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SENATE HANSARD 04 May 2016 25-46


Wednesday, 5th May, 2016

The Senate met at Half-past Two o’clock p.m.







TAVENGWA):  In terms of Section 39 (7) (a) of the Electoral Act, [Chapter 2:13], The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), has notified the Clerk of Parliament of the nomination of Sen. Victor Mapungwana as a Senator.  Hon. Sen. Mapungwana, a registered voter in Ward 9 of Mpopoma, Phelandaba in Bulawayo, was nominated by the Movement for Democratic Change – Tsvangirai (MDC-T) Party, to fill in the vacancy that occurred in the Senate following the recall by the MDC-T Party of the incumbent Hon. Sen. Matson Hlalo on the grounds that he had ceased to be a member of that party.

Hon. Sen. Mapungwana was duly appointed Senator for Bulawayo

Province with effect from the 29th of April, 2016.  Section 128 (1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that before a Member of Parliament takes his/her seat in Parliament, the Member must take the Oath of the Member of a Parliament in the form set out in the Third Schedule, Section 128 (2) which states that the oath must be taken before the Clerk of Parliament.


       HON. SEN. VICTOR MAPUNGWANA subscribed to the Oath

of Loyalty as required by the Law and took his seat -[HON.

SENATORS: Hear, hear.]-


TAVENGWA): On behalf of the Senate, I welcome Hon. Sen. Victor




TAVENGWA): I would like to remind Hon. Senators that the ICT Department has created Webmail Addresses (Email Addresses) for them.  This will enable Hon. Senators to receive mail and documents electronically from Parliament. This facility is effective as from Tuesday, 15th March, 2016.  The Hansard and Votes and Proceedings are being sent to Senators who have registered with the ICT Department.

The process for configuring passwords is ongoing at the ICT Desk at the Members’ Dining Room at 12.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. during sitting days.



HON. SEN. A. MASUKU:  Mr. President, I move that Orders of the Day Numbers 1 to 5 be stood over until all the other Orders have been disposed of.

HON. SEN. MARAVA:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.




HON. SEN D.T. KHUMALO:  I move the motion standing in my name:

    That this House:

NOTING that the first cluster in ZIM ASSET is food security and nutrition and addresses challenges of food insecurity and under nourishment;

CONCERNED that despite Government efforts to prioritise its programmes and projects to address the country’s economic challenges, malnutrition is taking its toll among the urban and rural communities;

FURTHER CONCERNED that children of school going age are the most vulnerable as they easily fall victim to starvation thereby impacting negatively on their ability to effectively comprehend their lessons, a situation which creates nightmares for teachers;

COGNISANT that poor nutrition affects health of individuals and communities and retards economic growth and health standards;

ALARMED by lack of awareness on basic nutrition, even among leaders who do not appreciate the consequences of undernourishment in economic development;

NOW, THEREFORE, resolves that Government provides adequate information to community leaders including Members of Parliament on how to reduce incidents of malnutrition among children and adults in the country.

HON. SEN. MAKORE:  I second.

HON. SEN. D.T. KHUMALO: Mr. President, as we can see, the

Government of Zimbabwe takes priority in the issues of food security and nutrition as it is spelt out in the ZIM ASSET.  However,

Government also has a national food and nutrition security policy with the goal I would like to read, “To promote and ensure adequate food and nutrition security for all people at all times in Zimbabwe, particularly amongst the vulnerable.

This policy is a noble idea and no one can dispute that policy. In the Government’s ZIM ASSET programme plan, Food Security and

Nutrition is number one target of the four pillars of the plan.

Government has been known to provide seed for maize and small grains. These are budgeted for and discussed as though they can end food and nutrition problems. A lot is said about food security and nutrition, yet very little is being done about the other part which is nutrition security.  The issue which is discussed is about food security.

Nutrition has a major effect on young children, the elderly as well as expecting mothers.  Inputs are given for the grains and talked about as if once these grains are provided, the nutrition of the nation will be solved. The nutrition part of the first pillar of the ZIM ASSET needs to be understood and promoted accordingly. Nutrition is the major health promoter as food can be available and people can consume it in a non- health promoting manner if people are not informed. We learnt to despise our traditional way of eating food and acquired new foods and new habits of eating because of the changes in the food availability. However, the issue is that we are concentrating more on the food and not on the nutrition aspect of the food and nutrition security pillar.

Government is also trying to redress the wrongly acquired eating habits. This means that ordinary people will think that it will be important to just eat the maize and the small grains because the Government is not emphasising on other aspects which should accompany the small grains and the maize.  In the 2016 National Budget Statement, page 48, the Minister of Finance has set aside funds to support the growing of maize, wheat and other small grains in order to improve food security and nutrition.  Eating of these alone, particularly for the young children less than 59 months old will result in them developing big stomachs.  Eating of bulky food results in stunting.

Therefore, when the Government is distributing funds, it should also provide funding for other components.  If Government cannot provide for the funding for other components, can there be written information provided to the communities that they are to seek for the other ingredients which have not been mentioned, such as peanuts, beans and so forth?  Traditionally, there was no problem of educating people because it was known that when you eat maize, you should eat with kuinkobe which is a mixture of beans and peanuts.  Those who were lazy could only eat uhayezi or the whole maize.  In Ndebele there was a song to ‘haye’ these people sengazeni lale uhaye ezimama ingigikhona lomungigikhona, so that people should not eat the whole grain alone.  It has to be mixed with other things.

There should be other food stuffs to accompany the grains so that our children are not stunt.  Stunting means short for age.  The current Government talks over and over again about maize and small grain, as if that will mean problem solved.  As there is no information being parcelled with this group of seed, people might think eating these foods is enough for health. Our traditional parents taught us better in the eating habits than what this Government is doing. These starchy maize and small grains alone are not the answer to our nutrition. We have to relearn some of the good eating habits of food mix.

Madam President, nutrition is about food choices and food mixes including peanuts, beans and vegetables, just only the eating of starchy maize and small grain foods. The children’s stomachs are too small to eat enough for energy, growth and health from the said starchy food.  That is what I am saying is missing in the Budget. It is lack of nutrition discussions within the ZIM ASSET. There is no mention of the need for other foods to complement the hailed starch maize and small grain.

It is surprising that the Government does not see the tools to help them succeed.  Most of the members of Parliament in here may want to promote nutrition with the influence which they have. They need to be given nutrition information. We are here and we usually address communities on different issues and if we had packaged material with information on food and on how to eat healthy, we would pass it on to them.  Our children do not know inkobe, the mixture of maize, amazambane and cow peas; or uhayezi.  Traditionally, we had small grains, round nuts, peanuts and cow peas.  As can be observed there was no great variety to confuse people’s choices.

There was no polishing of food as at present. The mixes were very few and very nourishing. Mixes were of small grain and peanuts and groundnuts or cowpeas were a must. Teaching of a good diet was not necessary because the mixes were just quite right. Nutrition is about mixes. In some places there is so much variety of food that many people are not sure how to mix to have a good healthy diet. In other places, there is nothing and people need to be informed how to use the little or the abundance they have. The abundance causes ill health, just as the meagre also causes poor health.  People are only thinking that it is important to have maize and the small grains.  Therefore, we will continuously have stunted children and sick people.

Members of this august House, Mr. President, are always in the communities, addressing them. They should be seen to be supporting the health of their constituents. Nothing is a pillar of health as nutrition.   

         Commitment 6 of the Food and Nutrition Policy says ‘ensuring national integrated food and nutrition security information system that provides timely and reliable information on food and nutrition security situation’. It continues to say ‘disaggregation of information by district and gender…’ in order for informed decision making. For whom Mr.

President, if not for MPs who make laws and discusses budgets?

Mr. President, each Member of Parliament belongs to a district or province.  Each member of this august House needs a better nourished community in his or her constituency or area and therefore why not provide them with information. Each member needs to improve the nutritional status of the children, expectant mothers, men, women and youth of their constituencies. The information should not be left in the offices, neither in the Ministry of Health nor of the Ministry of Finance because I understand the nutrition programmes are coordinated there.

Members Parliament therefore need some packaged nutrition information or to be given knowledge on how to improve the nutritional status of their people and themselves.

         Commitment 7 of the National Food and Nutrition Policy states that ‘Government to enhancing and strengthening national Capacity in the Food and Nutrition security, primarily through supporting and reinforcing local communities capacity and responsibility for Food and Nutrition security’ . Mr. President how can local communities be capacitated without the involvement of the Member of this august house? Each member of this house addresses communities once or twice a month. Each MP must be able to encourage the communities to take their children for weighing or encourage expectant mothers to go early for maternity registration for safe delivery. Each Member of Parliament must be able to encourage their community to feed children more than 4 times a day with the right mix.

In the Zimbabwe National Nutrition Survey of 2010, 35% of rural

06 – 59 months children were stunted with an average of 33.8% nationally. The study by Women’s University 2014 indicated stunting of 33% in rural and 27% in urban areas, giving an average of 30% nationally. This is unacceptable and must be reduced Madam President, and every MP must know how to do so as to help their constituencies. We are a country that boast of being educated with more than 95% literacy rate but cannot feed its pregnant women and under-five year’s children better; Not forgetting that children must be fed in school to make schooling useful and not wasting teachers’ time on sleeping hungry children. We are not nutritionists; therefore, we need to be given information so that we are confident to talk to the public on what should be eaten and on how we should eat and so forth.

The survey which was done in Zimbabwe in 2010 found that 35% of the rural children, 0 to 59 were stunted.  Other poor countries have

25% and we have 35%. The study done by Women’s University in 2014 indicated that stunted growth was 33% in rural areas and 27% in the urban areas giving an average of 30% in a country of 97% literate people. We need to fight together and we can achieve it. We need to be given information so that we fight this. This is an embarrassment to the country of Zimbabwe with the education literacy rate we say we have.

Adult working capacity is reduced when people have been malnourished as children. Therefore, if we want to have a continued good working capacity of Zimbabweans, we need to feed them properly while they are still young. WHO says malnourished people have 30% reduced capacity to work when they grow up. This may be why we are not going very far as Zimbabweans. We are educated but as you can see the economy is very poor.  It could be because we did not have enough food as young people. –[HON. SENATORS: Hear, hear.]-

In 2011, Zimbabwe accepted to be part of what is called scaling up nutrition or Sun Movement. The Sun Movement, which Zimbabwe joined in 2011, says ‘the nutrition is not just to be run by one Ministry of health and Agriculture’ it has to be a multi-sectoral approach including the different Ministries as well as the NGOs. If the Government can agree to work with the NGOs and other Ministries, why not us the

Parliamentarians. Most of us are not even aware of that agreement. We are part of the sun Movement. The Sun Movement came up with the agreement that all countries should look after the pregnant women for about 1000 days and other areas have been reached by this information. How do we look after a child for 1000 days? From conception that means you look after the mother and the child until the child is two years old. –[HON. SEN. Hear, hear.]- All that has to be known. If we do not know as MPs, I can say if you think you are pregnant can you please go and visit the doctor so that you do not   bear a malnourished child who is under weight or less than 2 kgs. Each one of us has the ability to do that but we are not given the information. We need to know that information when we are addressing mothers who are pregnant and those who are getting married to look for services so that they do not bear children who are below 2.5 kgs. We should ensure that our Zimbabwean children are born with the right weight. The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture must give us information so that we can talk about this nutrition issue.

Mr. President, since then we agreed to be part of the Sun Movement all of us here. I am asking on your behalf. Can you also demand on our behalf that we have that information so that we are not an embarrassment when we go to the people? Economically, without nutrition the economy does not grow. Malnourished people are not able to work, and produce. Therefore, economic development will not take place –HON. SENATORS: Hear, hear.]- Malnourished people cannot work effectively. It is not me who is saying that. Therefore, can people be given food and we should not choose and say I am going to give those who are my party members and the rest I will not. –[HON. SENATORS: Hear, hear.]- We are to give everybody the food, so that even the non-party members can help in the development of this country not only the few people who are members of the party that has the control of the food. Therefore, we need to understand that for nutrition to be a success, we need people to be employed. Mining factories and the 2 000 000promised jobs must be there so that people work and get food. Without working communities those in the urban areas will not be nutritionally health and they will not be able to produce and will not have the strength to work. We need people to understand the effects of nutrition to economic development.

Firstly, if they were young they will be 30% less productivity. If they are old and they are not able to work and buy themselves food they will be weak and sick and will not be able to work properly. Therefore, at the present moment there is a challenge which is just creeping in. those who are working can they have their money from the banks? Can the Government ensure that we get our money from the banks?


Could you please stick to the motion before I ask you to sit down? You are no longer within your motion

HON. SEN. KHUMALO: Nutrition, you cannot buy food without money? How do you survive? That is proper nutrition.


Okay. Could you wind up your debate please?

HON. SEN KHUMALO: Thank you Sir. Without money if you are working and you put your money in the bank and you cannot get and you cannot buy food and that is understood. I am saying this Mr.

President,  we need the House at large to be told about their BMI (Body Mass Index) so that when we eat we can control ourselves. We can see that our BMI is not correct and we can help people when we are going out there and talking to them to understand what their BMI. BMI is weight divided by squared height then you would know. If your weight is more than that you are obese. So you need to eat properly so that you are not obese –[HON. SENATORS: Hear, hear.]-  Each one of us needs to know so that we can help our community.

Mr. President, thank you very much. I would like to say that

Zimbabwe signed and agreed that by 2020 stunting will be reduced by 30% from what it was in 2015. We will have reduced our low birth weight by 2020 by 25%. We will have reduced anemia from women by 40%. We can only do this when we are given the information by the

Ministries which are responsible for nutrition. Remember the Ministry

of Health and Child Care is responsible for nutrition. The Ministry of Health and Child Care can only be responsible for nutrition when all the other Ministries have failed to do their duties. The Ministry of Labour or the Ministry of Economic Development will have failed in the industry to provide money for people to buy food. Ministry of Agriculture will have failed to produce enough food for people to eat properly and live. We will go to the hospitals when we are not eating properly. If we eat properly our health is improved and we will live longer if we are not over-eating or eating less. Thank you.

HON. SEN. MAKORE: I stand to second a motion moved by Hon. D.T. Khumalo that of food nutrition. Generally, it is a concept that if you eat a mountain of sadza consistently, you are not helping developing exactly the health that is expected. It is a norm. When we grew up we knew that people do eat sadza. We did not know exactly that there are other elements that are short from within that sadza. I want to support the motion on the basis that we can encourage our society to grow these small grains rather than perhaps to individually go and look for them under such very difficult economic conditions.

The small grains that are common and which are so nutritious namely; rapoko, rukweza. I am a farmer myself and do farm rapoko. If you want to buy from me I can provide – [laughter] – but at a very small scale. Generally, rapoko is nutritious and it is not only rapoko. You can even grow mapfunde and other small grains such as bean. I think farmers are very conversant with beans and they grow beans. Generally, the concept is we can manage from very small resources if encouraged to grow such small grains. In fact, the policy is there but what we need is that people themselves should be very initiative to grow such very small grains for nutritional elements that have been mentioned from this particular motion.

It is true Mr. President that because of the economic difficulties, we Africans can no longer afford, especially in Zimbabwe to go and buy because they are there in our markets but because we do not have sufficient funds, we hardly can buy them. This concept is good especially for women themselves. You are the biggest percentage of our population and you are mothers. In other words, as fathers, we are encouraged by the women. I do not know whether in your families whether women like the maDube that I have tells you that father, you must buy A, B, C and D.

I must say in our programmes we have to be serious because the farmer must feed himself first before he feeds others. Even the family must feed itself first before you sell all your crops somewhere else. Genuinely, it is encouraged that at least families grow nutritious food for their families rather than for the market because it has become a norm that even if you have about ten tomatoes, you sell all of them and remain with nothing. That concept Mr. President is bad. All we are encouraging the nation is that they have to grow a habit and change the system of growing maize alone, and shift to small grains.

I do appreciate that the majority will contribute to this motion on the basis that it will make our nation stronger. It is true it is an element of truth that thin or very hungry, starving people can hardly produce anything because you will be ill. So I want to thank you very much

Senator for this motion you have introduced in Parliament. Thank you.

HON. SEN. D.T KHUMALO: I move that the debate do now



Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 5th May, 2016.




Seventh Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the Zimbabwe Delegation Report on the 133rd Assembly of the InterParliamentary Union (IPU).

Question again proposed.

HON. SEN. CHIEF SIANSALI: I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. SEN. SIBANDA: I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 5th May, 2016.




Eighth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion calling for rehabilitation and maintenance of War Shrines.

Question again proposed.

HON. SEN. MASUKU: I move that the debate do now adjourn.


Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 5th May, 2016.




   Ninth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion to congratulate His

Excellency, the President Cde. R. G. Mugabe and the Government of

Zimbabwe on successfully leading the African Union (AU) and

Southern African Development Community (SADC) as Chairperson.

Question again proposed.

HON. SEN. CHIEF MUSARURWA: I move that the debate do now adjourn.


Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 5th May, 2016.







Tenth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the Zimbabwe

Delegation Report on the 38th Plenary Assembly of the SADC Parliamentary Forum.

Question again proposed.

*HON. SEN. MALULEKE: I want to add a few words on the motion which was put forward by Senator Mohadi. We are really grateful that she went on our behalf, came back and presented a report in this Senate. We also want to thank her for going to Namibia and taking our report with her.

I want to touch on the issues of women that she came across. I saw on television the Honourable Speaker of Parliament coming back with women who were being treated as slaves in Kuwait. We want to applaud him for that. The Zimbabwean women went there unknowingly. They thought they had clinched lucrative jobs. These are some of the issues that we should look at and as senators, we should tell people in our constituencies the truth that there are no jobs out there. I want to thank Senator Mohadi for her contribution there and this has led to the repatriation of our children back home because all their belongings and travel documents were confiscated and they were subjected to inhuman treatment.

I think more opportunities should be given to women parliamentarians so that they go to SADC meetings to meet and exchange views with others and deliberate on such issues because they are troubling us in Africa. I think it is the men who lie to women and promise them jobs when in fact there are no jobs. Since we are burdened with all these issues, I think we should help people in our various constituencies. I want to thank Senator Mohadi for representing Zimbabwe at the SADC Plenary Assembly.

HON. SEN. MASUKU: I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. SEN. MARAVA: I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 5th May, 2016.



Eleventh Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the role of traditional leaders.

Question again proposed.

*HON. SEN. CHIPANGA: I want to add a few words on this

motion relating to the role of traditional leaders. Firstly, Mr. President, I want to say that what I am going to say here does not apply to this new crop of chiefs that we have who are still young.

*HON. SEN. CHIEF MUSARURWA: On a point of order. I

want to caution the Honourable Senator that there is no chief who is young. A chief is a chief. It is not about age. It is like Jesus Christ who was born a king and became King of Kings. So a chief is a chief. I thank you.


elaborating on that issue.

*HON. SEN. CHIPANGA: I am sorry because I have used the

word “young”. I think what I wanted to say was that the new crop of traditional leaders. First of all I will start by saying that long back….

HON. SEN. CHIEF CHISUNGA: Mr. President, I think the Honourable Senator should read the motion and debate according to what is written in the motion. The motion does not mention the type of chiefs we have today. A chief is a chief. I thank you.


Senator, a chief is a chief.

*HON. SEN. CHIPANGA: I want to say that someone stood up

and said I am a princess. If you say a chief is a chief, it is a well known fact that they are chiefs. What I wanted to clarify is that this motion is very pertinent because it was crafted in line with how chiefs are treated in our country. What I want to say is that, it would have been good to trace how it all started when they lost their respect. That is why I had started with a word of caution that these are not the chiefs of yesteryear.

The chiefs back then, such as the likes of Chief Chirau and Chief Nduna belonged to political parties but the chiefs that we have these days are not leaders of political parties. That is why I had said they are not included but if you say you want to be included, I will tackle it from that angle. Mr. President, what I want to say is that if you look at the Traditional Leaders Act of 2001, you will realise that that is where the chiefs started receiving their powers back because their powers had been usurped long back because of what I have alluded to. After independence, there were VIDCOs which were put in place to help the chiefs.

Let me go back to the Traditional Act 2001. It says a chief is the leader of his area, even in the resettlements. What this Traditional Act left out is that resettlement areas which we have were formerly for white farmers and they had said that there was no black chief who was supposed to preside over the white farmers. I think this House should look at that because it is now involving the issue of boundaries. That is where we are lagging behind. There are areas which are known as Sen.

Chief Musarurwa’s area, but when you go to the law, there is no mandate that Chief Musarurwa is supposed to preside over that area.

The area where I come from, you find that chiefs are fighting over boundaries because it was not rectified from that time up to now. What I want to say is that this House should help the chiefs where they are really having problems because they do not have resources to use. For example, chiefs board buses. That is what they used to do, but these days chiefs should be given cars, even if they are small vehicles, at least they should be provided with vehicles to do their errands rather than boarding buses. I think that is what we should look at. What we should do as the Senate is to urge the Government to put in place a budget to cater for the chiefs’ needs.

I listened and I heard some people saying that when they get into power, they will look into that. I do not think there is much that needs to be done. They only need to be resourced. We know that in the rural areas, the chiefs preside over dare. Where I come from, we sit on stones and that is what we know and it is traditional. What we should be concerned with is their getting to that place, the court.

There is another issue that chiefs are now going to church. If I did not get it properly you should correct me. I do not see anything wrong because that person is the same person involved in politics, Christianity and is also a traditional man. If we say that chiefs are restricted, I think we are just making things difficult. Long back, there were no churches. So, a chief would just be doing traditional things. If you look at this new crop, they do not smoke snuff. –[Laughter]-

Mr. President, let me say I really support this motion, especially where it says let us see that our traditional leaders are given room to do their job by presiding over people. This is because many crimes that are committed in the rural areas, they need the chiefs, like on matters of the avenging spirits. If you go to the court and you say avenging spirit, the judge will ask what you mean by avenging spirit, because it is not in their culture, especially if they are white. Even those people presiding these days, they do not know how to handle those issues and so, we should leave that to the chiefs. They are also straightforward issues like committing murder. A magistrate can preside when it comes to that issue of someone going to prison because we do not have prisons in the rural


In conclusion, I really support this motion saying we should be able to come together and look at how we can resource our chiefs so that they cannot be seen boarding buses. They should also preside over all the issues and those which they cannot preside over, will present them over to the magistrate. Thank you.

HON. SEN. MAWIRE: I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. SEN. MARAVA: I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Tuesday, 10th May, 2016.

On the motion of  HON. SEN. MASUKU seconded by HON. SENATOR MARAVA, the Senate adjourned at Twenty Eight Minutes past Three o’clock pm until Tuesday, 10th May, 2016.






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