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- Create Date August 14, 2021
- Last Updated November 6, 2021
No. 37
Quarter past two o'clock p.m. The Speaker in the Chair
Members Present
Beremauro G, Jiri M Matinenga E.T
Bhasikiti K, Kachepa N Matonga B Matutu
Biti L.T Kagurabadza T
Chaderopa F M.T Mavima L.D
Chambati T.S Kanzama F Mazikana P.H
Chamisa N Kapesa R Mbwembwe E
Chanetsa P.T, Karenyi L Mhandu C
Chibaya A. Kay J.I.H Mhashu F.G
Chebundo B, Khumalo N.M, Mhlanga A
Chikwinya S, Khumalo S.S, Mkhosi E.T.M
Chimbetete W.M Khumalo T Mlambo M
Chimhini D.A, Khupe T Mnangagwa E.D
Chininga E.T.C, Kumalo M Moyo E
Chinomona M.M Mabhena G Moyo J.N
Chiota P.C Machacha C Moyo R
Chirongwe R, Madubeko J Moyo S
Chirume O Madzimure W Mpukuta L
Chitando J Madzore P Muchauraya P
Chitima A, Mahlangu T
Mudarikwa S
Chivamba K, Mahoka S
Mudau M
Cross E.G Makamure R
Mudavanhu E
Denga P Makuyana M
Mudiwa S
Dokora L.D.K Mandebvu N.T
Mudzuri E
Dongo G.Z Mangami D
Mudzuri H
Dube M Mangena J
Muguti C
Dzingirai I Mangwana M.P
Mukanduri S.T
Dzirutwe G Maposhere D
Munengami F
Dzinotyiwei H A Maramba P.H
Mungofa P.T
Gabbuza J, G Maramwidze E
Munjeyi G
Garadhi S H
Mushonga S.L
Gonese I.T Mare M
Mushore L
Goto R Masaiti E
Musumbu E
Gumbo J.M. Matamisa E.E
Musundire A.L
Gwiyo C.C Matibe T.P
Musvaire W
Hlongwane M Matibenga L.G
Mutambara AG
Hove S.R Matienga M
Mutinhiri A
Jembere E Matimba T
Mutomba W
Mutseyami C.P Sithole A
Muza I Nyaude B Sululu A
Mwonzora D.T Raradza E Tazviona R
Mzembi W Rutsvara R Tshuma B
Navaya E Sai S Tsvangirai M
Ncube S Sansole T.W Varandeni J
Ndambakuwa F Saruwaka T.J.L Zhanda T.P
Ndhlovu A Shamu W.K Zinyemba M
Nemadziva N Shirichena E Ziyambi W.Z Nezi W Shoko H Zwizwai M.
Ngwenya B Shoko M
Nyakudanga O Sibanda F.M
Nyamudeza S Sibanda P.N
Nyamupinga B.B Sindi C
Printed by Order of the House
Hon. Buka Hon. Chidakwa, Hon. Chinamasa, Hon. Chombo, Hon. Langa, Hon.
Matshalaga, Hon. Mombeshora, Hon. Murerwa, Hon. Mutsekwa, Hon.
Mnkandhla, Hon. S.S. Nkomo, Hon Huruba, Hon. Ndebele G,
- The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs, with leave, moved:
That the provisions of Standing Order No. 34 (10) regarding the Prime Minister’s Question Time be suspended on Wednesday 20th June 2012 which is not the last Wednesday of the month to enable the Prime Minister to answer questions on that day.
Motion put and agreed to.
- Report from the Parliamentary Legal Committee NOT being adverse report on
the following Bill
Date received
Older Persons Bill [H.B.1, 2011] …................................... 6th June 2012
- Questions with Notice
- Questions without Notice
- The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs moved: That Order of the Day No. 1, for today, stands over until Order No. 24 has been disposed of.
Motion put and agreed to.
- The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs moved: That Order of the Day No. 2, for today, stands over until Order No. 24 has been disposed of.
Motion put and agreed to.
- The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs moved: That Order of the Day No. 3, for today, stands over until Order No. 24 has been disposed of,
Motion put and agreed to.
- Mangami, seconded by Hon. Sithole moved: that this House expresses its profound sorrow on the untimely death of Hon. B. Chikava on Sunday 17th December 2011, the Honourable Member for Mount Darwin Constituency.
Places on record its appreciation of the services which the late Member rendered to Parliament and the nation; and
Resolves that its deepest sympathy be conveyed to the family of the deceased Member of Parliament.
On the motion of the Deputy Prime Minister Prof. Mutambara: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.
- The Deputy Prime Minister Prof. Mutambara moved: That Notice of Motion No.
- and Orders of the Day Nos. 6 to 24, for today, stand over until Notice of Motion
No. 2 has been disposed of,
Motion put and agreed to.
- Chikwinya seconded by Hon. Matonga moved:
That the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Media, Information and Communication Technology on the State of Public Media in Zimbabwe which was superseded by the prorogation of the Third Session of the Seventh Parliament be restored on the Order Paper.
Motion put and agreed to.
- The Deputy Prime Minister Prof. Mutambara moved: That Notice of Motion No.
- and Orders of the Day Nos. 6 to 11 and 13 to 24, for today, stand over until Order of the day No. 12 has been disposed of.
Motion put and agreed to.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Education, Arts and Culture on Primary and Secondary schools textbooks tendering and distribution process under the Education Transition Fund.(S.C. 6, 2012) – (Adjourned 28th March – The Minister of Education, Sport Arts and Culture)
[Days elapsed: 2]
Question again Proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Education, Arts and Culture on Primary and Secondary schools textbooks tendering and distribution process under the Education Transition Fund.(S.C. 6, 2012) – Hon. Mangami.
Motion put and agreed to.
- On the motion of The Deputy Prime Minister Prof. Mutambara: The House adjourned at a half past five o' clock p.m.
- N. M. MOYO
- COMMITTEE :Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission Bill (H.B. 2, 2011)- The Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs
(See Notice of Amendments)
- SECOND READING : National Incomes and Pricing Commission Bill (H.B. 10, 2010) - The Minister of Industry and Commerce.
- COMMITTEE: Consideration of an Adverse Report by the Parliamentary Legal
Committee on the Electoral Amendment Bill (H.B. 3, 2011) – Hon. Mushonga
- SECOND READING : Older Persons Bill ( B.1,2011) – The Minister of Labour and Social Services.
- Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned
5th June – The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs)
[Time elapsed: 6 hours 42 minutes]
Question proposed: That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows:-
May it please you, your Excellency, the President:
We, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament – Hon Zhuwao
That this House:
AWARE that the operations of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) are governed by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act (Chapter 22:15) as amended in 2010, Banking Act (Chapter 24:20) and other related statutory instruments;
CONCERNED with alleged high levels of corruption, shady deals, acts of economic sabotage and poor cooperate governance principles at the RBZ,
WORRIED by the Anti-Corruption Commission's apparent involvement in the matter;
NOW THEREFORE resolves to set up an ad hoc Committee in terms of Standing Order Number 157, to investigate allegations of corruption at the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and table its findings in this
That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Media, Information and Communication Technology on the State of Public Media in Zimbabwe. (SC8, 2011).
That this House takes note of the Report of the Fifth Ordinary Session of the
Second parliament of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP)
That this House takes note of the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on the Ministry of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development on the Zimbabwe United Passenger Company (S.C. 14, 2012).
That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on State Enterprises and Parastatals Management on ZESA’s delivery to the Nation. (S.C. 17, 2012).
That this House takes note of the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on
Education, Sport and Culture on the Challenges in the Education Sector in
Zimbabwe. (S.C. 19, 2012)
- Adjourned debate on motion of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on
Budget, Finance and Investment Promotion on the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority
(ZIMRA's) operations at Border Posts (S.C. 9, 2012). – (Adjourned 17th May
– Hon Chebundo)
[Day elapsed: 1]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Budget, Finance and Investment Promotion on the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA's) operations at Border Posts (S.C. 9, 2012). – Hon. Cross
- Adjourned debate on motion of the untimely death of Hon. Chikava –
(Adjourned 6th June – The Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Prof. Mutambara)
[Day elapsed: 1]
Question proposed: That this House expresses its profound sorrow on the untimely death of Hon. B. Chikava on Sunday, 17th December 2011, the Honourable Member for Mount Darwin Constituency.
Places on record its appreciation of the services which the late Member rendered to Parliament and the nation: and
Resolves that its deepest sympathy be conveyed to the family of the deceased
Member of Parliament.- Hon Mangami
- Adjourned debate on motion of the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local
Government, Rural and Urban Development on Service Delivery to the Local
Authorities of Gutu and Chiredzi (S.C.13, 2012) – (Adjourned 16th May –
The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs)
[Day elapsed: 1]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio
Committee on Local Government, Rural and Urban Development on Service
Delivery to the Local Authorities of Gutu and Chiredzi (S.C.13, 2012)
– Hon Karenyi
- Adjourned debate on motion of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on
Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism on Conservancies and Forestry
Plantations (S.C. 11, 2012) – (Adjourned 16th May – The Minister of
Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs)
[Days elapsed: 3]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism on Conservancies and Forestry Plantations (S.C. 11, 2012) – Hon Nezi
- Adjourned debate on motion of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Women, Youth, Gender and Community Development (SC 10, 2012) –
(Adjourned 15th May – The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary
Affairs) [Day Elapsed 1]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio
Committee on Women, Youth, Gender and Community Development on the
Challenges and Constraints Affecting the Operations of Vocational Training Centres in Zimbabwe (S.C. 10, 2012) - Hon. Matienga
- Adjourned debate on motion that leave be granted to bring in a Bill to amend the
Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act in Section 121 by the Repeal of Subsection
3 (Adjourned 27th March -Hon. Gonese )
[Days elapsed: 2]
Question proposed: That leave be granted to bring in a Bill to amend the
Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act in Section 121 by the Repeal of Subsection
- Hon. Gonese
- Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on
Transport and Infrastructural Development on the Operations of the National Railways of Zimbabwe (S.C. 5, 2012)-(Adjourned 22nd March – Hon. Sibanda D).
[Days elapsed: 2]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Transport and Infrastructural Development on the Operations of the National Railways of Zimbabwe (S.C. 5, 2012) -Hon Chebundo.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Committee on Public
Accounts on the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General on the Management of Government Vehicles by CMED (Private) Limited (S.C. 3, 2012) (Adjourned 22nd March – Hon. Gonese).
[Day elapsed: 1]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Committee on Public Accounts on the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor
General on the Management of Government Vehicles by CMED (Private)
Limited (S.C. 3, 2012) – Hon. Chinyadza
- Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on
Health and Child Welfare on the state of affairs at NatPharm (S.C. 2, of 2012) – (Adjourned 22nd March - Hon. Sibanda D).
Question proposed:That this House takes note of the First Report of the Committee on Health and Child Welfare on the state of affairs and NatPharm (S.C. 2, of 2012) - Hon. Parirenyatwa.
[Day elapsed: 1]
- Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government and Urban Development on the Third Quarter Budget Performance of the Ministry of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development for the year
2011.(S.C.5, 2012) (Adjourned 15th March – Hon Chinomona)
[Day elapsed: 2]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Report of the Portfolio
Committee on Local Government and Urban Development on the Third
Quarter Budget Performance of the Ministry of Local Government, Rural and
Urban Development for the year 2011.(S.C.5, 2012) – Hon. Karenyi
- Adjourned debate on motion on the workshop report of the Pan African
Parliament Permanent Committee on Trade, Customs and Immigration matters (Adjourned 13th March – The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary
[Days elapsed: 6]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Report on the Pan African Parliament Permanent Committee on Trade, Customs and Immigration matters workshop that was held in Gaborone Botswana in July 2011 to promote the involvement of the committee and members of Parliament on Trade, Customs and Immigration in Regional Integration efforts – Hon. Mutomba.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the Indigenisation and Empowerment (General)
Regulations Statutory Instrument No. 21 of 2010 (Adjourned 13th March – The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs)
[Days elapsed: 5]
Question proposed: That this House:
COGNIZANT of the need to publish in the gazette and to enforce all delegated legislation in conformity with the relevant Principal Acts;
DISTURBED that the Indigenisation and Empowerment (General) Regulations
Statutory Instrument No. 21 of 2010, as read with the minimum requirements for
Indigenisation Implementation Plans for businesses in the mining sector GN 114/2011, do not conform with the Government's Policy of economic revival which aims at encouraging Direct Foreign Investment;
CONCERNED that the responsible Minister promulgated the Indigenisation
Empowerment Regulations without due regard for private enterprises and industries which are critical for Zimbabwe's economic recovery; CONDEMNING the practice by the responsible Minister to invoke delegated legislation on foreign owned companies without Cabinet Authority, in contravention of bilateral agreements, a situation which puts the Government's credibility into disrepute;
NOW THEREFORE, resolves that the responsible Minister withdraws forthwith the Indigenisation and Empowerment Regulations and replaces them with revised versions which address broad based empowerment programmes – Hon. Musundire.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on
Mines and Energy on the state of affairs at Shabani Mashava Mine (S.C.10,
2011) (Adjourned 25th October - Hon. Gonese)
[Day elapsed: 1]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the
Portfolio Committee on Mines and Energy on the State of Affairs at Shabani-Mashava Mines (S.C.10, 2011). - Hon Chindori-Chininga
- Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government, Rural and Urban Development (Adjourned 26th September – D. Sibanda).
[Day elapsed: 2]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government, Urban and Rural Development on the public hearings on the state of service delivery by the Municipalities of Harare, Chitungwiza and Norton. (S.C. 6, 2010)- Hon. Matimba.
- SECOND READING : Urban Councils Amendment Bill (H.B. 5, 2011) -
*1. HON. BALOYI: To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to state:
i)the measures the Ministry is taking to curb the increasing rate of raids on livestock along the Sango and Chikwalakwala border line in Chiredzi; and ii) the Ministry's plans in finding a lasting solution to cross border cattle rustling in the Sengwe and Matibi II communal lands.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 26th October 2011]
*2. HON. SULULU: To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to explain to the House the action that has been taken by the police to arrest violent and rowdy people who disrupted the following approved public gatherings;
- The meeting addressed by the United States Ambassador Charles on 20th July 2011 in Kwekwe, where youths, journalists and the public were assaulted in full view of the police force;
- the public hearing in the Government Caucus on the Human Rights Commission Bill on 23rd July 2011, where some Members of Parliament, Journalists and the public were assaulted again in full view of the police
- The measures the Ministry has put in place to avoid such embarrassing actions from re-occurring.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 26th October 2011]
*3 HON. BALOYI: To ask the Co - Ministers of Home Affairs
a) Whether they are aware of the incident involving ZRP details that resulted in | |
the death of a border jumper at the Bubi River Bank in Chikwalakwala and to | |
b) Explain what measures have been taken to bring the culprits to book and to | |
prevent recurrence of such incidents.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 6th June 2012] |
*4. | HON MAKAMURE: To ask the Co - Ministers of Home Affairs to explain the |
following to the House | |
a) Government's Policy or the procedures regarding the sale of stray or lost cattle | |
b) Measures which have been put in place to assist the rural people who have no | |
access to the Media to be informed about such auctions of stray cattle.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 6th June 2012] |
*5. | HON MUCHAURAYA: To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to explain the |
position regarding the Commissioner General of Police's Post. |
[Deferred from, Wednesday 6th June 2012]
*6. HON CHITANDO: To ask the Co – Ministers of Home Affairs to explain to the
- The case number of the death of Zvidzai Mapurisa which was reported at
Muchakata Police Station in June 2008 in Masvingo Province;
- A detailed account of circumstances leading to Zvidzai Mapurisa's murder in
June 2008 at Rarangwe Village 21;
- Results of the post mortem on the causes of the death of Zvidzai Mapurisa;
- Stages at which investigations are and the action that has been taken on the
*7. HON. MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister of State in the President's Office to explain
to the House why the following members of the Central Intelligence Organisation have been allowed to hold political party positions as Central Committee Members of ZANU PF whilst they are still in full-time employment of the state:
- Tabeth Kanengoni from Mashonaland Central
- Jesca Chidza from Manicaland, and
- Lazma Humbe from Manicaland
[Deferred from, Wednesday 5th October 2011]
*8. HON. GARADHI: To ask the Ministry of Local Government, Urban and Rural
Development to explain the Ministry's position with regards to former Golden Kopje Mine employees who are being evicted by Chinhoyi City Council because of their party affiliation.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 23rd November 2011]
*9. HON CHIMHINI: To ask the Minister of Local Government Rural and Urban
Development to explain to the House why for seven years now, the Mutasa District
Development Fund has not been able to service or maintain roads such as Honde Green to Ngarura - Rupinda, Muterere to Mandeya2, Hauna to Mandeya 2 via Loretto and any other roads under its jurisdiction.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 6th June 2012]
*10. HON CHIMHINI: To ask the Minister of Local Government Rural and Urban Development to advise the House what steps a community can take against traditional leaders, such as village head Shepherd Sagambe, Mutirowaenda
Katambarare and Ndai Dondo, a ZANU P.F. Chairperson in Ward One,
Mutasa North Constituency, who force people to bring National Identity cards
to their homesteads and use the Identity Cards to appoint villagers as Party | |
structure officials to cells and branches and bar people from attending any other | |
political rallies other than ZANU P.F. rallies.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 28th March 2012] |
*11. | HON . NDEBELE: To ask the Minister of Local Government Rural and Urban |
Development to inform the House |
i)Why he appoints councillors who lost their posts during 2008 elections and | |
those who abused council funds during their term into position of authority. |
ii) Whether it is government policy to elect special interest councillors from | |
ZANU P.F. Only.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 28th March 2012] |
*12. | HON CHIMHINI: To ask the Minister of Local Government Rural and Urban |
Development to explain: |
i) Whether it is government policy to allow District Administrators such as Mr | |
Dhliwayo of Mutasa District, to summon village heads to political meetings | |
addressed by Mr Jabulani Sibanda. |
ii) How the families of the deceased Village Heads, Edward Chijara, Tonganayi | |
Mamombe and Paul Mukariri will be compensated after a lorry belonging to Mr | |
L.P. Masamvu an aspiring ZANU P.F. Parliamentary candidate, overturned and | |
killed the three village heads and injured more than forty other heads on their | |
way to a political meeting at the District Administrators Offices.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 28th March 2012] |
*13. | HON JIRI: To ask the Minister of Local Government Rural and Urban |
Development to explain why |
i) Chikomba Rural District Council is allowed to run its affairs unprofessionally | |
and without control. |
ii) The Council does not entertain submissions made by rate payers during the | |
time of budget consultation |
iii) The Council allows people to operate garages along streets e.g near Total | |
garage in Chivhu. |
iv) Vendors are allowed to sale sadza at unhealthy places and the market | |
opposite Vics Tarven. |
- v) The budget does not reflect the Essar Mine's contribution to the community.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 28th March 2012]
*14. HON MUSHONGA: To ask the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development to:
- i) Explain the Ministry's Policy regarding the release of information on Chiadzwa Diamond Mines in view of the conflicting figures given by the chairperson of the Minerals Marketing Cooperation of Zimbabwe and the Deputy Minister of Mines Mining Development on diamond production.
u Explain the Ministry's policy in reporting to Parliament regarding the following mining companies operating at Chiadzwa Diamond Fields in view of the fact that only three companies are usually mentioned:
- Mbada Diamonds which is run by MMCZ and Reclamation Company of South Africa
- CANDILE run by ZMDC and retired Zimbabwe National Army Commanders.
- ANGIN run by the Chinese and Zimbabwe National Army
- Central Intelligence Organisation and partners
- Zimbabwe Republic Police and Partners
- Zimbabwe Prison Services and Partners
- Marange Resources
- Block Wood Mining
- Condurango Investments
[Deferred from, Wednesday 28th March 2012]
*15. HON MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister of Mines and Mining Development to disclose all the Companies mining diamonds at Chiadzwa Diamond Fields, the total quantities that are mined per month and remittances to the Consolidated Revenue Fund in terms of taxes, royalties and the government's share of dividends.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 28th March 2012]
*16. HON MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister of Mines and Mining Development to;
i)inform the House whether it is true that after operation Hakudzokwi there is theft and pilfering of diamonds which are sold in Mozambican markets and;
State the measures the Ministry is taking to stop the leakages.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 28th March 2012]
*17. HON NYAUDE: To ask the Minister of Mines and Mining Development to shade light on the activities of the Chinese at Mupedzapasi in Mbire District.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 6th June 2012]
*18. HON NYAUDE: To ask the Minister of Mines and Mining Development to explain to the House why Trojan Nickel Mine is not carrying out mining activities despite enunciation of the use it or lose it principle provided for in the Medium Term
[Deferred from, Wednesday 6th June 2012]
*19. HON NYAUDE: To ask the Minster of Mines to clarify whether the Chinese at Mupedzapasi in Mbire District are prospecting or mining uranium in view of the alleged loads of ore seen driven out of the area.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 6th June 2012]
*20. HON M. SHOKO: To ask the Minister of Energy and Power Development to explain to the House
- The Ministry's policy regarding ZESA transformers which get damaged due to theft of transmission oil.
- The ownership of those boxes considering the contribution of the community towards the repair and maintenance of those transformers.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 6th June 2012]
*21. HON SHOKO: To ask the Minister of Energy to explain why electricity bills for ordinary citizens continue accumulating in light of continued power outages.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 6th June 2012]
*22. | HON CHEBUNDO: To ask the Ministry of Industry and Commerce to explain the |
measures the Ministry is taking to avert the closure of Sable Chemical Industries | |
Limited which is facing numerous challenges.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 28th March 2012] |
*23. | HON CHEBUNDO: To ask the Minister of Industry and Commerce to explain the |
measures the Ministry is taking to address the unethical management operations | |
and contractual policies for inputs and the welfare of workers at Sable Chemicals | |
Industries Limited. |
[Deferred from, Wednesday 28th March 2012]
*24. HON CROSS: To ask the Minister of Industry and Commerce to inform to the House why the agreements entered into with ESSAR have not been implemented.
*25. HON CHIMHINI: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare to state the plans the Ministry has to ensure that Malaria drugs and testing kits are made available in malaria prone districts such as Mutasa District in view of the serious shortage of Malaria drugs and testing kits in these districts.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 28th March 2012]
*26. | HON BALOYI: To ask the Minister of Water Resources to inform the House |
progress made regarding the Chikombedzi water supply projects.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 6th June 2012] |
*27. | HON MADUBEKO: To ask the Minister of Water Resources, Development and |
Management to inform the House on the progress made on the Gwayi Shangani | |
Dam Construction and if he could make a statement.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 6th June 2012] |
*28. | HON. MUDARIKWA: To ask the Minister of Water Resources Development and |
Management to explain why the Zimbabwe National Water Authority has a fixed | |
charge on its billing system yet there is no constant supply of water.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 6th June 2012] |
*29. | HON MARAMWIDZE: To ask the Minister of Finance to explain to the House why |
pensioners who get their pay at Mpandawana Post Office are offered a fraction | |
of their salaries instead of the whole amount and have to travel to Masvingo | |
POSB for the rest of the amount.
[Transferred, 6th June 2012] |
*30. | HON NYAUDE: To ask the Minster of Labour and Social Services to explain the |
Ministry's policy regarding the provisions of food and other welfare assistance to | |
families residing in mining areas were operations have been suspended, for | |
example Bindura Nickel Cooporation at Trojan, Shangani in Bulawayo and | |
Mwana Africa at Freda Rebecca Mine.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 6th June 2012]
*31. | HON NYAUDE: To ask the Minister of Labour and Social Services to inform the House of its plans to resolve pending labour issues at Trojan Nickel Cooporation |
and Mwana Africa as this has resulted in more than 4 000 families suffering from a wide range of social ills especially food shortages.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 6th June 2012]
HON NYAUDE: To ask the Minister of Information Communication Technology to explain to the House why Econet boosters in Bindura South, Mbire and Rushinga in Mashonaland Central Province have not been activated considering the time that has lapsed since they were erected.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 6th June 2012] |
*33. | HON CROSS: To ask the Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Industry |
i) to outline the Ministry's plans to ensure the success of the 2013 United | |
Nations World Tourism Conference to be held in the town of Victoria Falls in | |
October 2013. |
ii) to give a report on the progress that has been made regarding the preparations for the Conference.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 6th June 2012] |
HON CROSS: To ask the Minister of Agriculture Mechanisation and Irrigation Development to explain to the House measures that the Ministry has put in place to ensure that the price of cotton is at least more than 25 cents a kilogram for the cotton deliveries currently offered by ginners this season.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 6th June 2012] |
HON MARAMWIDZE: To ask the Minister of Youth Development, Indigenisation to inform the House whether the small scale industries owned by Nigerians and Chinese are included in the 51% Indigenisation Policy on foreign owned companies considering that the majority of Zimbabweans cannot afford to buy the shares from big corporates.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 6th June 2012] |
HON CHITANDO: To ask the Minister of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture to explain to the House: |
a) The Ministry's Policy regarding the engagement of sports persons in all | |
disciplines who are in the diaspora to represent Zimbabwe. | |
b) Whether the Ministry has an accurate database of soccer players who are | |
playing in foreign leagues. |
*37. | HON SIBANDA P.N.: To ask the Minsiter of Transport and Infrustructural |
Development to inform the House; | |
a) The criteria for selection of major roads to be tarred and upgraded considering | |
that Binga – Karoi road, has not been given attention by the ministry and since | |
Zimbabwe is hosting the UNWTO conference the Harare to Victoria Falls via this | |
route could be cheaper and shorter. |
*38. | HON CHITANDO: To ask the Minister of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture to |
explain to the House the circumstances which led to the temporary closure of | |
Nyamakate Secondary School in Karoi and the action taken by the Ministry | |
to protect the teachers affected. |
*39. | HON CHITANDO: To ask the Minister of Education, Sport, Arts and culture to |
inform the House on the following: |
a) The number of vacant teaching posts in Masvingo Province, District by | |
District. | |
b) The number of those in acting capacity in the Province District by District by | |
District | |
c) The Ministry's Policy regarding filling of vacant teaching posts. |
*40. | HON CHITANDO: To ask the Minister of Education Sport, Arts and Culture to |
explain: | |
a) the position regarding the holding of political meeting at schools and whose | |
responsibility it is to report damages caused by the political violence at a Zanu PF | |
meeting at Shangara Primary School in May 2012. |
b) The enforcement mechanisation the Ministry is devising to make sure repairs | |
are done. |
*41. | HON CROSS: To ask the Minister of Public Service to explain to the House: |
a) Why prisoners are not receiving their pensions from the Central Payments | |
Office; |
b) Indicate when the audit of the pensions data base will be undertaken to | |
establish the number of active pensioners who are still eligible for a state | |
pension; |
c) To confirm the status of the find supported by the Governments of Malawi, | |
Zambia, Zimbabwe | |
and U.K. for the purpose of federal pensions, |
*42. | HON C. MHANDU: To ask the Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs to inform the |
House; on the following |
- Government's position on the recent judgement in South Africa by Judge Hans Fabricius of North Gauteng High Court to investigate and prosecute eighteen (18)
High ranking Zimbabwean Officials alleged to have been involved in Human
Rights abuses – in a case, Southern Africa Litigation Centre and Zimbabwe
Exiles Forum vs South African National Prosecuting Authority and South Africa
Police Services;
- Measures the Government taking to stop foreign countries from interfering in its internal constitutional and legal matters;
- Whether South Africa has the jurisdiction to pass such inter-territorial judgements;
- To name the eighteen (18) High ranking Zimbabwe officials who are alleged to be involved in the litigation and whether they were informed of the litigation?
Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission Bill, 2011 (H.B. 2,2011)
On page 5 of the Bill, delete clause 1 on lines 9 and 10 and substitute the following:
“1 Short title
This Act may be sited as the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission Act [Chapter
On page 5 of the Bill, in the definition of “human rights violation”, delete the proviso thereto between lines 36 and 38.
On page 6 of the Bill, delete the definition of “visitor” between lines 10 and 12.
On page 6 of the Bill, delete clause 4 and substitute the following:
“4 Additional functions of Commission
In addition to the functions and powers set out in section 100R(6) and (7) of the Constitution, the Commission shall have the following functions and powers-
- to conduct investigations on its own initiative or on receipt of complaints;
- to visit and inspect prisons, places of detention, refugee camps and related facilities in order to ascertain the condition under which inmates are kept there, and to make recommendations regarding those conditions to the Minister responsible for administering the law relating to those places or facilities;
- to visit and inspect places where mentally disordered or intellectually handicapped persons are detained under any law in order to ascertain the conditions under which those persons are kept there, and to make recommendations regarding those conditions to the Minister responsible for administering the law relating to those places; and
- to ensure and provide appropriate redress for violations of human rights and for injustice;
- to co-operate with Human Rights Institutions belonging to international, Continental or Regional organisations of which Zimbabwe is a member.”
On page 7 of the Bill, in Sub-section (1) of this clause, delete paragraph B between lines 4 and 7 and substitute:
“(b) employ such other staff as maybe necessary for the proper exercise of its functions, and engage consultants where necessary:
Provided that the Commission shall consult the Minister and the Minister responsible for Finance on the extent to which additional public moneys maybe required for this purpose.”
On page 7 of the Bill, insert after the end of subclause (1) on line 7 the following subclause, and renumber the subsequent subclauses (2), (3) and (4) as subclauses (3), (4) and (5) accordingly:
“(2) In order for a person to be appointed as Executive Secretary of the Commission, he or she must -
- be qualified to be appointed as a judge of the High Court or the Supreme
Court; or
- have a graduate or postgraduate qualification in human rights law or humanitarian law or a related discipline.”
On page 8 of the Bill, in subclause (4)(a), delete in lines 24 and 25 the words “the aggrieved person was a citizen, resident or visitor of Zimbabwe at the time when the action or omission complained of occurred and”.
On page 8 of the Bill, in subclause (1), delete in line 42 the words “in that notice” and substitute “in those regulations”.
On pages 9 and 10 of the Bill delete subclause (6) and substitute the following subclause
“(6) The Minister may, at any stage during the investigation of a complaint by the commission, to produce to the Commission a certificate in writing signed by him or her to the effect that the disclosure of any evidence or documentation or class of evidence or documentation or class of evidence or documentation specified in the certificates is, in his or her opinion, contrary to the public interest on the grounds that it may prejudice the defence, external relations, internal security or economic interests of the state , whereupon the Commission shall make arrangements for evidence relating to that matter to be heard in camera at a closed hearing and shall take such other action as may be necessary or expedient to prevent the disclosure of that matter.”
On page 10 of the Bill, in subclause (7), delete in line 7 the word “notice” and substitute
On page 10 of the Bill, in the subclause (7) (b), delete in lines 13 and 15 the word
“notice” and substitute “certificates”.
On page 10 of the Bill, insert after subclause (8), the following subclause:
“(9) For the avoidance of doubt it is declared that the law relating to the competence or compellability of any person on the grounds of privilege to give evidence, answer any questions or produce any book or document before the Commission, shall apply.”
Renumber the subsequent subclause (9) as subclause (10) accordingly.
At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 1
Transport and Infrastructure Development –Hon. Chebundo (Chairperson) Hon. Baloyi, Hon. Chanetsa, Hon. Chebundo, Hon. Dongo, Hon. Dzirutwe, Hon.
Huruba, Hon. Machacha, Hon. Mandebvu, Hon. Mhlanga, Hon. Mushore, Hon. Ncube S, Hon. Nyakudanga, Hon. Raradza, Hon. Rutsvara Clerk Ms Macheza
At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 2
Defence and Home Affairs – Hon. Madzore to be Chairperson
Hon. Chaderopa, Hon. Denga, Hon. Huruba, Hon. Madzore, Hon. Mafios, Hon. Mutinhiri, Hon. Ziteya, Hon. Mangena, Hon. Mhandu (Rtd) Major C, Hon. Moyo R, Hon. Mutseyami, Hon. Mwonzora, Hon. Sululu. - Clerk Mr Daniel
At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 4
Public Accounts – Hon Chinyadza to be Chairperson
Hon. Bhasikiti, Hon. Chikava, Hon. Chinyadza, Hon. Hove, Hon. Mangena, Hon. Matiza, Hon. Mbwembwe, Hon. Moyo S, Hon. Muguti, Hon. Musundire, Hon. Nyamupinga B, Hon. Sai, Hon. Sansole T, Hon. Sululu.- Clerk Mrs Nyawo
At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 311
Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism – Hon. M. Dube to be
Hon. P. Dube, Hon. Bhasikiti, Hon. Chinomona, Hon. Chitima, Hon. Karenyi,
Hon. Machacha, Hon. Mahoka, Hon. Marima, Hon. Matienga, Hon. Mazikana,
Hon. Mkhosi, Hon. Ndambakuwa, Hon. Nezi, Hon. Saruwaka, Hon. Shoko M,
Hon. Sibanda C.C, Hon. Sibanda P.N - Clerk Mr Mazani
At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 311
Mines and Energy – Hon. Chindori-Chininga (Chairperson)
Hon. Chindori-Chininga, Hon. Chinomona, Hon. Dzingirayi, Hon. Kagurabadza,
Hon. Katsande, Hon. Kay, Hon. Haritatos, Hon. Makamure, Hon. Maposhere,
Hon. Mare, Hon. Marima, Hon. Mudarikwa, Hon. Mudiwa, Hon. Mudzuri. E,
Hon. Mungofa, Hon. Munjeyi, Hon Munengami, Hon. Musvaire, Hon. Muza, Hon. Navaya, Hon. Nemadziva, Hon. Shoko H. - Clerk Mr Manhivi
At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 3
Higher Education, Science and Technology – Hon. S.M. Ncube
Hon. Chanetsa, Hon. Chitando, Hon. Dumbu, Hon. Khumalo Martin, Hon.
Kumalo Marvellous, Hon. Mafios, Hon. Maramwidze, Hon. Matamisa, Hon.
Mnkandla, Hon. Muza, Hon. S.M. Ncube, Hon. Ndhlovu A, Hon. Zhuwao. Clerk Mrs Zenda
At 1000hrs in Committee Room No.
Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare – Hon. Zinyemba (Chairperson) Hon. Chibaya, Hon. Chirongwe, Hon. Chivamba, Hon. Goto, Hon. Gwiyo, Hon.
Khumalo T, Hon. Khumalo S.S, Hon. Mahlangu, Hon. Mudau, Hon. Sai, Hon.
Sibanda F.M, Hon. Zinyemba. - Clerk Ms Mushunje
At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 4
Budget, Finance and Investment Promotion – Hon. Zhanda (Chairperson)
Hon. Beremauro, Hon. Bhebhe A, Hon. Chinyadza, Hon. Cross, Hon. M. Dube, Hon. Kanzama, Hon. Khumalo Martin, Hon. Mashakada, Hon. Matshalaga, Hon.
Muguti, Hon. Mukanduri, Hon. Ndava, Hon. Nyaude, Hon. Saruwaka, Hon.
Sibanda, Hon. Zhanda. - Clerk Mr Ratsakatika
At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 311
Public Works and National Housing – Hon. Mupukuta to be Chairperson Hon. Chimhini, Hon. Chirume, Hon. Chimbetete, Hon. Jiri, Hon. Kachepa, Hon.
Mabhena, Hon. Mbwembwe, Hon. Mudzuri H, Hon. Mupukuta, Hon.
Ndambakuwa, Hon. Ndebele G, Hon. Ngwenya, Hon. Shirichena, Hon. Sindi. -
Clerk - Mr Mazani
At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 413
Justice, Legal Affairs, Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs – Hon
Mwonzora (Chairperson)
Hon. Gonese, Hon. Kapesa, Hon. Mangami, Hon. Mangwana, Hon. Matiza, Hon.
Hon. Mkandla T.Z, Hon. Muchauraya, Hon. Mushonga S.L, Hon. Muza, Hon.
Mutinhiri, Hon. Mwonzora, Hon. Parirenyatwa, Hon. Shoko M, Hon. Tshuma B.
Hon Varandeni J. - Clerk Miss Zenda
At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 1
Health and Child Welfare – Hon. Parirenyatwa (Chairperson)
Hon. Chebundo, Hon. Chikava, Hon. Chivamba, Hon. Dube M, Hon. Kachepa, Hon. Makuyana, Hon. Maramba, Hon. Masaiti, Hon. Matamisa, Hon.
Matshalaga, Hon. Mudavanhu, Hon. Munengami, Hon. Ndebele G, Hon.
Nyamupinga, Hon. Parirenyatwa D, Hon. Shoko H, Hon. Ziyambi. - Clerk Mrs
At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 3
Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade – Hon.
Mukanduri (Chairperson)
Hon.Gumbo J.M, Hon. Chanetsa, Hon. Chirongwe, Hon. Gwiyo, Hon. Jembere, Hon. Maramwidze, Hon. Mukanduri, Hon. Muza, Hon. Ndlovu A, Hon.
Ngwenya, Hon. Rutsvara, Hon. Sibanda D, Hon. Sindi, Hon. Tshuma. - Clerk Mr Chiremba
At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 2
State Enterprises and Parastatals Management – Hon. Mavima
Hon. Chikwinya, Hon. Kagurabadza, Hon. Matibe, Hon. Mavima, Hon.
Maramba, Hon. Mlilo, Hon. Mkhosi E, Hon. Mushore, Hon. Ndava, Hon.
Ngwenya, Hon. Sibanda P N, Hon. Ziteya, Hon. Ziyambi. - Clerk Ms Chikuvire
At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 2
Industry and Commerce – Hon. Mutomba (Chairperson)
Hon. Chihota, Hon. Dube P, Hon. Hove, Hon. Kanzama, Hon. Madubeko, Hon.
Matshalaga, Hon. Madzimure, Hon. Mavima, Hon. Mharadza, Hon. Mutomba, Hon. Nyaude, Hon. Sansole, Hon. Sithole. - Clerk Miss Masara
At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 311
Agriculture, Water, Lands and Resettlement – Hon Jiri (Chairperson) Hon. Chinomona, Hon Denga, Hon. Dube P, Hon. Dube M, Hon. Jiri, Hon. Katsande, Hon. Mahoka, Hon. Makamure, Hon. Makuyana, Hon. Mkhosi E, Hon. Mlambo, Hon. Mlilo, Hon. Raradza, Hon. Sai, Hon. Varandeni, Hon.
Zhanda. - Clerk Mr A. Mutyambizi
At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 4
Local Government, Rural and Urban Development – Hon. Karenyi
Hon. Baloyi, Hon T.S. Chambati, Hon. Karenyi, Hon. Dube M, Hon. Garandi, Hon. Kapesa, Hon. Matimba, Hon. Mudzuri E., Hon. Musvaire, Hon. Mudau,
Hon. Mkandla T.Z, Hon. Nyakudanga, Hon. Samkange. - Clerk Mr Daniel
At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 413
Media, Information and Communication Technology – Hon. S. Chikwinya
Hon. Baloyi, Hon. Chaderopa, Hon. Hlongwane, Hon. Mandebvu, Hon. Matonga, Hon. Moyo S, Hon. Mudarikwa, Hon. Jembere, Hon. Muchauraya, Hon. Mudiwa, Hon. Musumbu, Hon. Sibanda, Hon. Varandeni, Hon. Ziyambi. - Clerk
Mr Mutyambizi
At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 1
Small and Medium Enterprise Cooperative Development – Hon. Moyo Chairperson
Hon. Chimbetete, Hon. Gonese, Hon. Makuyana M, Hon. Maramwidze Hon.
Masvaire, Hon. Matibe, Hon. Maposhere, Hon. Mbwembwe, Hon. Moyo R, Hon.
Munjeyi, Hon. Mutomba, Hon. Muza, Hon. Navaya, Hon. Nemadziva, Hon.
Ngwenya, Hon. Nyamudeza, Hon. Sai, Hon. Sindi, Hon. Tazviona, Hon.
Zhuwao, Hon. Zinyemba. - Clerk Ms Mushunje
At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 3
Women, Youth, Gender and Community Development – Hon Matienga (Chairperson)
Hon. Chibaya, Hon. Chitima, Hon. Chirume, Hon. Chitima, Hon. Dzingirayi, Hon. Goto, Hon. Kagurabadza, Hon. Masukume, Hon Masaiti, Hon. Matienga, Hon. Mahlangu, Hon. Mharadza, Hon. Navaya, Hon. Nyamupinga, Hon.
Shirichena, Hon. Sithole A. Clerk Mr Kunzwa
At 1000hrs in Committee Room No. 4
Education, Sports and Culture- Hon. Mangami (Chairperson)
Hon. Bhasikiti, Hon. Chihota, Hon. Chimhini, Hon. Chitando, Hon. Dumbu,
Hon. Haritatos, Hon. Kumalo Marvellous, Hon. Khumalo S., Hon. Madubeko, Hon. Mangami, Hon. Mhashu F.G, Hon. Mudzuri H, Hon. Mupukuta, Hon.
Muza, Hon. S.M Ncube, Hon. Nezi, Hon. Sibanda F.M. - Clerk - Ms Chikuvire