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SENATE VOTES 05 June 2018 47



No. 47
















Half past two o’clock pm. The President of the Senate in the Chair.


Bhebe M,

Bhobho H,

Buka F,

Carter M.N,

Chabuka K,

Charumbira Chief

Chiduku Chief,

Chifamba J,

Chimanikire A,

Chimbudzi A,

Chimhini A,

Chimutengwende C.C.C,

Chipanga T.S,

Chitanga Chief,

Chizema C,

Gampu Chief IV,

Goto R,

Jadagu G.T,

Khumalo D.T,

Komichi M,

Mabhugu  F.E,

Machaya J.M.K,

Machingaifa T,  Makore J,

Makwarimba C,

Maluleke M.O,

Manyeruke J,

Mashavakure N,

Mathuthu T.A,

Matiirira A,

Mavhunga M,

Mawire J,

Mkhwebu A, Moeketsi V,

Mohadi  T.B,

Mugabe C.T,

Mumvuri D.D.E,

Muronzi M,

Murwira T,

Musaka M.B,

Muzenda T.V,

Ncube S,

Ngungumbane Chief,

Ntabeni Chief,

Nyambuya M.R (Retired),

Nyamukoho Chief,

Nyathi R,

Parirenyatwa P.D,

Shiri A,

Shoko G,

Sibanda A,

Sibanda B,

Sinampande H,

Tawengwa C.Z,

Timveos L.

In attendance in terms of section 138(2) and (3) and section 104(3) of the Constitution Hon. Ziyambi Z, Hon. Gumbo J.

Printed by Order of the Senate


Absent with leave


  1. The President of the Senate reminded Hon. Senators of the invitation to the

Parliament of Zimbabwe-ZIMRA Engagement workshop at the Harare International Conference Centre (HICC) to be held on Wednesday, 6th June, 2018 starting at 0830 hours.

  1. Bill received from the National Assembly.

                                                                                                                    Date received

      Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime 

      Amendment Bill (H.B 4,2018) ….…………………………………........6th June, 2018.


  1. The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs moved: That Notice of Motion No.1 and Order of the Day No. 2, for today, stand over until Order of the Day No. 3 has been disposed of.

Motion put and agreed to.


  1. SECOND READING: Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill, (H. B. 19A, 2015)- The                Minister of Mines and Mining Development.


                Bill read a second time. Committee, with leave, forthwith.

(Senate in Committee)

              Clauses 1 to 62, put and agreed to.


              Bill to be reported without amendment.

                                                (Senate resumed)

             Bill reported without amendment.

            Third Reading, with leave, forthwith.

             Bill read a third time.

  1. The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, moved: That the House reverts to Order of the Day No. 2.

      Motion put and agreed to.

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the SECOND READING of the Civil Aviation

           Amendment Bill, (H. B. 4A, 2017) (Adjourned 30th May, 2018- The Minister of              Transport and Infrastructural Development)


                                                                                                                         [Days elapsed: 2]


                Question again proposed: That the Civil Aviation Amendment Bill, (H. B. 4A, 2018)                   be now read a second time – The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary                 Affairs for the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development.


              Bill read a second time. Committee, with leave, forthwith.

(Senate in Committee)

             Clauses 1 to 20, put and agreed to.


             Bill to be reported without amendment.

                                                (Senate resumed)

             Bill reported without amendment.

             Third Reading, with leave, forthwith.

             Bill read a third time.


  1. SECOND READING: Public Health Bill, (H. B. 7, 2017) - The Minister of Health and Child Care.


            Bill read a second time. Committee, with leave, forthwith.

            (Senate in Committee)

             Preamble, Clauses 1 to 139, First and Second Schedules, put and agreed to.


             Bill to be reported without amendment.

                                                (Senate resumed)

             Bill reported without amendment.

            Third Reading, with leave, forthwith.

             Bill read a third time.

  1. Bills returned to the National Assembly in terms of Standing Order No. 150-


            Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill, (H. B. 19A, 2015)

            Civil Aviation Amendment Bill, (H. B. 4A, 2018)



              Public Health Bill, [H. B. 7, 2017] …………………………………….5th June, 2018


  1. On the motion of the Minister of Health and Child Care: The Senate adjourned at six minutes past five o’clock pm.


                                                                                     President of the Senate.






THAT WHEREAS in terms of Section 2 of the Commissions of Inquiry Act [Chapter 10:07], on 24th July 2015, the President through Proclamation No. 8 of 2015 (Statutory Instrument No. 80 of 2015), established a Commission of Inquiry in the Conversion Process used in the Conversion of pensions and Insurance Benefits from

Zimbabwean Dollars to United States Dollars to provide the Insurance and Pensions Industry a transparent process for addressing the afore – said conversion; 


WHEREAS further to the said Proclamation, the Commission chaired by justice (Rtd)

L.G. Smith produced a Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Conversion of Insurance and Pension Values from the Zimbabwe Dollar to the United State Dollar dated March 2017;


WHEREAS the Commission of Inquiry was, in the opinion of the President, for the public welfare;


NOW, THEREFORE, the House is requested to take note of the Report of the

Commission of Inquiry into the conversion of Insurance and Pension Values from the Zimbabwe Dollar to the United States Dollar dated March 2017; as tabled by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development.


  1. SECOND READING: Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Amendment Bill, (H. B. 4, 2018)- The Minister of Finance and Economic Development.


           That this House: -


RECOGNISING that the legislature consists of both the Senate and the National Assembly that the legislative mandate is conferred on both Houses by the Constitution in sections 116 and 131;

AWARE that sections 97, 109, 110(2)(c), 113, 140 and 213(4) of the Constitution require that the two Houses sit jointly to make decisions as a singular entity;

NOTING that section 139 of the Constitution provides for Parliament to make rules called Standing Orders to regulate its procedures and sittings;

NOW THEREFORE, resolves to adopt the Joint Sitting Standing Rules and Orders.


That this House takes note of the First Report of the Thematic Committee on Human Rights on Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery, (S. C. 4, 2018).

5.         HON. SEN. MOHADI     HON. SEN. T. MUZENDA

           That this House takes note of the Report of the 42nd Plenary Assembly of the SADC Parliamentary Forum held in Windhoek, Namibia from 25th November to 4th December, 2017.

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on cultural development as being key to economic development. (Adjourned 31st May, 2018 – Sen. D.T. Khumalo)


[Days elapsed: 15]

           Question proposed: That this House-


           NOTING that cultural development is key to economic development of the country;


 FURTHER NOTING that delay of devolution and cultural development has led to the underdevelopment of some areas of the country.


           Calls upon this House to:


  1. Support the development of local languages.
  2. Give consideration to local people where employment opportunities arise in their areas.
  3. Expedite the devolution process for planning, implementing and monitoring economic development and use of resources.
  4. Ensure inclusiveness in all government sectors such as Parastatals management boards and government ministries. Sen. D.T. Khumalo


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on need to address the ICT divide between rural, urban, young and old in the country (Adjourned 31st May, 2018 – Sen. Mavhunga).


[Days elapsed: 18]

            Question proposed: That This House-

       ACKNOWLEDGING the preamble of the Constitution of Zimbabwe which among               others recognize the need to overcome all challenges and obstacles that impede our                     progress;

COGNISANT of the fact that the Information Communication Technology (ICT) is becoming an important catalyst for socio-economic development in the global economy;

NOTING the urgent need to address the ICT divide between the rural and urban and the young and the old people in our country;

ALSO NOTING that ICT illiteracy among some sections of our community is hindering economic progress and achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) whose theme is “leave no one behind”;

APPLAUDING government initiatives to setting up community information centers throughout the country and prioritizing ICT literacy from the Early Childhood Development (ECD) level;

NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon the Ministry of Information, Communication Technology and Cyber Security to-

  1. Prioritise installation of the fiber optic infrastructure in all rural areas;
  2. roll out an ICT literacy programme targeting the middle aged and rural populace in order to overcome challenges and obstacles that hinder progress;
  3. take appropriate measures to ensure internet services are easily accessible and affordable.
  4. expedite the Cyber Crime Bill in order to protect citizens from online abuses. Sen. Mavhunga.
  5. Adjourned debate on motion on the call on the Executive to provide alternative resettlement areas for communities from Zvehamba, Mahatshe and Matankeni (Adjourned 31st May, 2018-Hon. Sen. Chief Charumbira).


 [Days elapsed: 23]

Question proposed:  That this House-


DISTURBED by the lack of commitment by the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement to provide alternative resettlement areas for communities from Zwehamba; Mahatshe; and Matankeni evicted to pave way for developmental national projects;

CONCERNED at the apparent lack of consideration for such communities who had to bear the brutal brunt of oppression in 1947 when they resisted eviction;

COGNIZANT that it is their right to enjoy the fruits and the benefits of the war of liberation in view of their heroic exploits when they resisted colonial oppression;

MINDFUL that such communities have to be involved in the Command Agriculture Programme which was launched in 2016, a year which coincided with their unscheduled evictions.

NOW THEREFORE; calls upon the Executive to expeditiously resolve the issue of providing arable land to sixty-two households from Zwehamba; Mahatshe; and Matankeni areas in the Matobo District so that they can resume their farming activities unperturbed so as to live a prosperous and stable life premised on peace and stability which is requisite in the whole of Zimbabwe – Hon. Sen. Mlotshwa.

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Thematic Committee on

Indigenisation and Empowerment on the Circumstances Surrounding the NonEstablishment of Community Share Ownership Trusts in Mudzi and Mutoko Districts. (S.C. 10, 2017). (Adjourned 31st May, 2018 – Hon. Sen. Tawengwa).


                                                                                                                                        [Days elapsed: 52]

Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report that the Thematic Committee on Indigenisation and Empowerment on the Circumstances Surrounding the Non-Establishment of Community Share Ownership Trusts in Mudzi and Mutoko Districts (S.C. 10, 2017)—Hon. Sen. Tawengwa.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Thematic Committee on Peace and Security on the Preparedness of the Grain Marketing Board to handle the 2016/2017 Crop Deliveries and the Success of the Command Agriculture Programme (Adjourned 31st May, 2018—Hon. Sen. Mumvuri).


                                                                                                                                    [Days elapsed: 48]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Thematic Committee on Peace and Security on the Preparedness of the Grain Marketing Board to handle the 2016/2017 Crop Deliveries and the Success of the Command Agriculture Programme (S. C. 15, 2017)- Hon. Sen. Mumvuri.

                                      THURSDAY, 7TH JUNE 2018




                       QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE.

                  *         QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE.

*1.           HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI:  To ask the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development:

  1. To explain the Ministry’s policy with regards to ensuring that all imported vehicles that are currently parked in most areas of the country pay taxes to the government;
  2. To further explain why they are parked when they are already in the country;
  3. How these vehicles got into the country when they are not being used for their intended purposes.
  4. To state whether citizens are fully conversant with laws governing the importation of vehicles and the consequences of breaching such laws.


[Transferred 5th October, 2017]

*2.       HON. SEN CHIMHINI: To ask the Minister of Information, Media and Broadcasting


  1. To explain the misinformation by the Ministry relating to the alleged $10 000,00                  payments per month for what was owed to Zimbabwe Music Rights Association

                    (ZIMURA) in 2010, when in fact the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Cooperation           (ZBC) had only paid $30 000 as at 18 October 2017 as  opposed to $90 000                      which should have been paid by that time.

  1. To inform the House when the Ministry intends to clear arrears to

                   ZIMURA in excess of $650 000 which were accrued over a seven year period.

  1. To state how the Ministry will assist musicians to receive royalties, in view of                     the fact that many of them live in abject poverty.

                                                                                   [Deferred from 2nd November, 2017]


*3.        HON. SEN. SIBANDA B.:  To ask the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare to explain to the House the Ministry’s position in considering current method of selecting social welfare beneficiaries of food distribution through nomination by gathered villagers and to furnish the House if the Ministry considers reviewing this approach to ensure that a more rational and professional method is adopted.

                                                                           [Deferred from 2nd November, 2017]


HON. SEN. MUZENDA T. V: To ask the Minister of Home Affairs and Culture to state   measures being put in place to ensure observance of traffic regulations by motorists.


HON. SEN. MUZENDA T. V: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to state whether the Ministry would consider instituting a legislation that would compel drivers to use hand free cell phones when driving.


HON. SEN. MUZENDA T. V: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing to state the measures being put in place to decongest the Harare Central Business District.




Wednesday, 6th June 2018


At 0900 hours in Committee Room No. 4.

Human Rights: Hon. Sen. Rtd Gen. Nyambuya M.-(Chairperson) Hon. Sen.  Buka F., Hon.

Sen. Carter M., Hon. Sen. Charumbira Chief, Hon. Sen. Chimhini D.A, Hon. Sen. Chipanga T, Hon. Sen. Chisunga Chief, Hon. Sen. Gampu IV Chief, Hon. Sen. Machingaifa T, Makone T, Hon. Sen. Makore J, Hon. Se. Makwarimba C, Hon. Sen., Hon. Sen. Maluleke O.  Hon. Sen. Manyeruke J, Hon. Sen. Marava M, Hon. Sen. Mashavakure N, Hon. Sen. Mawire J, Hon. Sen. Hon. Sen. Moeketsi V, Mtshane Chief, Hon. Sen. Muronzi M, Hon. Sen. Musaka

M.B, Hon. Sen. Nebiri Chief, Hon. Sen. Ntabeni Chief, Hon. Sen. Nyangazonke Chief, Hon.

Sen. Siansali Chief, Hon. Sen. Sibanda B, Hon. Sen. Sinampande H. (Committee Clerk—Mr. S. Manhivi) 


 Thursday, 7th June 2018


At 0900 hours in Committee Room 4.

Peace and Security: Hon. Sen.  Mumvuri D.D.E -  (Chairperson) Hon. Sen. Carter M,  Hon. Sen. Chabuka K., Hon.Sen. Charumbira Chief, Hon. Sen. Chiduku Chief, Hon. Sen. Chimbudzi A, Hon. Sen. Chipanga, Hon. Sen. Dandawa Chief, Gampu Chief, Hon. Sen. Jadagu G.T, Hon. Sen. Komichi M, Hon. Sen. Machingaifa T, Hon. Sen. Makone T, Hon. Sen. Makore J, Hon. Sen. Marava M, Hon. Sen. Mawire J, Hon. Sen. Mohadi T.B, Hon. Sen. Musaka M.B, Hon. Sen. Musarurwa Chief, Hon. Ncube S., Hon. Sen. Ngungumbane Chief, Hon. Sen. Rtd Gen. Nyambuya M, Hon. Sen. Nyamukoho Chief, Hon. Sen. Ntabeni Chief,

Hon. Sen. Sibanda A, Hon. Sen. Sinampande H.M, Hon. Sen. Timveos. (Committee Clerk— Ms. E. Masara)

At 1000 hours in Committee Room No.413

Indigenisation and Empowerment: Hon. Sen.   Mavhunga M- (Chairperson), Hon.Sen.

Bhebe M, Hon. Sen. Bhobho H. Hon. Sen. Chimanikire A, Hon. Sen. Chief Chitanga, Hon.  Sen. Dandawa Chief, Hon. Sen. Goto R, Hon. Sen. Maluleke O. M, Hon. Sen.  Marozva

Chief, Hon. Sen. Mashavakure N, Hon. Sen. Matiriira A, Hon Sen. Mavhunga M, Hon. Sen.

Mlotshwa S, Hon. Sen. Murwira T, Sen. Ndlovu J, Hon. Sen. Chief Nembire, Hon. Sen.  Nyamukoho Chief, Hon. Sen.  Nyangazonke Chief, Hon. Sen. Nyathi R, Hon. Sen.Tawengwa C.Z.  (Committee Clerk—Mrs. E. Mafuruse).  





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