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No. 27


















Half-past two o’clock p.m


Acting President of the Senate in the Chair



Members Present

Bayayi F.

Chikwanha T. C.

Chimbudzi A.

Chimene M. M.

Dete A. A.

Dube G.

Gambiza Chief F.S Gava C.

Gumbura L. C.

Haritatos P.

Hove R. C.

Magadu R. F. E.

Majuru S.

Makono E.

Mapfumo T. J.

Marange Chief C.H. H.

Matanga T. Z.

Mkusha S.

Mohadi T. B.

Mombeshora D. T.

Msipa S.

Muchenje V.

Muchicho V. N. M.

Mumvuri D. D. E.

Munotengwa L. Musarurwa Chief E.M.

Ndlovu N. K.

Ndlovu R.

Ndlovu T.

Negomo Chief C.E.

Nemakonde Chief


Patel K. G.

Sakupwanya S. U.

Tawengwa C.


Thembani S. Z.


Zvinavashe V. M. G.

















                                                                              Printed by the Order of the Senate





Absent With Leave   Maduna Chief V. M.

Mahere S.

Malaba Chief D.

Mkhwebu A.

Moyo J.

Mtshane L. K.

Mumbengegwi S. C.

Mutinhiri T.

Muzenda T. V.

Sai S



  1. The Acting President informed the Senate of a typographical error on the Order Paper where all Orders of the Day fell under the date Tuesday 5th March 2007 and advised the Senators to disregard that date.




  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Nineteenth State of the Nation Address (Adjourned 28th February 2007 – Senator Chief Charumbira)


[Time elapsed: 2 hours 27 minutes]


Question again proposed: That this House Conveys its profound gratitude to His Excellency, the President for his 19th State of the nation Address to Parliament:


Expresses its commitment to and support for the views contained in his address:

and that a respectful address be presented to His Excellency the President informing him of the sentiments of the House-Hon. Senator Majuru


On the motion of Hon. Senator Mapfumo, seconded by Hon. Senator Thembani: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the poor administration of pensions for state pensioners (Adjourned 28th February 2007 – Senator Mapfumo)


[Day elapsed 2] Question again proposed: That this House –


NOTING the poor administration of pensions for state pensioners,


CONCERNED that the pensions are not consistently reviewed to take into account  the ever-increasing cost of living and spiralling inflation;


FURTHER CONCERNED that some pensioners are now living in abject poverty as destitutes, with some of their children living on the streets;


NOW THEREFORE calls upon government:

  1. to decentralise the administration of pensions to provinces so that

pensioners do not have to travel long distances to make inquiries; and

  1. to review pensions periodically in line with cost of living adjustments.


On the motion of Hon. Senator Mapfumo seconded by Hon. Senator Gava: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Adjourned debate on the motion of the Third Report of the Portfolio Committee on Mines, Energy, Environment and Tourism (Adjourned 28th February 2007- Senator Mapfumo)

[Day elapsed 2]


Question again proposed:


That this House takes note of the Third Report of the Portfolio Committee on Mines,

Energy, Environment and Tourism on the Fuel Shortages in Zimbabwe (S.C.40, 2006)


On the motion of Hon. Senator Mapfumo, seconded by Hon. Senator Majuru: Debate adjourned until Tuesday.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the serious decline of the Zimbabwean Economy. (Adjourned on 28th February 2007 – Senator Mapfumo).


[Day elapsed 2]

Question again proposed: That this House-


NOTING that the Zimbabwean Economy is in serious decline,


CONCERNED with the unprecedented runaway inflation, high unemployment levels and dehumanizing poverty levels among the majority of Zimbabweans;


NOW THEREFORE, urges the government to proceed with speed to implement short-term, medium term and long-term solutions to resolve the current economic challenges Hon. Senator T. Ndlovu


On the motion of Hon. Senator Mapfumo, seconded by Hon. Senator Chimene: Debate adjourned until Tuesday.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Parliamentary Delegation to the 49th Session of the Executive Committee and the 29th Conference of the African Parliamentary Union (Adjourned 28th February 2007 – Senator Mapfumo).


[Day elapsed 2] Question again proposed:


That this House takes note of the Report of the Parliamentary Delegation to the 49th

Session of the Executive Committee and the 29th Conference of the African

Parliamentary Union held in Bujumbura, Burundi from the 24th to the 28th November 2006 – Hon. Senator Mapfumo


On the motion of Hon. Senator Mapfumo, seconded by Hon. Senator Dube: Debate adjourned until Tuesday.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Special Report of the Committee on Public       Accounts (Adjourned 28th February 2007Hon. Senator Mapfumo).


[Day elapsed: 2]


Question again proposed: That this House takes note of the Second Special Report of the Committee on             Public Accounts on Financial Management in the Public Sector (S.C. 34, 2006) – Hon. Senator Nyoni.


On the motion of Hon. Senator  Mapfumo, seconded by Hon. Senator Rungani: Debate adjourned until Tuesday.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the water problems in Bulawayo (Adjourned 28th February 2007 – Senator Mapfumo).


[Days elapsed: 6]

                                          Question again proposed: That this House-


                 NOTING that Bulawayo is facing acute and perennial water problems;


            CONCERNED that the water crisis that Bulawayo experienced in 2005 is looming         and imminent in 2006;


            NOW, THEREFORE, CALLS UPON the government to –


  1. construct a pipeline from Mtshabezi Dam to Umzingwane Dam; and
  2. provide other immediate short-term, medium-term and long-term     solutions to solve Bulawayo’s water crisis – Hon. Senator T. Ndlovu.


On the motion of Hon. Senator Mapfumo, seconded by Hon. Senator Chief Musarurwa: Debate adjourned until Tuesday.


  1. On the motion of Hon. Senator Mapfumo, seconded by Hon. Senator Munotengwa:           The Senate adjourned at three o’clock p.m until Tuesday, 6th March 2007   at half past two o’clock in the afternoon .




  1. K. Ndlovu,

                                         Acting President of the Senate







  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Nineteenth State of the Nation Address   

          (Adjourned 1st March 2007 – Hon. Senator Mapfumo)


[Time elapsed: 2 hours 27 minutes]


Question proposed: That this House  Conveys its profound gratitude to His

Excellency, the President for his 19th State of the nation Address to Parliament:


expresses its commitment to and support for the views contained in his address:

and that a respectful address be presented to His Excellency the President informing him of the sentiments of the House-Hon. Senator Majuru

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the poor administration of pensions for state pensioners (Adjourned 1st March 2007 – Senator Mapfumo)


[Day elapsed 3] Question proposed: That this House –


NOTING the poor administration of pensions for state pensioners,


CONCERNED that the pensions are not consistently reviewed to take into account  the ever-increasing cost of living and spiralling inflation;


FURTHER CONCERNED that some pensioners are now living in abject poverty as destitutes, with some of their children living on the streets;


NOW THEREFORE calls upon government:

  1. to decentralise the administration of pensions to provinces so that

pensioners do not have to travel long distances to make inquiries; and

  1. to review pensions periodically in line with cost of living adjustments.


  1. Adjourned debate on the motion of the Third Report of the Portfolio Committee on Mines, Energy, Environment and Tourism (Adjourned 1st March 2007 – Senator Mapfumo)

[Day elapsed 3]


Question proposed:


That this House takes note of the Third Report of the Portfolio Committee on Mines,

Energy, Environment and Tourism on the Fuel Shortages in Zimbabwe (S.C.40, 2006)


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the serious decline of the Zimbabwean Economy. (Adjourned 1st March 2007 – Senator Mapfumo).


[Day elapsed 3]

Question proposed: That this House-


NOTING that the Zimbabwean Economy is in serious decline,


CONCERNED with the unprecedented runaway inflation, high unemployment levels and dehumanizing poverty levels among the majority of Zimbabweans;


NOW THEREFORE, urges the government to proceed with speed to implement short-term, medium term and long-term solutions to resolve the current economic challenges Hon. Senator T. Ndlovu


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Parliamentary Delegation to the 49th Session of the Executive Committee and the 29th Conference of the African Parliamentary Union (Adjourned 1st March 2007 – Senator Mapfumo).


[Day elapsed 3] Question proposed:


That this House takes note of the Report of the Parliamentary Delegation to the 49th

Session of the Executive Committee and the 29th Conference of the African

Parliamentary Union held in Bujumbura, Burundi from the 24th to the 28th November

2006 – Hon. Senator Mapfumo


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Special Report of the Committee on Public       Accounts (Adjourned 1st March 2007 – Senator Mapfumo).


[Day elapsed: 3]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Second Special Report of the Committee on  Public Accounts on Financial Management in the Public Sector (S.C. 34, 2006) – Hon. Senator Nyoni.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the water problems in Bulawayo (Adjourned 1st March 2007 – Senator Mapfumo).


[Days elapsed: 7]

                                          Question proposed: That this House-


                 NOTING that Bulawayo is facing acute and perennial water problems;


            CONCERNED that the water crisis that Bulawayo experienced in 2005 is looming         and imminent in 2006;


            NOW, THEREFORE, CALLS UPON the government to –


  1. construct a pipeline from Mtshabezi Dam to Umzingwane Dam; and
  2. provide other immediate short-term, medium-term and long-term     solutions to solve Bulawayo’s water crisis – Hon. Senator T. Ndlovu.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the deterioration of standards at the Zimbabwe Schools Examinations Council (ZIMSEC (Adjourned 8th November 2006 – Hon.

Senator Patel).


[Days elapsed: 2]

                                          Question proposed: That this House-


         NOTING the deterioration of standards at the Zimbabwe Schools Examinations

Council (ZIMSEC);


            APPALLED by the flagrant breach of security and confidentiality of the examination     papers;


            CONCERNED about the delays in the issuance of certificates;


            NOW THEREFORE calls upon:

  1. Government to provide adequate funding for the organization; and
  2. ZIMSEC to adhere to its service charter and provide improved services to the nation – Senator Chikava.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Lands,

Agriculture, Land Reform, Resettlement, Rural Resources and Water Development (S.C. 23, 2006) (Adjourned 7th November 2006- The Minister of Indigenisation and Empowerment).


[Days elapsed: 3]


     Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio

Committee on Lands, Agriculture, Land Reform, Resettlement, Rural Resources and  Water Development on the state of preparedness by the agricultural sector for the          2006/7 summer crop (S.C 23, 2006)- Hon. Senator Zvinavashe.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by the European Union (Adjourned 5thOctober 2006The Minister of Indigenisation and Empowerment.).

[Days elapsed: 8]

                                          Question proposed:  That this House-


NOTING that economic sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by the European Union(EU), the United Kingdom (UK), and the United States of America (USA) are hurting the lives of ordinary Zimbabweans and driving many into poverty;


AWARE that the sanctions on Zimbabwe are punitive and generally political because of Zimbabwe’s Land Reform Programme;


            NOW THEREFORE, Calls upon the EU, UK and USA to withdraw sanctions and          end their hostile propaganda in favour of diplomatic solutions; and appeals to the        international community to support the call for removal of the sanctions and the        unlocking of bilateral aid and financial support as well as international goodwill –          Hon. Senator Georgias.





*1. HON. SENATOR T. NDLOVU: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare to
explain how people living with HIV/AIDS can individually and collectively access
therapeutic treatment assistance through NAC and explain whether this assistance is


sufficient to cover hospital administrative costs as well as that of anti-retroviral drugs.


[Deferred since Thursday 7th December 2006]

*2. HON. SENATOR BAYAYI: To ask the Minister of Public Service Labour and Social

Welfare to state the criteria used in allocating areas of operation for NGOs, such as

World Vision and Plan International, to assist the elderly people with food, clothes

and blankets and the areas that are covered and those that are not covered by the NGOs in the Pumula-Luveve Constituency.


[Transferred on Thursday 1st March 2007]







Committee Room No. 1 at 1000hrs


TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS: Hon L. Mugabe (Chairperson), Hon N.

Chamisa, Hon L. Chikomba, Hon G. Chimbaira, Hon S. M. Chiurayi, Hon Sen. E. Jacob,

Hon Sen F. R. Magadu, Hon E. Mdlongwa, Hon Sen J. Moyo, Hon Prof J. N. Moyo, Hon D. M. Ncube, Hon Sen R. Ndlovu, Hon E. Porusingazi, Hon C Pote, Hon Sen S. Sai, Hon J. Sikhala, Hon Z. Ziyambi, Hon M. Zwizwai. Clerk – Ms. Mukono


Committee Room No. 4 at 1000 hrs


PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE: Hon P. Misihairabwi – Mushonga (Chairperson), Hon N. Chamisa, Hon Sen Chief F. Z. Charumbira, Hon Chief G. M. Chimombe, Hon Sen C.

Gava, Hon P. Kadzima, Hon K. M. Matimba, Hon D. C. Mavhaire, Hon L Moyo, Hon L.

Mupukuta, Hon C. J. Musa, Hon F. D. Ncube, Hon Sen G. Nyoni, Hon Sen K. G. Patel, Hon C. Satiya, Hon L. G. B. Stevenson, Hon Sen S. Thembani. Clerk – Mr. Daniel


Committee Room No. 4 at 1400hrs




(Chairperson), Hon. Chief J. Bidi, Hon T. L. Biti, Hon. A. Bhebhe, Hon. Sen. B. Chikava,

Hon Sen. Chief F. Z. Charumbira, Hon F. Kanzama, Hon Sen Kabayanjiri, Hon T. Khupe, Hon. Sen Khumalo, Hon C. Majange, Hon Sen J. T Malinga, Hon T. Mashakada, Hon L. Matuke, Hon E. Mushoriwa,, Hon. D.M. Ncube. Clerk - Mrs. Khumalo


Committee Room No. 1 at 1400 hrs



(Chairperson), Hon. Sen Chief F. Z. Charumbira, Hon A. Chibaya, Hon Sen. L.C. Gumbura,

Hon M. Gwetu, Hon Sen. P. Haritatos, Hon Sen. P. Madiro, Hon T. Matutu, Hon E. Maziriri, Hon P. Mpariwa, Hon L. Mushore, Hon Sen. A. S. Nyathi, Hon I. Shumba Clerk – Mrs.




Committee Room No. 1 at 1000 hrs


DEFENCE AND HOME AFFAIRS: Hon C. W. Makova (Chairperson), Hon T. S.

Chipanga, Hon C Gwachiwa, Hon P. Kadzima, Hon T. Khupe, Hon W. Madzimure, Hon Sen

Chief D. C. Malaba, Hon Chief C. Malisa, Hon Sen L. Mbambo, Hon Sen E. N. Moyo, Hon

  1. Mubhawu, Hon W. Mutomba, Hon G. Mutsekwa, Hon W. Ncube, Hon Sen A. Rungani, Hon Sen H. M. Sinampande, Hon Z. Ziyambi. Clerk - Ms. Manyeruke


Committee Room No. 2 at 1000 hrs


LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Hon M. Zinyemba (Chairperson), Hon F. E. Chidarikire, Hon G. Chimanikire, Hon I. T. Gonese, Hon J. M. K Machaya, Hon C. Majange, Hon Sen. S.

Majuru, Hon E. E.  Matamisa, Hon K. M. Matimba, Hon L. Matuke, Hon Chief P. M

Mudzimurema, Hon Sen L. Munotengwa, Hon Sen. Chief E. M. Musarurwa, Hon L. G. B. Stevenson, Hon Sen. C. Z Tawengwa. Clerk - Mrs. Nyawo


Committee Room No. 3 at 1000 hrs


FOREIGN AFFAIRS. INDUSTRY AND TRADE: Hon E. Porusingazi (Chairperson, Hon

Sen. M. M. Chimene, Hon J. M. Gumbo, Hon Sen. R. C. Hove, Hon Chief J. T. M. Mabika, Hon A. Malinga, Hon F. G. Mhashu, Hon Sen. C. V. Muchengeti, Hon L. Mugabe, Hon T.

Mukahlera, Hon Sen. D. D. E Mumvuri, Hon E. Mushoriwa,Hon W. Mutomba, Hon M. M.

Ndlovu, Hon Sen. T. Ndlovu, Hon Chief Z. J. M. Shana. Clerk - Mr. Ratsakatika


Committee Room No. 4 at 1000 hrs


LANDS, LAND REFORM AND RESETTLEMENT: Hon Chief S. Bushu, Hon Sen Chief R. M. Chiduku, Hon Sen. T. C. Chikwanha, Hon Chief G. M. Chimombe, Hon Sen A. A.

Dete, Hon J. G. Gabbuza, Hon A. Katsande, Hon Sen. D. Khumalo, Hon S. B. Mahofa, Hon

  1. Mguni, Hon E. M. T. Mkhosi, Hon S. G. Mugabe, Hon C. Pote, Hon V. M. G. Zvinavashe. Clerk – Mr. Ndlovu


Government Caucus at 1000 hrs


HEALTH AND CHILD WELFARE: Hon B. Chebundo (Chairperson), Hon. J.

Chandengenda, Hon E Chindori – Chininga, Hon T. S. Chipanga, Hon. N. M. Khumalo, Hon. J. Madubeko, Hon P Madzore, Hon Sen A Mkhwebu, Hon Sen D. Mombeshora, Hon L.

Mupukuta, Hon E. Nyauchi, Hon Sen S. U. Sakupwanya, Hon J. Sansole, Hon M. Zwizwai. Clerk – Ms. Mukono




Committee Room Number 1 at 1000 hrs



Hon Sen. F Bayayi, Hon Chief J. Bidi, Hon F. E. Chidarikire, Hon T. S. Hon I. T. Gonese, Hon J. M. Gumbo, Hon W. Madzimure, Hon Sen. S. Mahere, Hon A. Malinga, Hon Chief C.

Malisa, Hon Sen T. J. Mapfumo, Hon Sen. Chief C. H. H. Marange, Hon T. Matutu, Hon M.

Mawere, Hon P. Misihairabwi-Mushonga, Hon Sen. Chief L. K. Mtshane, Hon Chief P. M.

Mudzimurema, Hon Sen Chief C. E. Negomo. Clerk – Ms. Macheza


Committee Room No. 2 at 1000 hrs



(Chairperson), Hon D. Butau, Hon D. J. Chandengenda, Hon E. Chindori-Chininga, Hon

Chief T. M. Dandawa, Hon Sen G. Dube, Hon Sen. Chief S. Gambiza, Hon A. Katsande, Hon J. M. Machaya, Hon Sen. Chief V. Maduna, Hon C. W Makova (Rtd Col), Hon Sen. T.

Mohadi, Hon Sen. S. Msipa, Hon Sen. V. Muchenje, Hon. Sen. V. Muchicho, Hon P.

Mungofa, Hon L. Mushore, Hon Sen. T. V.  Muzenda, Hon M. M. Ndlovu, Hon J. Sansole,

Hon T. Sibindi, Hon Z. Ziyambi. Clerk - Ms. Dube


Committee Room No. 3 at 1000 hrs


YOUTH, GENDER AND WOMEN’S AFFAIRS: Hon S. B Mahofa (Chairperson), Hon Chief S. Bushu, Hon B. Chebundo, Hon A. Chibaya, Hon L. Chikomba, Hon Sen. R. Goto, Hon C. Gwachiwa, Hon F. Kanzama, Hon P. Madzore, Hon Sen. E. Makono, Hon E.

Matamisa, Hon Sen T. Z. Matanga, Hon S. G. Mugabe, Hon T.Mukahlera, Hon Sen Chief W. Nemakonde, Hon C. Satiya, Hon M. Zinyemba. Clerk – Ms. Gondo


Committee Room Number 4 at 1000 hrs


EDUCATION, SPORT AND CULTURE: Hon F. G. Mhashu (Chairperson), Hon Sen. A Chimbudzi, Hon Sen. J. J. Chindanya, Hon S. M. Chiurayi, Hon J. Madubeko, Hon E.

Maziriri, Hon N. Mguni, Hon Sen. S Mkusha, Hon L. Moyo, Hon Prof. J. N. Moyo, Hon L

Mupukuta, Hon W. Mutomba, Hon G. Mutsekwa, Hon C Pote, Hon Chief Z. J. N Shana, Hon

Sen. Chief M. L. W. Sengwe, Hon. I. M. Shumba. Clerk - Mrs. Sunga






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