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No. 49























Quarter Past Two o'clock p.m. The  Speaker in the Chair




Members Present



Baloyi A,                                                       Kanzama F                                               Matonga                                                                B

Beremauro G,                                                Kapesa R                                                Matshalaga                                                         O

Bhasikiti-     Chuma                                        Katsande A                     Matutu T

K,                                                                    Kay J.I.H                                        Mavima                                                                   L.D

Biti L.T                                                          Khumalo N.M,                                            Mazikana                                                                  P.H

Chambati           T.S                                      Khumalo S.S,          Mbwembwe E

Chamisa N                                                     Khumalo T                    Mhandu C

Chanetsa P.T,                                               Kumalo M                   Mhashu F.G

Chibaya A.                                                     Mabhena G                   Mhlanga A

Chebundo B,                                                 Machacha         C    Mkhosi E.T.M

Chidakwa W.K,                                            Madubeko         J          Mlambo M

Chikwinya S,                                                Madzimure W         Mohadi K.C.D

Chimbetete W.M                                           Mahlangu T                        Moyo E

Chimhini D.A,                                               Mahoka S                           Moyo G

Chininga E.T.C,                                            Majome F.J                        Moyo S

Chinyadza W,                                                Makamure        R          Mpariwa P

Chirongwe R,                                                Makone T.M                                                 Mpukuta                                                              L

Chirume O                                                     Makuyana       M    Muchauraya P

Chitando J                                                      Mandebvu N.T         Mudarikwa S

Chivamba K,                                                 Mangami D                     Mudau M

Chombo I.M.C                                              Mangoma E.S                Mudiwa S

Cross E.G                                                      Mangwana M.P             Mudzuri E

Denga P                                                         Maposhere       D          Mudzuri H

Dongo G.Z                                                    Maramba P.H                  Muguti C

Dumbu F,                                                        Maramwidze E        Mujuru J.T.R

Dzinotyiwei H A                                           H                             Mukanduri S.T

Gabbuza J, G                                                 Mare M                                               Munengami                                                        F

Garadhi S                                                      Marima E                   Mungofa P.T

Gumbo J.M.                                                   Masaiti              E                                                Munjeyi                                                           G

Gwiyo               C.C                                      Mashakada T          Mushonga S.L

Hlongwane M                                                Matamisa      E.E          Mushore L

Hove S.R                                                       Matibe T.P                  Musumbu E

Jembere E                                                      Matibenga L.G                                             Musundire                                                               A.L

Jiri M                                                             Matienga          M        Musvaire W

Kachepa               N                                       Matimba T            Mutambara AG

Kagurabadza M.T                                         Matinenga E.T            Mutinhiri A

Mutomba W                                                   Nkomo S.S                 Shirichena E

Mutsekwa G.T                                               Nyakudanga O                  Shoko H

Mutseyami C.P                                              Nyamudeza      S              Shoko M

Muza I                                                            Nyamupinga              Sibanda F.M

Mwonzora D.T                                              B.B                              Sibanda P.N

Mzembi W                                                    Nyaude B                             Sindi C

Navaya E                                                       Nyoni S.G.G                    Sithole A

Ncube                    S                                      Parirenyatwa                                           Tachiona                 M

Ndambakuwa F                                             D.P                               Tazviona R

Ndava R                                                         Pasihomusha-             Varandeni J

Ndebele G                                                      Matiza B.J                    Zhanda T.P

Ndhlovu A                                                     Rutsvara R                      Zhuwao P

Nemadziva N                                                Samkange                    Zwizwai M.

Nezi W                                                           N.T.C

Ngwenya B                                                    Sansole T.W

Nhema C.D.F                                                Saruwaka T.J.L

Printed by Order of the House






                                    Hon. Chitima, Hon  Dzingirayi, Hon. Langa,  Hon. Sai, Hon. Nyanhongo, Hon Huruba,


  1. The Speaker informed the House that the Hon. Minister for Finance would    present the Medium Term Fiscal Review Policy Statement for 2012 at 1445


  1. The Deputy Prime Minister, Prof. Mutambara moved: That provisions of

Standing Orders Nos. 22, regarding the automatic adjournment of the           House at five minutes to seven p.m and at twenty five minutes past one 'o'       clock p.m. On a Friday,  33(2), relating to Private Member's Motions taking     precedents on Wednesday after question time, 34(5), regarding that  question time shall be on Wednesdays, 89(1), relating to the disposal of     Votes in the Order in which they are arranged on the Order Paper, 105 and       106, relating to the referral of Bills to Portfolio Committees and Reports  from the Parliamentary Legal Committee respectively,  109 relating to  stages of Bills  and 205(5) relating to the reporting period of the     Parliamentary Legal Committee  be suspended today and the next series of    sittings  of the Finance Bill No. 2[H. B.  3, 2012] and Appropriation  Amendment Bill [H. B. 4, 2012]


Motion put and agreed to.


  1. The Speaker informed the House that Hon. Members were being requested       to collect their Parliamentary parking stickers from Room Number 4,           Main Parliament Building.


Business suspended at twenty seven minutes past two o' clock p.m.


             Business resumed at a quarter to three o' clock p.m.


Mr Speaker resumed the Chair.


  1. The Minister of Finance moved: That leave be granted to bring in a Bill and to  make further provision for the revenues and public funds of           Zimbabwe and to make provision for matters connected therewith or     incidental thereto.


The 2012 Mid - Term Fiscal Policy Review Statement


On the motion of  the Deputy Prime Minister, Prof. Mutambara : Debate adjourned until Tuesday.




  1. On the motion of he Deputy Prime Minister, Prof. Mutambara: The House    adjourned at  twenty five minutes to five  o'clock p.m.  until Tuesday 24th

July 2012.




L.N. M. Moyo








  1. Adjourned debate on motion for leave to bring in a Finance Bill (Adjourned  18th

July  – The Deputy Prime Minister, Prof. Mutambara)


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: That leave be granted to bring in a Bill to make further provision for the revenues and Public Funds of Zimbabwe and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.- The Minister of Finance


  1. SECOND READING: National Incomes and Pricing Commission Bill (H.B. 10,  2010)  The Minister of Industry and Commerce.






That this House takes note of the Report of the Privileges Committee enquiring into the allegations of contempt of Parliament charges preferred against Mr. Arafas Mtausi Gwaradzimba (S. C. 25, 2012).





That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on

Industry and Commerce on the Agreement signed between the Government of Zimbabwe and Essar Africa Holding Limited regarding the New Zimbabwe Steel Limited . (S. C. 26, 2012).





That this House takes note of the Report of the Fifth Ordinary Session of the        Second Parliament of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP).





That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on State

Enterprises and  Parastatals Management on ZESA’s  service delivery to the Nation. (S.C. 17, 2012).





That this House takes note of the Second  Report of the Portfolio Committee on State Enterprises and  Parastatals Management on the status of Air Zimbabwe.    (S.C. 18, 2012).




That this House takes note of the Report of the SADC Regional Workshop on the Role of the Parliament in Trade Policy Formulation, Trade Negotiation and Economic Integration 27-28th February 2012.





That this House takes note of the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Home Affairs on Deportations (S.C. 20, 2012).




That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare on the status of residential care institutions in Zimbabwe (S.C. 21, 2012).


11.        HON. SULULU

                                          HON. CROSS


That this House:


COGNISANT that the Executive Arm of the State is accountable to the Legislative Arm for all its acts of commission and omission,


DISTURBED by the non-implementation of government programmes;


GRATIFIED with the sterling work of the Portfolio Committees in their oversight and legislative functions,


FURTHER GRATIFIED with Committee Members’ dedication to their

Committee work and the non-partisan approach to national issues that fall under their purview;


CONCERNED with Hon. Ministers’ apparent lack of cooperation and appreciation of the work of Portfolio Committees as evidenced by their nonattendance to Committees' Oral Evidence sessions and Houses sittings during question time:


WORRIED by  Ministers’ failure to reply to Committee reports as required by

Parliamentary procedures and failure to give feedback to recommendations of Committees;


AWARE of the existence of the Committee on Government Assurances before the current Committee system;


NOW THEREFORE, that this House reminds all Committees and calls upon them to exercise the following up of Government Assurances as part of their terms of reference including


  1. Scrutinising the resolutions of the House (including adopted Committee Reports), petitions and undertakings given by the Government on the floor of the House; and


  1. Committees to propose sanctions to the House on any Minister who fails to respond to the Committee’s report in terms of procedures.




That this House:


NOTING that workers in Zimbabwe are underpaid, as their wages or salaries are below the poverty datum line (PDL) and generally worsen their working conditions;


CONCERNED at the plight of all workers both in public and private sectors who re poorly remunerated by their employers, resulting in them failing to make ends meet;


NOW THEREFORE, calls upon the Government and the all employers to pay all workers wages or salaries that are equal to or above the poverty datum line as a matter of urgency.



                             13.       HON. TSHUMA



That this House:


NOTING with appreciation the efforts of the Hwange Colliery Company Limited Board of Management to stream line its operations in order to remain viable and profitable in local and world markets;


ACKNOWLEDGING the inevitability of obsolescence or redundancies, leading to layoffs, retrenchments or any other forms of separation, as a key dynamic of capital in any political economy, locally and globally;


REALISING that government, with a major shareholding the Hwange Colliery Company Limited, has a significant stake in the retrenchment process adopted by the Company's Board;


AWARE and concerned that similar adjustment processes have been a social and humanitarian disaster for the affected localities and the individuals, as well as families


NOW THEREFORE, calls upon the government to ensure that the company employees directly affected by the retrenchment process are afforded priority status in the award of opportunities arising from the process as a matter of policy;


FURTHER URGES the government:

  1. To facilitate a sustainable public private partnership arrangement between the Hwange Colliery Company Limited Corporation and the Hwange Local Board (preferably) for the running of the town under the company administration hitherto;
  2. To facilitate the Hwange Local Board, financially, technically or howsoever, to enable its effective participation in such a scheme;
  3. To consider similar arrangement(s) for the running of the schools, hospitals, or indeed any facility identified as suitable for such an undertaking(s).


                             14.        HON.  ZHANDA



That this House:


AWARE that the operations of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) are  governed by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act (Chapter 22:15) as    amended in 2010, Banking Act (Chapter 24:20) and other related statutory  instruments;


CONCERNED with alleged high levels of corruption, shoddy deals, acts    of economic sabotage and poor corporate governance principles at the



WORRIED by the Anti-Corruption Commission's apparent involvement in  the matter;


NOW THEREFORE resolves to set up an ad hoc Committee in terms of        Standing Order Number 157, to investigate allegations of corruption at the       Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and table its findings in this House.



  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade on its visit to China. (S. C. 22, 2012) (Adjourned 17th July - The Minister of Science and Technology)

[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed:  That this House takes note of First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade on its visit to China. (S. C. 22, 2012)

                                       Hon. Mukanduri


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee     on Education, Sport and Culture on the Challenges in the Education Sector     in Zimbabwe. (S.C.19, 2012). (Adjourned 17th July – Karenyi)


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed:  That this House takes note of Second Report of the Portfolio

Committee on Education, Sport and Culture on the Challenges in the Education

Sector  in Zimbabwe. (S.C.19, 2012). – Hon. Mangami


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Second Report of the Portfolio

Committee on Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism on Waste

Disposal Management in Harare and Chitungwiza. (S.C. 21, 2012)

           (Adjourned 11th   July  -  Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises and       Co-operative Development)



[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed:  That this House takes note of Second Report of the

Portfolio Committee on Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism on Waste Disposal and Management in Harare and Chitungwiza.(S.C. 21, 2012) – Hon. Shoko M.



  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on

Local Government, Urban and Rural Development. (S.C. 14, 2012) – (Adjourned 12th June – The Deputy Minister of Media, Information and Publicity)


[Day elapsed: 1]


            Question proposed:   That this House takes note of the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee of the Local Government, Rural and Urban Development on the Zimbabwe United Passenger Company (S.C. 14, 2012) – Hon Karenyi. 


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Media, Information and Communication Technology on the State of Public Media  in Zimbabwe. (SC 8, 2011). – (Adjourned 12th June   – Sibanda .D.)


[Days elapsed: 2]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio  Committee on  Media, Information and Communication Technology on the State       of Public Media in Zimbabwe. (SC8, 2011) Hon Chikwinya.



  1. Adjourned debate on motion of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on

Budget, Finance and Investment Promotion on the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority

(ZIMRA's) operations at Border Posts (S.C. 9, 2012).  – (Adjourned 17th May  

                                         – Hon Chebundo)


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio  Committee on  Budget, Finance and Investment Promotion on the Zimbabwe  Revenue Authority (ZIMRA's) operations at Border Posts (S.C. 9, 2012).  – Hon. Cross.



  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the untimely death of Hon. Chikava –

(Adjourned  6th June  – The Deputy Prime  Minister Hon. Prof. Mutambara)


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: That this House expresses its profound sorrow on the untimely death of Hon. B. Chikava on Sunday, 17th December 2011, the Honourable Member for Mount Darwin Constituency.


Places on record its appreciation of the services which the late Member rendered to Parliament and the nation: and


Resolves that its deepest sympathy be conveyed to the family of the deceased Member of Parliament.- Hon Mangami.


  1.              Adjourned debate on motion on the  Report of the Portfolio Committee on  Local

Government, Rural and Urban Development on Service Delivery to the Local

Authorities of Gutu and Chiredzi (S.C.13, 2012)   –  (Adjourned  16th May   –

                                         The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs)


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio

Committee on Local Government, Rural and Urban Development on Service Delivery to the Local Authorities of Gutu and Chiredzi (S.C.13, 2012)    – Hon Karenyi.   


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the  First Report of the Portfolio Committee on

Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism on Conservancies and Forestry

Plantations (S.C. 11, 2012) –  (Adjourned  16th May   – The Minister of

                                         Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs)


[Days elapsed: 3]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio  Committee on Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism on Conservancies      and Forestry Plantations (S.C. 11, 2012) – Hon Nezi.   


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on  Women, Youth, Gender and Community Development  (SC 10, 2012) –

             (Adjourned  15th May   – The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary     Affairs)

[Day Elapsed 1]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio

Committee on Women, Youth, Gender and Community Development on the Challenges and Constraints Affecting the Operations of Vocational Training Centres in Zimbabwe (S.C. 10, 2012) - Hon. Matienga.



  1. Adjourned debate on motion that leave be granted to bring in a Bill to amend the

Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act in Section 121 by the Repeal of Subsection

3 (Adjourned 27th March -Hon. Gonese )

[Days elapsed: 2]


Question proposed: That leave be granted to bring in a Bill to amend the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act in Section 121 by the Repeal of Subsection  - Hon. Gonese.



  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on

Transport and Infrastructural Development on the Operations of the National Railways of Zimbabwe (S.C. 5, 2012)-(Adjourned 22nd March – Hon. Sibanda D).

[Days elapsed: 2]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Transport and Infrastructural Development on the Operations of the National Railways of Zimbabwe (S.C. 5, 2012) -Hon Chebundo.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Committee on Public

Accounts on the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General on the     Management of Government Vehicles by CMED (Private) Limited  (S.C. 3,             2012)  (Adjourned 22nd March – Hon. Gonese).



[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Committee on Public Accounts on the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General on the Management of Government Vehicles by CMED (Private) Limited  (S.C. 3, 2012) – Hon. Chinyadza.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the  Portfolio Committee on

Health and Child Welfare on the state of affairs at NatPharm (S.C. 2, of 2012) –  (Adjourned 22nd March - Hon. Sibanda D).

[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the             Committee on Health and Child Welfare on the state of affairs and NatPharm         (S.C. 2, of 2012) - Hon. Parirenyatwa. 


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local

Government and Urban Development  on the Third Quarter Budget Performance     of the Ministry of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development for the year

2011.(S.C.5, 2012)   (Adjourned 15th  March – Hon Chinomona)


[Day elapsed: 2]


           Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Report of the Portfolio

Committee on Local Government and Urban Development  on the Third      Quarter Budget Performance of the Ministry of Local Government, Rural and           Urban Development for the year 2011.(S.C.5, 2012) – Hon. Karenyi.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the workshop report of the Pan African

Parliament Permanent Committee on Trade, Customs and Immigration matters

(Adjourned 13th March – The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary     Affairs).

[Days elapsed:  6]


Question proposed:  That this House takes note of the Report on the Pan African Parliament Permanent Committee on Trade, Customs and Immigration matters workshop that was held in Gaborone Botswana in July 2011 to promote the involvement of the committee and members of Parliament on Trade, Customs and Immigration in Regional Integration efforts – Hon. Mutomba.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Indigenisation and Empowerment (General) Regulations Statutory Instrument No. 21 of 2010 (Adjourned 13th March – The  Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs)


[Days elapsed:  5]


            Question proposed:  That this House:


             COGNIZANT of the need to publish in the gazette and to enforce all  delegated legislation in conformity with the relevant Principal Acts;


DISTURBED that the Indigenisation and Empowerment (General)  Regulations

Statutory Instrument No. 21 of 2010, as read with the minimum requirements for

Indigenisation Implementation Plans for businesses in the  mining sector GN  114/2011, do not conform with the Government's Policy of economic revival         which aims at  encouraging Direct Foreign Investment;


CONCERNED that the responsible Minister promulgated the Indigenisation           Empowerment Regulations without due regard for private enterprises and             industries which are critical for Zimbabwe's  economic recovery;  CONDEMNING the practice by the responsible Minister to invoke       delegated legislation on foreign owned companies without Cabinet Authority, in          contravention of bilateral agreements, a situation which puts the Government's  credibility into disrepute;


NOW THEREFORE, resolves that the responsible Minister withdraws forthwith the Indigenisation and Empowerment Regulations and replaces them with revised versions which address broad based empowerment programmes – Hon. Musundire.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on

Mines  and Energy on the state of affairs at Shabani  Mashava Mine (S.C.10,

2011) (Adjourned 25th October - Hon. Gonese)

[Day elapsed: 1]


           Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the

Portfolio Committee on Mines and Energy on the State of Affairs at         Shabani-Mashava Mines (S.C.10, 2011). - Hon Chindori-Chininga.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government, Rural and Urban Development (Adjourned 26th September – D. Sibanda).

   [Day elapsed: 2]


            Question proposed:   That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government, Urban and Rural Development on the public hearings on the state of service delivery by the Municipalities of Harare, Chitungwiza and Norton. (S.C. 6, 2010)- Hon. Matimba.


  1. SECOND READING: Urban Councils Amendment Bill (H.B. 5, 2011) -

             HON. MATIMBA















*1. HON CHITANDO:  To ask the Co – Ministers of Home Affairs to state  to the


              a)  The case number of  the death of Zvidzai Mapurisa which was reported


                  at  Muchakata Police Station in June 2008 in Masvingo Province;
              b)  An account of circumstances leading to Zvidzai Mapurisa's


                  murder in June 2008 at Rarangwe Village 21;
              c)  Results of the post mortem on the causes of the death of Zvidzai



                 Mapurisa; and

d) Stages at which investigations are and the action that has been taken on the accused.

[Deferred from, Wednesday 20th June 2012.]



HON MATIBE:  To ask the Co-ministers of Home Affairs to state the offenses which  attract spot-fines and those that do not.

[Deferred from, Wednesday 20th  June 2012]


*3.       HON VARANDENI:  To ask the Minister of Home Affairs to inform the House on             the Ministry's Policy regarding the display of Zimbabwe Republic Police's force             numbers on their uniforms.


*4.        HON VARANDENI:  To ask the Minister of Home Affairs to inform the House ;


  1. How much revenue have been generated from road blocks manned by the Z.R.P nation wide and
  2. State who are the custodians of the revenue is and how the funds are managed.


*5.      HON KANZAMA:  To ask the Minister of Finance to inform the House how much            revenue was earned  by treasury  this year from the following minerals;


  1. Gold
  2. Platinum from Zimplats and other mining Companies
  3. Chrome
  4. Diamonds from Murowa and River Ranch



*6. HON ZHUWAO:  To ask the Minister of Finance to explain the government's Policy
   regarding depositors  account balances in Zimbabwean  dollars, in view of banks
  that are put under curatorship or        have been liquidated, with particular


reference to the depositors' protection scheme.
*7. HON SARUWAKA:  To ask the Minister of Finance to explain the Government's
  policy regarding depositors account balances in Zimbabwe dollars, in view of
  banks that are put under curatorship or liquidated, with particular reference
  to the depositors' protection scheme.


*8.   HON. MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister of State in the President's Office to explain

to the House why the following members of the Central Intelligence           Organisation have been allowed to hold political party positions as Central           Committee Members of ZANU PF whilst they are still in full-time employment of           the state:

  1. Tabeth Kanengoni from Mashonaland Central
  2. Jesca Chidza from Manicaland, and
  • Lazma Humbe from Manicaland


[Deferred from, Wednesday 5th October 2011]


*9.      HON CHIMHINI: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development           to explain to the House why for seven years now, the Mutasa District

Development Fund has not been able to service or maintain roads such as Honde          Green to Ngarura - Rupinda, Muterere to Mandeya2, Hauna to Mandeya 2 via           Loretto and any other roads under its jurisdiction.


[Transferred from, Wednesday 11th June 2012]

*10. HON CHEBUNDO:  To ask the Ministry of Industry and Commerce to explain the
  measures the Ministry is taking to avert the closure of Sable Chemical Industries



Limited which is facing numerous challenges.

[Deferred from, Wednesday 28th  March 2012]

*11. HON CHEBUNDO:  To ask the Minister of Industry and Commerce to explain the
  measures the Ministry is taking to address the unethical management operations
  and contractual policies for inputs and the welfare of workers at Sable Chemicals


Industries Limited.

[Deferred from, Wednesday 28th  March 2012]


*12.     HON CROSS: To ask the Minister of Industry and Commerce to inform to the

House why the agreements entered into with ESSAR have not been                   Implemented.

[Deferred from, Wednesday 20th June 2012]


*13      HON MUSUMBU:  To ask the Minister of  Industry and Commerce to explain to the



What measures have been put in place to address the closure of Hunyani Holdings            and  Green Acres Estates in Norton which have since been bought by an            individual and HASST Zimbabwe.



*14. HON C. MHANDU: To ask the Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs to inform the

House; on the following


  1. Government's position on the recent judgement in South Africa by Judge Hans             Fabricius of North Gauteng High Court to investigate and prosecute eighteen (18)

High ranking Zimbabwean Officials alleged to have been involved in Human

Rights abuses – in a case, Southern Africa Litigation Centre and Zimbabwe

Exiles Forum vs South African National Prosecuting Authority and South Africa

Police Services;


  1. Measures the Government is taking to stop foreign countries from interfering in its internal constitutional and legal matters;


  • Whether South Africa has the jurisdiction to pass such inter-territorial       judgements;


  1. Names of the eighteen (18) High ranking Zimbabwe officials who are alleged to be involved in the litigation and whether they were informed of the litigation?


[Deferred from, Wednesday 20th June 2012]


*15.   HON. MARAMWIDZE:  To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural            Development to inform the House when the Gutu / Buhera road will be               resurfaced.

[Deferred from, Wednesday 20th June 2012]



*16.      HON MARAMWIDZE:  To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural  Development to explain to the House how the toll gate funds have been  utilised throughout the country.

[Deferred from, Wednesday 20 June 2012]


*17.      HON GOTO:  To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to              inform the House whether  the road construction from Mushandirapamwe to              Hwedza Growth point would be prioritised in terms of widening  it before the              end of 2013 in view of the increased number of road accidents.


*18.       HON. CHIMBETETE:  To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural              Development to  inform the  House when the Ministry is going to take action on              the accidents taking place at Tomboone under Nyanga South Constituency where              most bus disasters have occurred claiming a total of 164 lives since 1991.


*19. HON MARAMWIDZE:  To ask the Minister of Media and Information Publicity to
  explain why sexually  provocative, ZANU PF jingles that propergate its



propaganda are imposed on the public.

[Deferred from, Wednesday 20th  June 2012]

*20. HON MADUBEKO:  To ask the Minister of Education, Sport Arts and Culture to
  inform the House on the operational challenges of the Educational Transition
  Fund 1 and how those challenges were resolved in the Ministry's Educational



Transition Fund 2 programme.

[Deferred from, Wednesday 20th  June 2012]

*21. HON MASAITI:  To ask the Minister of State Enterprises and Parastatals
  Management whether he is aware that the workers of National Railways of




Zimbabwe are not being paid.

[Deferred from, Wednesday 20th  June 2012]

*22. HON MASAITI:  To ask the Minister of State Enterprises and Parastatals
  Management to state challenges being faced by the parastatal and plans that are in



place to ensure that the service industry does not collapse.

[Deferred from, Wednesday 20th  June 2012]




HON SULULU: To ask the Minister of State Enterprises and Parastatals to ;

1.State the exact number of directors who have been trained under the corporate      governance training programme.

2.The positive charges that have been noted within the Ministry after the training of the said Directors.

[Deferred from, Wednesday 20th  June 2012]


*24.     HON SIBANDA P.N.  To ask the Minister of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment to explain the criteria used to identify the groups of people that benefited from the youth fund disbursed in March 2012.


[Deferred from, Wednesday 20th June 2012]


*25.    HON JIRI:  To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation            Development to explain why  the maize debt owed by our nation to Malawi            should be paid using taxpayer's money when it benefited ZANU P.F. Supporters            only.


*26.     HON. CHIMBETETE:  To ask the Minister of Water Resources and Development to             explain to the House what the government policy is regarding the Nyanga Rural             District   water account which has remained in the control of ZINWA instead of             Nyanga District Council being in charge of its own developments and better             management.





Monday 25th July 2012


At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 1


            Transport and Infrastructure Development –Hon. Chebundo


Hon. Baloyi, Hon. Chanetsa, Hon. Chebundo, Hon. Dongo, Hon. Dzirutwe,

Hon. Mandebvu, Hon. Mhlanga, Hon. Makhuyana,                                                                   Hon. Mushore,  Hon. Nyakudanga, Hon. Raradza, Hon. Rutsvara

Clerk Ms Macheza


At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 2


             Defence and Home Affairs –                Hon. Madzore (Chairperson) 

Hon. Chaderopa, Hon. Denga, Hon. Huruba, Hon. Madzore, Hon. Mafios, Hon. (Rtd Brig.) Mutinhiri, Hon. Ziteya, Hon. Mangena, Hon. Mhandu (Rtd) Major C, Hon. Moyo R, Hon. Mutseyami, Hon. Mwonzora, Hon. Sululu. - Clerk Mr Daniel    


At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 4



           Public Accounts – Hon Chinyadza (Chairperson) Hon. Bhasikiti, Hon.

Chikava, Hon. Chinyadza, Hon. Hove, Hon. Mangena, Hon. Matiza, Hon.

Mbwembwe, Hon. Moyo S, Hon. Muguti, Hon. Musundire, Hon.

Nyamupinga  B, Hon. Sai, Hon. Sansole T, Hon. Sululu.-    Clerk Mrs



At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 311


             Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism – Hon. M. Dube  (Chaiperson) Hon. Bhasikiti, Hon. Chitima, Hon. Karenyi, Hon.  Machacha, Hon. Mahoka, Hon. Matienga, Hon. Mazikana, Hon.

Ndambakuwa, Hon. Nezi, Hon. Saruwaka, Hon. Shoko M, Hon. Sibanda

C.C, Hon. Sibanda P.N  - Clerk Mr Mazani 



At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 311


          Mines and Energy – Hon. Chindori-Chininga  (Chairperson) Hon. Chindori-Chininga, Hon. Chinomona, Hon. Dzingirayi, Hon. Kagurabadza,  Hon. Katsande, Hon. Kay, Hon. Haritatos, Hon. Makamure, Hon. Maposhere, Hon. Mare, Hon. Marima, Hon. Mudarikwa, Hon.

Mudiwa, Hon. Mudzuri. E, Hon. Mungofa, Hon. Munjeyi, Hon

Munengami, Hon. Musvaire, Hon. Muza, Hon. Navaya, Hon. Nemadziva,

Hon. Shoko H.  -  Clerk Mrs Mataruka


At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 3


            Higher Education, Science and Technology –  Hon. S.M. Ncube 


Hon. Chanetsa, Hon. Chitando, Hon. Dumbu, Hon. Khumalo Martin, Hon. Kumalo Marvellous, Hon. Mafios, Hon. Maramwidze, Hon. Matamisa, Hon. Mnkandla, Hon. Muza, Hon. S.M. Ncube, Hon. Ndhlovu A, Hon. Zhuwao.

            Clerk Mrs Zenda 



At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 


           Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare – Hon. Zinyemba  (Chairperson) 

Hon. Chibaya, Hon. Chirongwe, Hon. Chivamba, Hon. Goto, Hon.

Garadhi, Hon. Gwiyo, Hon. Khumalo T, Hon. Khumalo S.S, Hon.

Mahlangu, Hon. Mudau, Hon. Sibanda F.M, Hon. Zinyemba. - Clerk Ms



At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 4


            Budget, Finance and Investment Promotion – Hon. Zhanda  (Chairperson) Hon. Beremauro, Hon. Bhebhe A, Hon. Chinyadza, Hon. Cross, Hon. M. Dube, Hon. Kanzama, Hon. Khumalo Martin, Hon. Mashakada, Hon. Matshalaga, Hon.

Muguti, Hon. Mukanduri, Hon. Ndava, Hon. Nyaude, Hon. Saruwaka, Hon.

Sibanda, Hon. Zhanda. - Clerk Mr Ratsakatika


At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 311


             Public Works and National Housing – Hon. Mupukuta (Chairperson)  Hon. Chimhini, Hon. Chirume, Hon. Chimbetete, Hon. Jiri, Hon. Kachepa, Hon.

Mabhena,Hon. Mudzuri H, Hon. Mupukuta, Hon. Ndambakuwa, Hon. Ndebele

G, Hon. Ngwenya, Hon. Shirichena, Hon. Sindi. - Clerk -  Mr Mazani


At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 413


Justice, Legal Affairs, Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs – Hon

  Mwonzora (Chairperson) Hon. Gonese, Hon. Kapesa, Hon. Mangami, Hon.

Mangwana, Hon. Matimba, Hon. Matiza, Hon.  Hon. Mkandla T.Z, Hon.

Matimba, Hon. Mudarikwa, Hon. Muchauraya, Hon. Mushonga S.L,  Hon.

Mwonzora, Hon. Navaya, Hon. Parirenyatwa, Hon. Shoko M, Hon. Tshuma B.

Hon Varandeni J. - Clerk Miss Zenda





At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 1


            Health and Child Welfare – Hon. Parirenyatwa  (Chairperson) Hon.

Chebundo, Hon. Chivamba, Hon. Dube M, Hon. Kachepa,  Hon. Masaiti, Hon.

Matamisa, Hon. Matshalaga, Hon. Mudavanhu, Hon. Munengami, Hon. Ndebele

G, Hon. Nyamupinga, Hon. Parirenyatwa D, Hon. Shoko H, Hon. Ziyambi. -

             Clerk Mrs Khumalo




At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 3


Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade – Hon. Mukanduri  (Chairperson) Hon.Gumbo J.M, Hon. Chanetsa, Hon. Chirongwe, Hon. Gwiyo, Hon. Jembere, Hon. Maramwidze, Hon. Mukanduri, Hon.

Mushonga, Hon. Muza, Hon. Ndlovu A, Hon. Ngwenya, Hon. Rutsvara, Hon.

Sibanda D, Hon. Sindi, Hon. Tshuma. - Clerk Mr Chiremba


At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 2


            State Enterprises and Parastatals Management – Hon. Mavima     

        (Chairperson)   Hon. Matibe, Hon.  Mavima, Hon. Maramba, Hon. Mkhosi E,

Hon. Ndava, Hon. Ngwenya, Hon. Sibanda P N, Hon. Ziyambi. - Clerk           Ms



At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 2


            Industry and Commerce – Hon. Mutomba  (Chairperson)Hon. Chihota, Hon.

Dube P, Hon. Hove, Hon. Kanzama, Hon. Madubeko, Hon. Matshalaga, Hon.

Madzimure, Hon. Mavima, Hon. Mharadza, Hon. Mutomba, Hon. Nyaude, Hon.

Sansole, Hon. Sithole.  -  Clerk Miss Masara



At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 311


 Agriculture, Water, Lands and Resettlement – Hon Jiri (Chairperson) Hon. Chinomona, Hon Denga, Hon. Dube P, Hon. Dube M, Hon. Jiri, Hon. Katsande, Hon. Mahoka, Hon. Makamure, Hon. Makuyana, Hon. Mkhosi E, Hon. Mlambo, Hon. Mlilo, Hon. Raradza, Hon. Sai, Hon. Varandeni, Hon.

Zhanda. - Clerk Mr A. Mutyambizi



At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 4


Local Government, Rural and Urban Development – Hon. Karenyi 

(Chairperson) Hon T.S. Chambati, Hon. Karenyi,   Hon. Dube M, Hon. Garandi,

Hon. Kapesa, Hon. Matimba, Hon. Mudzuri E., Hon. Musvaire, Hon. Mudau,

Hon. Mkandla T.Z, Hon. Nyakudanga, Hon. Samkange. - Clerk Mr Daniel



Thursday 26 July 2012


At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 413


Media, Information and Communication Technology – Hon. S.

     Chikwinya   (Chairperson)Hon. Baloyi, Hon. Chaderopa, Hon.

Hlongwane, Hon. Mandebvu, Hon. Matonga, Hon. Mudarikwa, Hon.

Mudzuri H., Hon. Jembere, Hon.  Muchauraya, Hon. Mudiwa, Hon.

Musumbu, Hon. Sibanda C.C., Hon. Sululu, Hon. Varandeni, Hon.

Ziyambi. - Clerk Mr Mutyambizi



At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 1



           Small and Medium Enterprise Cooperative Development –

            Hon. Moyo Chairperson  Hon. Gonese, Hon Mabhena, Hon. Makuyana M,          Hon. Maramwidze Hon. Musvaire, Hon. Matibe, Hon. Maposhere, Hon.      Mbwembwe, Hon. Moyo R, Hon. Mhlanga, Hon. Munjeyi, Hon. Muza,  Hon Munengami, Hon. Mare,  Hon. Navaya, Hon. Nemadziva, Hon.

Ngwenya, Hon. Nyamudeza, Hon. Sansole, Hon. Sai, Hon. Sindi, Hon.

Tazviona, Hon. Zhuwao, Hon. Zinyemba. - Clerk Ms Mushunje



At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 3


           Women Affairs, Youth, Gender and Community Development –  Hon  Matienga (Chairperson) Hon. Chibaya,  Hon. Chirume, Hon. Chitima,      Hon. Dzingirayi, Hon. Goto, Hon. Kagurabadza,  Hon Masaiti, Hon.

Matienga, Hon. Mahlangu, Hon. Mudavanhu, Hon. Makamure, Hon.

Katsande, Hon.  Mafios, Hon. Mharadza,  Hon. Shirichena, Hon. Sithole A.

Clerk Mr Kunzwa


At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 4


Education, Sports and Culture- Hon. Mangami (Chairperson)Hon. Bhasikiti, Hon. Chihota, Hon. Chimhini, Hon. Chitando, Hon. Dumbu, Hon. Haritatos, Hon. Kumalo Marvellous, Hon. Khumalo S., Hon.

Madubeko, Hon. Mangami, Hon. Mhashu F.G, Hon. Muchinguri, Hon.

Khumalo S.S Hon. Mupukuta, Hon. Muza, Hon. S.M Ncube, Hon. Nezi,

Hon. Sibanda F.M. Hon. Saruwaka- Clerk - Ms Chikuvire























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