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SENATE HANSARD 02 February 2016 25-23


Tuesday, 2nd February, 2016

The Senate met at Half-past Two o’clock p.m.





Section 39, Subsection 7(a) of the Electoral Act, Chapter 2 (13), the

Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has notified the Clerk of Parliament of the nomination of Hon. Senator Clemence Makwarimba as a senator.  Hon. Makwarimba, a registered voter in Ward 19 of

Masvingo Rural District Council of Magan’ani rural village under Chief Mapanzure in Masvingo was nominated by the ZANU PF party to fill in the vacancy that occurred in the Senate following the recall by the ZANU PF party of the incumbent member, Hon. Dzikamai Mavhaire on the grounds that he has ceased to be a member of that party.  Hon.

Senator Makwarimba was duly appointed Senator for Masvingo Province with effect from 18th December, 2015.

Section 128, Subsection I of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that before a Member of Parliament takes his or her seat in Parliament, the Member must take the Oath of a Member of Parliament in the form set out in the Third Schedule.  Section 128, subsection 2 states that the Oath must be taken before the Clerk of Parliament.  I

therefore call upon the Clerk of Parliament to administer the Oath of a Member of Parliament to Hon. Senator Clemence Makwarimba.


  1. CLEMENCE MAKWARIMBA subscribed to the Oath of

Loyalty as required by Law and took his seat – [HON. MEMBERS:

Hear, hear] -





          THE HON. PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE:  I have to inform

the Senate that I have received a non-adverse report from the Parliamentary Legal Committee on all the Statutory Instruments published in the Government Gazette during the month of December, 2015.


          THE HON. PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE:  I have to inform

the House that the Hon. Chief Justice is inviting Hon. Members of Parliament to the launch of the Anti-Corruption campaign to be jointly hosted by all stakeholders in the administration of justice in Zimbabwe, 5th February, 2016 at 0900 hours at the Harare Magistrates Court.




inform all senators that the Minister of State for Harare Metropolitan Province is inviting all Members of Parliament to an inaugural provincial  inter-faith day, at the City Sports Centre, where prayers for peace and prosperity for the Harare Metropolitan Province will be conducted on Saturday, 6th February, 2016, starting at 08:00 hrs.



the House that the Roman Catholic Church is inviting Hon. Senators who are Catholics, to a reception to be held today, the 2nd February,

2016, at the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Africa Synod House, Corner 4th Street and Selous Avenue, starting at 17:00 hrs.  Hon.

Senators are urged to attend.



the Senate that all Hon. Senators are invited by the Ministry of Women’s

Affairs, Gender and Development, to a march in solidarity with the constitutional Court ruling on the ban of marriages for children under the age of 18 tomorrow, starting at 08:00 hrs at Town House.  Please collect your invitations, which have been placed in your pigeon holes.




First Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the socioeconomic conditions in the country.

Question again proposed

SENATOR B. SIBANDA:  I move that the debate do now



Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume:  Wednesday, 3rd February, 2016




Second Order read: Adjourned debate on the motion on the Report of the Parliament of Zimbabwe Delegation to the 7th World Water Conference.

Question again proposed

+SENATOR B. SIBANDA:  Thank you Madam President for this

opportunity to debate on this motion, which was moved by Senator

Mlotshwa.  First and foremost, let me congratulate all the Senators in the

House for coming back alive this 2016.  Secondly, I would like to thank God for being with you up to the end and on your visit to Korea.  We saw a lot of things happening because of what was happening there.  You went there but you did not die but you came back and we have to thank God for that.  Thirdly, I want to thank the delegation from Zimbabwe, which went to this important conference that had to do with water and we are currently facing a drought.  The other important thing is that the delegation that accompanied you, Madam President was mostly composed of women.

Women shoulder all the responsibilities when it comes to water, particularly in the rural areas.   As such, it was proper for Zimbabwe to send women who know the importance of water, so that they could give us feedback from the conference.  I have observed that it is mostly women who fetch water but I see a man taking 20 litres just to take a bath, without taking cognizance of where that water will have come from.  During the holiday, I tried to pick up 20 litres of water, but I am not sure whether its age or it was the heaviness of that 20 litres, but I was convinced that 20 litres of water is heavy.  So women are doing a good job in terms of fetching water.

I have also observed that the objective of that meeting was that as Parliamentarians, we should give our views on issues to do with water because it is indeed important.  I had not observed that when I was staying here in Harare, there was no water because they had a borehole.  When I sent a child to request for some water from neighbours, that is when I realised that water is important in our lives, particularly water that is palatable and used by people.  Usually we take water for granted.  If you go to Matabeleland South, for the past two or three weeks, there was a big problem of water shortage.  People were staying at boreholes and people would drink water from the same dams that the beasts were drinking from.

This motion should be taken seriously by us as leaders because it is important in our lives.  I hear that over 60% of our lives is water, so if you remove water, you are dead.  I think it is proper that we should harvest water.  People even fetch water from Gwanda to take it to the rural areas.  The other important thing is that when you think of water, it should not only be water but water and sanitation, because most programmes have to do with water and sanitation.  Sanitation is important because it cures diseases and makes our places look nice.

We used to say that Harare was the sunshine city because it was clean and there was clean water.  If you look at the uncleanliness of a place and hygiene, they go hand in hand.

I will conclude by saying lack of water, how do you handle water issues as a country that runs out of water annually. I see that we leave a lot of water which goes out into the Indian Ocean.  Every day, we should give ourselves the responsibility of ensuring that all the water that we lose is harvested and kept it for use in Zimbabwe.

Secondly, I have observed that we do not attach importance to our water. It is common cause that we have run out of water, and I have learnt that you can wash and bath with 5 litres. An average person like the Hon. can bath with 5 litres. If you can fill a lot of water into your tub, you use it for bathing before you even think of recycling the water by watering the loans and other things.  We should shift our minds and focus on using our water sparingly.

Thirdly, water goes along with wetlands. I want to encourage us to keep our wetlands so that we can keep our water closer to us. It is very disheartening to see people drinking from the same source with beasts. I suggest therefore, that we should demarcate and put boreholes just under the dams so that when the water is sipping off the dam, it goes into the borehole. Those are the problems we meet as a country and now I am saying we should thwart such problems and ensure that we harvest the water and use it properly. We should make the work of women easier.  With those words Madam President of the Senate, I thank you for the topic and the journey you went – [HON. SENATORS: Hear, hear.]-


Sen. Sibanda.

*HON. SEN. MACHINGAIFA: Thank you Madam President,

for giving me this opportunity to add my voice to the report that was given in this House by those who went to Korea and the city of

Gyeongju. The conference was held from the 13th to the 16th of April,

  1. I want to thank the President of our nation His Excellency President Mugabe the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces who travelled to many countries for us to gain alliances and friends with whom we can liaise and get assistance us in development. I also want to say to all those who are here congratulations because God loves Zimbabwe and he loves all of us. We are back in 2016, and should proceed to ensure that development takes place in Zimbabwe.

This motion is very pertinent because when I heard people talk they said the head of delegation was Madam President and Senator Mlotshwa was part of the delegation as well as Hon. Wonder Mashange from the National Assembly. When they went there they did all they could as children of Zimbabwe to plead about economic challenges that we meet especially those pertaining to women? This motion is very pertinent when talking of water. Where I come from I am deeply concerned when women wake up as early as 1 a.m. to go and queue for water at the borehole, only to get water around 6 a.m. So, I hope when they went to Gyeongju in Korea, they also highlighted the challenges that we face in regard to water and hopefully they talked to others there seeking ways of empowering women in order to alleviate this challenge of getting water. Also, to ensure that water is within accessible distance because for one to carry twenty five litres of water after walking I km to it our women are deeply burdened because that is a long distance and they will never be strong. This motion is pertinent because as I was at home one of these days, there was talk of UMP; that they were only left with 14 days before they ran out of water and everyone was being given forty litres of water. Imagine such a situation!  So, it is really important that in addressing the issue of water shortages, these meetings should continue and we should look into it and see what we can do to ensure that the challenges are alleviated especially in the rural areas. Even in urban areas toilets really need water if there is no water there is no life. I was looking at this motion and considering it and I thought may be the women in this House would second this motion and push for the empowerment of women in order that they acquire water. So, I want to thank you Madam President for this opportunity. –HON. SENATORS:

Hear, hear.]-

*HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI: Thank you Madam President. I also want to support this very pertinent motion that was presented in the form of a report by the delegation that went to Korea. As has been said by many speakers, water is vital and it is not only vital to human beings but to all living creatures in this world which includes animals.  Tourist resort areas that bring in foreign currency survive on water. If water is not available those animals become extinct and they die. So, water is very important we want to thank the delegation for the successful Conference because they also get best practices from other countries which we can adopt in this country.

I noticed in today’s Herald that our boreholes are drying up.  To me, through such conferences like the one which was held in Korea, we then get ideas on how to address the issue or challenges of water. I want to thank Madam President and Senator Mlotshwa, for presenting this report that talked of water. We know that for all countries to be successful or to develop, they need water.  In all sectors of the economy we need water.  We want to thank the mover of the motion and we must give this motion due diligence. We should take the recommendations that they came with and adopt those that address the challenges in this country to ensure that we alleviate the challenges that we are facing due to water shortages.

The shortage of water also leads to disease outbreak.  We want to thank the delegation that went to Korea. You were successful in that you managed to represent the country and also brought recommendations that will assist us as a nation to tackle the water problems that we are facing as you got them from other countries.  We know that if such conferences are held, it is evident that such challenges are global challenges that affect human life and should be addressed.  I thank you.

*HON SENATOR MAWIRE: Firstly, I want to congratulate this

House, through God’s grace we all made it into 2016, and we want to praise the Lord for that.  I also want to thank the mover of the motion Hon. Senator Mlotshwa for bringing this issue into this House and also for being part of the delegation that went to Korea to represent the Government.

We want to thank the Zimbabwean Government that approved that the delegation go to Korea and also the Korean Government for their welcome; giving us an opportunity to meet with other countries to discuss the issue of water that has become a challenge.  Water and human beings should not be separated because water is very vital.

Even though we have little water obtained from different sources, in places where there was no rainfall, human beings were in trouble as well as animals.  There was no water and food.  Water is vital.  We want to thank the delegation that represented Zimbabwe.  You brought in recommendations that you heard and were adopted by other countries.  I do not want to lengthen my debate because I heard a lot of Hon. Members talking of the importance of water.  What I request is that, whatever you brought should be taken seriously by both this House and the Government.  It should not be a talk show but recommendations should be implemented.  When we go to such conferences what we look forward to is implementation of what we would have learnt.

It is a very painful situation.  We talk about those in the rural areas having to walk long distances.  I think those in the rural areas who walk long distances to get water are better off because in the urban areas we use toilets that require water.  Without water it becomes a disaster.  The utensils that we use need water to be washed.

Recently, I was watching the news and I heard that in Budiriro typhoid seems to be affecting the area.  If we had water this would not be an issue.  Long ago typhoid claimed a number of lives.  I think the issue of water is important.  You went to Korea and you brought recommendations and I request that you give them to the Government.

We also want to thank the Government of Zimbabwe because it strives so much to ensure that water is available.  We heard that in Harare they were deprived of water for about three days in order to address a situation at the water works so that water could be available throughout.  What I am saying is that water is important and animals are also important and both need water. Right now we are losing a lot of animals because of the shortage of water.  If we look at what is happening, the rains that befell us a few days ago have actually improved the situation. Some of the dams that had dried up are now 40% to 50% full which is important.  We do not want water to be lost to the oceans but we must ensure that we harness this water and use it as a nation.  The dams that we are talking about are very few.  We need to increase the number of dams in our country to ensure that we have water if we do not get enough rainfall.

I want to thank the mover of the motion Hon. Senator Mlotshwa and also for representing the Government and this House.  With these few words I think I will take my seat and allow others to debate.  I thank you.


President for this opportunity you have given me in our first sitting of 2016.  I was deeply touched by the debate that is in this House, which is emanating from the report that was presented by Members of Parliament who went to Korea for the conference that focused mainly on water.  My intervention will mainly touch on water; that it is very important.  Hon. Members have said a lot but I only want to emphasise on words that were spoken. Yes, water is very vital in all aspects of life.  For us to survive on agriculture it is because of water.  The hunger that we are experiencing today is because of shortage of water.

My request is the Government should put in place policies that ensure that people have access to water through affirmative action on the availability of engines that are able to draw water from various sources into fields.

The Government should also improve on the issues of irrigation.

Most of our farms have dams that have water ranging from 80% to

100%.  I am saying this from experience because I once worked for ZINWA and my duties entailed moving around in different farms monitoring water.  I remember Hon. Mnangagwa saying that, when he flew, at one time, he had not realised that as Zimbabwe we had so many dams with water.  The hunger we are talking about today, can be alleviated if people were availed with irrigation equipment that they were given during the mechanisation programme in order to engage in irrigation farming.

More funds should be allocated to ensure that we have dams that are able to harness water.  Our economy is agro-based, for our economy to develop, what it means is that we need to finance our agriculture.  For now we are able to get inputs but water is not available because when it rains, most of the water is not being harnessed for use in our farms, so we need to harness that water so that we do not suffer from hunger.

If you look at the way things are progressing, you will realize that a bottle of water that I am holding now, in a few years time, it will be more expensive than it is today.  Why?  Because most people prefer mineral water, which means in the rural areas, water will also be expensive.  So, it will be good if the Government embarks on programmes that ensure harnessing of this water.

As I speak, we have a policy that provides for the payment of water as it is being used.  The sub-catchment areas charge the farmers for using the water.  I think the Government needs to review such policies to ensure that our farmers are able to access water at an affordable cost so that our crops are able to get the required water.  This will improve our food security.  If there is no water, our economy will not develop and it will not be stable.  If you look at all the water that we move around with, all cars need water, be it a Pajero or a Mercedes Benz, it needs water.  Without water, we are not going anywhere.  In our industries, there is need for water.

In other countries they convert water that is used in the sewerage reticulation and purify it and recycle it for other purposes.  Water easily vapors and our efforts should be towards harnessing and harvesting water in order to utilize it for our irrigation projects.  With these few words, I want to thank you Mr. President.

*CHIEF NEMBIRE: Thank you Mr. President.  I have decided to add my voice to an important topic regarding our country Zimbabwe.  First and foremost, let me thank the delegation that went out there and represented us.  I want to say that water represents people who were sent by God to overlook into that issue.  These overseers are the chiefs, they are responsible for water conservation.  We urge that whenever there are important gatherings or events, chiefs should also be included because they are the custodians.  They were given this duty by God.

Mr. President, water is vital in Zimbabwe.  Let me start by saying that we have rivers with Shona names.  Currently, these rivers are drying up because policies are being put in place without engaging the chiefs.  We urge that there be inclusivity on the water issues.  Chiefs should be an integral part of water issues.  I only hear that there is the Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA) coming to my communal land as Chief Nembire, to look into the issue of water.  This is done, despite the fact that the Constitution is very clear on who owns the land.

Chiefs are not greedy, we urge the various bodies that deal with water to acknowledge the presence of chiefs and give them their due respect.  We observe that water issues can be quite protracted because parties from both banks of the river might fight over the use of the water.  They go to court but no solution is reached.  Eventually, the chief will then look into that water dispute and it will be concluded.  The water should be administered by the chiefs.  Money or any other items can be banked, but let us value water harvesting techniques so that the water will help us in future.  With those few words, I thank the delegation for their participation.  I thank you.

*HON. SEN. GOTO: Mr. President, I would like to thank you for giving me an opportunity to add a few words to this debate.  I am elated by the issue that has been raised concerning water.  I would like to thank all the delegates including Hon. Mlotshwa, we thank you for your representation.

First and foremost, water is life.  Secondly, we are all here because of water.  Water is vital and it should be conserved.  I would like to support the previous speakers. I will not repeat what they said.  For us to be called farmers, it is because of water.  We have plenty of water and at times sparse water but the issue is that dams need to be conserved so that they have adequate water capacity and we use our water wisely.  Once we utilize our water wisely, we will be self sustaining as Zimbabwe.

Churches pray for rain because it is important.  Our culture also recognises and practice rain-making ceremonies because it is important.

They are all custodians, but rain-making ceremonies should be done, this was also acknowledged through radio publicity.  Those who believe in God should pray to God and those believing in traditional rain-making ceremonies should do so.

We had a lot of heat-waves because there was no rain.  Can we come here without bathing?  We thank those who went to represent us.  Water is used for a lot of things.  I thank those who raised this important motion.  Initially people did not understand it but they now do.  I also say there should be development in the farms, through irrigation.  Farmers who irrigate do not have problems.  They do not wait for the seasonal rains but throughout the year, there will be farming. We should use our water together. There are those that said they once worked at ZINWA, it is a big problem. Dams are either drying up or there are leakages of water or nothing is being put to stop this. We urge ZINWA to start to seriously reconsider that so that we are able to work and irrigate our land. Come to my farm, I have produce that I get from the dam, you can come and collect. I have tomatoes that I sell in Zimbabwe and not for export. I sell them to TM and OK. I am selling green mealies to OK and I use irrigation to do that. If we have the dry spell like the one that we currently have, then irrigation would come into play. I would like to thank you fellow delegates for representing us. I am a farmer who is benefitting from President Mugabe’s land reform programme. I have water and I am irrigating. I thank you.

+HON. SEN. HLALO: Thank you Mr. President for giving me

this opportunity to add to this debate. I have heard what others have contributed and I will see what I will do as well. Firstly, I would like thank the delegates which includes Senator Mlotshwa and Hon. Madam President. I would like to say when others were debating I was thinking that here in Harare where we are, I believe there are one million plus people and using toilets that run with water. I understand that Harare uses five million litres at a time when flushing a toilet. Then I said but why do we not try and have people use less water? We should also use five litres to flush. There is a hotel where when you are flushing a toilet, it is like you are flushing with ocean water.

Why do we not give our children at universities to design a toilet that does not use five litres but one litre of water? If you use five litres to flush, the faeces do not go. If we have technology which is designed to use less water, we will not waste water because a lot of water is being wasted. If you look at the five million that I referred to, if you say we have something that cultivates and uses that water, we will save money. Let us have businessmen or business minded people who create solutions. I believe some of these toilets that are designed are being designed by people who are using sea water. For us as Zimbabwe, we do not have a lot of water. I have decided to give my own idea so that in towns, we can use less water in the toilets. In so doing, Zimbabwe will be able to develop and help a lot of people. That is my contribution. I thank you.

*HON. SEN. SHIRI: Thank you Mr. President for giving me the opportunity to add my voice to this good motion. I would want to appreciate Senator Mlotshwa and her delegation who went to Korea to represent us. This means that the world over, people put their heads together after realising that there was a problem. A lot has been said about water, but I would want to give my opinion based on my observation. A lot of our dams are silted. A lot of water is being wasted as the rains fall due to siltation because of the advent of climate change which is a new phenomenon. Things have changed, people are still cutting down trees and there is now a lot of plain land as a result that water is not being properly harnessed.

We need to conserve water through ensuring that we have trees that are not cut down indiscriminately. The condensation process uses leaves and water. People should be taught about water harvesting. We used to use water unnecessarily hoping that the rain season will bring new rains. Look at the high temperatures that we are experiencing. The public should be educated on how best to conserve water. Boreholes are drying up and the boreholes are far from the homesteads and it is the women who suffer most. If the women suffer most, what about the disabled?  It becomes a serious challenge and even those in towns have problems. Burst water pipes in the cities have become the order of the day.

Water is being wasted or lost and therefore, people should conserve it. They should be taught about the importance of water especially when we are facing drought and people are suffering. People are experiencing starvation or famine. They are going without food as well as water. Others are now selling water even in cities and towns. We heard other people saying that they sell water in 20 litres. We may even have a worse off scenario than what we are currently experiencing. For us to be satisfied food wise, we need water.

I urge that people be taught more about water conservation processes so that we can conserve the little that we have. Even in our everyday life, we should not use water without conserving it. When washing our water, we have very little in the form of water. Let us have ways and means to ensure that we conserve it. I want to thank Senator Mlotshwa, you went very far away to Korea. I once went there. You travelled a long journey whilst you were on board a flight. We thank you for representing our country and for bringing us knowledge. Once we have knowledge, there will be development in our country. I thank you Mr. President.

HON. SEN. MLOTSHWA: Thank you Mr. President. I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. SEN. MARAVA: I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

         Debate to resume: Wednesday, 3rd February 2016.



Third Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on great strides made by Government in raising literacy rates in the country.

Question again proposed.

*HON. SEN. GOTO: Thank you Mr. President for giving me this opportunity.  I would want to thank the entire Senate for the motion that I moved pertaining to the Education sector, the progress that has been made since 1980 to date.  It was thoroughly debated, I would want those whom I may not mention by name to forgive me but I wrote the names of those that debated during my presence.  I strongly want to thank those who contributed to the debate, a lot was said.

If Hon. Senators no longer want to debate it means they have understood.  There are a number of teachers that arose systematically from 1980, a number of students that have enrolled, a number of schools that also came on board and a number of new universities that were also founded.  I want to thank those who contributed; that is, Hon. Sen.

Bhobho, Hon. Sen. Mawire, Hon. Senator Mumvuri, Hon. Senator Shiri,

Hon. Senator Manyeruke, Hon. Chimbudzi, Hon. Sen. Machingaifa,

Hon. Sen Mohadi, Hon. Sen. Masuku, Hon. Sen. Chimhini, Hon. Sen. Chipanga, Hon. Sen. Chabuka and Hon. Sen. Maluleke.  Thank you so much for your contributions towards that motion.  Like I have earlier on said that those whose names I have not mentioned forgive me.  I thank you.

Motion put that this House:

MINDFUL of the great strides that Government has made in raising the literacy rate of the people in the country, through the provision of affordable educational programmes.

COGNISANT that providing education to the people empower them as “knowledge is power”.

NOW THEREFORE, commends the Government and the people of Zimbabwe for the success they have achieved in making Zimbabwe one of the countries with high literacy rates in Africa.

Motion put and adopted.



Fourth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the need to promote sports development in Zimbabwe.

Question again proposed.

 HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI: I move that the debate be now adjourned.

HON. MLOTSHWA: I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Wednesday, 3rd February, 2016.



Fifth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech.

Question again proposed.



MATHUTHU): I move that the debate be now adjourned.

    Motion put and agreed to.

    Debate to resume: Wednesday, 3rd February, 2016.



SEN. MATHUTHU), the Senate adjourned at Twenty-Three Minutes to Four o’clock p.m.


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