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SENATE HANSARD 20 May 2020 29 36
Wednesday, 20th May, 2020.
The Senate met at Half-past Two O’clock p.m.
inform the Senate that all Hon. Senators are requested to submit their tablets to the ICT Department for further software configurations. The ICT officers will be stationed in the courtyard during sitting hours.
Hon. Sen. Mohadi on behalf of the Minister of Justice, Legal and
Parliamentary Affairs having moved a notice of motion that the 2020 Edition of Standing Orders of the Senate be adopted.
that the Standing Orders in question have been forwarded to the Members’ E-mails. I hope and I am sure you will be able to open and peruse them.
HON. SEN. MOHADI: Thank you Mr. President. I move that
Order of the Day, Number 1 be stood over until the rest of the Orders of the Day have been disposed of.
Motion put and agreed to.
Second Order read: Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the
Presidential Speech.
Question again proposed.
HON. SEN. MOHADI: I move that the debate do now adjourn.
Motion put and agreed to.
Debate to resume: Thursday, 21st May, 2020.
Third Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on repeal of the death sentence and the provisions in the Criminal Law and Codification
Act and other Statutes.
Question again proposed.
*HON. SEN. CHIFAMBA: Thank you Mr. President Sir. I want to add my voice to the motion that was moved by Hon. Sen. Makone and seconded by Hon. Sen. Mwonzora. This is a very painful motion because the death penalty, we discussed this in the Thematic Committee of Human Rights as Senators. We also considered it and realised that it is a painful issue. Sometimes people end up being sentenced for crimes that they did not commit. It is better for someone to be given life imprisonment than for one to be sentenced to death. We also realised that no one wants to kill other people. The vacancy of a hangman is still there, it is difficult to commit murder because it does not give you peace of mind. Each time you work up as a prisoner and you find that your death day has not come. You can spend 10 years and that is torture and after those many years your death day has not come. So it means that after those many years you are in trouble and you are already dead. Right now, no one wants to be a hangman because of the challenges associated with being a hangman. I think the death penalty has to be abolished and it is better that someone is given a life sentence and serves a jail term for the crime committed. It is painful for one to be given a death sentence when you are not guilty, so I think that the death penalty should be abolished. With these few words, I thank you Mr. President. *HON. SEN. KHUPE: Thank you Mr. President. I also want to support the motion and to add my words on the motion raised by Hon. Makone and seconded by Hon. Mwonzora. Firstly, I speak as someone who has lost a relative due to murder right now. My biological mother was murdered and the witness who is here is Hon. Chief Masendu.
What pushed me to talk on this matter is that, let us not rush and say that the death penalty must be abolished because we need to get opinions of those who have lost their relatives through murder. I think that we need to set up a committee where all those who lost their relatives through murder - who were murdered, raped or even murdered by armed robbers should give their opinions. If those people hear that the Government has said that once you murder someone you must be given life imprisonment, I do not think that it will go down well with them. How are we supposed to feel when we have lost our relatives to murder?
So on that note, I think that we need to consider it because the people who are awaiting the death sentence, do you know that they are living and feeding on taxpayers’ money which is contributed by a person whose relative was murdered? They even get medical attention. They should not die hence they get medical attention to continue living yet they murdered others. Is it a good initiative for the Government to raise taxes to feed people who are on death sentence? Is this not a motivation that a person says, even if a girl who is pregnant and refuses to marry him, he wants to kill her bearing in mind that he can only spend 30 years in jail since His Excellency will give another amnesty and he will be released after 40 years. He can still get an elderly woman to stay with but what of those who lost their relatives?
I think it is a challenge as others can be accused of murder which they did not commit due to false and limited investigations and also because of corruption that is now rampant among our investigation officers. You find that the person who actually committed the murder is left scot-free and continues to murder innocent people.
The judiciary will judge according to whatever information that they are given. They will not be at fault but the challenge is on things like investigations, medical examinations and other processes. If we do not address that issue, I think death sentence should remain in place so that whoever commits murder or whoever rapes a child, a pregnant woman or someone disabled should be sentenced to death.
With these few words, that is what I thought I would add. Before I finish Mr. President, as a conclusion, I know that it could not have been the core of the motion, but allow me just one minute to say that there is a misconception on murder of people because of the First Chimurenga. I wanted to say it the other day and I want to say it now. If you read the thesis that was written on Mbuya Nehanda in 1897 by the Roman Catholic Priest, Father Ratzick who was in Chishawasha, Mbuya Nehanda was guillotined in prison. People were being murdered daily from Monday to Friday. They then went to Matabeleland and murdered others. So, Mbuya Nehanda was not hanged on a tree but she was guillotined. You can also access the records of the Catholic Church. I thank you Mr. President.
*HON. SEN. CHIRONGOMA: Thank you Mr. President. I also
want to contribute to the motion on death sentence. I know that long ago our people were murdered by the colonial governments who would kill at their will. So as we proceed, our country is one that has freedom of religion. The God whom we serve is the creator of people and everything on earth.
I want to differ with my colleagues because we need to move away from the death sentence. Death sentence is murder and it is not right.
Our laws say that if you find someone robbing you and you accidentally kill that person; we have courts which deal with the matter and pass on a sentence. So as the august House, if we encourage that whoever commits murder must be given a death sentence, it means that we are going contrary to the word of God. In my opinion, life imprisonment is a good sentence than death penalty. By giving the death sentence, you have also become a murderer and you have sinned before God. We need to fear God as a nation that is governed by our leader, E. D.
Mnangagwa. Death sentence must be abolished. We cannot end the life of anyone because God is the one who created us.
There are people with different cultures and beliefs but I think that a person must be given a sentence. Even if you commit a crime, you are entitled to pay either using cattle or goats. So for that reason Mr.
President, I want to urge my fellow Senators that man was created by God so let us not take life. People of Zimbabwe who died during the war are too many. Therefore, I encourage this House to do away with the death sentence. A person must lose his life because God has allowed it. If God has allowed a person to die in a particular manner, let it be so.
Even a beautiful flower, God also wants it. If a person is evil, that person should not be killed because his day will also come. In conclusion, I say we should do away with the death sentence. I thank you.
*HON. SEN. CHIEF CHIKWAKA: Thank you Mr. President.
Allow me to add a few words on this important issue. We are blessed because we are the traditional leaders. We need to go back to the drawing board because there is no new life that is being lived today that was never lived before. In English they say culture is dynamic, but as Africans we do not follow that saying because our traditions and cultures will never be eroded. Let me give an example, if I take your mother, she now has sons in-law. If she puts on a pair of trousers to go to the son inlaw’s house the daughter will ask the mother what will have come over her. But if your wife puts on trousers, you say it is okay. What is the difference between the mother in-law and her daughter? We are the ones changing our traditions and culture. If God put a law that it is not right to take life, why is it that today we want to change that? Those are all influences from the western countries. Mr. President, I am against the death sentence. In the past if a person murdered a man or a boy, the family of the murderer would approach a traditional leader to see how they could solve the issue with the family of the murdered person. The traditional leader would call the other family and those who would have lost their son would ask for conciliation for taking his life. So the chief would tell them how many cattle they had to pay.
After sometime the avenging spirit will say how it wants to be appeased. In most cases the spirit wants a young woman who has to go and have children in the avenging spirit’s family. This is a cultural practice that you cannot run away from. We are saying that this is no longer possible to give our girls to avenging spirits, but if this happens in your family you will be forced to go and solve that matter.
I want to give an example of the issue mentioned by one of our legislators. In our area it also happened. My grandfather was a king and he had a very beautiful daughter. They lived with the king’s nephew who loved the king’s daughter. However, the girl was in love with the boy who was herding cattle for the king. The nephew was not pleased with the fact that his cousin was in love with a servant and not him. So he plotted to kill the servant and on one particular day he invited the servant to go hunting with him. He took the dog and a gun and when they got into the forest he shot the servant and buried him. When he came back he reported that he had missed him and looked for him everywhere but he did not find him.
So they lived for some years then the avenging spirit came seeking to be appeased and wreaked havoc in the king’s household. There were mysterious illnesses and deaths of children in that house until the king went to enquire from the gods what the cause was. They were informed of the murder of one of their servants and when they later sat down as a family the grandchild who had murdered the servant owned up to having committed the murder. They then sought the way forward and they were told to pay ten cows and a young woman. The king did not think it possible to take the young girl from his own children. He then told his extended family and asked them to give them a woman. They refused because they said the murder had been committed in their household and the daughter should come from there.
What then happened is that the spirit started talking and the king took the 10 cows and his youngest daughter. No one knew where the murdered servant came from and it was difficult to ascertain where the appeasement could be taken. After enquiring with spirit mediums, they were told to take the cows and the woman to a river and ask the spirit medium to take the payment to the home of the deceased. This happened and the cows and the woman came to Uzumba. Those who had their son murdered accepted the payment.
What the avenging spirit requires is that if you are paid to avenge a spirit, you need to bear a child for the spirit to release you. The girl said no, I will get there and ensure that they get their cattle and I will go my own way. So she fell in love with someone else whilst under the custody of the murdered person’s family and that was a challenge for the king. It is a long story but of the four men who married her, none of them lived a long life because they were being told they had taken someone’s wife.
What I am trying to say Mr. President is that we have one king. If we have the death penalty, our cultural system does not allow the death penalty but we are saying culture is dynamic and we believe that the female or the girl-child cannot be paid to avenge spirits. This was done by traditional leaders. The President is a traditional leader. We are also traditional leaders and we put the cultural norms and values, and we are saying we do not want any foreign practices. God has said do not kill and we as traditional chiefs are saying do not kill. I thank you Mr.
*HON. SEN. FEMAI: I want to thank you Mr. President for the opportunity that you have given me to add my voice to the motion that was raised by Hon. Senator Makone that seeks to abolish the death penalty for people who will have committed murder. Firstly, I want to remind this House of what the Bible say since all of us are aware of the fact that our nation is a Christian country and whatever we do is premised on the Bible.
So as we follow Christianity, the very same Bible, I do not remember the reference but the Bible says everyone born of a woman has a few days here on earth. Meaning that we will all die. It is not said that he will die and it is not written that if he kills he must also be killed but he will die at his appointed time by God. So we should not sentence anyone to death because God has already said everyone has a few days on earth. I am sure you are aware of the fact that in the whole world, most people who are smartly dressed, for you to see someone is a Christian, you can see from the knees. People spend time kneeling in prayer.
People worshipped Jesus Christ who was crucified by the Jews. Today we kneel and worship him, what it means is that if you murder someone, you will end up worshipping that person. Avenging spirits are there and the avenging spirit is the one that determines the life of the murderer. The Chief took words from my mouth because he talked about culture that in our cultural practice, the avenging spirit did not seek to murder or kill the person who will have committed murder. If you have
a demon that needs to be appeased, you are told to go and appease the avenging spirit then come and pray without the avenging spirit because the prophet cannot chase away the avenging spirit.
As the august House, we should not go beyond what the Bible says because when the prophet is speaking, he will be under the spirit of the Lord. When he says that go and appease the avenging spirits, then after that you can come back and worship God. It means that is what is supposed to be done. I was happy to hear the Chief say that is our culture.
I heard one of the Senators saying Mbuya Nehanda was murdered but it is also good for history. I remember during the war, we heard that Mbuya Nehanda said that my bones rise. You can kill me but my spirit will live on and for sure, the spirit lived on and they failed to appease her spirit. So, it is something that should be respected. We should not kill other people because the avenging spirit will come and if that spirit comes after we are gone, who is going to appease that spirit? If the avenging spirit comes for payback; once we kill the person who has committed murder, it means someone else will have to appease that spirit. That is why we are saying we should abolish the death penalty.
I want to conclude by giving an example. In our rural areas, you know that is where the liberation struggle commenced before it spread to Harare and so many people lost their lives. There is one who died in the battle as a comrade and disappeared and no one knew the whereabouts of the comrade. There is an animal called ‘chihudo’ and the animal lived in a deep cave. So this animal saw the bones that still had some bit of flesh on them and took the bones into the cave until all the bones had been taken to the deepest part of the cave and that preserved the remains of the comrade.
So one person decided to go and hunt for game in the forest and he took his dogs and left. The dogs got hold of that animal and killed it. So the man took his kill home and prepared it for the evening meal. Before they slept, the avenging spirit started speaking through the man’s youngest daughter saying that, ‘You have eaten me and need to pay back’. So they went to the traditional leader and asked where the avenging spirit was coming from. The avenging spirit started what he wanted to be paid back. He asked for a wife, traditional beer, five beer pots to go with and some cash. When they got to the avenging spirit’s home area – after being led by the particular spirit, the avenging spirit left the girl and possessed the child of the deceased’s brother. The spirit informed its family that he was the one who had sent these people and said that this was the wife that he had been given. He told them to accept the money that he asked them to pay back for his murder.
So the avenging spirit ended up telling the family of the deceased that no, the family that had brought him home was not responsible for killing him but were here because they had killed an animal that was looking after his remains, hence he wanted someone to pay back. So as they went with these things, they received a wife and when they returned home, they went back with a wife because the avenging spirit realised that it was unfair to make these people pay for his death yet they had not murdered him.
So the avenging spirit is the one that should fight for it to be avenged rather than for us to create these avenging spirits whilst we are still living. The person who was murdered should come back on his/her own and avenge for his death. I thank you Mr. President.
*HON. SEN. MBOHWA: Thank you Mr. President. Let me take this opportunity to thank Hon. Sen. Makone who moved this motion that was seconded by Hon. Sen. Mwonzora.
Yes, Mr. President, it is painful to lose a loved one through murder and you live to see the murderer day in day out living on the same street as you but as the chief has said, our African culture has its own norms and values. In Zimbabwe, we are a peace loving country and a Christian nation too. So I want to say that at times what pains us can lead us to come up with legislation that is not right for us and our upcoming generations.
I want to say that the Lord that we worship in Zimbabwe says that, he is the Lord of all battles – if you have wronged me, God says that he will deal with the generations in my family. We, as those who are supposed to be given judgment by God, are in no position to give judgment because God is the one who gives a befitting judgment to the sin committed against us by anyone. I also want to say that if we consider the western countries that came up with the death penalty, they also are considering and reviewing the death penalty because they have realised that what they were doing was wrong.
So when we consider the judgment of a murderer, it can be wrong in the sense that I am using my own opinion and if my opinion tells me that whatever I have been given - I will use Hon. Sen. Tsomondo as an example that probably Hon. Sen. Tsomondo is guilty basing on the evidence that has been given. I do not have concrete evidence but I am merely using my judgment. So judgment can be meted on an innocent person and it becomes biased.
In my opinion, it then becomes a sentence without justice because it is now considered whether or not someone can afford to engage lawyers and with rampant corruption, anything can happen. A murderer can be left to go scot free because you can be found to be not guilty and yet you are guilty. So I think we need to leave it all to the Lord to give the final judgment. God gave us an example when his son was crucified, he did not kill those who killed his son but Jesus Christ avenged his own death. So we should know that God says that he will deal with us up to the third and fourth generations in our families.
Our President is always saying, he knows God and fears God. He has been on record for saying that death penalty is not good. If we take someone who has been given the death penalty and isolate him, that can assist us so that the aggrieved party will not see him. This will help to lessen the hurt and pain that they feel due to loss of a relative or a loved one. Even when amnesty is offered, those serving life sentences should not be released. I think that is the sentence that we give. My opinion is that since the death penalty is still part of our legislation, it is because we have a President and we have people who are in jail who are supposed to be killed but we are saying we need to expedite and review this legislation to ensure that those who will have killed and evidence is proven to be there that they have killed then they should be given life in prison and not be privileged to any amnesty. I want to thank Hon. Sen.
Makone, I think we need to abolish the death penalty. I thank you Mr.
HON. SEN. MOEKETSI: Thank you Mr. President for giving me this opportunity to add a few words on the motion that was moved by Hon. Sen. Makone and seconded by Hon. Sen. Mwonzora. I want to say that when Jesus Christ was crucified, he said ‘forgive them for they know not what they do’ but he is the one who was being crucified.
I want to give an example of what happened in our area Chisumba in Manicaland. A man was murdered by soldiers from Mozambique, the Matsangas. They left him dead on the road. Another person who I believe had some other motive passed by. This man went and took the private parts of the murdered person. In 1986 when I lost my father, that is when I got to know of this matter. The man who took the dead person’s private parts came with a traditional healer and it is said that the dead person’s spirit – the death of a person and cows can never be equated. The spirit of the person whose private parts were taken led him to Chief Sembezeya in his home area. We went there because we were told that there was a prophet who had come and so we attended the court. We found him on his own being engrossed with an avenging spirit. When this man got to the king’s court, the chief requested that they go and look for the deceased’s relatives. So they came and the avenging spirit started speaking through the murderer. Here, I will cite the names because i witnessed that. It said, ‘my name is Mabel Mashuma. I was murdered by the Matsangaise. The person through whom I am talking right now is not my murderer but he took my private parts.’ The spirit said that in his clan I am the only one left. So I have asked him to come and look for my relatives and come through Chief
The relatives came and said that they could not accept this person because their relative had been dead for many years. If he was the one then he ought to identify any person that he knew. The spirit started identifying the people, ‘this is so and so my brother.’ There were 13 of them and he identified all of them through that spirit. The relatives then accepted that their relative had come back through the spirit. The spirit went on to say that it had requested that the person should bring 15 herds of cattle. On top of that, there was some money and he took out the sack of money. The king’s people counted the money and said it was not enough, so the spirit said if the money was not enough, the money should be returned to him. It said, ‘I will go back with him until he comes with my money in full. I am giving him two months to return.
His father’s brother who is there will also die if he does not do these things.’
Mr. President, my request is that we should abolish the death penalty. It should be totally removed. The issue of killing someone is something that is solved through the murderer and the murdered family. If someone is sentenced for murder, he should be given life imprisonment. If a country has a company that is not properly registered for it to employ people then it is not a good company. The fact that we do not have anyone wishing to be a hangman, there is a challenge. So Mr. President, death penalty should be removed. With these few words, I thank you Mr. President.
*HON. SEN. CHIEF NHEMA: Thank you Mr. President for
giving me this opportunity to support the motion that was raised by the Senator and those who have supported this motion. I want to say a few words on the motion under debate from another perspective. I agree with the abolishment of the death penalty but what I am saying is that we are not looking at the root cause these issues. We need to go deeper into this issue. What I am saying is that the issue of taking one’s life is said to be a criminal case. In vernacular, I do not know what they say but in English, they say it is a criminal case.
A criminal case in our country - a traditional leader cannot preside or say anything or interfere with anyone who looks at criminal cases. I want to say that if this House is the one that comes up with legislation, what is our challenge? If we say this is a criminal case, I say that a person must be killed. Once we call it a criminal case because of the criminality of the matter, that person must be killed and receive the death sentence. So, why should we be worried about the criminal case? If we want to address this matter, all of us agreed that these issues are mostly done in rural areas where there are societal norms and values. Why do we say when a person kills, the traditional chief cannot preside over such issues? Why is it that legislation does not protect the traditional leaders that if a person has murdered, that person should be arrested and should be coming to the king’s court until the matter is dealt with under our traditional customs and practices that we know.
These issues are two-fold. There is murder in the sense that one can just kill and there is a case whereby a person is murdered but you do not know who murdered the person. What I am saying is that as the Senate we represent the people and we want to help the people; let us assist them. We are saying we have traditional norms and values as traditional leaders. I know that when we go out of this House we have different opinions. The chiefs are said to be interfering in criminal cases and now we are agreeing that all cases should be dealt with by the traditional leaders. Why do we not address that issue? We need to address legislation. Why do we say it is a challenge and yet it is not a challenge? Let us remove the term criminal case. Whoever explained that a criminal case is murder – who said that? We need to remove it.
We are the people and we should remove that. I thank you Mr.
*HON. SEN. CHIEF MAKUMBE: Thank you Mr. President. I
want to start by thanking Hon. Sen. Makone for the motion that she brought into this House on the death sentence. My view is almost similar to that of Sen. Chief Nhema. I am one of the traditional leaders who is faced with the issue of murder and this is a person who was murdered in 1947. People came to my area and they were being led by birds because my home area is where the murdered person’s relatives stay - so the bird is the one that led them to my area. They came because in their family 14 people have died because of the avenging spirit of the person that was murdered. In my area I am losing a lot of cattle because of the disease that is there, but the cows that they brought are not being affected by the disease.
I know about this because one of my policemen is looking after them. What I want to say is that, let us not look down upon our traditional court system. Traditional leaders are losing their power. The power that we have should be reinstated. If a person loses a goat, the pain of losing a goat will still be there but if you go to Chief
Charumbira’s court, you will be paid back. We are African people and some are saying that even COVID can be healed using traditional medicine.
Let us sit down and see what we can do as Africans. Killing and taking someone’s life is bad but when we remove such powers, we need to ensure that we strengthen the other side. We do not want anyone to take someone else’s life. The Bible says ‘do not kill’. We are not allowed to kill or to take anyone’s life. It is true that we do not have a hangman. No one wants to be a killer, but if we are not going to kill anyone, what do we do to appease those who have relatives whose lives have been taken away? Let us not take a traditional chief as just a title but the traditional chief should be given power and authority to preside over such cases.
That way the chiefs will be respected as people in authority. Right now we need to complete that issue after COVID. They came the first time in 2018. Those who came first failed to come back because they are now late. Those who came last year, all of them did not manage to come. On the delegation that came last year - only one came this year and so, what we want as traditional leaders is to be given the power. Sometimes a person can lose his life in my area and when people get a beast to use as relish during the funeral, it is said to be stock theft. Let us give the traditional leaders the power and authority to preside over these cases and that way, we will safeguard our cultural traditions and norms.
If the chief says I know this person and this is what happened under the so-called criminal case, the chief is said to be interfering. If it is difficult to slaughter a chicken, what more of a human being? I think killing is bad. The death sentence should be done away with but we should also have foresight and insight in ensuring that we empower our Traditional Chiefs to address these issues in line with our traditional cultural practices and customs. Every avenging spirit will fight for itself even if we are to shout and say a lot of things, the person’s life is lost. It
may be okay today but the avenging spirit will still come.
We know of a case of someone who was in prison for 22 years and when he came out of jail he said that he wanted to find out where the relatives of the person he murdered were because he was failing to sleep. We need to pay back those avenging spirits. For those who are given the cattle to appease the spirit, they should not be accused of stock theft. So we need to go back to the drawing board and ensure our traditional customs remain in place.
PROVINCE (HON. SEN. MAVHUNGA): I move that the debate do now adjourn.
Motion put and agreed to.
Debate to resume: Thursday, 21st May, 2020.
Fourth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Women Political Leaders Global Forum.
Question again proposed.
HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: I move that the debate do now
HON. SEN. A. DUBE: I second.
Motion put and agreed to.
Debate to resume: Thursday, 21st May, 2020.
Fifth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the
Third World Parliamentary Forum on Sustainable Development Goals.
Question again proposed.
HON. SEN. CHIEF MTSHANE: I move that the debate do now adjourn.
Motion put and agreed to.
Debate to resume: Thursday, 21st, May, 2020.
Sixth Order Read: Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the 74th Session of the Executive Committee of the African Parliamentary Union.
Question again proposed.
PROVINCE (HON. SEN. MAVHUNGA): I move that the debate do now adjourn.
Motion put and agreed to.
Debate to resume: Thursday, 21st May, 2020.
Seventh Order Read: Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Zimbabwean Delegation’s Bilateral Visit to Havana, Cuba.
Question again proposed.
PROVINCE (HON. SEN. MAVHUNGA): I move that the debate do now adjourn.
Motion put and agreed to.
Debate to resume: Thursday, 21st, 2020.
Eighth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the report of the 2019 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEFG).
Question proposed.
HON. SEN. DR. MAVETERA: Mr. President, I move that the
debate do now adjourn.
Motion put and greed to.
Debate to resume: Thursday, 21st May, 2020.
Ninth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the report of the
Thematic Committee on Indigenisation and Empowerment on the Implementation of Empowerment Programmes in the mining sector.
Question again proposed.
HON. SEN. MBOHWA: Mr. President, I move that the debate do now adjourn.
Motion put and agreed to.
Debate to resume: Thursday, 21st May, 2020.
the Senate adjourned at Seven Minutes to Four o’clock p.m.