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Thursday, 7th April, 2022

The Senate met at Half-past Two O’clock p.m.



THE HON. PRESIDENT OF SENATE:  I cannot complain today that Ministers are not enough because the House is almost empty so we just proceed with those who are here. 


          HON. SEN. MOHADI: Thank you Madam President. My question is directed to the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development.  The Ministry is doing a very wonderful job on the Beitbridge-Chirundu Road, can the Minister highlight to us on how far they have gone on the road rehabilitation programme taking place along that road.  We want to know the mileage because we just see the work taking place but we do not know how many kilometres they have covered? 

          THE HON. PRESIDENT OF SENATE:  I am sorry Hon. Senator, I will not allow the Minister to answer that question because you are talking of a particular road, please put that question in writing so that the Minister can go and ask the engineers. 

          *HON. SEN. CHISOROCHENGWE:  My question is directed to the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development.  What is Government policy concerning the use of red triangles that are not being used by motorists when they have breakdowns?

          THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT (HON. MHONA):  I want to thank the Hon. Senator for the question that she raised.  It is true that our road regulations are not being adhered to.  As the Ministry of Transport who are responsible for the transport sector, we work together with the ZRP, which means that the question she has raised, every motorist is supposed to be well equipped with the required gadgets in his/he car, including the red triangles that she mentioned so that when a breakdown happens, that triangle is placed to notify motorists that there is a breakdown.  So our motorists need to adhere to road regulations. Even when driving, you are not even allowed to use your cellphone.  So I urge all motorists in Zimbabwe that we are the ones who passed the laws and we are supposed to adhere to the laws.  I hope that as I work with the Ministry of Home Affairs, we will ensure that we strengthen our systems to ensure that every car has the required gadgets in case of a breakdown.  I thank you.

          *HON. SEN. G. MOYO: Thank you Madam President for giving me this opportunity. I want to thank the Minister of Transport for the bridge that they worked on which had been eroded because of the heavy rains and we want to thank him for that. My question is, how far have you gone in terms of rehabilitation of rural roads? Are you still working on that or you have since stopped working on the roads for some time? I thank you.

          THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT (HON. MHONA): I want to thank the Hon. President of Senate and I want to thank Hon. Sen. Moyo for her appreciation of the work that the Government is doing under President Mnangagwa in terms of roads rehabilitation. I also want to say that on the issue of road rehabilitation, especially in rural areas, we were behind in terms of rehabilitation. During the rainy season, it was difficult for work to continue on the roads because of the texture of the soils. 

          We have Rural District Councils and DDF in rural areas and we work together with the Ministry of Transport. We are working together and we do not put the blame or give the road network to one particular group. As advised by the President, we are now working together with DDF and RDC. I want to make a commitment that you will soon realise that most of the roads will be rehabilitated and work is going to progress. Thank you.

          *HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI: Thank you Madam President for giving me this opportunity. My question is directed to the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development. I want to thank him for his intervention on the issue of number plates. My question is, has the situation improved so that people are able to get number plates so that they are not given tickets for violation of regulations? I thank you.

          THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT (HON. MHONA): Thank you Madam President. I also want to thank Hon. Sen. Chimbudzi for the question that she posed which is very important. It is true that we had a challenge in terms of number plates at the beginning of the year which led us to investigate the area where number plates are found. We found that there was a challenge in that Zimbabweans were being denied this because others were engaged in corruption. Middlemen wanted to line their pockets and through our President, who has said no to corruption we realised what was happening at the station.

          So we ensured that number plates are now accessible at ZimPost stations and we ensured that we decongest the Central Vehicle Registry. As I speak, it is progressing well. We do not have challenges of the long queues where people would queue outside the building so that we do not have those people who engage in corrupt activities. Zimbabweans can now access number plates in a civil manner.

          I am grateful that we were able to stamp out corruption that was happening at the Central Vehicle Registry Department. What we have now is the challenge with the licences and they were being back dated to 2019. I want to inform the House that we have a listening President, meaning that he has heard the cries of the people that licences have not been available since 2019. So what we have done is that we have been capacitated to make these licences, looking at the backlog from 2019. Those who do not have their driver’s licences, we will be notifying you.

          Currently, there is progress in terms of getting these driver’s licences. We are hoping to also get regional licences within the SADC Region. So, we will move from our national licence to the SADC licence. I want to emphasise that for those who have not received their licences since 2019, we will be informing them to come and collect their licence disks. Thank you Madam President.

          HON. SEN. CHIEF MAKUMBE: Thank you Madam President. My question is directed to the Minister of Finance. I would like to know what Government policy is with regards to the issuance of guarantees to Independent Power Producers (IPPs) so that colleagues in that area can attract capital in order to ensure we have the much needed power in the country. The challenge has been that of guarantees from the Ministry of Finance. Thank you.

THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF FINANCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (HON. CHIDUWA): Thank you so much Madam President and thank you Hon. Senator for the question which is a very critical one regarding the issue of power.  The issue of energy and power is very critical for the development of this country.  Independent Power Producers (IPPs) as rightly said, the Government has a leeway in terms of the provision of guarantees.  It is true, but we go through a lengthy process of due diligence.

The process starts with the acceptance of the tariff rates that are supposed to be used.  At the moment, we have not yet finalised the issue of tariffs. This is an issue that has been taking a lot of investors aback because they would come up with proposals where they would say they want tariffs of say around 11 cents per kilowatt and for us, we would look at affordability when it comes to charging such rates to the industry.  That issue has been finalised now and we are done especially with regards to the agreed tariffs.

On the guarantees, for all the independent power producers where we agree on tariffs, we issue guarantees.  So, the position is very clear, we provide guarantees where the tariff has been agreed upon.  Thank you.

HON. SEN. KOMICHI: Thank you so much Hon. President.  My question is directed to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.  We do understand that the Government has a policy of re-engagement with the external world.  Would you please update us on the progress that you have made so far as far as our relationship with Europe, Britain and America is concerned?

THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF FOREIGN AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE (HON. MUSABAYANA): I would like to thank Hon. Sen. Komichi for a very important question that many Zimbabweans have been asking, on how far we have gone in terms of the philosophy of our President, Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa, of engagement and re-engagement.  I will try to take you back a little bit; as you know that from 1980, our foreign policy was very straight-forward where after the liberation struggle, the late President who was the Prime Minister then, Robert Gabriel Mugabe, pronounced a foreign policy that was well accepted the world-over, of reconciliation, peace and unity and also of turning guns into plough-shares.  Over the years, our relationship got to the extent of even being united by the Queen.

However, over the years, that relationship was not sustained after we tried to implement the Lancaster House Conference Agreement of 21 December, 1979 where Britain and the United States of America had actually offered guarantees to compensate land that would have been taken away from the white commercial farmers restoring it back to the black farmers.

After we did the Land Reform Programme, sanctions were imposed on us and along the way, we also had to come out of the Commonwealth voluntarily.  We then had the Look East Policy where we focused on China, Russia and India - but it was not sustained because we saw our currency being decimated.  There was unprecedented depreciation with the worst inflation the world-over and the rest you know it; food shortages, fuel shortages, we had queues at the banks and everywhere.  Things stabilized a little bit during the Government of National Unity but again it was not sustainable. 

In 2017, we saw a new dispensation being ushered and President E. D. Mnangagwa heading it and this is when he pronounced a new policy of engagement and re-engagement, which is a 360 degree policy, which was now a diversion or contradiction from just the Look East Policy.  So, from re-engagement and engagement, we are focusing on rebuilding the bridges that have been broken and at the same time, creating new avenues.  This is where we saw our President going to Belarus and we saw the equipment that came from there.  There was also the fire-fighting equipment that was commissioned last year by the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Tourism and Hospitality Industry which came from Belarus. 

We also saw the engagement that has been done by the Americans where we saw the John Deere Facility of US$50 million.  What has that done - we have seen that it has actually become a very important cog in the improvement or upgrading of our agricultural systems and we saw the surplus that we achieved last year in our maize production.  We had more than 2.7 million metric tonnes because we now had enough harvest capabilities in terms of harvesting and tilling our land.  With the wheat, over the years we have been importing 70% to 80% of the wheat in this country but because of the engagement and re-engagement programme or philosophy in our foreign policy, we saw the production of wheat which was unprecedented. As we speak, we actually have enough wheat for the rest of the season which has never really happened.  This goes to show that the engagement has worked.

Our President has never travelled to Europe for the past 25 years but in November, we saw the President being invited to Glasgow to attend the Climate Change Conference, COP 26, which has never happened before and he met a lot of European leaders.  This year, he was also invited to the AU-EU Summit in Brussels which goes to show that the international community has warmed up to the engagement and re-engagement process. 

Finally, the issue of sanctions, you know the economic sanctions that were imposed by Britain, United States of America and the European Union (EU).  The EU has removed most of the sanctions except the sanctions for Defence and Security – that goes to show that the engagement and re-engagement process has worked.

We have also analysed that since 1970, the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) even during Ian Smith’s time, our ratio of FDI to GDP had never surpassed a 3% mark.  Even at the height of the GNU, in 2014, it was 2.85% but during the new dispensation in 2019, we scored 3.85% according to the World Bank which has never been surpassed or reached before.  This goes to show that the new dispensation’s engagement and re-engagement mantra is actually indeed bearing fruits.

Finally, last year, we recorded the biggest growth in Africa in terms of economic growth despite the COVID-19, Cyclone Idai that impacted on us, despite the previous year’s drought, and also other challenges that the globe faced.  We scored 7.8% economic growth which is phenomenal and we were the best in Africa.  So I think, the engagement and re-engagement process is a journey but is bearing fruits and better times are really coming.  I submit Hon. Madame President.

+HON. SEN. A. DUBE:  Thank you Madame President.  My question is directed to the Hon. Minister of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage.  What measures are in place to protect members of our police who are being abused or hurt by criminals who do not want to be arrested?  Most of our police officers are being injured whilst on duty with nothing to protect them.

+THE HON. DEPUTY MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS AND CULTURAL HERITAGE (HON. MAVHUNGA-MABOYI):  Thank you Madam President Ma’am.  I would also like to thank Hon. Dube for the pertinent question.  The police are protected.  When the police go after criminals, we give them all the tools of work.

There may be differences in tactics but they are protected.  We now have cars – we were given cars by His Excellency the President, Hon. E. D. Mnangagwa.  We were given big cars with the requisite security accessories.  Yes, people do get injured but the police are protected.  The fact that they are injured is not because they are injured due to lack of protection against criminals.  Mostly our police are killing the criminals and at times the criminals are arrested.

I would like to notify the House that we are trying our best as Ministry of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage to protect the police.  Sometimes they join forces with soldiers but they have the requisite accessories.  I thank you.

^^HON. SEN. NYATHI:  My question is directed to the Hon. Minister of Finance and Economic Development.  Hon. Minister, with the current situation where fuel is expensive and other things, what is Government’s policy regarding the monies being paid to people, which is not enough to cater for their needs considering the prices?  I thank you.

*THE HON. PRESIDENT OF SENATE:  Hon. Minister, did you understand the question?

*THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF FINANCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (HON. CHIDUWA):  Thank you Madam President for the pertinent question that was asked by the Hon. Senator.  If I heard well, I believe, the question is about the inflation rate and the sky rocketing prices.

Let me say that what is causing the hyper-inflation is that at the moment, there are two issues.  One, what is happening outside Zimbabwe in the macro-global economic environment that we cannot control and other internal issues.  So what is happening is that inflation in Zimbabwe, sometimes it happens because we are working on our expenditure and revenue. 

Our money supply, when we look at basic economics, what causes prices to rise?  Right now, in the Monetary Policy Statement that was issued by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ), the target surplus was brought down to 5% in April and June.   This means that our money supply does not have an input on inflation.  The other reason is that Government may be using what it does not have.  So as Government, since November 2018, we have never taken any money from the RBZ.  We only spend what we have in our fiscus. This means that there is nothing that we are doing which results in price increases.  So we need to look at the current account balance that we have, that is, the revenue that we have from imports and exports.  We have a current account surplus.  So this means that on that aspect, in our management of imports and exports, these are not factors that contribute to price increases.

Looking at our inflation rate, we discovered that the inflation rate is going up. When we looked at this, we noted that this is because of the black market rate which is fluctuating but this has nothing to do with economic fundamentals. The challenge is that in our fiscus, there are two currencies; the Zimbabwe Dollar and the American Dollar and there is one strong currency. The other currency is not as strong as the other one. However, those who use money for consumption use the softer money and save the stronger currency as the store of value. When we price in Zimbabwe Dollars, people are now looking at the exchange rate because of the fluctuations that are happening in the exchange rate. This is because of what happened in the past and they end up saving the US dollars.

This is a behavioural issue we are trying to fix. There are also some factors like the Ukraine-Russian crisis. This is a war which is affecting a lot of things. I would start by mentioning disruption of supply chains. It affects logistics in terms of transportation of goods and services which results in price rises. There is also the issue of gas and fuel which have primary and secondary effects on price increases. Also looking at food, we have been receiving fertilizer from Ukraine and Russia. Any price increases on inputs like fertilizer will cascade down to food stuffs. When we came up with our annual budget last year, there was a theme; Enhancing Sustainable Economic Recovery and Resilience; which means that shocks were known that they can happen at any time - external shocks like the one that we are talking about and other shocks like the COVID-19 pandemic and Cyclone Idai as well as the drought.

We are saying as Government, how then do we adjust our exchange rate so that we do not continue seeing what is happening in the black market. In the past week, the RBZ released a Monetary Policy Statement which said that the bank is now taking a gradualist approach starting with small amounts. This helps Government to keep markets so that they understand whether the willing buyer-willing seller basis is working. This will be formalised through the banking system. Where there are challenges, Government has safety nets.

There are social protection intervention mechanisms which are meant to cushion those who are facing challenges, for instance food stuffs and school fees for those who cannot pay their fees. That is why we intervened with BEAM programme. Also the Pfumvudza Programme, it is also meant to cater for that as the productive intervention protection scheme is meant for adults as social safety nets to cushion those who are vulnerable. So, price increases have nothing to do with fundamentals of economics. This has to do with the macro global economic environment. This is what we are fixing. We are coming up with interventions to make sure that people are cushioned. I thank you.

*HON. SEN. KOMICHI: Thank you Madam President. Price fluctuations and the reduction in people’s incomes through erosion; does Government have the capacity to capacitate civil servants or give them money which is equivalent to the poverty datum line? I thank you.

*HON. CHIDUWA: Thank you Madam President. Thank you Sen. Komichi for your pertinent follow up question to what we are discussing. I would like to start with the vision of our Government which we were given by our President that we want to be an empowered, prosperous upper middle class economy by 2030. As our economy improves, then our salaries and conditions of service should be adjusted in tandem with what is happening in the economy.

Looking at what is happening at the moment in 2022, people’s salaries might be increased in two ways, either by holding inflation, by stabilising prices so that salaries can be increased in real terms. They can be raised in absolute terms. This is what I said last time responding to a question that through the Joint Negotiating Forum, Government is committed to addressing the salaries issue, not only to those levels that are being mentioned but as Government, we desire that people have meaningful salaries looking at what we have in the fiscus as approved by Parliament. What we can do as Government, without compromising the growth of our economy, because when we looked at the past, we discovered that 90% was going to salaries. However, in the new direction that we have been given by His Excellency, 60% of our budget should go towards development whilst the difference goes to recurrent expenditure.

We are not only looking at the 500 and something salary but we want to go beyond that amount depending on the growth of our economy, but at the moment, we can adjust salaries by stabilising the inflation rate. I thank you.

+HON. SEN. MATHUTHU: Thank you Madam President. My question is directed to the Minister of Home Affairs. What does the law say with regards to the payment of spot fines? What should commuters do in such situations?

+THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS AND CULTURAL HERITAGE (HON. MAVHUNGA-MABOYI): Thank you Madam President. I would like to thank Hon. Sen. Mathuthu for the question. Spot fines are not allowed. They are illegal but the police sometimes, because of the situation and circumstances, end up demanding spot fine. If you give him time to pay - they fail to comply with that, they fail to cooperate and pay.  Some promise to pay and then they get out of the country, we do not have time to look for those people.  We do not ask people to pay fines in foreign currency.  Thank you.

          +HON. SEN. A. DUBE: My question is directed to the Minister of National Housing and Social Amenities.  There are some houses in Zimbabwe which are called pool houses.  These are houses that accommodate civil servants, some have stayed in those houses for more than 30 years and they are still on rent to pay scheme.  What does the policy say so that they can be on rent to buy scheme?  I thank you.

          *THE MINISTER OF NATIONAL HOUSING AND SOCIAL AMENITIES (HON. GARWE): There are people who are living in pool houses.  Those people are paying rentals.  Will there be a time when they will be allowed to pay for rent to buy schemes?  We have programmes for rent to buy and rent to retire.  Those who have stayed for a long time in those houses are like those who have paid mortgage and the Ministry is trying its best to prepare a proposal that we will take to Cabinet, and if Cabinet agrees we will come back to you with the outcome.  We have a plan for those houses and we are still in the process. 

          Madam President, last month you heard the President saying and currently he is still saying that those people who are staying in houses but do not have title deeds must be given those title deeds.  Those people who are staying in mortgaged houses are some of them.  In Highfield, Makokoba, Dangamvura, those houses do not have title deeds. Those people will be monitored if they are paying rent and they will be given the title deeds for the houses.  Thank you Madam President. 

          HON. SEN. MOHADI:  Thank you Madam President.  My question is directed to the Deputy Minister of Energy and Power Development. There are places all over the country where electricity was installed. Unfortunately, through heavy rains and winds those poles fell, yet already electricity was connected.  In other places, it has taken more than three years whilst those poles are down, what is the policy of the Ministry on that one? 

          THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF ENERGY AND POWER DEVELOPMENT (HON. MUDYIWA):  I want to thank the Hon. Member for that pertinent question.  It is true that during the rainy seasons we have challenges of poles falling down because of the heavy rains.  We are very much aware that we have got a number of areas where there is no electricity because of the poles that are down.  The utility is seized with the matter and are working hard to make sure that those poles are replaced with new poles and electricity restored in those areas. The challenge that we were facing is that of funding to buy the much needed poles.  The suppliers of those poles, most of them are preferring customers who pay in foreign currency and our utility cannot afford to pay for those poles in foreign currency.  Thank you.

          *HON. SEN. CHIEF MAKUMBE): Thank you Madam President. We are having problems of accidents which are being caused by trees that have grown through electrical poles. What is Government’s plan concerning those trees? Trees are growing, passing through power lines. What is the Government saying concerning that problem? ZESA is no longer cutting down trees that are growing through power lines, which is called bush cutting. Thank you Madam President.

          *THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF ENERGY AND POWER DEVELOPMENT (HON. MUDYIWA): Thank you Madam President for the question from Hon. Sen. Chief Makumbe which is pertinent. Trees that are disturbing our power lines must be cut down so that we do not have electrical problems that will affect people and animals. I think what is happening is that ZESA has more work to do and most of the times they will not be aware that there are certain places experiencing those problems. If ZESA is aware of those problems, I believe they will take action.

          There are some residents who allow trees to grow and pass through power lines, not to them only but to their neighbours and the community at large. We encourage people to be aware and take caution with regards to those trees so that they will not affect power lines. ZESA must take action and cut trees that pass through power lines. They might be having challenges with resources to take action immediately but they take action before people are affected. Thank you.

          Questions without Notice were interrupted by THE HON. PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE in terms of Standing Order No. 67.

          HON. KOMICHI: Thank you Madam President. We are kindly asking for the extension of time by ten minutes.

          HON. SEN. A. DUBE: I second.

          Motion put and agreed to.

          THE HON. PRESIDENT OF SENATE: It has been proposed that we extend by ten minutes and so at Quarter to Four o’clock p.m., we will stop.

          HON. KOMICHI: Thank you Madam President. My question is directed to the Minister of National Housing. We once had an argument about people building their houses on wetlands, especially in Harare. What has Government done about those people residing on wetlands and where will they go?  Thank you.

          THE MINISTER OF NATIONAL HOUSING AND SOCIAL AMENITIES (HON. GARWE): Thank you Madam President and thank you Hon. Sen. Komichi for that pertinent question. There are people who build on wetlands and there are people who build their houses on places which were meant for schools and roads. The Government is saying that it is not allowed. Those people who build their houses on wetlands must be relocated to other places. Government is looking for places to relocate people and do infrastructural development before they relocate the people.

          Those people must be given developed stands which are legal, according to the by-laws of the council which is according to the Government. Above that, the Government introduced the programme of building flats. Some of the people who will be given opportunities to buy those flats are those people staying on wetlands. These flats are already being built in Dzivarasekwa. We will be building some more flats in Highfields, Waterfalls and behind Sunningdale suburb. If we go to Mashonaland East in Marondera, we have already started building those flats. In Gweru, we have started building those flats in Senga suburb. The Government will build flats all over Zimbabwe so that the people who are staying on wetlands and places meant for infrastructural development will have places to relocate to. People who want to buy stands that are already developed may also buy them but the cost will be too much.

          I would also like to talk about those people who are selling places which are meant for the Government, especially councillors in Harare who are selling places which are meant for Government. Those land barons are the ones responsible for selling stands in wetlands. Yesterday we were answering the question in the National Assembly concerning the Dzivarasekwa suburb concerning the issue that you find some places having five or six people at one place which is being caused by land barons.

          We are kindly asking citizens of Zimbabwe not to buy stands from land barons because you will be wasting your money. If those places are for Government, they will remain Government places. If they are for local authorities, they will also remain local authority stands. If someone is selling stands, you must take note of them and make sure he/she has enough papers to sell those stands. If anyone buys a stand from someone, they must report to the police so that they make sure they are from the Government and not from land barons.

          It is hard for the police to sue those people if they do not have valid evidence. If cases are going to the High Court, we kindly advise the public to come and testify in the courts so that the land barons will be prosecuted.  These cases need to be reported to the police so that the land barons will be arrested.  Thank you Mr. President.

HON. SEN. MOHADI: Thank you Mr. President Sir.  My question goes to the Minister of Women Affairs.  My question is on the issue of the Women’s Bank which is in operation, I just want to know its progress because women are supposed to get loans or starter packs if they have projects.  I want to know if this project is working because many women are waiting and they do not have the collateral that is supposed to be paid.  I would also want to know the interest rate for loans at that bank. I thank you.

THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF WOMEN’S AFFAIRS, COMMUNITY, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES DEVELOPMENT (HON. MHLANGA): Thank you Mr. President.  I would like to thank Hon. Sen. Mohadi for that very important question.  Mr. President Sir, I would like to say that, yes the Women’s Bank has progressed very well from a capacitation of just $6.5 million to half a billion last year.  I also want to say that the Women’s Bank has rolled out programmes in all the provinces of our country.  The main programme and the emphasis that the bank has been spreading out is that of financial inclusion in terms of those women in businesses that had been excluded in terms of getting loans from banks.

Mr. President Sir, the starter packs that our Hon. Senator is asking about have come in the form of assets, which assets we have had to use as collateral so that our women access loans from the bank.  The bank is still in its growing stage and we also want to protect the bank from those liability loans. We will insist on the bank operating under the fundamentals of any other normal bank.

Questions Without Notice were interrupted by THE TEMPORARY PRESIDENT OF SENATE in terms of Standing Order No. 67.



THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF FINANCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (HON. CHIDUWA): Thank you Mr. President.  I move that Orders of the Day, Numbers 1 to 6 be stood over until Order of the Day, Number 7 has been disposed of.  I thank you.

Motion put and agreed to.



          Seventh Order read:  Committee Stage: Pension and Provident Funds Bill [H. B.17A, 2019].

          House in Committee.

          Clauses 1 to 64 put and agreed to.

          Schedule put and agreed to. 

          Bill reported without amendments.

          Third Reading: With leave, forthwith.



          THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF FINANCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (HON. CHIDUWA): Mr. President, I now move that the Bill be read the third time.

          Motion put and agreed to.

          Bill read the third time. 

          On the motion of THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF FINANCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (HON. CHIDUWA), the Senate adjourned at Seventeen Minutes past Four o’clock p.m. until Tuesday, 12th April, 2022.






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