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No. 35






















Half past two o’clock pm.


The Deputy President of the Senate in the Chair.


Members Present

Chabuka K.,

Chidawu O.,

Chifamba J.,

      Chikwaka Chief,

      Chimbudzi A.,

      Chirongoma J. M.,

      Chitanga Chief,

      Chundu Chief,

     Dube A.,

     Dube M. R.,

     Femai M.,

Gumpo, S.,

Gweshe K.,

Hungwe S. O.,

Khupe W.,

Komichi M.,

Makone T. M.,

Makumbe Chief,

Maluleke O. M.,

Mapungwana Chief,

Masendu Chief,

Mavetera T.,

Mathupula Chief,

Mathuthu T.,

Matiirira A.,

Matsiwo Chief,

Mavhunga M.,

Mbohwa M.,

Mkhwebu A., Moeketsi V.,

Mohadi T. B.,

Mpofu B.,

Mpofu S.,

Mudzuri E.,

Munzverengwi A.,

Muronzi M.,

Mtshane Chief,

Mwonzora T. D.,

Ncube S.,

Ndlovu M.,

Ndlovu P.,

Nechombo Chief,

Ngezi Chief,

Nhema Chief,

Ntabeni Chief,

Nyathi R.,

Phuthi M.,

Rambanepasi C., Rwambiwa E.,

Shoko G.,

Shumba C.,

Siansali Chief,

Sinampande H. M.,

Timire R.,

Tongogara A. K.,

Tsomondo B., Wunganayi T., Zivira H.

In attendance in terms of section 138(2) and (3) and section 104(3) of the Constitution Hon. Samkange J. T.


Printed by Order of the Senate   

Absent with leave

Hon. Sen. Muzenda T. V.

  1. COMMITTEE: Consideration of an Adverse Report by the Parliamentary Legal Committee on Statutory Instrument No. 148 of 2018, Vungu Rural District Council (Environmental By-Laws) Regulations published in the Gazette during the month of August, 2018.

(House in Committee)


                  Report put for consideration.

                                                                    (House resumed)

The Chairman reported that the Committee of the whole House had considered the report of the Parliamentary Legal Committee.

  1. Hon Samukange seconded by Hon Sen. Mohadi moved: That this House having given consideration to the Parliamentary Legal Committee report on Statutory Instrument No. 148 of 2018, Vungu Rural District Council (Environmental By-Laws) Regulations, 2018 and Statutory Instrument No. 149 of 2018 – Bikita Rural District Council (Traffic By-laws) Regulations, 2018 published in the Gazette during the month of August, 2018, resolves that the Statutory Instrument would, if enacted, be in contravention of the Declaration of Rights

Motion put and agreed to.

  1. CONSIDERATION: Consideration of an Adverse Report by the Parliamentary Legal Committee on Statutory Instrument No. 253 of 2018 - Civil Aviation (General Procedures and Enforcement), Regulations, 2018, Statutory Instrument No. 255 of

2018 – Civil Aviation (Instrument Flight Procedures) Regulations, 2018 and Statutory Instrument No. 271 of 2018 – Civil Aviation (Remotely Piloted Aircraft) Regulations, 2018.

(House in Committee)


                  Report put for consideration.

                                                                     (House resumed)


The Chairman reported that the Committee of the whole House had considered the report of the Parliamentary Legal Committee.

  1. Hon Samukange seconded by Hon. Sen. Mohadi moved: That this House having given consideration to the report of the Parliamentary Legal Committee on Statutory Instrument No. 255 of 2018 – Civil Aviation (Instrument Flight Procedures) Regulations, 2018 and Statutory Instrument No. 271 of 2018 – Civil Aviation (Remotely Piloted Aircraft) Regulations, 2018, resolves that the Statutory Instrument would, if enacted, be in contravention of the enabling act Motion put and agreed to.

  1. COMMITTEE: To resume on the Adverse Report by the Parliamentary Legal Committee on Statutory Instrument No. 247 of 2018, Agricultural Marketing Authority (Command Agriculture Scheme for Domestic Crop, Livestock and Fisheries Production) Regulations, 2018 published in the Gazette during the month of

November, 2018. (progress reported 5th March – Hon. Samukange)

(House in Committee)


                  Report put for consideration.

            Hon. Samukange seconded by Hon. Sen Mohadi moved: That the Chairperson do now report progress and ask leave to sit again.

                  Motion put and agreed to.

                  Progress reported.

                  Committee to resume – Tomorrow

  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 5th                      March, 2019- Sen. Muzenda).

[Time elapsed: 4 hour 48 minutes]

Question again proposed: That a respectful address be presented to the President of

                  Zimbabwe as follows: –

                  May it please you, your Excellency, the President:

                  We, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe desire to express our loyalty to

                    Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you                           have been pleased to address to Parliament- Hon. Sen. S. K. Moyo.


On the motion of Hon. Minister of State for Mashonaland Central: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Sen. Mohadi seconded by Hon. Sen. Chimbudzi moved: That Order of the

           Day No. 5 for today, stands over until, Order of the Day No. 14 has been disposed             of.

                   Motion put and agreed to.

  1. Sen. S. Ncube seconded by Hon. Sen. Shoko, moved: That this House – COGNISANT that Sections 48 and 52 of Zimbabwe’s Constitution guarantee the

rights to life and security;


DISTURBED by the unabated gross human rights violations suffered by women, men and children occasioned by the unstable and difficulty social, economic and political hardship;


CONCERNED with the rampant violence perpetrated by some artisanal miners in mining areas resulting in the unnecessary loss of lives;


ALSO CONCERNED with the high number of cases of sexual abuse committed by some men against women and children;

NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon-

  1. Parliament to unequivocally condemn all forms of violence; and

  1. Government to indiscriminately ensure that all perpetrators of violence are brought to book.


On the motion of Hon. Sen. S. Ncube, seconded by Hon. Sen. Shoko: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Thematic Committee on Human Rights on the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission Annual Report (Adjourned 5th March, 2019- Sen. Chidawu).

[Days elapsed:  4]

Question again proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the

Thematic Committee on Human Rights on the Zimbabwe Human Rights

Commission Annual Report of the year ended December 2017 (S.C.1, 2019)- Hon

Sen. Chidawu


On the motion of Hon. Sen. Mohadi, seconded by Hon. Sen. Mkwebu Debate adjourned until tomorrow.

  1. On the motion of Hon. Sen. Mohadi, seconded by Hon. Sen Shoko: The Senate adjourned at twenty-minutes past four o’clock pm.

  1.            (RTD.) GENERAL NYAMBUYA,

                                                                                  Deputy President of the Senate.











*1.  HON. SEN. TIMVEOS: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to state whether Chinese businesses operating in the mining sector are paying any royalties to Government and if so, to advise on the total amount paid in 2017.

  [Deferred from 1st November, 2018]


*2. HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to inform the House on Government policy and measures being taken to curb the foreign currency “black market” which is currently destabilising the economy.

[Deferred from 22nd November, 2018]

*3. HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to explain how persons with disability will access funding from the Women’s Bank.


                                                                                     [Deferred from 22nd November, 2018]


*4. HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to explain measures being taken to deal with businesses which are demanding payments for goods and services in foreign currency.

               [Deferred from 20th December, 2018]

*5.   HON. SEN. SHOKO: To ask the Minister of Finance Economic Development to state         measures being taken by the Government to prevent mass price increases as         witnessed before and after the increase in fuel prices in January 2019.

      *6.        HON. SEN. MOHADI: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural

                  Development to advise on progress made on fencing the Bulawayo- Beitbridge road.

 [Deferred from 1st November, 2018]

      *7.       HON. SEN. CHIEF CHIKWAKA: To ask the Minister of Primary and Secondary

Education to advise on government’s policy regarding students who dropped out of school due to the fact that their parents could not afford to pay incentives that were required by teachers before the year 2013, resulting in such students being a menace to the communities.


[Deferred from 11th October, 2018]



HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Care to state

measures being taken to provide health care centres at institutions of higher learning

to ensure access to Anti-Retroviral Drugs by students without disruption of classes.

  [Deferred from 1st November, 2018]



HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Care to state

measures being taken to educate people in the rural areas on water borne diseases.

  [Deferred from 1st November, 2018]



HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Care to explain

the causes of blindness and jaundice in human beings and measures being taken to

raise awareness in that regard.

[Deferred from 20th December, 2018]


HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Care to explain

measures being taken to raise public awareness in relation to the provision of free

blood transfusion services in both public and private hospitals.


[Deferred from 20th December, 2018]


HON. SEN. MALULEKE: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Care to state

measures the Ministry is taking to ensure that rural clinics and pharmacies are

stocked with drugs so that patients do not walk long distances to access drugs.

  [Deferred from 1st November, 2018]



HON. SEN. O. HUNGWE: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Care to state

mechanisms currently in place to educate citizens on the proposed  National Health

Insurance Scheme.

  [Transferred on 1st November, 2018]



HON. SEN. MPOFU S: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Care to clarify

whether Nyamandlovu Clinic in Matebeleland North Province is a district hospital

or health service centre and if it is a district hospital to explain why it has no resident


  [Deferred from 31st January, 2019]


HON. SEN. MPOFU S: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Care to state when a

mortuary and staff houses will be constructed at Nyamandlovu Clinic in


Matebeleland  North Province.

[Deferred from 31st January, 2019]


HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI : To ask the Minister of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage

to state measures being taken to protect the Zimbabwe Republic Police officers

against armed  criminals.

  [Deferred from 1st November, 2018]


HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI: To ask the Minister of Environment, Tourism and

Hospitality Industry to state measures being taken to safeguard wild animals from

veld fires.

  [Deferred from 1st November, 2018]



HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI: To ask the Minister of Environment, Tourism and

Hospitality Industry to explain measures being taken by the Ministry protect

communities near game reserves from stray wild animals and whether there is any

form of compensation in the event of an attack.  

[Deferred from 20th December, 2018]


HON. SEN. CHIEF CHUNDU: To ask the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water,

Climate and Rural Resettlement to explain to the House measures being taken to

control the spread of cattle diseases in rural communities in Chegutu and

Mhondoro areas.

[Deferred from 22nd November, 2018]


HON. SEN. CHIEF CHUNDU: To ask the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water,

Climate and Rural Resettlement to inform the House the current wheat buying prices

and payment modalities.

[Deferred from 22nd November, 2018]


HON. SEN. CHIEF CHUNDU: To ask the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water,

Climate and Rural Settlement to apprise the House when the reconstruction of dam

walls which were destroyed during the previous rain season will commence.

[Deferred from 22nd November, 2018]


HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI: To ask the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate

and Rural Resettlement to state when the Ministry will resuscitate sand abstraction in

Mukumbura River in order to provide a constant water supply to Mukumbura

Growth Point.

[Deferred from 20th December, 2018]


HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI: To ask the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate

and Rural Resettlement whether the Ministry has any plans to restock livestock in

resettlement areas and to clarify whether it is permissible for AI farmers to breed


[Deferred from 20th December, 2018]


HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI: To ask the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate

and Rural Settlement to advise when the Ministry would resume the Water and

Sanitation Programme under which wells were dug in rural areas, thereby improving

access to clean water.

[Deferred from 20th December, 2018]


HON. SEN. GUMPO: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and

National Housing to inform the House when people living in shanty houses in

Mahombekombe Township, Kariba will be relocated considering that their exposposure to the risk of high voltage electricity transmission power lines.

[Deferred from 22nd November, 2018]






                   HON. SEN. CHIEF NGUNGUMBANE


That this House takes note of the Report of the 44th Plenary Assembly of the SADC Parliamentary Forum held at Joachim Chissano International Conference Centre, Maputo, Mozambique from 6 November to 8 December 2018.


  1. Adjourned debate on the motion condemning all forms of violence (Adjourned 6th March, 2019 – Senator S. Ncube)


[Days elapsed:  1]

That this House –  

COGNISANT that Sections 48 and 52 of Zimbabwe’s Constitution guarantee the

rights to life and security;


DISTURBED by the unabated gross human rights violations suffered by women, men and children occasioned by the unstable and difficulty social, economic and political hardship;


CONCERNED with the rampant violence perpetrated by some artisanal miners in mining areas resulting in the unnecessary loss of lives;


ALSO CONCERNED with the high number of cases of sexual abuse committed by some men against women and children;

NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon-

  1. Parliament to unequivocally condemn all forms of violence; and

  1. Government to indiscriminately ensure that all perpetrators of violence are brought to book. – Sen S. Ncube )


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Thematic Committee on Human Rights on the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission Annual Report (Adjourned 6th March, 2019- Sen. Mohadi).

[Days elapsed:  5]

Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Thematic

Committee on Human Rights on the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission Annual Report of the year ended December 2017 (S.C.1, 2019)- Hon Sen. Chidawu

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the need to educate the nation on the importance of intercropping and growing of small grains (Adjourned 5th March, 2019- Sen. Tongogara).


[Days elapsed:  8]                                 Question proposed: That this House-


RECALLING that before independence, people used to engage in traditional ways of farming called intercropping which ensured the harvesting of a variety of crops and prevention of malnutrition;

 RECOGNISING that with the ushering in of new and modern farming methods of  cash crops, the growing of small grains and intercropping have diminished;

CONCERNED that since the phenomenon of climate change, cash crops are not        performing well in all regions without irrigation infrastructure;

NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon government to educate the nation on the       importance of intercropping and growing of small grains especially in droughtstricken areas – Hon. Sen. Tongogara.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the level of siltation which is threatening the  existence of most rivers and dams (Adjourned 5th March, 2019- Hon. Sen.  Chief Chundu).


[Days elapsed:  13]                              

                  Question proposed: That this House-


 DEEPLY CONCERNED with the level of siltation which is threatening the  existence of most of our rivers and dams, with the water holding capacity of most of  them having been reduced to 40 or 60 percent thereby threatening the lives of  people, livestock and wild animals as they are being denied access to the precious  commodity, water;

 ALSO CONCERNED by the rise of incidents of human and wild life conflict as  animals stray into settlements surrounding National Parks in search of drinking  water;   

 AWARE of the vast economic benefits of our water bodies through the support of  agriculture, fishery and tourism activities;

        WORRIED that current government efforts to revive the agriculture sector through         the Command Agriculture Strategy will not bear the expected results without         harnessing water bodies for irrigation purposes.

 NOW, THEREFORE, calls for concerted efforts by the Ministry of Lands,  Agriculture, Water and Rural Resettlement, to reclaim our rivers, dams and streams  that have been affected by siltation over the years- Hon. Sen Chief Chundu).

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the allegations of corruption by the Zimbabwe Cricket Board dams (Adjourned 5th March, 2019- Sen. Mwonzora).


[Days elapsed: 13]                                                       Question proposed: That this House:

 CONCERNED with the allegations of corruption by the Zimbabwe Cricket Board  whose affairs are currently managed by the Chairman of the Board;

 COGNISANT of the need to restore the integrity and ensure good corporate  governance and professionalism by the Board;

 NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon the Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation  to ensure:

  1. there are mechanisms in place to prevent abuse of the funds of the Board by its Management; and.

  1. elections of officials to the Board are conducted in a transparent manner- Sen. Timveos.

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the recurrence of outbreaks of veld fires with devastating effects on the environment (Adjourned 5th March, 2019- Sen. Gumpo).


[Days elapsed:  13]                                 Question proposed: That this House-


 CONCERNED by the recurrence of outbreaks of veld fires with devastating effects  on the environment such as deforestation, land degradation and siltation of rivers  which in turn affects agricultural production and ultimately the economy;


 ENCOURAGED by His Excellency, the President’s call for good environmental  management practices in His Official Opening Speech of the Ninth Parliament;

 WORRIED that the Environmental Management Agency (EMA) and other  responsible authorities of Government are failing to control the outbreak of veld      fires;

                  NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon-

  1. the Ministry of Environment, Tourism and Hospitality Industry in collaboration with the Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing; and       Ministry of Home Affairs and Culture to intensify awareness campaigns on the       effects of veld fires and ensure stringent penalties in relevant legislation against      perpetrators; and

  1. inculcate the dangers of veld fires from primary education level with a broader        view of fostering cultural change- Sen. Gumpo.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the call to control tick borne diseases affecting        livestock in Zimbabwe (Adjourned 5th March, 2019- Hon. Sen. Chimbudzi).

[Days elapsed:  17] Question proposed: That this House:

             AWARE that 70% of the diseases affecting cattle in Zimbabwe such as babesiosis,              anaplasmosis and theileriosis are caused by ticks;

    ALSO AWARE that tick borne diseases cause weight loss and consequently impact  negatively on livestock production;

    FURTHER AWARE that the Animal Health Act [Chapter 19:01] and Statutory  Instrument No. 250 of 1993 provide for dipping of livestock, especially cattle, to  protect them against tick borne diseases;

  NOW, THEREFORE; calls upon the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate  and Rural Settlements to:

  • ensure proper maintenance of dip tanks and increase the number of dip tanks in areas mostly affected by tick-borne diseases;
  • enforce registration of calves within the stipulated period of two weeks;
  • monitor and control movement of livestock; and
  • encourage farmers to regularly dip their livestock in order to prevent tick-borne diseases- Sen. Chimbudzi.

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the 139th Assembly of the Inter- Parliamentary Union (IPU), held in Geneva, Switzerland (Adjourned 5th March,  2019- Sen. Muzenda).

[Days elapsed: 17]


            Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Report of the 139tht Assembly    of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), Geneva, Switzerland held from 14th to 18th    November, 2018- Hon. Sen. Muzenda.

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the strategic role of tourism to the country’s        economic development (Adjourned 5th March, 2019- Sen. Gumpo).

[Days elapsed: 13]                                                       Question proposed: That this House-


 COGNISANT of the strategic role of tourism to the country’s economic  development, both as a major foreign currency earner and a source of employment;


        CONCERNED by the decline of Kariba Town as a tourist destination leading to high          unemployment levels;

 ALSO CONCERNED by delays in the construction of a new airport in Kariba,  which is critical for revival of the tourism industry in the town;


 FURTHER CONCERNED by the decline in the wild animal population which is a  major tourist attraction to the resort town;

                  NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon the Government to-

  1. expeditiously provide financial resources for construction of a new airport in             Kariba and upgrading of tourist facilities to international standards; 


  1. control the movement of wild animals into Kariba Town and poaching activities;


  1. designate Kariba Town a Special Economic Zone status in order to unlock its             great economic potential- Sen. Gumpo.

  1. COMMITTEE: To resume on the Adverse Report by the Parliamentary Legal Committee on Statutory Instrument No. 247 of 2018, Agricultural Marketing Authority (Command Agriculture Scheme for Domestic Crop, Livestock and Fisheries Production) Regulations, 2018 published in the Gazette during the month of

November, 2018. (progress reported 5th March) – Hon. Samukange

  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 6th       

                  March, 2019- Hon. Sen. Muzenda).

[Time elapsed: 4 hour 48 minutes]

Question proposed: That a respectful address be presented to the President of

                  Zimbabwe as follows: –

                  May it please you, your Excellency, the President:

                  We, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe desire to express our loyalty to

                    Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you                           have been pleased to address to Parliament- Hon. Sen. S. K. Moyo.






Thursday, 7th March, 2019


At 1000 hours in Committee Room 4


 Peace and Security: Hon. Sen. Dr. Parirenyatwa P. D. (Chairperson); Hon. Sen.  Chabuka K; Hon. Sen. Chief Charumbira; Hon. Sen. Chifamba J; Hon. Sen.  Chimbudzi A; Hon. Sen. Dube M. R; Hon. Sen. Komichi M; Hon. Sen. Makone T; Hon. Sen. Chief Makumbe; Hon. Sen. Chief Mapungwana; Hon. Sen. Mathuthu T;  Hon. Sen. Matiirira A; Hon. Sen. Chief Matsiwo; Hon. Sen. Mkhwebu A; Hon.  Sen. Mohadi T. B; Hon. Sen. Moyo S. K; Hon. Sen. Mudzuri E; Hon. Sen.  Mwonzora D; Hon. Sen. Ncube S; Hon. Sen. Ndlovu M; Hon. Sen. Chief Ngezi;  Hon.  Sen. Chief Ngungumbane; Hon. Sen. Chief Ntabeni; Hon. Sen. Nyathi R;

 Hon. Sen. Chief Siansali; Hon. Sen. Dr. Sekeramayi S. T; Hon. Sen. Sinampande H.  M; Hon. Sen. Timveos L. (Committee Clerk—Ms. E. Masara)


Monday, 11th March, 2019


At 1400 hours in Committee Room No. 3


Gender Development and Empowerment: Hon Sen. Ncube S. (Chairperson);

                     Hon. Sen. Chifamba J; Hon. Sen. Chief Chikwaka; Hon. Sen. Chimbudzi A; Hon.

 Sen. Hungwe O; Hon. Sen. Khupe W; Hon. Sen.  Mavetera T; Hon.Sen. Moeketsi  V; Hon. Sen. Mpofu  S; Hon. Sen. Muronzi M; Hon. Sen. Ndlovu P; Hon. Sen.  Chief Nembire; Hon. Sen.  Nyathi R; Hon. Sen. Timire R; Hon. Sen. Chief  Nhema; Hon. Sen. Nyathi R;  Hon. Sen. Timire R;  Hon. Sen. Wunganai T; Hon.

                  Sen. Zivira H.

At 1400 hours in the National Assembly


                  HIV and AIDS: Hon. Sen. Femai M. (Chairperson); Hon. Sen. Chief Chitanga;

                         Hon. Sen. Dube A; Hon. Sen. Chabuka K; Hon. Sen. Chifamba J; Hon. Sen.

 Chirongoma J. M; Hon. Sen. Dube A; Hon. Sen. Dube M. R; Hon. Sen. Komichi M;  Hon. Sen. Maluleke O. M; Hon. Sen. Chief  Mapungwana; Hon. Sen. Mathuthu T;  Hon. Sen. Matiirira A; Hon. Sen. Chief Matsiwo; Hon. Sen. Dr. Mavetera T; Hon.

 Sen. Mbowa M; Hon. Sen.  Mkhwebu A; Hon. Sen. Ndlovu M; Hon. Sen. Ndlovu  P; Hon. Sen. Dr. Parirenyatwa P. D; Hon. Sen. Phuthi M; Hon. Sen. Rambanepasi C;

 Hon. Sen. Chief Siansali;  Hon.  Sen. Shoko G; Hon. Sen. Sinampande H. M;  Hon. Sen. Timveos L; Hon. Sen. Tongogara A; Hon. Sen. Tsomondo B.

At 1400 hours in Committee Room No. 4


                  Human Rights: Hon Sen. Chidawu O. (Chairperson); Hon. Sen. Chief Charumbira

 Hon. Sen. Chinake V; Hon. Sen. Gumpo S; Hon. Sen. Gweshe K; Hon. Sen. Chief  Makumbe; Hon. Sen.  Chief Mapungwana; Hon. Sen. Chief Masendu; Hon. Chief Mathupula; Hon. Sen. Mavetera T; Hon. Sen. Mohadi T. B; Hon. Sen. Mwonzora D;   Hon. Sen. Muzenda T. V; Hon. Sen. Chief Ngezi; Hon. Sen. Chief  Ntabeni; Hon.

                  Sen. Chief Nyangazonke; Hon. Sen. Shumba C; Hon. Sen. Rwambiwa E.

Tuesday, 12th March, 2019

At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 413

                  Sustainable Development Goals: Hon Sen. Chief Khumalo M.      (Chairperson);

 Hon. Sen. Chidawu O; Hon. Sen. Chinake V; Hon. Sen. Chief Chundu; Hon.  Sen. Gweshe K; Hon. Sen.  Hungwe O. S; Hon. Sen. Khupe W; Hon. Sen.  Maluleke

  1. M; Hon. Sen. Chief Masendu; Hon. Sen.Chief Mathupula; Hon. Sen. Moeketsi V; Hon. Sen. Mpofu B; Hon. Sen. Mpofu S;  Hon. Sen. Mudzuri E; Hon. Sen. Muzenda  T.V; Hon. Sen. Chief Nechombo; Hon. Sen. Rwambiwa E; Hon. Sen. Shoko G;

                     Hon.  Sen.Shumba C; Hon. Sen.Timire R;  Hon. Sen. Tongogara A. K; Hon. Sen.

                  Wunganayi T.

Thursday, 14th March, 2019


At 1000 hours in Committee Room 3


 Indigenisation and Empowerment: Hon. Sen. Mbohwa M. (Chairperson); Hon.  Sen. Chirongoma J. M; Hon. Chief Chitanga, Hon. Sen. Chief Chikwaka; Hon. Sen.

                       Chief Chundu; Hon. Sen. Dube A; Hon. Sen. Femai M; Hon. Sen. Komichi M;

 Hon. Sen. Makone T; Hon. Malinga J. T; Hon. Sen Mpofu B; Hon. Sen. Ndlovu P;  Hon. Sen. Chief Nechombo; Hon. Chief Nembire; Hon. Sen. Chief Nhema; Hon.  Sen. Chief  Nyangazonke; Hon. Sen. Phuti M; Hon. Sen. Rambanepasi C; Hon. Sen.  Tsomondo B; Hon. Sen. Zivira H. (Committee Clerk— Mr. C. Ratsakatika)


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