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No. 7


















Quarter past two o’clock p.m

The Speaker in the Chair




Members present


Baloyi A.

Bhebhe A. Bidi Chief. N.S.D Bushu S. Chief.

Butau D.

Chamisa N.

Chandengenda D. J.

Chapfika D.

Chebundo B.

Chibaya A.

Chigudu T.

Chikomba L.

Chimanikire G.

Chimbaira G.

Chimombe Chief G.M.

Chiota P C Chininga E T C Chisvuure E.

Chiwewe W

Chombo I M. C  Coltart D.

Damasane A.

Gumbo J. M.

Gwetu M.

Kadzima P.

Kangai K. M.

Kanzama F.

Kasukuwere S.

Katsande A.

Kaukonde R J.

Khumalo N. M.

Khupe T.

Machaya J. M. K.

Madubeko J.

Madzimure W . Makova C W.

Malisa Chief C.

Maluleke T. H.

Marumahoko R. Mashakada T.

Matamisa E E

Matimba K. M.

Matshalaga O.

Matuke L.

Matutu T.

Mawere M.

Maziriri E.  Mdlongwa E Mguni N.  Misihairabwi-Mushonga. P.  Mkosi E. T. M.

Mnangagwa E. D.

Moyo J. N.

Moyo L.

Mpariwa P.

Mssipa C.

Mubhawu T.

Mudzimurema Chief P. M.

Mugabe L

Mugabe S.

Muguti E.

Mukahlera T. L. A.

Mungofa P.

Mupukuta L. S Musa C. J  Mushore L.

Mushoriwa E.

Mutiwekuziva K K  Mutomba W.  Mutsekwa  C.

Mzembi W.

Ncube D. M.

Ncube F. D.

Ndlovu M M.

Nyauchi E.

Porusingazi E.

Pote C. M.

Sakabuya M.

Sansole J.

Satiya C.

Shana Chief N Z J.

Shumba I. M.

Sibanda G. J.

Sibindi T.

Steveson B G.

Zinyemba M.

Zwizwai M.


Absent with leave

Chidarikire F. E.

Gwachiwa C.

Mathuthu T.

Parirenyatwa D. P.

Satiya C.


  1. Bills assented to by, His Excellency The President -

Date assented


Finance 2006 Bill (H.B 11, 2006)……….……………………....31st August 2006


Appropriation (Supplementary) (2006) (H.B. 10, 2006)………..31ST August 2006


Companies Amendment Bill (H.B 2, 2006)………………………21st August 2006


National Biotechnology Authority Bill (H.B. 11, 2006)…...…….21st August 2006


  1. Bills returned from the Senate without amendment-

Date received Finance 2006 Bill (H.B 11, 2006)

Appropriation (Supplementary) (2006) (H.B. 10, 2006)……..5th September 2006


  1. Reports from the Parliamentary Legal Committee NOT being adverse on the following Bills and Statutory Instruments-


Date received


Criminal Procedure and Evidence Amendment Bill  (H.B. 3, 2006)

Petroleum Bill (H. B. 5, 2006)

Gazetted Land (Consequential Provisions) Bill (H.B. 8, 2006)

Judicial Service Bill (H.B. 7, 2006)

Domestic Violence Bill (H. B. 9, 2006)


Second Reading – tomorrow.


All Statutory Instruments published in the Gazettee during the

months of June, July and August 2006………………………..5th September 2006


  1. The Speaker informed Hon. Members that the Parliamentary Legal Committee had been granted an extension to the period within which it shall report to the

House on the Interception of Communication Bill (H.B. 4, 2006) and that the extension was with effect from 5th September 2006.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Half 2006 Monetary Policy Review Statement presented to the Nation by the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe - (Adjourned 3rd August 2006 – The Minister of Rural Housing and Social Amenities).


[Days elapsed: 2]        Question again proposed:


That this House takes note of the First Half 2006 Monetary Policy Review Statement presented to the nation by the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, Dr Gideon Gono – Hon Mashakada.


On the motion of Deputy Minister of Industry and International Trade: Debate  adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 2nd

August 2006The Minister of Rural Housing and Social Amenities)


[Time elapsed: 5 minutes]


Question again proposed:  That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows-


That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows: –


May it please you, your Excellency the President:

We the Members of the Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament – Hon. Chief Chimombe.  


On the motion of the Minister of Rural Housing and Social Amenities:  Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. On the motion of the Minister of Rural Housing and Social Amenities: The House adjourned at seven minutes to three o’clock p.m.


  1. L. NKOMO Speaker.











  1. HON CHEBUNDO: To ask the Minister of Home Affairs to explain on what has become of investigations into the following murder cases;
    1. Wonder Manhengo of Nembudziya, Gokwe who died in 20 June


  1. Mandishona Mutyanda of Amaveni, Kwekwe who died on 29 June

2000 after an attack on 18 June 2000;

  1. Henry Swan Elsworth, a commercial farmer gunned down at his

Kwekwe farm on 12 December 2000;

  1. Robert Fanwick Cobbet, a commercial farmer, murdered on 6

August 2001 in Kwekwe;

  1. Vusimuzi Mkweli ,of Gokwe who died on 9 September 2001 after

several attacks by suspected political thugs;

  1. Kufa Rukara of Gokwe, who died on 20 November 2001 after an attack at Tenda ‘torture’ Camp on 4 October 2001;
  2. Rambisai Nyika of Gokwe, murdered on 24 December 2001;
  3. Simwanja Mijoni of Kwekwe who died on 15 January 2002;
  4. Charles Sibanda of Zhombe, who died on 2 March 2002;
  5. Funny Mahuni of Kwekwe who died on 3 March 2002; and
  6. Tipason Madhobha of Gokwe, abducted and murdered on 2 May 2002.


  1. HON GWETU: To ask the Minister of Energy and Power Development to state:


  1. the policy regarding service delivery and distribution of electricity to industry and households in view of the current load shedding and erratic supply of electricity; and


  1. the reasons why ZESA does not compensate residents whose electrical gadgets are damaged by high voltage when electricity is restored after load shedding.


  1. HON MADZIMURE : To ask the Minister of Agriculture to state:-


  1. the reasons why the ministry has not appointed a substantive Chief

Executive for the Grain Marketing Board (G.M.B) since Mr. Martin

Muchero was suspended more than six years ago; and


  1. whether Martin Muchero is going to be re-instated since the courts have absolved him;


  1. HON MADZIMURE : To ask the Minister of Agriculture to provide the statistics of GMB top management who have farms, the inputs they have received over the past two seasons and explain whether they have paid back.


  1. HON MADZIMURE : To ask the Minister of Agriculture to state
    1. the quantities of maize and soya beans that have been received by the Grain Marketing Board depots during this intake period;


  1. the quantities of maize and soya beans still expected to come in; and


  1. the reasons why the law that requires grain to be delivered within a stipulated time after harvest is not being enforced.


  1. HON MADZIMURE : To ask the Minister of State for State Enterprises, Anti Monopolies and Anti-Corruption to explain why ZUPCO, a transport organization, falls under the Ministry of Local Government, Public Works  and Urban Development instead of Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications.


  1. HON MADZIMURE : To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and Urban Development to explain why the term of office for the Commission running the affairs of the City of Harare was extended in view of the fact that it has failed to achieve the objectives it was instituted for e.g. garbage collection, street lightening, road maintenance, provision of clean water and other services.






  1. SECOND READING: Criminal Procedure and Evidence Amendment Bill  (H.B. 3, 2006) – The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.


  1. SECOND READING: - Petroleum Bill (H. B. 5, 2006) – The Minister of Energy and Power Development


  1. SECOND READING: Gazetted Land (Consequential Provisions Bill) (H.B. 8, 2006)

The Minister State for National Security, Lands, Land Reform and

Resettlement in the President’s Office.


  1. SECOND READING: Judicial Service Bill (H.B. 7, 2006) – The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs


  1. SECOND READING: Domestic Violence Bill (H. B. 9, 2006) – The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.



  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Half 2006 Monetary Policy Review Statement presented to the Nation by the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe - (Adjourned 5th September 2006 – The Deputy Minister of Industry and International Trade).


[Days elapsed: 3]


            Question proposed:


That this House takes note of the First Half 2006 Monetary Policy Review Statement presented to the nation by the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, Dr Gideon Gono – Hon Mashakada.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (adjourned 2nd

August 2006The Minister of Rural Housing and Social Amenities)


[Time elapsed: 31 minutes]


Question proposed:  That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows-


That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows: –


May it please you, your Excellency the President:

We the Members of the Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament – Hon. Chief Chimombe.  








  1. Interception of Communications Bill (H.B. 4, 2006) - The Minister of Transport and Communications (Referred 26th July 2006) (Extended from 5 September 2006).







Government Caucus at 1000 hrs


EDUCATION, SPORT AND CULTURE: Hon. Mhashu  (Chairperson), Hon. Baloyi,

Hon. Senator Chimbudzi, Hon. Senator Chindanya, Hon. Madubeko, Hon. Maluleke,

Hon. Maziriri, Hon. Mguni, Hon. Senator Mkusha, Hon. Moyo L, Hon. Prof. J. Moyo,  Hon. Senator Muchengeti, Hon. Mupukuta , Hon. Mutomba , Hon. Mutsekwa, Hon.

Pote , Hon. Chief Shana, Hon. Sibindi, Hon. Senator Sengwe. Clerk – Mrs Sunga.



JUSTICE,     LEGAL    AND    PARLIAMENTARY    AFFAIRS:    Hon.                       Chipanga

(Chairperson), Hon. Senator Bayayi, Hon. Chief Bidi, Hon. Chidarikire, Hon. Gumbo J. M, Hon, Senator Mahere, Hon. Malinga, Hon. Madzimure, Hon.  Chief Malisa, Hon. Matutu, Hon. Senator Mapfumo, Hon. Senator Marange, Hon. Mawere, Hon. Misihairabwi- Mushonga, Hon. Senator Mtshane, Hon. Chief Mudzimurema. Clerk – Ms


Committee Room No. 2 at 1000 hrs

MINES, ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM: Hon. Gabbuza (Chairperson), Hon.

Butau, Hon. Chandengenda, Hon. Chief Dandawa, Hon Senator Dube, Hon. Senator

Gambiza, Hon. Katsande, Hon. Machaya, Hon. Senator Maduna, Hon. Col. Makova,

Hon. Senator Mohadi, Hon. Senator Msipa, Hon. Senator Muchenje, Hon. Mungofa,

Hon. Mushore, Hon.M.M,  Ndlovu, Hon. Sansole, Hon. Sibindi. Clerk – Ms Dube

Committee Room No. 3 at 1000 hrs


YOUTH, GENDER AND WOMEN’S AFFAIRS: Hon. Mahofa (Chairperson), Hon

Chief Bushu, Hon.  Chikomba, Hon. Chebundo, Hon. Chibaya, Hon. Chief Dandawa, Hon. Senator Goto, Hon. Kanzama, Hon. Madzore, Hon. Senator Makono, Hon. Senator

Matanga, Hon. Matamisa, Hon.  Mugabe,  Hon. Mukahlera, Hon. Senator Nemakonde, Hon. Satiya. Clerk – Ms Gondo.





Committee Room No. 4 at 1000 hrs


PUBLIC ACCOUNTS: Hon. Misihairabwi-Mushonga (Chairperson) Hon. Chamisa,

Hon. Chief Chimombe, Hon. Senator Gava, Hon. Kadzima, Hon. Matimba, Hon. Senator Mavhaire, Hon. Moyo L, Hon. Mupukuta, Hon. Ncube F D., Hon. Senator Nyoni, Hon.

Senator Patel, Hon. Satiya, Hon. Stevenson, Hon. Senator Thembani - Clerk- Mr. Daniel


Committee Room No. 1 at 1400 hrs



(Chairperson), Hon. Baloyi, Hon. Chibaya, Hon. Senator Gumbura, Hon. Gwetu,

Senator Haritotas, Hon. Senator Madiro, Hon. Maluleke, Hon. Matutu, Hon. Maziriri,

Hon. Mpariwa, Hon. Mushore, Hon. Senator Nyathi, Clerk- Mrs Muwandi


Committee Room No. 4 at 1400hrs



(Chairperson), Hon. Chief Bidi, Hon. Biti, Hon. Bhebhe, Hon. Senator Chief

Charumbira, Hon. Senator Chikava, Hon. Senator Kabayanjiri, Hon. Kanzama, Hon.

Senator Khumalo, Hon. Khupe, Hon. Majange, Hon. Senator Malinga, Hon. Mashakada, Hon. Mushoriwa, Hon. Mzembi, Hon. Ncube, D. M. Clerk – Mrs. Khumalo




Committee Room No. 1 at 1000 hrs



Porusingazi (Chairperson), Hon. Senator Chimene, Hon. Senator Georgios,  Hon. Gumbo J. M., Hon. Senator Hove, Hon. Chief Mabika, Hon. Malinga, Hon. Mhashu, Hon. Mugabe, Hon. Mukahlera, Hon. Senator Mumvuri, Hon. Mushoriwa, Hon. Mutomba, Hon. Ndlovu, Hon. Senator Ndlovu T, Hon. Chief Shana. Clerk – Mr Ratsakatika.


Committee Room No. 2 at 1000 hrs


LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Hon. Zinyemba, (Chairperson), Hon. Chidarikire, Hon.

Chimanikire, Hon. Gonese, Hon. Machaya, Hon. Majange, Hon. Senator Majuru, Hon.

Matimba, Hon. Matamisa, Hon Matuke, Hon. Mubhawu, Hon. Chief Mudzimurema,

Hon. Senator Munotengwa, Hon. Senator Musarurwa, Hon. Stevenson, Hon. Senator Tavengwa. Clerk – Mrs Sunga


Committee Room No. 1 at 1000 hrs



(Chairperson), Hon. Chamisa, Hon. Chipanga, Hon. Dausi-Gwachiwa, Hon. Kadzima,

Ms. Khupe, Hon. Madzimure, Hon. Makova, Hon. Senator Malaba, Hon. Senator

Mbambo, Hon. Senator Moyo, Hon. Mutomba, Hon.  Mutsekwa, Hon. Prof.  Ncube W., Hon. Senator Rungani, Hon. Zinyemba. Clerk – Mr Mazorodze


Committee Room No. 4 at 1000 hrs



Mzembi (Chairperson), Chief. Bushu, Hon. Senator Chiduku, Hon. Senator Chikwanha, Hon. Chief. Chimombe, Hon. Senator Dete, Hon. Gabbuza, Hon. Katsande, Hon.

Khumalo N.M., Hon. Senator Khumalo D, Hon. Mahofa, Hon. Mguni, Hon. Mkhosi,

Hon. S. Mugabe, Hon. Pote, Hon. Shoko, Hon. Senator Zvinavashe. Clerk – Ms Macheza


Government Caucus at 1000 hrs


HEALTH AND CHILD WELFARE:  Hon. Chebundo (Chairperson), Hon.

Chandengenda, Hon. Chindori-Chininga, Hon. Chipanga, Hon. Kangai, Hon. Khumalo

N.M, Hon. Chief Mabika, Hon. Madubeko, Hon. Madzore, Hon. Senator Mkhwebu, Hon. Senator Mombeshora, Hon. Mupukuta, Hon. Senator Mutinhiri, Hon. Nyauchi, Hon. Senator Sakupwanya, Hon. Sansole, Hon. Zwizwai. Clerk  -  Ms Mukono.


Committee Room No. 1 at 1000 hrs


TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION: Hon. Mugabe L (Chairperson), Hon. Chimbaira, Hon. Chikomba, Senator Magadu, Hon. Mdlongwa, Hon. Senator Moyo, Hon. Mubawu, Hon. Prof. Moyo, Hon. Ncube D. M, Hon. Senator Ndlovu R, Hon. Porusingazi, Hon. Pote, Hon. Senator Sai, Hon. Sikhala, Hon. Ziyambi, Hon.   Zwizwai,

Clerk – Mrs  Nyawo



Committee Room No. 4 at 0900 hrs


LIAISON AND CORDINATION:  Hon. J. M. Gumbo, (Chairperson), Hon. Buka, Hon. Butau, Hon. Chebundo, Hon. Chipanga, Hon. Gabbuza, Hon. Gonese, Hon. Khupe, Hon. Col. Makova, Hon. L. Mugabe, Hon. Mahofa, Hon. Mawere, Hon. Mhashu, Hon.

Misihairabwi-Mushonga, Hon. Mzembi, Hon. W. Ncube, Hon. Porusingazi, Hon.

Zinyemba, Clerk – Mr Chokuda.













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