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No. 42
















Quarter past two o’clock p.m The Speaker in the Chair




Members Present




Baloyi A,

Beremauro G,

Bhasikiti K,

Bimha M.C

Biti L.T

Buka F,

Chaderopa             F

Chambati T.S

Chebundo B

Chibaya A

Chikwinya S,

Chimanikire G,

Chimbetete W.M

Chimhini D.A,

Chinomona M.M

Kay J.I.H

Khumalo M,

Khumalo N.M,

Khumalo S.S,

Khumalo T

Khupe T

Kumalo M

Mabhena G



Madzimure W

Mafios I.D

Mahoka S


Mandebvu N.T


Mangena J

Maposhere D





Musumbu E

Musundire         A.L

Musvaire W

Mutomba W

Mutseyami C.P

Muza I

Mwonzora D.T

Navava E

Ncube                     S

Ndambakuwa F

Ndebele G

Ndhlovu A

Nemadziva N

Nezi W

Ngwenya B

Nkomo S.S

Nyakudanga O

Nyamande J Nyamudeza S

Nyamupinga B.B

Nyanhongo M.H

Nyaude B


Matiza B.J

Raradza E

Sai S

Samkange N.T.C

Sansole T.W

Saruwaka T.J.L

Shirichena E

Shoko H

Shoko M

Sibanda D.S

Sibanda F.M

Sibanda P.N

Sindi C

Sithole A

Tachiona               M

Tazviona R

Tshuma B

Varandeni J

Zhanda T.P

Zinyemba M

Ziteya K.S

Chinyadza W

Chirongwe R,

Chirume O

Chitando J

Chitima A,

Chivamba K,

Cross E.G

Denga P

Dongo G.Z

Dube M

Dube P

Dumbu F


Dzirutwe G

Garadhi S

Gonese I.T

Goto R


Haritatos P

Hove S.R

Huruba T

Jembere E

Jiri M





Maramwidze E H

Matamisa          E.E

Matibe T.P

Matienga             M

Matinenga E.T

Matshalaga O Mavima L.D

Mazikana P.H

Mhandu C

Mhashu F.G

Mhlanga A

Mnkandla T

Mombeshora D.T

Moyo R

Moyo S

Mpukuta               L

Muchauraya P

Mudarikwa S

Mudau M

Mudzuri H

Mukanduri S.T

Munengami          F

Mungofa P.T

Munjeyi               G

Mushonga S.L

Mushore L

Kagurabadza M.T

Kanzama F

Kapesa R

Karenyi                 L

Katsande A

Ziyambi W.Z



Printed by Order of the House

Absent with leave

Chanetsa P


  1. The Speaker informed the House of the death of Hon Cornelius Raphael Dube, Member of Parliament for Emakhandeni-Entumbane Constituency on Saturday, 15th August 2009 and invited all Hon Members to rise and observe a minute of silence in respect of the late Hon Member.


  1. The Minister of Finance moved:


THAT WHEREAS subsection (1) of Section 111B of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that any convention, treaty or agreement acceded to, concluded or executed by or under the authority of the President with one or more foreign States or Governments or international organisations shall be subject to approval by Parliament;


AND WHEREAS the SADC Protocol on Finance and Investment was signed by His Excellency the President on 18 August, 2006, at Maseru, Lesotho;


AND WHEREAS the entry into force of the aforesaid Protocol is subject to ratification by the signatory Member States in accordance with their respective constitutional procedures;


NOW THEREFORE in terms of subsection (1) of section 111B of the

Constitution, this House resolves that the aforesaid Protocol be and is hereby approved for ratification.


Motion put and agreed to.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the death of Hon. Kombayi (Adjourned 28th July 2009- The Minister of State Enterprises and Parastatals)


[Day elapsed: 2]

Question again proposed:  That this House:


APPRECIATING the great sacrifices made by the various nationalists in the struggle for independence of Zimbabwe;


APPLAUDING the role played by the late Patrick Kombayi in the struggle for political, social and economic justice for this country before and after independence;


GRATEFUL for his selfless dedication for the cause of the majority of our country; and


CONVINCED that any criteria applied in selecting a national hero would easily have picked out the late Hon Patrick Kombayi for the position;




  1. EXPRESSES its gratitude and appreciation for the heroic services rendered by the Hon Member in the quest for a free Zimbabwe; and
  2. CONVEYS its heartfelt condolences to the widow of the late Patrick Kombayi, his family and relatives- Hon Chibaya.


Motion put and agreed to.


  1. On the motion of the Minister Water Resources Development and Management: The House adjourned at twenty minutes to three o’clock p.m until Tuesday, 29th September 2009 at a quarter past two o’clock in the afternoon.

L.N.M. Moyo










ACKNOWLEDGING the good intentions of Short Term Emergency Recovery Programme and other economic recovery programmes.




            URGES the government to ensure equitable distribution of resources through gender budgeting in order to alleviate the plight of vulnerable people.


2.         HON. GONESE              HON. MAJOME


 That this House-


COMMENDING the people of Zimbabwe on a fairly decent election on 29 March 2008.


CONCERNED by the reports of alleged murder, torture, rape, arson and looting that took place after the harmonized elections of 29 March 2008.


FURTHER CONCERNED by levels of lawlessness, abuse of the rule of law and abuse of state institutions in this violence.



A select Committee of Parliament be appointed to investigate the violence that took place after the March 28 elections and report its findings to Parliament – Hon. Gonese














HON. S. MOYO: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural


i)            how safe it is for Zimbabweans to use passenger trains in view of the serious signal problems faced by the NRZ; and

ii)          what plans the Ministry has regarding the hundreds of old wagons that have been lying idle at various railway stations countrywide over the years since they have been depreciating with time.

[Deferred: Wednesday, 17th June 2009]




HON. D. A. CHIMHINI: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development when the Jombe- Mutare road which starts from the Bvuma turn-off will be tarred since it is an important link and a shorter route to Mutare.


[Deferred: Wednesday, 17th June 2009]




HON. P. N. SIBANDA: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural

Development to inform this House whether the Binga-Karoi road is in the Ministry’s plans for tarring, as this route is shorter and therefore cheaper than the one that goes via Bulawayo.

[Deferred: Wednesday, 17th June 2009]



HON. CHITANDO: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to state why the Topora – Chatikobo gravel road has not been maintained for more than 10 years a situation that has led to bus operators withdrawing their services from that area.

[Deferred: Wednesday, 29th July 2009]




Hon. D. A. Chimhini: to ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructral Development:-
  1. i) to explain whose responsibility it is to maintain the gravel roads from

Honde Green Business Center to Rupinda via Ngarura, from Rupinda to Hauna Growth Point, from Hauna Growth Point to Headman Mandeya 2 via Lorretto, from Headman Mandeya 2 to Muterere, from Matondora to Katiyo, from Chikomba Business Centre to Sagambe to Pachije School and Chavanga School and Clinic and from Zindi Township to Samutete

School; and ii) if the Ministry can inform this House when these roads will be maintained because they have not been attended to for years and bus operators are not prepared to ply these routes.

[Deferred: Wednesday, 29th July 2009]





HON. NYAUDE: To ask the Ministers of State for National Healing to inform the House:

i)      whether  they are aware that on the 19th and 20th March 2009,  ZANU PF officials in Bindura South Constituency, namely, Matangira and Muzondo addressed rallies denouncing and rejecting the Global Political Agreement and the inclusive Government  and that these officials questioned the integrity of the three principals to the Global Political Agreement; and

ii)    whether any measures will be taken to ensure that people are not misled at rallies.

[Deferred: Wednesday 1st April 2009]

*7. HON. JIRI: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Urban and Rural


i)       why Rural District Councils have been allowed to operate year in year out without audited financial statements .e.g. Chikomba district councils last audited accounts were produced in 2003 or before;

ii)     what the Ministry is doing about the gross mal-administration in the running of council affairs, particularly by those of Chikomba Rural District Council where assets have been personalized and misappropriated for a period in excess of five years; and

iii)    what arrangements have been put in place to address the above concerns with the urgency they require.

[Deferred: Wednesday 13thApril 2009]





HON. S.L. MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Urban and Rural Development to inform the House:

i.       what the Government policy is towards Housing co-operatives that purchased unserviced and undivided pieces of peri-Urban land since year 2000 in contravention of the Regional, Town  and Country Planning Act chapter 29:10 section 39;

ii.      if there is no Government waiver in the requirements of section 39 of the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act Chapter 29:10.

iii.    whether the Ministry is aware that unscrupulous property developers are trying to use this section to dishonor several contracts they entered up to the year 2000 to the detriment of several poor households who invested their savings in buying these unserviced and unapproved subdivisions; and

iv.    if the Ministry of Local Government Urban and Rural Development could come up with a Statutory Instrument to retrospectively regularize the above mentioned scenario.

[Deferred: Wednesday, 29th July 2009]



HON. GARADHI:  To ask the Minister of Local Government, Urban and Rural Development whether the Ministry is aware that in Chinhoyi raw sewage is flowing into Hunyani river owing to the vandalism of pipes arising from the negligence of ZINWA, a situation which is putting a lot of lives in danger given the fact that many people downstream use that water.


Hon. F.M.SIBANDA: To ask the Minister of Media, Information and Publicity to clarify:-
  1. i) when the Media Reform Bill will be tabled as it will enhance or facilitate qualitative fair and professional news gathering and reporting by the, Z.B.C and other state owned media houses;


  ii) what the Ministry has done to correct the alleged “gutter and most unprofessional” news reporting on the 13th of July 2009 on the unfortunate disruption of the first constitutional stakeholders conference by some known party activists and three Honorable Members of this House;
  iii) what the policy of the Ministry is regarding to the G.P.A ie, hate speech in media bias reporting against some people, Members of

Parliament and Ministers on political or National issues;

  iv) why the Minister has disregarded ignored or not adhered to the recent High Court judgment about the illegality of the media information commission (M.I.C);
  v) when the Ministry shall open Air waves for other players to enhance competition leading to efficiency and competency among journalists and all media houses as agreed to by the three principals in the G.P.A as signed on the 15th September 2008; and


if the Minister could confirm whether all journalists employed by the State Media Houses are trained and qualified to facilitate reconciliation, integration and National Healing through the media.

[Deferred: Wednesday, 29th July 2009]



HON. GARADHI:  To ask the Minister of Media, Information and Publicity to explain the measures that have been put in place to curtail negative publicity towards certain political parties in particular MDC in state newspapers, in view of the need to uphold the spirit of inclusiveness.
*12. HON.C.R.E. DUBE: To ask the Minister of Energy and Power Development:-

i)       what the Ministry’s policy on the refurbishment and rehabilitation of thermal power stations in urban centers apart from Hwange Power Station is; and

ii)     how much contribution to the national grid these thermal power stations would make if they were to be fully operational.


[Deferred: Wednesday, 17th June 2009]





HON. D. A. CHIMHINI: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare:-

i)      what the ministry is doing about the constant electricity load shedding at Hauna district hospital which has a mortuary and theatre that go for hours on end without electricity since the hospital cannot afford to purchase diesel to keep the generator running; and

ii)    whether the ministry can proffer a possible solution to keep the hospital functioning properly.

[Deferred: Wednesday, 17th June 2009]

*14. HON. N. MASUKUME: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare to explain:-

i)      why the Ministry expels pregnant student nurses when the government has invested a lot of money from its coffers, an alternative should be found so as to retain manpower in the hospitals;

ii)    what the Ministry’s position is on buildings that were constructed but have gone for years without operating for example Munyamani clinic in Mwenezi west Constituency;

  • the Ministry’s plans regarding the follow up on vapositori parents who do not send their children for immunization as these are at high risk of contracting infectious diseases; and
  1. what the Ministry is doing to alleviate the problem of shortage of ambulances in Mwenezi District.


[Deferred: Wednesday, 17th June 2009]


HON. NYAMUDEZA: To ask the Minister of Health and Childwelfare :

i.          In view of the fact that Chipinge Hospital staff went on strike twice this

year in protest against corrupt administrative staff, what were the findings of the team that probed the incident; ii.        why those staff members who were arrested for the alleged corruption,

fraud, looting,  negligence of duty, abuse of office, diesel and government assets were released before investigation; iii.    if it is government policy to allow other workers to request for the release of their colleagues from police custody inorder for them to conduct investigations and audit; iv.   why is it that the investigating team comprised some relatives of the accused persons;

v.         if it is also government policy to allow some workers from the private sector to be accommodated in hospital residence at the expense of hospital staff; and iv. to inform the House what the results of the audit report conducted at Chipinge Hospital were.



HON. S.L. MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare:

i.            why Howard Hosipital in Mazoe Central has virtually become a referral hospital for patients from Harare and whether the Ministry is aware that with the dollarisation of the currency these urban patients are literally elbowing out rural people who cannot afford to pay US$10 to get a card;

ii.           whether the Ministry is aware that the donor funded distribution of ARV's and ancillary drugs to people living with HIV and AIDS is inadequate at Horward Hospital and as a result the patients go for months without the life prolonging drugs; and

iii.         when Rosa Government clinic in Mazowe Central would be accorded the referral status in order for it to distribute of the life prolonging drugs since it is centrally located, accessible and not congested by people from Harare.

*17. HON. MANGAMI:  To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare to explain:-
i) the criteria used by donors (Global Fund and Crown Agents) in paying human

resources retention allowances to health workers since those in districts such as Gokwe South, Murehwa, Chegutu to name a few, have not received anything at all  since March 2009 to date while those in  towns have been paid their allowances; and

  1. ii) whether the ministry has made any impact assessment on the discriminatory treatment that has been given to the health workers in those areas.


*18.     HON. M. SHOKO: To ask the Minister of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment:-

  1. to explain the logic behind the creation of youth zones in Chitungwiza; and
  2. to elaborate whether the youths manning these zones earn a salary and explain the rationale of employing more people at a time when Government is struggling to pay teachers and nurses salaries.


[Deferred: Wednesday, 17th June 2009]




HON. M. SHOKO: To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to inform this House:

i)          whether or not those who brutally murdered Yona Genti, Ngoni Naite,

Archford Chipiyo and an identified youth on 17 June 2008 near the Skyline Golf Club Compound (RRB No. 0333672) have been apprehended and to state the progress that has been made in bringing the culprits to book; and ii) why the police have refused to release the post mortem results to Yona Genti’s parents.

[Deferred: Wednesday, 29th July 2009]




HON. GARADHI:  To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to explain why perpetrators of violence in the society are allowed to go scotfree while other people including honourable members have been  arrested for crimes of a lesser gravity.


HON. MARAMWIDZE: To ask the Minister of Industry and Commerce to explain why it is easy for Nigerians to set-up commercial business in our country at the expense of   our competent local entrepreneurs, particularly in the transport sector (kombis), hair salons, flea markets, motor spares etc and whether he is aware of the alleged ill-treatment of our people by the Chinese shop owners.


HON. MARAMWIDZE:  To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to explain:-

i)        why Moslems have built Mosques in every Lemba village in Zimbabwe; ii)           why Moslems have targeted the Lemba people only;

iii)            what the motive of these Moslems is;

iv)            why the Moslems give Arabic names to the Lemba children; v)           whether this is another form of colonisation; and

vi)    whether he is aware that these Moslems give gifts to the Lemba people to lure them to pray to the God Allah and that if one does not accept their religion he/she is not given the gifts.



HON. C. SINDI:  To ask the Minister of Tourism and Hospitality to state:-

i)      why some small local tourist attractions, such as the Murehwa famous breathing mountains , the Gandavaroyi falls in Gokwe North District, the Chinhoyi Caves and many others around the country are not adequately developed to give local and international tourists a variety of tourist attractions to choose from; and

ii)    if there is need to identify and rebrand such attractions in order to augment the inflow of the much needed foreign currency.


[Deferred: Wednesday, 29th July 2009]


*24. HON. A. SITHOLE: To ask the Minister of Tourism and Hospitality what plans the Ministry has in terms of:
  1.        promoting the newly declared Tourism Development Zones such as

Chiredzi in the Great Limpopo Transformation Conservation Area; ii.       promoting cultural tourism as part of the strategy of Short Term

Economic Recovery Programme; iii.          up grading Buffalo Range International Airport; and iv. other packages that are in place for the South East Lowveld to take advantages of during the period leading to 2010 World Cup to be held in neighboring South Africa and the development of the Great Limpopo Transformation Conservation Area.


[Deferred: Wednesday, 29th July 2009]


*25.     HON. CHITANDO: To ask the Minister of Public Service to inform the House:

  1. i) the number of people who were employed by the Ministry of Youth

Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment in March 2008; ii)       the policy and procedures which were used to employ the youths in the Ministry of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment in

March 2008; and iii)         the reasons why the employment documents for those who were employed by the Ministry of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment in March 2008 are being processed now when they had already been on the payroll.

[Deferred: Wednesday, 29th July 2009]


*26.     HON. L KARENYI: To ask the Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs whether the Ministry is aware that some prisoners at Mutare Remand Prison have spent two years or more in remand without trial and to state the plans being made to help them, as they have no resources to pay lawyers to represent them.


[Deferred: Wednesday, 29th July 2009]


*27.     HON. S.L. MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs to inform the House:


  1. whether the Ministry is aware that 4 Isuzu Trucks belonging to the Judge President of the High Court and three (3) Labour Court Judges were impounded by Customs Officials and to state the reasons why the vehicles were impounded;
  2. whether the Ministry realizes that the impounding of these vehicles compromises the security and independence of these senior Judicial Officers;
  • what the Ministry is doing to alleviate the misery and suffering of these senior

Judicial Officers as they have to walk to work; iv. why the Judicial Service Commission has not been appointed; and

  1. whether the Ministry is aware that the delay in appointing the Judicial Service Commission has led to the flight of a number of experienced Judicial Officers and has also resulted in corruption among junior Officers.


*28.     HON. C.C. GWIYO: To ask the Minister of Finance to state the nature and quantum of Shabani Mashava Mine Debt to Government if any and to disclose how much the state has recovered and how much has been paid to the Administrator.

[Deferred: Wednesday, 29th July 2009]


*29.     HON. A. SITHOLE: To ask the Minister of Water Resources Development Management whether the Ministry is aware:

  1. that Chilonga Irrigation Scheme in Chiredzi, Masvingo Province has not been functioning since last year; and
  2. that ZINWA officials based in Masvingo took all the pumps at the Chilonga Irrigation Scheme on the pretext of repairing them but nothing has since been done and if the Ministry could inform the House what measures are being taken to remedy the situation.

[Deferred: Wednesday, 29th July 2009]


*30.       HON. MUCHAURAYA:  To ask the Minister of Mines and Mining Development

to explain:-

  1. the criteria used to grant a mining licence to Mr Gonyeti Makurumidze at Chitenderano village, Nyazura, Makoni South at a time when the Mining office in Mutare is alleged to have indicated that all prospecting and mining licences in the Manicaland Province were frozen; and
  2. whether the Minister is aware of the imminent environmental degradation and catastrophe in the village and that Mr Gonyeti Makurumidze is threatening the local villagers with eviction from their homes.


*31.     HON. CHANETSA:  To ask the Minister of Water Resources and Infrastructural

Development to explain:-

  1. what is required for one to apply for irrigation equipment;
  2. how long does it take for one to get assistance after applying for irrigation equipment;
  • what is the Ministry's position in assisting people residing around Bin dam in view of predictions of the elnino drought this year; and
  1. what is the Ministry's position in assisting farmers in the Chitomborwizi area.



*32.     HON. GARADHI:  To ask the Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education to explain the government's policy regarding orphaned students who did not qualify for cadetship programmes since such students are underprivileged and cannot afford to pay their tuition fees.





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