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- Create Date August 14, 2021
- Last Updated November 5, 2021
No. 15
Quarter past two o‟clock p.m The Speaker in the Chair
Members Present
Beremauro G,
Bhasikiti K, Bhebhe A, Biti L.T Buka F, Chaderopa F Chambati T.S Chamisa N Chanetsa P.T. Chebundo B Chibaya A Chidhakwa W.K Chivamba K Chikava B, Chikwinya S, Chimanikire G, Chimbetete W.M Chimhini D.A, Chininga E.T.C, Chinomona M.M Chinyadza W Chiota P.C Chirongwe R, Chirume O Chitando J Chivamba K, Chombo I.M.C Cross E.G Denga P Dokora L.D.K Dongo G.Z Dube M Dube P Dumbu F Dzingirai I Dzinotyiweyi H.A.M Dzirutwe G Garadhi S Goche N.T Gonese I.T Goto R Gumbo J.M |
Haritatos P
Hlongwane M Hove S.R Huruba T Jembere E Jiri M Kachepa N Kagurabadza M.T |
Matonga B
Matshalaga O Matutu T Mavima L.D Mazikana P.H Mbwembwe E Mguni N Mhandu C Mhashu F.G Mhlanga A Mkhosi E.T.M Mlambo M.M Mnangagwa E.D Mnkandla T Mohadi K.C.D Moyo J.N Moyo R Moyo S Mpariwa P Mpofu N Mpukuta L Muchauraya P Muchena O . N Mudarikwa S Mudenge I.S, Mudiwa S Mudzuri H Muguti C Mukanduri S.T Mukonoweshuro E Munengami F Mungofa P.T Munjeyi G Mushonga S.L Mushore L Musumbu E Musvaire W Mutinhiri T Mutomba W Mutsekwa G.T Mutseyami C.P Muza I Mwonzora D.T |
Kanzama F
Kapesa R Katsande A Khumalo N.M, Khumalo S.S, Khumalo T Khupe T Kumalo M Mabhena G Mabaranga C Machacha Madamombe Madubeko Madzimure Madzore P Mafios I.D Mahlangu T Mahoka S Majome F.J Makamure Makone T.M Makuyana Mandebvu N.T Mangami Mangena J Mangoma E.S |
S J W R M D |
Mangwana M.P
Maramba P.H Mare M Marima E Masaiti E Mashakada T Matamisa E.E Matibe T.P Matimba T |
Mzembi W
Navava E
Ncube S Ndambakuwa F Ndebele G Ndlhovu A Nemadziva N Nezi W Nguni S.R Ngwenya B Nhema C.D.F Nkomo S.S Nyakudanga O |
Nyanhongo M.H
Nyaude B Nyoni S.G.G Pasihomusha- Matiza B.J Raradza E Rutsvara R Sai S Samkange N.T.C Sansole T.W Saruwaka T.J.L Shirichena E |
Sibanda F.M
Sibanda P.N Sindi C Sithole A Sululu A Tachiona M Tshuma B Undenge S Zhuwao P Zinyemba M Ziyambi W.Z Zwizwai M. |
Nyamande J Shoko H
Nyamudeza S Shoko M
Nyamupinga B.B Sibanda D.S
Printed by Order of the House
Absent with leave
Langa A.
Masukume N.P.S. Matienga M.
Sibanda, C
- Paper laid upon the Table-
The Acting Minister of Finance
Additional Estimates of Expenditure for the year ended December 31, 2008 (Cmd R.Z. 2 of 2009)
- The Speaker made an announcement regarding the delivery of the Budget Statement at 2.45 p.m.
- Business suspended at seventeen minutes past two o‟clock until twenty-four minutes to three o‟clock p.m.
Twenty-four minutes to three o‟clock p.m. the. Speaker resumed the Chair.
- The Acting Minister of Finance moved: That leave be granted to bring in a Bill to make further provision for the revenues and public funds of Zimbabwe and to make provision for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
The Minister of Finance laid upon the Table-
Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 31st December, 2009 (Cmd R.Z. 3, 2009)
Budget Statement 2009.
Finance Bill, 2009 (Departmental Draft).
On the motion of the Minister of Rural Housing and Social Amenities: Debate adjourned until Tuesday, 17th February 2009.
- On the motion of the Minister of Rural Housing and Social Amenities: The House adjourned at half past six o‟clock until Wednesday, 4th February 2009 at a quarter past two in the afternoon.
Constitution in the following principal respects: firstly, to substitute the Chapter on Citizenship by another Chapter making more comprehensive provision on the same topic; secondly, to make specific provision for the appointment and functions of the committee of Parliament known as the Committee on Standing Rules and Orders; thirdly, to provide that the appointment by the President of the chairperson of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, and of the members of the Anti-Corruption
Commission, must be done in consultation with the Committee on Standing Rules and
Orders; fourthly to provide for the appointment and functions of a Zimbabwe Media Commission; and finally to make certain transitional amendments pursuant to the agreement between the Presidents of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) and the two formations of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), on resolving the challenges facing Zimbabwe, which was signed at Harare on the 15th September, 2008 (referred to in this Memorandum and Bill as the “Interparty Political Agreement”).
CONCERNED with the current ever escalating cost of living caused by the dolarisation of the Zimbabwean economy that threatens to erode our social safety nets as a result of almost every service provider now charging in foreign currency.
DISTURBED by the near collapse of provision of services due to an ailing economy that has faced ten years of a global economic onslaught;
ALARMED by the indifference exhibited by international community, IMF and the World Bank on the plight of ordinary Zimbabwean whose life has hit rock bottom levels of poverty;
RECOGNIZING the concerted efforts to solve the current problems by friendly countries in the SADC Region, some Non-Governmental Organisations and companies.
NOW, THEREFORE, resolves to express its serious concern to the responsible authority, the Government of Zimbabwe, to:-
- protect its citizenry from the unintended consequences of the seeming near total dolarisation of the economy;
- craft a battery of policies to address all the challenges faced by
Zimbabweans; and
- draw the attention of the international community to the suffering that has been visited upon ordinary Zimbabweans as a result of the imposition of illegal sanctions and calling for their immediate total removal.
- Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned
22nd January 2009 – The Minister of Rural Housing and Social Amenities)
[Time elapsed: 11 hours 59 minutes]
Question proposed:
That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows:-
May it please you, your Excellency the President:
We, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament - Hon Mazikana.
- Adjourned debate on motion on lack of focused response by ZINWA in provision of safe drinking water and sanitation to the nation (Adjourned 22nd
January 2009- Hon Gonese)
[Day elapsed: 1]
Question proposed: That this House-
CONCERNED with the ever increasing number of deaths linked and or related to cholera within Zimbabwe, and the lack of an aggressive and focused response by the National Water Authority to play its rightful role in providing safe drinking water and sanitation to the nation;
NOTING that as of 14th December, 2008 approximately 700 people countrywide had died of cholera and in excess of 10,000 people had been infected with the disease as per reports from the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare, and:
FURTHER NOTING that more people are likely to die or become infected as the outbreak takes its toll throughout the country;
ACKNOWLEDGING the efforts of the Civil Protection Unit (CPU) calling on all stakeholders to be involve with maximum effort to combat the outbreak and admitting that the outbreak had now taken a national scope: and appreciating the establishment of the cabinet task force on cholera by government, and the call by the Minister of Health and Child Welfare for local and international well wishers including UNICEF, WHO, and other organizations to come in full force to assist the country in combating this disaster;
APPRECIATING the assistance rendered by our friendly neighbours, in particular, The Republics of Namibia and South Africa in providing drugs and other medical equipment and consumables to fight the deadly cholera disease;
CONCERNED that ZINWA does not have the capacity nor the resources to provide safe drinking water and sanitation to the citizens of Zimbabwe particularly under such trying times and or in the near future;
FURTHER NOTING that most households and public institutions now go for weeks on end without any safe and treated running water and sanitation;
RECOGNISING that capacity to effectively distribute, treat and manage water supply was efficiently done by various Municipalities in the country prior to the take over by ZINWA and;
ACCEPTING that this experiment (ZINWA) must now come to its logical conclusion and has failed;
NOW, THEREFORE, this House resolves that:
- The cholera crisis be declared a national disaster;
- A Joint Portfolio Committee of Water Resources and Infrastructure Development and Health and Child Welfare, investigates and reports on this issue as a matter of urgency;
- That this Joint Portfolio Committee makes recommendations on how the country can return the management and distribution of water supply and sanitation back to the Municipalities;
- That the Joint Committee submits detailed proposals to capacitate the municipalities and set a timetable to repeal appropriate legislation with regards to certain responsibilities accorded to ZINWA- Hon Mavima.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the postponement of the opening of schools from the 13th to the 27th of January 2009 (Adjourned 21st January 2009 –The Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises Development)
[Day elapsed: 1]
Question proposed: That this House-
WORRIED by the postponement of the opening of schools from the 13th of January 2009 to the 27th of January 2009;
CONCERNED by the uncertainty surrounding the education sector as manifested by the delay in the marking of Grade 7, „O‟ and „A‟ Level examinations and the threat by teachers not to go back to work unless their demands are met;
SHOCKED by the unwarranted interference in the operations of “Trust” schools and other private educational institutions;
ALARMED by the failure of those who claim to be in charge to find answers to the crisis in the educational sector which resulted in most students failing to attend lessons in 2008;
DISTURBED by the fact that this situation may deteriorate in 2009;
NOW, therefore, calls upon those responsible to take a holistic approach and find solutions to the crisis – Hon Mhashu.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the allegations of plotting, conspiracy and counter-conspiracy to create conditions justifying declaration of a state of emergency (Adjourned 18th December2008- Hon Gonese)
[Days Elapsed: 1]
Question proposed: That this House-
AWARE of ZANU PF‟s history of plotting, conspiracy and counter conspiracy;
DISTURBED by the attempt to create a fictitious construct against the MDC on and around the issues of banditry;
CONCERNED with the unwarranted and unjustified attacks on a sovereign independent state of Botswana by ZANU PF;
AWARE of attempts to create conditions justifying a crackdown on the people of Zimbabwe and indeed declaring a state of emergency;
CONDEMNS the attempt to create an artificial atmosphere of conflict, attrition and intolerance amongst the peace loving people of Zimbabwe;
CONDEMNS the unwarranted and unjustified attack on the sovereign state of Botswana- Hon S.S Nkomo.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the structural dislocation of Zimbabwe‟s economy (Adjourned 20th January 2009- Hon Gonese)
[Days Elapsed: 3]
Question proposed: That this House-
CONCERNED WITH the structural dislocation of Zimbabwe‟s economy, macroeconomic dysfunctionality and the pervasive levels of failure by the state.
DISTURBED BY the high levels of poverty, unemployment and suffering of the people of Zimbabwe.
CONCERNED BY the collapse of the public education, public health and public transport infrastructure in the country.
FURTHER CONCERNED BY the deeply seated humanitarian crisis, the absence of the rule of law, the food crisis and the extent of deprivation and want by our people.
ALARMED BY the high levels of corruption, looting, avarice, asset stripping, patronage and clientelism prevalent in the country.
CONCERNED BY THE militarization and politicization in the distribution of food.
FURTHER CONCERNED by the deliberate indifference to the crisis by those in control.
- To express its strong concern to the responsible authorities and urge all concerned to direct their energies towards the rebuilding of Zimbabwe.
- To call for the crafting of policies to address these challenges being faced by Zimbabweans- Hon Biti.
COMMENDING the people of Zimbabwe on a fairly decent election on 29 March 2008.
CONCERNED by the reports of alleged murder, torture, rape, arson and looting that took place after the harmonized elections of 29 March 2008.
FURTHER CONCERNED by levels of lawlessness, abuse of the rule of law and abuse of state institutions in this violence.
A select Committee of Parliament be appointed to investigate the violence that took place after the March 28 and report its findings to Parliament.
(Additional Estimates of Expenditure (2008), Votes, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29. (Main Estimates of Expenditure (2009), Votes, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29.
- Adjourned debate on motion to bring in a Finance Bill- (Adjourned 29th January2009 -The Minister of Rural Housing and Social Amenities)
[Time elapsed: 3 hours 45 minutes]
Question proposed:
That leave be granted to bring in a Bill to make further provision for the revenues and public funds of Zimbabwe and to make provision for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto- The Acting Minister of Finance.