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- Create Date August 14, 2021
- Last Updated November 6, 2021
No. 4
Quarter past two o’clock p.m
The Acting Speaker in the Chair
Members Present
Baloyi A,
Bhasikiti- Chuma K, Biti L.T Chaderopa F Chambati T.S Chanetsa P.T, Chidakwa W.K, Chikwinya S, Chimbetete W.M Chimhini D.A, Chinomona M.M Chinyadza W, Chirongwe R, Chirume O Chitando J Chitima A, Chivamba K, Cross E.G Dzingirai I Dzirutwe G Dzinotyiwei H A Garadhi S Gonese I.T Goto R Gumbo J.M. Hove S.R Huruba T Jembere E Jiri M Kachepa N Kagurabadza M.T Kanzama F Kapesa R Karenyi L Khumalo N.M, Khumalo S.S, |
Khumalo T
Kumalo M Mabhena G Machacha C Madubeko J Madzimure W Mahlangu T Mahoka S Makamure R Makuyana M Mandebvu N.T Mangami D Maposhere D Maramba P.H Maramwidze E H Mare M Marima E Masaiti E Matamisa E.E Matibe T.P Matienga M Matimba T Matinenga E.T Matshalaga O Mazikana P.H Mbwembwe E Mhandu C Mhlanga A Mlambo M Moyo E Moyo R Mpukuta L Muchauraya P Mudau M Mudiwa S Mudzuri H Mukanduri S.T |
Munengami F
Mungofa P.T Munjeyi G Mushonga S.L Mushore L Musundire A.L Musvaire W Mutinhiri A Mutomba W Muza I Mwonzora D.T Navaya E Ncube S Ndava R Ndhlovu A Nemadziva N Nezi W Ngwenya B Nyakudanga O Nyamudeza S Nyamupinga B.B Nyaude B Pasihomusha- Matiza B.J Raradza E Rutsvara R Sai S Samkange N.T.C Sansole T.W Saruwaka T.J.L Shirichena E Sibanda D.S Sibanda F.M Sibanda P.N Sindi C Sithole A Tazviona R |
Varandeni J
Zhuwao P
Zinyemba M
Ziyambi W.Z |
Printed by Order of the House
Absent with leave
Hon Mombeshora, Hon Mangena
- The Speaker informed the House that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) is inviting Members to a briefing on the mandate of ZEC, phases of the electoral process and other issues pertaining to its mandate. The meeting will be held in the House of Assembly on Thursday 29th November 2012 at 0900
- THE SPEAKER: I have to announce that yesterday during the debate on the motion for leave to bring in a Finance Bill, Hon Mangami raised a point of order that there was no quorum in the House. The Chair ordered that bells be rung in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order number 27(1). After the bells had rung for four minutes, the Chair allowed Hon Mangami to withdraw her point of order and debate on the motion resumed. The house then proceeded to dispose of the motion and Order number 6 on the Order Paper.
The Chair has since reflected on these proceedings in context of the provisions of the Constitution and Standing Order number 27(1). It is the ruling of the Chair that the point of order should have been sustained to its logical conclusion which is to ascertain whether or not there was a quorum. Standing Orders made in terms of the Constitution do not permit the withdrawal of the attention to the absence of a quorum which is itself a constitutional requirement.
The Chair, therefore, rules that, in terms of section 54 (2) of the Constitution as read with s.o 27, the bells should have rung for 7 minutes during which period no question or debate shall be permitted as the Chair has no discretion.
Consequently, the Chair further rules that the proceedings on the motion for leave to bring in a Finance Bill and the subsequent proceedings in Committee of Supply as well as those relating to the Appropriation Bill are null and void and are hereby restored to the Order Paper.
Accordingly the motion on the Finance Bill shall resume as an adjourned debate and the Committee of Supply shall start from the beginning.
The debate on leave to bring in a bill becomes today’s Order no 1 and Committee of Supply Order no 6 with the other orders renumbered accordingly.
- Adjourned debate on motion that leave be granted to bring in a Finance Bill
(Adjourned 15th November-The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary
Question proposed: That leave be granted to bring in a bill to make provisions for the revenues and Public Funds of Zimbabwe and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto-The Minister of Finance.
Motion put and agreed to.
Bill ordered to be brought in by the Minister of Finance.
- The Minister of Finance accordingly presented a bill to make further provisions in connection with Revenues and Public Funds of Zimbabwe; to make provisions for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto- Finance No. 2 Bill (H.B. 6,
Bill read a first time. – Referred to the Parliamentary Legal Committee.
- Report from the Parliamentary Legal Committee NOT being an adverse report on the following Bill -
Date received
Finance (No.2) Bill (H.B. 6, 2012) ….................................. 28th November 2012
Second Reading – forthwith
Bill read a second time.
Committee, forthwith.
(House in Committee)
Clause 1 to 9 put and agreed to.
Bill to be reported without amendment.
(House resumed)
Bill reported without amendment
Third Reading, forthwith.
Bill read a third time.
(Main Estimates of Expenditure (2013)
30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37 and 38)
(House in Committee)
Vote No. 1-“President and Cabinet”, US$ 161 024 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No..2 - “Office of the Prime Minister”, US$ 13 349 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No. 3 – “ Parliament Of Zimbabwe”, US$ 15 316 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No. 4-“Public service”, US$ 140 441 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No. 5- “Defence”, US$ 356 699 000, put and agreed to.
Vote No. 6- 8“Finance”, US$ 218 076 000, put and agreed to.
Vote No. 9 “Industry and Commerce”, US$ 7 656 000 Put and agreed to.
Vote No. 10 “Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development”, US$ 147 839 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No.11 “Mines and Mining Development”, US$ 7 078 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No.12 “Environment and Natural Resources”, US$ 8 674 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No.13 “Transport and Infrastructure Development”, US$ 69 292 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No.14 “Foreign Affairs”, US$ 63 204 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No.15 “Local Government, Urban and Rural development”, US$51 451 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No.16 “Health and Child Welfare”, US$ 380 980 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No.17 “ Education, Sports and Culture”, US$ 754 937 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No.18 “Higher and Tertiary Education “, US$ 286 781 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No.19 “Youth, Indigenisation and Empowerment”, US$ 42 333 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No.20 “Home Affairs”, US$ 308 042 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No.21 “Justice and Legal Affairs”, US$ 96 135 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No. 22 “Media, Information and Publicity”, US$ 7 347 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No. 23 “Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperative Development”, US$ 9 479 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No. 24 “Energy and Power Development”, US$ 20 766 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No. 25 “Economic Planning and Investment Promotion”, US$ 3 155 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No. 26 “Science and Technology Development”, US$ 8 486 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No. 27 “Women’s Affairs, Gender and Community Development”, US$ 10 129 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No. 28 “National Housing and Social Amenities”, US$ 18 945 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No.29 “Water Resources Development and Management”, US$ 78 135 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No.30 “Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs”, US$ 8 230 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No.31 “Tourism and Hospitality Industry”, USD 6 125 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No. 32 “Labour and Social Services”, US$ 35 482 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No. 33 “State Enterprises and Parastatals”, US$ 3 075 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No. 34 “Information Communication Technology”, US$ 7 244 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No. 35 “Public Works”, US$ 43 496 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No. 36 “Regional Integration and International Cooperation”, US$ 2 518 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No. 37 “Lands and Rural Resettlement”. US$ 11 192 000 put and agreed to.
Vote No. 38 Judicial Services Commission”. US$ 16 618 000 put and agreed to.
Estimates of Expenditure to be reported without amendment.
( House Resumed)
Estimates of Expenditure reported without amendment
Report adopted.
Bill ordered to be brought in by the Minister of Finance in accordance with Estimates of Expenditure adopted by the House.
- The Minister of Finance, pursuant to the order, presented a Bill to apply for a further sum of money for the service of Zimbabwe for the year ending 31 December, 2012-Appropriation (2013) Bill (B. 7, 2012).
Bill read the first time. Referred to the Parliamentary Legal Committee.
- Report from the Parliamentary Legal Committee NOT being an adverse report on
the following Bill -
Date received
Appropriation (2013) Bill (H.B. 7, 2012)............................... 28th November 2012
- SECOND READING : Appropriation (2013) Bill, 2012 (H.B. 7,2012)
Bill read a second time. Third Reading, forthwith.
Bill read a third time.
- Bills transmitted to the Senate.
[Date Transmitted]
Finance (No. 2 )Bill (H.B. 6, 2012)
Appropriation (2013) Bill (H.B. 7, 2012) …...................28thNovember 2012
- On the motion of the Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs The House adjourned at a twenty minutes past three o' clock m
Acting Speaker.
THE MINISTER OF FINANCE: To provide for the registration, supervision and regulation of persons conducting microfinance business in Zimbabwe; to amend the Moneylending and Rates of Interest Act [Chapter 14:14] and the Banking Act [Chapter 24:20] (Act No. 9 of 1999); amd to provide for matters connected with or inicidental to the foregoing – Microfinance Bill (H.B. 2, 2012).
That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows:-
May it please you, your Excellency the President:
We, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament.
That this House;
Noting that not all revenue generated and collected by various government ministries, departments and agencies is remitted to Treasury.
Concerned that the government has been unable to grant its workers meaningful salary increases and frozen the recruiting of staff and failure to carry out some of its regional and international financial obligations.
Now therefore, calls upon all the Government ministries' departments, parastatals and other related bodies to remit all revenue accrued directly and indirectly by them to the treasury.
Further calls upon Government through the Treasury to facilitate adequate or reasonable remuneration to its workers, to enable the Government to among others:
- motivate its workers ii. retain its highly qualified personnel iii. maintain high professional standards iv. improve their efficiency
- become accountable and transparent vi. utilize each dollar for the good of nationhood (Zimbabwe) vii. Prevent and control corrupt tendencies by whomever.
That the motion relating to the second Report of the Portfolio Committee on
Education, Sport, Arts and Culture on the challenges in the Education Sector in Zimbabwe which was superseded by the prorogation of Parliament be restored on the Order Paper at the stage at which it had reached in terms of Standing Order No. 43.
That the motion relating to a Private Members Bill to amend the Criminal
Procedure and Evidence Act which was superseded by the prorogation of
Parliament be restored on the Order Paper at the stage at which it had reached in terms of Standing Order No. 43.
Takes note of the report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government on Councils. S.C.8, 2012.
RECOGNIZING the historical prominence that prisons played during the struggle for our Independence as they accommodated the entire leadership and heroes and heroins of the struggle.
COGNISANT that prisons such as Hwahwa, Sikhombela and Gonakudzingwa were the most notorious incarceration centers at the disposition of the cruel settler regime,
NOTING that other younger democracies has honoured prisons that housed their leaders during the times of tribulation as evidenced by Robbin Island prison accommodated veterans of South African Liberation Struggle against apartheid such as Robert Sobukwe the former President Nelson Mandela to mention a few.
NOW THEREFORE RESOLVES: That the following Prisons Hwahwa, Skhombula and Gonakudzingwa be accorded the recognition of monumental status in honour of our leaders such as His Excellency the President R.G. Mugabe, Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo and many others who underwent imprisonment in these prisons.
Concerned by the poor performance of Zimbabwean athletes in all sporting disciplines at international for a;
Noting that the inadequate resources being chanelled to the Ministry of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture are inadequate for the development of sports thereby deprive our atheletes national pride as well as a place among competing nations;
Aware that various reports have been submitted to the Ministry of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture over the incompetence of our Sports governing bodies in particular the Sports and Recreation Commission and its affiliates like the
Zimbabwe Football Association;
Now therefore, This House calls upon the Minister of Education, Sport, Arts and
Culture to;
- dissolve the Sports and Recreation Commission
- request the Ministry of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture to provide parliament with specific objectives and targets on how the nation will achieve success in all sporting
- calls upon the Minister of Finance to allocate adequate resources in the National budget for sports development.