to join political parties and hold provincial party positions whilst still in active service of the state; and
- whether the Minister is aware that the Deputy Director, Elias Kanengoni Special Projects in the CIO, holds a provincial party position in ZANU PF Mashonaland Province and if so, what action the Ministry is going to take in order to make sure that the civil service remains apolitical and professional.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the report of the SADC PF Observer Mission to the Botswana Elections (Adjourned 17th November, 2009-The Deputy Prime Minister Hon Mutambara)
[Day elapsed: 1]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the report of the Observer Mission to Botswana on the SADC Parliamentary Forum Interim Statement regarding the Botswana General Elections held on 16th October 2009 Hon Mungofa.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the importance of an accurate voters roll
(Adjourned 17th November, 2009-The Deputy Prime Minister Hon Prof Mutambara)
[Day elapsed: 1] Question proposed: That this House:
NOTING that an accurate voters roll is central and key to a credible electoral process;
ALARMED by the chaotic state of the voters roll in Zimbabwe as evidenced by the presence of names of deceased persons, geriatrics over 100 years old, multiple entries and a multitude of general inaccuracies;
CONCERNED that little action has been taken to correct the situation despite several calls to do so from various quarters;
CONVINCED that an audit of the voters roll is urgent and necessary to ensure that future elections are credible;
NOW, THEREFORE, this House calls upon the inclusive government to immediately carry out a comprehensive audit of the voters roll to rid it of all inaccuracies and irregularities- Hon Matutu.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the death of the National Hero, Senator Richard
Chemist Hove (Adjourned 11th November 2009-The Deputy Prime Minister
Hon Prof Mutambara)
[Day elapsed: 1]
Question proposed: That this House expresses its sympathies on the untimely death of the National Hero, Senator Richard Chemist Hove on 22nd August 2009 and resolves that its condolences be conveyed to the family of the late Hon Senator Hon Ziyambi.
- Adjourned debate on motion to bring in a Bill to amend the Public Order and
Security Act [Chapter 11:17] (Adjourned 11th November 2009-The Deputy
Prime Minister Hon Prof Mutambara)
[Day elapsed: 1]
Question proposed: That leave be granted to bring in a Bill to amend the Public Order and Security Act [Chapter 11:17] to ensure that the public gatherings are regulated in a manner that will allow Zimbabweans to fully exercise their fundamental democratic right to engage, to express themselves through the medium of peaceful assembly and association and the Bill will also clarify some of the existing provisions in the current Act-Hon Gonese.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the criteria used to declare national heroes and heroines (Adjourned 4th November 2009 – The Deputy Minister of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment).
[Days elapsed: 2] Question proposed: That this House:
DISTURBED by the current situation where national heroes and heroines are declared in a partisan and biased manner;
NOTING that several deserving Zimbabweans have not been accorded the heroes and heroines status;
CONVINCED that it is undesirable for the organ of a political party to determine such national issues;
ACCEPTING that an objective and bipartisan process will restore confidence in the process;
NOW THEREFORE this House resolves to set up a committee, which will examine the matter and make appropriate recommendations to the House- Hon F.M Sibanda.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the first report of the Public Accounts Committee (Adjourned 3rd November 2009 – The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs).
[Day elapsed: 1]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the first report of the Public Accounts Committee on the State of the Comptroller and Auditor General‘s Office (S.C.2, 2009)- Hon Mashakada.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Transport and Infrastructural Development – (Adjourned 22nd October – The
Deputy Minister of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment).
[Day elapsed: 1]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Transport and Infrastructural Development on the operations of ZINARA (S.C. 1, 2009)- Hon Chebundo
- Adjourned debate on motion on the SECOND READING of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Amendment Bill (H.B. 7, 2009)- (Adjourned 10th November, The Deputy Prime Minister Hon Mutambara).
Question proposed: That the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Amendment Bill (H.B. 7, 2009) be now read the second time- The Minister of Finance.
- Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned
11th November – The Deputy Prime Minister Hon Prof Mutambara)
Question proposed: That a respectful Address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows-
May, it please you, Your Excellency, the President:
We, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament – Hon. Nyamupinga.
[Time elapsed: 3 hours 50 minutes]
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Amendment Bill, 2009 (H B 7, 2009)
On page 2 of the Bill, in subclause (1)(b)(i) insert the following text, ―or subject; to section 44A, any other currency there referred to‖ after ―Zimbabwean currency‖ found in line 30.
On page 3 of the Bill, delete the proviso to subclause (6) between lines 24 and 34 and substitute the following proviso:
―Provided that no such loan or contingent commitment shall be made by the Bank unless it is a loan or commitment made in terms of the National Payment Systems Act [Chapter 24:23]‖.
On page 4 of the Bill, in subclause (b) (ii) in lines 28 and 29 delete ― the Board after consultation with the Minister‖ and substitute with ―the Governor on a rotational basis‖.
On page 5 of the Bill, in line 17 delete ―fourteen‖ and ―such‖ and substitute with ―seven‖ and ―following‖ respectively.
On page 5 of the Bill by the deletion of the whole of section ―29A Audit Committee‖ in lines 25 to 46 continued on page 6, lines 1 to 10 and substitution of the following—
―29A Audit and Oversight Committee
- There shall be a committee of the Board called the Audit and Oversight Committee, chaired by the Deputy Chairman of the Board and consisting of the Permanent Secretary for Finance and three other non-executive members of the Board, who shall be appointed by the Minister.
- The Audit and Oversight Committee shall meet at least twice in each financial year and as often as may be necessary.
- The functions of the Audit and Oversight Committee shall be—
- review the operations of the Bank to ensure that they are conducted in compliance with the Act and in accordance with best corporate practice; and
- to establish appropriate accounting procedures and accounting controls in respect of the conduct of the Bank; and
- to ensure compliance with the procedures established in terms of paragraph (a); and
- to assist the Board to evaluate the adequacy and efficiency of the internal control systems, accounting practices, information systems and auditing processes applied in the day to day management of the Bank; and
- to introduce such measures as, in its opinion, may enhance the objectivity reports prepared with reference to the Bank; and
- to recommend to the Board the appointment of a suitably qualified person as the auditor of the Bank.
- The Audit and Oversight Committee shall embody its deliberations, resolutions or recommendations in a report to the Minister and the Board.
- Decisions of the Audit and Oversight Committee shall be decided by a majority vote of the members present:
Provided that no member shall abstain from any vote to be taken.
- Subject to this section, the procedure to be adopted by the Audit and Oversight Committee shall be fixed by the Board.‖
In addition on page 6 delete lines 33 to 41 ―29C Oversight of Bank‘s operations‖
On page 8 of the Bill, insert the following clause after clause 18, and re-number the subsequent clauses accordingly
“19 New section inserted after section 63 of Cap. 24:20
With effect from the 13th August, 1999, the principal Act is amended by the insertion of the following section after section 63
―63A Immunity of Bank, etc.
No claim shall lie against the State, the Minister, the Bank, the Board, the Governor, a Deputy Governor or any employee of the Bank for anything done in good faith and without negligence under the powers conferred by this Act.‖.
On page 8 of the Bill, delete subclause (1) between lines 37 to 42 and substitute the following
―(1) subject to subsection (2) the Bank shall dispose of any shares held by it in any company incorporated in Zimbabwe in which it has a majority shareholding.‖. On page 8 of the Bill, insert the following subclause after subclause (2), the subsequent subclauses (3) and (4) to be renumbered (4) and (5) accordingly
―(3) No shares or any assets of a company referred to in (1) shall be sold by the Bank except with the leave of the Minister responsible for finance, and where such leave is given, the Bank shall first apply the proceeds thereof to meeting on a pro rata basis any liability of the Bank towards banking institutions arising from the deficiency, if any, that, on the date of commencement of this Act is found to exist between
- the total minimum reserve balances deposited by banking institutions
on or before that date with the Bank in compliance with section 30 of the Banking Act [Chapter 24:20]; and
- the total minimum reserve balances referred to in paragraph (a) that are actually held by the Bank on that date.‖.
Hon. L. T. BITI, M. P. Hon. P. A. CHINAMASA, M. P.
Minister of Finance Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs
Hon. M. P. MANGWANA, M. P.
- Audit Office Bill, (H.B. 10, 2009)- The Minister of Finance (referred 4th November 2009).
- Public Finance Management Bill, (H.B. 9, 2009) The Minister of Finance (referred 4th November 2009).
Monday, 23 November, 2009
At 1000 hours in Committee Room 311
(Chairperson), Hon. Bhasikiti, Hon. Chinomona, Hon. Chitima, Hon. Kachepa, Hon.
Karenyi, Hon. Machacha, Hon. Mahoka, Hon. Marima, Hon. Matienga, Hon. Mazikana, Hon Mkhosi, Hon. Ndambakuwa, Hon. Nezi, Hon. Saruwaka, Hon. Shoko M, Hon. C.C Sibanda, Hon. P.N Sibanda – Clerk Mr. Ndlovu.
At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 4
PUBLIC ACCOUNTS: Hon. Mashakada (Chairperson), Hon. Bhasikiti, Hon. Chikava, Hon. Hove, Hon. Mangena, Hon. Matiza, Hon. Mbwembwe, Hon. Moyo S, Hon. Muguti, Hon. Musundire, Hon. Sai, Hon. Sululu, Clerk – Mrs Nyawo.
At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 3
(Chairperson), Hon. Chanetsa, Hon. Chitando, Hon. Dumbu, Hon. Khumalo Martin, Hon. Kumalo Marvellous, Hon. Mafios, Hon. Maramwidze, Hon. Matamisa, Hon.
Matibenga, Hon. Mguni N, Hon. Mnkandla, Hon. Muza, Hon. S.M. Ncube, Hon. Ndhlovu A, Hon. Zhuwao, Clerk – Miss Mudavanhu.
At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 1
Transport and Infrastructure Development: Hon. Chebundo (Chairperson), Hon. Baloyi, Hon. Chanetsa, Hon. Dongo, Hon. Dzirutwe, Hon. Huruba, Hon.
Machacha, Hon. Madamombe, Hon. Mandebvu, Hon. Mhlanga, Hon. Mushore, Hon. Ncube S, Hon. Nyakudanga, Hon. Raradza, Hon. Rutsvara,
Clerk - Ms Macheza
At 1400 hours in Committee Room No. 311
PUBLIC WORKS AND NATIONAL HOUSING: Hon. Mupukuta (Chairperson) Hon. Chimhini, Hon. Chirume, Hon. Chimbetete, Hon. Jiri, Hon. Kachepa, Hon. Mabhena, Hon. Mbwembwe, Hon. Mudzuri H, Hon. Mupukuta, Hon. Ndambakuwa, Hon. Ndebele G, Hon. Ngwenya, Hon. Shirichena, Hon. Sindi, Clerk – Mr Mazani.
At 1400 hours in Committee Room No. 1
(Chairperson), Hon. Chibaya, Hon. Chimanikire, Hon. Chirongwe, Hon. Chivamba, Hon. Goto, Hon. Khumalo T, Hon. Khumalo S.S, Hon. Mudau, Hon. Sai, Hon.
Sibanda F.M. Clerk – Ms Mushunje
Tuesday, 24 November, 2009
At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 4
AGRICULTURE, WATER, LANDS AND RESETTLEMENT: Hon. Jiri (Chairperson), Hon. Chinomona, Hon Denga, Hon. Dube P, Hon. Katsande, Hon. Madamombe, Hon.
Mahoka, Hon. Makamure, Hon. Makuyana, Hon. Mkhosi E, Hon. Mlambo, Hon.
Mlilo, Hon. Raradza, Hon. Sai, Hon. Varandeni, Hon. Zhanda – Clerk - Mr. Ndlovu.
At 1000 hours in Committee Room 311
INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE: Hon. Mutomba (Chairperson), Hon. Chihota, Hon. Chinyadza, Hon. Dube C, Hon. Dube P, Hon. Hove, Hon. Kanzama, Hon. Madubeko, Hon. Matshalaga, Hon. Madzimure, Hon. Masukume, Hon. Mavima, Hon. Mharadza, Hon. Nyaude, Hon. Sansole, Hon. Sithole, Clerk – Mr. Ratsakatika.
At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 1
HEALTH AND CHILD WELFARE: Hon. Parirenyatwa D (Chairpeson), Hon.
Chebundo, Hon. Chikava, Hon. Dube M, Hon. Kachepa, Hon. Karenyi, Hon.
Makuyana, Hon. Maramba, Hon. Matshalaga, Hon. Mudavanhu, Hon. Masukume, Hon. Munengami, Hon. Ndebele G, Hon. Nyamupinga, Hon. Shoko H- Clerk- Ms.
At 0945 hours in Committee Room No. 2
(Chairperson), Hon. Chikwinya, Hon. Denga, Hon. Kagurabadza, Hon. Matibe, Hon. Mavima, Hon. Maramba, Hon. Mlilo, Hon. Mkhosi E, Hon. Mushore, Hon. Ndava, Hon. Ngwenya, Hon. Ziteya, Hon. Ziyambi.
At 1000 hours in Committee Room No 413
(Chairperson), Hon. Baloyi, Hon. Karenyi, Hon. Chikwinya, Hon.Chinomona, Hon.
Dube M, Hon. Garandi, Hon. Kanzama, Hon. Kapesa, Hon. Matimba, Hon. Maposhere, Hon. Musvaire, Hon. Mudau, Hon. Mkandla T.Z, Hon. Nyakudanga, Hon. Samkange.