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  • Create Date March 18, 2009
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No. 23
















Quarter past two o‟clock p.m The Speaker in the Chair




Members Present




Baloyi A,

Beremauro G,

Bhasikiti K,

Bhebhe A,

Biti L.T

Buka F,

Chaderopa F Chambati T.S

Chamisa N

Chibaya                A

Chikava B,

Chikwinya S,

Chimanikire G,

Chimbetete W.M

Chimhini D.A,

Chinomona M.M

Kachepa               N

Kagurabadza M.T

Matonga                B

Matshalaga            O

Matutu T

Mavima L.D Mazikana P.H

Mguni N

Mhandu C

Mhashu F.G

Mkhosi E.T.M

Mlambo M.M

Mlilo O.S

Mnkandla T

Mohadi K.C.D

Moyo R

Moyo S

Mpariwa P

Mpofu N

Muchauraya P

Muchena O. N

Mudarikwa S

Mudau M

Mudavanhu E

Mudenge I.S,

Mudiwa S

Mudzuri H

Muguti C

Mukanduri S.T

Mukonoweshuro E

Munengami            F

Mungofa P.T

Munjeyi                 G

Mushonga S.L

Mushore L

Musumbu E

Musundire         A.L

Musvaire W

Mutinhiri T

Mutomba W

Mutsekwa G.T

Mutseyami C.P

Mwonzora D.T

Mzembi W

Navava E

Kanzama F

Kapesa R



Katsande A

Kay J.I.H

Khumalo M,

Khumalo N.M,

Khumalo S.S,

Khumalo T

Khupe T

Kumalo M





Madzore P

Mafios I.D

Mahlangu T

Mahoka S

Majome F.J


Makone T.M


Mangena J

Mangoma E.S









Chinyadza W

Chiota P.C

Chirongwe R,

Chirume O

Chitando J

Chitima A,

Chivamba K,

Cross E.G

Denga P

Dongo G.Z

Dube C.R.E

Dube M

Dumbu F




Dzirutwe G

Gabuza J.G

Garadhi S

Gonese I.T

Goto R

Gumbo J.M


Haritatos P

Hove S.R

Jembere E

Jiri M



Mangwana M.P

Maposhere           D

Maramba P.H

Maramwidze E H

Mare M

Marima E

Masaiti                  E

Mashakada T

Matamisa          E.E

Matibe T.P

Matibenga L.G

Matienga             M

Matimba T

Matinenga E.T


Ndambakuwa F

Ndava R

Nemadziva N

Nezi W

Nguni S.R

Ngwenya B

Nkomo S.S

Nyakudanga O





Nyoni S.G.G


Matiza B.J

Pemhenayi C.F

Raradza E

Rutsvara R

Samkange N.T.C

Sansole T.W

Saruwaka T.J.L

Shoko H

Shoko M

Sibanda             C.C

Sibanda D.S

Sibanda F.M

Sindi C

Sithole A

Sululi A

Tshuma B

Undenge S

Zhanda T.P

Zhuwao P

Zinyemba M

Ziteya K.S

Ziyambi W.Z Zwizwai M.


Nyamupinga B.B

Nyaude B



Printed by Order of the House


Absent with leave

Chanetsa P.T Chebundo B.

Huruba T.

Langa A.

Mangani D.

Maposhera D. Masukume NPS Matonga B.

Sai S.


  1. Paper laid upon the Table-


The Minister of Finance


            Main Estimates of Expenditure for the year ended December 31st, 2009 (Cmd R.Z. 3 of 2009)


  1. The Speaker announced that there would be a SADC Parliamentary Forum workshop for Female Members of Parliament on Information Communication Technology (ICT) from the 24th to 27th of March 2009 in the Government Caucus Room from 9 am. All Female Members of Parliament were urged to attend.


  1. The Speaker also announced the appointment of Hon E. Matamisa to the Pan African Parliament to replace Hon P. Mpariwa who is now a Minister.


  1. The Speaker also announced that all Hon Members were invited to the launch of the Short Term Recovery Programme (STERP) by His Excellency, the President Cde R.G. Mugabe. The Launch is on Thursday 19th March 2009 at 1030 hours at the Harare International Conference Centre (HICC).


  1. Committee nominated-          Standing Rules and Orders:

The Speaker (Chairperson), The President of The Senate, The Deputy Speaker, The Deputy President of The Senate, The two Vice-Presidents, The Prime Minister, The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs,

The Minister of Finance, The Whips of Political Parties that Signed the Interparty Political Agreement, The Deputy Leader of Government in the House of Assembly, The Deputy Leader of Government Business of in the Senate, Eight Members elected by the House of Assembly and Four Members elected by the Senate, Hon. Prof A. G. O. Mutambara, Prof W. Ncube, Hon N. Mguni, Hon. T. Khumalo, Hon T. Matutu, Hon T. Mashakada, Hon. Sen O. Gutu, Hon E. D. Mnangagwa, Hon. P. M. Mangwana, Hon. M. Chinomona, Hon. Sen. P. A. Chinamasa and Hon. Sen. Chief F. Z. Charumbira.


  1. The Deputy Primer Minister, Hon Khupe with leave, moved: That the provisions of Standing Orders Nos. 22, 33, 34, 104, 105, 106 (3) and 109 regarding the automatic adjournment of the House at five minute to seven o‟clock p.m. and at twenty-five minutes past one o‟clock p.m. on Friday, the precedence of Private Members Business on Wednesdays, the taking of questions for oral answers at the commencement of business on Wednesdays, the publication of Bills in the Government Gazette and notice of presentation of Bills, the referral of Bills to Portfolio Committees, to reports from the Parliamentary Legal Committee and stages of Bills respectively, be suspended in respective of the Finance Bill, 2009 (H.B. 3, 2009) and the Appropriation (2009) Bill.


  1. The Minister of Finance, with leave, moved: That the Main Estimates of Expenditures for 2009 and Finance Bill be withdrawn and replaced with revised versions of the same.


Motion put and agreed to.


  1. The Deputy Prime Minister, Hon Khupe moved: That Orders of the Day Nos 1 to 5, for today, stand over until Order of the Day No. 6 has been disposed of.


Motion put and agreed to.



  1. Adjourned debate on motion that leave be granted to bring in a Finance Bill- (Adjourned 17thMarch 2009 -The Deputy Minister of Mines and Mining Development)


[Time elapsed: 3 hours 45 minutes]


Question again proposed:


            That leave be granted to bring in a Bill to make further provision for the revenues and public funds of Zimbabwe and to make provision for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto- The Acting Minister of Finance.


Motion put and agreed.


  1. The Minister of Finance accordingly presented a Bill to make further provision for the revenues and public funds of Zimbabwe and to make provision for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto- Finance Bill, 2009 (H.B. 3, 2009).


Bill read the first time.  Referred to the Parliament Legal Committee.


  1. The Deputy Prime Minister moved: That Order of the Day Nos. 1 to 4 for today, stand over until Order of the Day No. 5 has been disposed of.


Motion put and agreed to.




(House in Committee)


Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending December 31, 2009 (Cmd R.Z. 3, 2009).

Vote No. 1 – “President and Cabinet”, US$20,038921, put and agreed to.

Vote No. 2 – “Parliament of Zimbabwe”, US$7,102,200 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 3  – “Public Service Labour and Social Welfare ”, US$7,710,250 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 4 – “Defence”, US$64,866,100 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 5 – “Finance”, US$69,776,300 put and agreed to.

Vote No.6 – “Vote of Credit”

Vote No. 7  – “Audit”, US$ 1,932,800 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 8 –  “Industry and Commerce”, US$2,645,600 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 9 – “Agriculture Mechanisation and Irrigation Development”, US$ 48,179,140 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 10 – “Mines and Mining Development”,US$5,491,000 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 11 – “Environment and Natural Resources Management”, $US 3,363,700 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 12 – “Transport and and Infrastructure Development”, US$ 37,475,400 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 13  – “Foreign Affairs”, US$ 22,455,300 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 14  – “Local Government, and Rural Development”, US$ 21,538,700 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 15  – “Health and Child Welfare”, US$ 157,673,800 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 16 – “Education, Sport, Arts and Culture”, US$ 177,256,900 put and agreed to.

Vote No.  17 – “Higher and Tertiary Education”, US$47,823,300 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 18 – “Youth, Indigenisation and Employment”, US$ 16,118,700 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 19 – “Home Affairs”, US$ 73,391,800 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 20 – “Justice and Legal Parliamentary Affairs”, US$37,612,100 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 21  – “Media, Information and Publicity”, US$ 1,686,000 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 22  – “Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperative

Development”, US$ 2,071,400 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 23 – “ Energy and Power Development”, US$7,774,755 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 24  – “Economic Planning and Investment Promotion”, US$ 1,365,100 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 25  – “Science and Technology Development”, US$ 4,781,034 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 26  – “Women   Affairs, Gender and Community Development”, US$ 2,563,100 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 27  – “National Housing and Social Amenities”, US$ 7,683,200 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 28 – “Water Resources Development and

Infrastructure”,US$4,735,400 put and agreed to

Vote No.29 – “Constitutional and Parliamentary and Management”, US$ 8,781,100 put and agreed to.

Vote No.30 – “Tourism and Hospitality Industry”, US$ 859,500 put and agreed to.

Vote No.31 – “Labour and Social Services”, US$ 39,182,900 put and agreed to.

Vote No.32 – “State Enterprises and Services”, US$ 685,900 put and agreed to.

Vote No.33 – “Information Communication Technology”, US$ 779,500 put and agreed to.

Vote No.34 – “Public Works”, US$ 12,009,800 Vote No.29 – “put and agreed to.

Vote No.35 – “Regional Integration and International Cooperation”, US$ 2,903,000 put and agreed to.

Vote No.36 – “Lands and Rural Resettlement”, US$ 2,622,600 put and agreed to.

(House resumed)

Main Estimates of Expenditure reported without amendment.


Report adopted.


  1. The Minister of Finance presented a Bill to apply a sum of money for the service of Zimbabwe for the year ending 31 December 2009 – Appropriation (2009) Bill (H.B. 4, 2009)


Bill read the first time.  Referred to the Parliamentary Legal Committee.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned

17th March 2009 – The Deputy Minister of Mines and Mining Development) 


[Time elapsed: 11 hours 59 minutes]          Question again proposed


That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows:-


May it please you, your Excellency the President:


We, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament - Hon Mazikana.


On the motion of the Deputy Prime Minister, Hon Khupe:  Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the postponement of the opening of schools from the 13th to the 27th of January 2009 (Adjourned 3rd March 2009 – The Minister of Defence)


[Days elapsed: 4]


Question again proposed:  That this House-


WORRIED by the postponement of the opening of schools from the 13th of January 2009 to the 27th of January 2009;


CONCERNED by the uncertainty surrounding the education sector as manifested by the delay in the marking of Grade 7, „O‟ and  „A‟ Level examinations and the threat by teachers not to go back to work unless their demands are met;


SHOCKED by the unwarranted interference in the operations of “Trust” schools and other private educational institutions;


ALARMED by the failure of those who claim to be in charge to find answers to the crisis in the educational sector which resulted in most students failing to attend lessons in 2008;


DISTURBED by the fact that this situation may deteriorate in 2009;


            NOW, therefore, calls upon those responsible to take a holistic approach and find solutions to the crisis – Hon Mhashu.


On the motion of the Deputy Prime Minister:  Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Report from the Parliamentary Legal Committee NOT being an adverse report on the following bill-


[Date Received]


Finance Bill, 2009 (H.B. 3, 2009)………………………...18th March, 2009


Second reading-forthwith.


  1. SECOND READING: Finance Bill,2009  (H.B. 3, 2009)-The Minister of Finance


Bill read a second time. Committee-forthwith.


(House in Committee)


Clauses 1to 60 and schedule put and agreed to.


Bill reported without amendment.


Third reading-forthwith.


Bill read a third time.


  1. Report from the Parliamentary Legal Committee NOT being an adverse report on the following bill-


[Date Received]


Appropriation Bill, 2009  (H.B. 4, 2009)………………….18th March, 2009


Second reading-forthwith.


  1. SECOND READING: Appropriation (2009) Bill, (H.B. 4, 2009)-The Minister of Finance


Bill read a second time. Third reading-forthwith.


Bill read a third time.

  1. Bills transmitted to the Senate-


Date Transmitted


Finance Bill, 2009 (H.B. 3, 2009)


Appropriation (2009) Bill (H.B 4, 2009) ………………….18th March, 2009


  1. On the motion of the Deputy Prime Minister, Hon Khupe: The House adjourned at four minutes past five o‟clock until Tuesday, 24th March 2009 at a quarter past two o‟clock in the afternoon.












DEVASTATED by the tragic and untimely death of Susan Nyaradzo Tsvangirai the wife of the Prime Minister of Zimbabwe, the Right Honourable Morgan Richard Tsvangirai.


SADDENED by the loss of a dear companion and a pillar of strength to the Right Honorable Prime Minister.


NOTING that the loss was felt by the whole nation, which showed unity of purpose in mourning the loss of a woman who was a symbol of hope and inspiration to all Zimbabweans.



Conveys it profound condolences to the Right Honourable Prime Minister, the Tsvangirai and Mhundwa families.


Expresses its deep sorrow and sadness at the tragic and unexpected loss of life.


Takes this opportunity to celebrate the life of a woman who went through trials and tribulations in support of her husband and the cause he stands for.


FURTHER takes this opportunity to express its appreciation for the role that she and other women have played behind the scenes in furtherance of the careers of their husbands.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned

18th March 2009 – The Deputy Prime Minister, Hon Khupe) 


[Time elapsed: 11 hours 59 minutes]

Question proposed


That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows:-


May it please you, your Excellency the President:


We, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament - Hon Mazikana.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the postponement of the opening of schools from the 13th to the 27th of January 2009 (Adjourned 18th March 2009 – The Deputy Prime Minister, Hon Khupe)


[Days elapsed: 4]


Question proposed:  That this House-


WORRIED by the postponement of the opening of schools from the 13th of January 2009 to the 27th of January 2009;


CONCERNED by the uncertainty surrounding the education sector as manifested by the delay in the marking of Grade 7, „O‟ and  „A‟ Level examinations and the threat by teachers not to go back to work unless their demands are met;


SHOCKED by the unwarranted interference in the operations of “Trust” schools and other private educational institutions;


ALARMED by the failure of those who claim to be in charge to find answers to the crisis in the educational sector which resulted in most students failing to attend lessons in 2008;


DISTURBED by the fact that this situation may deteriorate in 2009;


            NOW, therefore, calls upon those responsible to take a holistic approach and find solutions to the crisis – Hon Mhashu.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the structural dislocation of Zimbabwe‟s economy (Adjourned 3rd March 2009- The Minster of Defence)


[Days Elapsed: 4]

Question proposed: That this House-


CONCERNED WITH the structural dislocation of Zimbabwe‟s economy, macroeconomic dysfunctionality and the pervasive levels of failure by the state.


DISTURBED BY the high levels of poverty, unemployment and suffering of the people of Zimbabwe.


CONCERNED BY the collapse of the public education, public health and public transport infrastructure in the country.


FURTHER CONCERNED BY the deeply seated humanitarian crisis, the absence of the rule of law, the food crisis and the extent of deprivation and want by our people.


ALARMED BY the high levels of corruption, looting, avarice, asset stripping, patronage and clientelism prevalent in the country.


CONCERNED BY THE militarization and politicization in the distribution of food.


FURTHER CONCERNED by the deliberate indifference to the crisis by those in control.




  1. i) To express its strong concern to the responsible authorities and urge all concerned to direct their energies towards the rebuilding of Zimbabwe.


  1. i) To call for the crafting of policies to address these challenges being faced by Zimbabweans- Hon Biti.


5.         HON. GONESE              HON. MAJOME


COMMENDING the people of Zimbabwe on a fairly decent election on 29 March 2008.


CONCERNED by the reports of alleged murder, torture, rape, arson and looting that took place after the harmonized elections of 29 March 2008.


FURTHER CONCERNED by levels of lawlessness, abuse of the rule of law and abuse of state institutions in this violence.



A select Committee of Parliament be appointed to investigate the violence that took place after the March 28 and report its findings to Parliament.





(Additional Estimates of Expenditure (2008) - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29).















HON. MLAMBO: To ask the Minister of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Development to explain:

I)        government policy concerning the youth who were employed by government during the run off elections for campaign purposes; and  II)           whether the youth are on the government payroll.

*2. HON MLAMBO:  to ask the Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs what the Ministry is doing about prisoners who are dying of hunger and cholera in Chipinge Prison.




HON MLAMBO:  To ask the Minister of Education, Sports, Arts and Culture to explain what the Ministry is doing about the shortage of teaching aids/implements in schools.


HON MLAMBO:  To ask the Minister of Lands and Rural Resettlement to explain government policy concerning white farmers who have one farm each.


HON NYAMUDEZA:  To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development when the farmers in the Middle Sabi should expect payment for their wheat sold to the grain marketing board in 2007.



HON MUDARIKWA:  To ask the Minister of Mines and Mining Development to explain whether he is aware:-

I)     that diamond miners have to wait six months to be granted authority to export their diamonds.

II)   that the US$3 000 and US$12 000 currently charged by the ministry per quarter and annum respectively for export permits have affected the small sector most because they cannot afford to pay these amounts.



HON MADZIMURE: To ask the Minister of Mines and Mining Development to explain:

I)     the circumstances surrounding the engagement of the army by; government to drive out illegal miners at chiadzwa diamonds fields and the high handed manner in which the army handled the situation;

II)   whether there were any casualties and if so, how many lives were lost; and

III)who is now legally mining diamonds at chiadzwa and how much diamond production is realized per month.



HON MUDIWA:  To ask the Minister of Mines and Mining Development to explain:
  1. the issue surrounding the relocation of the people of Chiadzwa since the governor of Manicaland has been quoted in the press as having visited the area and given them a deadline to vacate the area by may 2009;
  2. whether an environment impact assessment has been done for the proposed mining area according to section 97 of the environmental management act and whether stakeholders were consulted;
  • whether an explanation was given to the people of Chiadzwa as to why they have to be; and
  1. whether there is a feasibility report dealing with the effect of the intended relocation showing the impact on the education and culture of the people and how the issue of compensation is going to be addressed.


HON NYAMANDE:  To ask the Minister of Finance to explain what people of Makoni Central should do with their old bank notes that have been made obsolete by the introduction of new bank notes as they feel that they have been prejudiced of their hard earned cash.


HON MADZIMURE:  To ask the Minister of Finance to:-
  1. inform this House whether an independent audit of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe‟s activities vis-à-vis the distribution of farm mechanization equipment and agricultural inputs will be carried out; and
  2. furnish this House with the names of the beneficiaries of the Reserve

Bank of Zimbabwe‟s farm mechanization and input distribution schemes.


*11.     HON. F.M. SIBANDA:  To ask the Minister of Finance to state:-

  1. i) the measures that were put in place to prevent abuse of the USA$ 100 vouchers given to civil servants as allowances; and
  2. II) if any corrective measures have been taken against Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe employees who were given USA$ 100 allowance since they are not civil Servants.


HON NYAMANDE:  To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs whether in the light of a general amnesty granted to all civil servants and other skilled workers who are in the diaspora, there are any government guarantees to bankers and those operating foreign based radio stations and on-line newspapers that they will not be arrested when they come back to re-build Zimbabwe.


HON MADZIMURE:  To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to explain why Zimbabwe has not ratified the UN Convention against Torture.


HON MADZIMURE:  To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs whether the Ministry approves the alleged torture of suspects as a means of getting confessions, if not, why suspects are still being tortured and evidence obtained through such means used in court.


HON MADZIMURE:  To ask the Minister of Defence to inform the house what happened to guns that were allegedly issued for campaign purposes to retired army officers and war veterans during the period 29 march 2008 to 30 June 2008.


HON. F.M. SIBANDA:  To ask the Minister of Defence to state:-

i)                the correct position of the Defence Forces regarding the political order

as signed on 15th September 2008 and the measures the Ministry is taking to ensure that the entire Defence Forces uphold the Global Political Agreement (G.P.A).


ii)              the steps the Ministry is taking to protect junior soldiers from unwarranted threats by their Commanders for supporting the new political order as signed on the 15th September 2008.




HON MADZIMURE:  To ask the Minister of Information Communication Technology to explain:

I)     why in this modern world it is still difficult to get sim cards when in other SADC countries sim cards can be bought in tuckshops;

II)   why sim cards are more expensive than air time; and

III) why the rates are more than five times higher than in other countries given that air time is purchased in stable currencies.



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