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No. 37















Half-past two o’clock p.m

Acting President of the Senate in the Chair


Members Present

Bayayi F. 

Chiduku Chief R.M Chikwanha T. C. 

Chimene M. M. 

Chindanya J. J.

Dube G.

Gumbura L. C. 

Hove R. C. 

Jacob E. 

Maduna Chief V.M Magadu R. F. E. 

Majuru S.

Makono E. 

Malaba Chief  D.C.

Mapfumo T. J. 

Matanga T. Z.

Mtshane Chief L.K.

Muchicho V. N. M. 

Mumbengegwi S.C. 

Mumvuri D. D. E. 

Musarurwa Chief E.M.

Ndlovu R.

Ndlovu T.

Nemakonde Chief


Patel K. G. 

Rungani A. 

Sai S. 

Sakupwanya S. U. 

Sengwe Chief M.L.W.

Tawengwa C. 

Thembani S. Z. 

Zvinavashe V. M. G.


                                                            Printed by the Order of the Senate 

Absent With Leave

            Charumbira Chief F. Z.

Chikwanha T.C.

Gava C.

Haritotas P.

Mombeshora D.T

Moyo J.

Mahere S. C.

Marange Chief C.H.

Mutinhiri T.

Muzenda T.

Negomo Chief

  1. The Minister of State for Special Affairs Responsible for Land and Resettlement

Programme on behalf of the Minister of State for National Security, Lands,

Land Reform and Resettlement presented a bill to provide for the registration of

Land Surveyors from Midlands State University, to amend the Land Survey Act [Chapter 20:12] and the Land Surveyors Act [Chapter 27:06] with a view to extending recognition to other local qualifications; and to provide for matters incidental to or connected with the foregoing – Land Survey Amendment Bill (H.B. 1, 2007).

Bill read the first time.  Referred to Parliamentary Legal Committee.

  1. Senator Mapfumo, seconded by Hon. Senator Mumvuri, moved: That this House-


NOTING that the Southern African Development Community (SADC), has justly and rightly called for the removal of the illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by Britain and her Western allies, as well as for Britain to honour its Lancaster House obligation to provide compensation for land distributed to the majority of the people in Zimbabwe;


FURTHER NOTING that former Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, acknowledged that these sanctions are illegal and must be removed;


OBSERVING that the illegal sanctions are the proximate cause of the hardship ravaging the ordinary people in Zimbabwe and were intended to achieve that purpose;


NOW, THEREFORE, INVITES the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to;

  • convey its profound gratitude and a deep sense of appreciation to, and support for the SADC countries’ call for Britain and her Western allies to comply with international law by lifting the illegal sanctions and for Britain to comply with her Lancaster House obligation to provide compensation for land distributed to the majority of the people in Zimbabwe;
  • appeal to the African Union, through the SADC Secretariat, as the only hiatus in the international chain calling for the removal of the illegal sanctions, to do so at the earliest opportunity and be recorded on the side of international justice in this matter.
  • urge the African Union, through the SADC Secretariat, to rally economic support for Zimbabwe to reverse the damage done by the illegal sanctions.

On the motion of Minister of Finance: Debate adjourned until Tuesday.

  1. Adjourned debate on poor service delivery by the Telecommunications Industry in remote areas (Adjourned 9th May, 2007- The Minister of Finance)

[Days Elapsed 2] Question again proposed:

That this House


IN VIEW of the poor service delivered by the Telecommunications Industry in remote areas of the country;

CONCERNED that the majority of the people are in dire need of efficient telecommunications services so that they can easily communicate with relatives in urban centres and;

NOTING that such services are virtually non-existent in some rural areas because of the absence of appropriate infrastructure to enable efficient telecommunication;

NOW THEREFORE this House calls upon the relevant Ministry to ensure that the key players in the Industry put in place programmes that will enhance the provision of such services - Hon. Senator Chief Malaba.

                        On the motion of Minister of Finance: Debate adjourned until Tuesday.

  1. Adjourned debate on poor Service Delivery by the District Development Fund               (Adjourned 9th May, 2007- The Minister of Finance)

[Day Elapsed 1]

                        Question again proposed:

That this House


APPRECIATIVE of the noble endeavours by government to render affordable quality social services to the general populace through the District Development Fund (DDF) programmes such as borehole drilling, tillage, road network construction and the construction of small to medium scale dams;

DISTURBED by the failure by the DDF to fulfil its mandate as evidenced by the deterioration of its service delivery on these developmental programmes and its lack of complementary effort on the Land Reform Programme;


NOW THEREORE RESOLVES that this House urges the relevant parent

Ministry to immediately take corrective measures and ensure that the District

Development Fund improves its service delivery in the areas under its mandate –Hon. Senator Mumvuri


                 On the motion of Minister of Finance: Debate adjourned until Tuesday.


  1. On the motion of the Minister of Finance: The Senate adjourned at five minutes past four o’clock p.m until Tuesday 15th May 2007, at a quarter past two o’clock in the afternoon.

  1. Tawengwa

                                                                                                                    Acting President of the Senate



TUESDAY 15th MAY 2007






That this House-

Takes note of the First Report of the Joint Committee on Lands, Land Reform Resettlement and Agriculture and Public Service Labour and Social Welfare on the plight of farm workers and its impact on agricultural productivity.

  1. Hon Senator Sakupwanya Hon Senator Mkhwebu

That this House-

Takes not of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Welfare on the challenges in the health sector

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the removal of illegal sanctions imposed on

Zimbabwe by Britain and her Western allies (Adjourned 10th May, 2007 - Minister of Finance)

                                                                                                                                                                   [Day elapsed 1]

Question proposed:  That this House-


NOTING that the Southern African Development Community (SADC), has justly and rightly called for the removal of the illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by Britain and her Western allies, as well as for Britain to honour its Lancaster House obligation to provide compensation for land distributed to the majority of the people in Zimbabwe;


FURTHER NOTING that former Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, acknowledged that these sanctions are illegal and must be removed;


OBSERVING that the illegal sanctions are the proximate cause of the hardship ravaging the ordinary people in Zimbabwe and were intended to achieve that purpose;


NOW, THEREFORE, INVITES the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to; convey its profound gratitude and a deep sense of appreciation to,  and support for the SADC countries’ call for Britain and her Western allies to comply with international law by lifting the illegal sanctions and for Britain to comply with her Lancaster House obligation to provide compensation for land distributed to the majority of the people in Zimbabwe; appeal to the African Union, through the SADC Secretariat, as the only hiatus in the international chain calling for the removal of the illegal sanctions, to do so at the earliest opportunity and be recorded on the side of international justice in this matter.

urge the African Union, through the SADC Secretariat, to rally economic support for Zimbabwe to reverse the damage done by the illegal sanctions- Hon

Senator T.J Mapfumo.

  1. Adjourned debate on poor service delivery by the Telecommunications Industry in remote areas (Adjourned 9th May, 2007- The Minister of Finance)

[Days elapsed 2]

                        Question proposed:

That this House


IN VIEW of the poor service delivered by the Telecommunications Industry in remote areas of the country;

CONCERNED that the majority of the people are in dire need of efficient telecommunications services so that they can easily communicate with relatives in urban centres and;

NOTING that such services are virtually non-existent in some rural areas because of the absence of appropriate infrastructure to enable efficient telecommunication;

NOW THEREFORE this House calls upon the relevant Ministry to ensure that the key players in the Industry put in place programmes that will enhance the provision of such services - Hon. Senator Chief Malaba.

  1. Adjourned debate on poor Service Delivery by the District Development Fund (Adjourned 9th May, 2007- The Minister of Finance)

[Day elapsed 1]

                        Question proposed:

That this House


APPRECIATIVE of the noble endeavours by government to render affordable quality social services to the general populace through the District Development Fund (DDF) programmes such as borehole drilling, tillage, road network construction and the construction of small to medium scale dams;

DISTURBED by the failure by the DDF to fulfil its mandate as evidenced by the deterioration of its service delivery on these developmental programmes and its lack of complementary effort on the Land Reform Programme;


NOW THEREORE RESOLVES that this House urges the relevant parent

Ministry to immediately take corrective measures and ensure that the District

Development Fund improves its service delivery in the areas under its mandate –Hon. Senator Mumvuri


  1. Adjourned debate on the lack of capacity at Chivhu Hospital (Adjourned 9th May, 2007- The Minister of Finance).

[Day Elapsed 1]

                        Question proposed:

                        That this House

APPRECIATIVE of the government of Zimbabwe’s efforts since

Independence to provide adequate health care facilities for its entire people;

CONCERNED by the lack of capacity of the Chivhu hospital, to cater for the needs of the people in its catchment area;

NOW THEREFORE this House calls upon government to extend the hospital and upgrade its equipment and increase medical supplies –Hon. Chief



  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on Foreign Affairs, Industry and International Trade (S.C. 31, 2006) (Adjourned 9th May 2007The Minister of Finance)

[Days elapsed: 3]

                       Question proposed: That this House –

              Takes note of the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on Foreign Affairs, Industry and International Trade on the Management Contract between

Ziscosteel and Global Steel Holdings Limited (S.C. 31, 2006) – Hon. Senator T. Ndlovu

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government on ZINWA (Adjourned 9th May 2007The Minister of Finance).

                                                                                                                                                                [Days elapsed: 3]


                       Question proposed: That this House-

                        Takes note of the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local

Government on ZINWA’s take over of water and sewerage services in the city of Harare and the proposed take over of these services in cities and towns in the rest of the country (S.C. 3, 2007) – Hon. Senator Tawengwa.

  1.   Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on

Local Government on the Operations of the Local Government Board

(Adjourned 9th May 2007 – The Minister of Finance)

                                                                                                                                                               [Days elapsed: 3]

  Question proposed: That this House-

          Takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government on the Operations of the Local Government Board (S.C. 2, 2007) - Hon. Senator Chief Musarurwa.

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on recent incidents of political violence in different parts of the country (Adjourned 9th May 2007 – The Minister of Finance).

[Days elapsed: 2]            Question proposed: That this House –

CONCERNED with the recent incidents of political violence in different parts of the country;

APPALLED at the wanton destruction of property and the use of children as shields, a tactic that has resulted in injuries to our Police Officers by the Opposition Parties;

NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon this House to condemn in the strongest of terms such barbaric acts and urges government to bring to book all the culprits involved - Hon. Senator Chimbudzi.

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on Report of the Twelfth Session of the African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) – European Union (EU) Joint Parliamentary Assembly. (Adjourned 9th May 2007 – The Minister of Finance).

[Days elapsed: 2]

Question proposed: That this House-


Takes note of the Report of the Twelfth Session of the African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) – European Union (EU) Joint Parliamentary Assembly (JPA) held in Bridgetown, Barbados from 18 – 23 November, 2006 – Hon. Senator Muchengeti

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on

Lands, Agriculture, Land Reform, Resettlement, Rural Resources and Water Development (S.C. 23, 2006) (Adjourned 9th May 2007 – Minister of Finance).


[Days elapsed: 4]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the

Portfolio Committee on Lands, Agriculture, Land Reform, Resettlement, Rural Resources and Water Development on the state of preparedness by the agricultural sector for the 2006/7 summer crop (S.C 23, 2006)- Hon. Senator Zvinavashe.

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the serious decline of the Zimbabwean Economy (Adjourned 9th May 2007 – The Minister of Finance).

[Days elapsed: 4]

Question proposed: That this House-


NOTING that the Zimbabwean Economy is in serious decline,


CONCERNED with the unprecedented runaway inflation, high unemployment levels and dehumanizing poverty levels among the majority of Zimbabweans;


NOW THEREFORE, urges the government to proceed with speed to implement short-term, medium term and long-term solutions to resolve the current economic challenges Hon. Senator T. Ndlovu

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Nineteenth State of the Nation Address (Adjourned 9th May 2007 – The Minister of Finance).


[Time elapsed: 4 hours 2 minutes]


 Question proposed: That this House Conveys its profound gratitude to His

 Excellency, the President for his Nineteenth State of the Nation Address to Parliament:

          Expresses its commitment to and support for the views contained in his address:

and that a respectful address be presented to His Excellency the President informing him of the sentiments of the House – Hon. Senator. Majuru.


  1. COMMITTEE: Consideration of an Adverse Report by the Parliamentary Legal Committee on Statutory Instrument 13A, 2007 – W. Ncube.





HON. SENATOR T. NDLOVU: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare to explain how people living with HIV/AIDS can individually and collectively access  therapeutic treatment assistance through the National AIDS Council (NAC) structures and explain whether this assistance is sufficient to cover hospital administrative costs as well as that of anti-retroviral drugs.

[Deferred from Thursday7th December 2006]


SENATOR R. NDLOVU: To ask the Minister of Home Affairs to state what constraints the Registrar General is facing in processing of long birth certificates particularly in Bulawayo, which are a government requirement.

                                              [Deferred from Thursday10th May2007]


SENATOR R. NDLOVU: To ask the Minister of Industry and International Trade to explain government policy on price controls, in view of the continuous price hikes by the business sector, without due regard for corresponding income increases.

[Deferred from Thursday10th May 2007]




SENATOR T. B. MOHADI: To ask the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare whether it is government policy not to employ people who may be in possession of examination results slips while awaiting the processing of proper certificates, which in most cases takes long time, and to clarify how such personnel can be gainfully employed in the public sector if their results slips are not recognised.



SENATOR S. MSIPHA: To ask the Minister of Economic Development to explain–


When the economy will reverse its free-fall in a tangible turnaround that is  evident to Zimbabweans


How government is achieving its economic development objectives.

Can the Hon Minister give employment figures for 2006 and 2007 and explain whether such figures indeed show an economic Development trend.


 SENATOR T. NDLOVU: To ask the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare to give figures that social welfare pays monthly to various beneficiaries such as the aged, war veterans and the disabled who receive Social Welfare assistance by way of monthly payouts.


SENATOR T. NDLOVU: To ask the Minister of State for Water Resources and Infrastructural Development to explain –

  1. when the Ministry will construct the Mtshabezi-Umzingwane Dams pipeline.
  2. why it is taking long for the Ministry to avert a water shortage catastrophy of calamitious and apocalyptic proportions as has been warned by the Bulawayo city council. what the Ministry is doing to provide water to Bulawayo when all of

Bulawayo’s supply dams dry out and are decommissioned by October 2007.

*8.       SENATOR D. KHUMALO: To ask the Minister of State for Water Resources and Infrastructural Development to explain –

  1. The progress that has been made on the Gwayi-Tshangane Dam and when the expected date of completion is. ii.  Who the contractor is and how many locals in Lupane and Nkayi or

Matebeleland North Province is the contractor employing  iii. How many people from outside the Province is the contractor employing and what percentage is this of total workforce employed

  1. the number of irrigation schemes and their location, that will be set up, if any, along pipeline corridor as it conveys water to Bulawayo.

*9.       SENATOR T. NDLOVU: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and Urban Development to explain; why the Ministry does not speed up the approval and gazetting of local authorities budgets as delays in the approval of council budgets by the Ministry results in the loss of much needed revenue.  A case in point is the approval of the 2005, 2006 and 2007 local authorities budgets that took months of Sundays to approve.  When can local authorities

can expect this trend to end and when the 2007 local authority budgets will be approved?

*10.     SENATOR D. KHUMALO: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and Urban Development to explain –

  1. Why, after there was talk of amending the urban councils act for the past six years, there still is no bill that has been tabled in Parliament.
  2. When the House can expect such a Bill. iii. the reason for the urban councils act has not being translated into vernacular languages of isiNdebele  and chiShona to enable the majority of ratepayers to understand its provisions.

            *11.     SENATOR BAYAYI: To ask the Minister of Home Affairs to explain –

  1. When the department that issues National identity documents, plastic/polythene

I.Ds will issue these again ii.  when people who have been waiting for many years can hope to get get these documents

*12.     SENATOR F. BAYAYI: To ask the Minister of Agriculture to apprise the House on–

  1. The current food situation in the country and explain what immediate measures, if any the Government has already undertaken to bring in food in the light of this season’s crop failure due mainly to drought
  2. the channels through which the food will be distributed in both urban and rural areas
  • give assurances that there will be no politicization of the food crisis that no one will be denied food on the basis of political party affiliation

            *13.     SENATOR H. M. SINAMPANDE: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public

Works and Urban Development to explain–

  1. Whether the Local Government Board which over the years has been content dealing only with issues relating to the hiring and firing of senior Local Authority Personnel will perform its full mandate as spelt out in the Urban Council’s act ii.  what the Board has done in 2007.



  1. Masvingo State University Amendment Bill (B. 2, 2007) The Minister of       Higher and Tertiary Education (Referred 9th May, 2007).


  1. Land Survey Amendment Bill (B. 1, 2007) – The Minister of State for National Security, Lands, Land Reform and Resettlement (Referred 10th /May 2007).

______________________________________________________________________ NOTICES OF MEETINGS


MONDAY, 14th MAY 2007

Committee Room No. 1 at 1000hrs


TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS: Hon L. Mugabe (Chairperson), Hon N.

Chamisa, Hon L. Chikomba, Hon G. Chimbaira, Hon S. M. Chiurayi, Hon Sen. E.

Jacob, Hon Sen F. R. Magadu, Hon E. Mdlongwa, Hon Sen J. Moyo, Hon Prof J. N.

Moyo, Hon D. M. Ncube, Hon Sen R. Ndlovu, Hon E. Porusingazi, Hon C Pote, Hon

Sen S. Sai, Hon J. Sikhala, Hon Z. Ziyambi, Hon M. Zwizwai. Clerk – Ms. Mukono

Committee Room No. 4 at 1000 hrs

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE: Hon P. Misihairabwi – Mushonga (Chairperson), Hon N. Chamisa, Hon Sen Chief F. Z. Charumbira, Hon Chief G. M.

Chimombe, Hon Sen C. Gava, Hon P. Kadzima, Hon K. M. Matimba, Hon D. C. Mavhaire, Hon L Moyo, Hon L. Mupukuta, Hon C. J. Musa, Hon F. D. Ncube, Hon Sen G. Nyoni, Hon Sen K. G. Patel, Hon C. Satiya, Hon L. G. B. Stevenson, Hon Sen S. Thembani. Clerk – Mr. Daniel

Committee Room No. 4 at 1400hrs


(Chairperson), Hon. Chief J. Bidi, Hon T. L. Biti, Hon. A. Bhebhe, Hon. Sen. B.

Chikava, Hon Sen. Chief F. Z. Charumbira, Hon F. Kanzama, Hon Sen Kabayanjiri,

Hon T. Khupe, Hon. Sen Khumalo, Hon C. Majange, Hon Sen J. T Malinga, Hon T.

Mashakada, Hon L. Matuke, Hon E. Mushoriwa, Hon W. Mzembi, Hon. D.M. Ncube. Clerk - Mrs. Khumalo

Committee Room No. 1 at 1400 hrs


(Chairperson), Hon. Sen Chief F. Z. Charumbira, Hon A. Chibaya, Hon Sen. L.C. Gumbura, Hon M. Gwetu, Hon Sen. P. Haritatos, Hon Sen. P. Madiro, Hon T. Matutu, Hon E. Maziriri, Hon P. Mpariwa, Hon L. Mushore, Hon Sen. A. S. Nyathi, ,  Hon. I.

Shumba Clerk – Mrs. Nyakauta

TUESDAY, 15th MAY 2007

Committee Room No. 1 at 1000 hrs

DEFENCE AND HOME AFFAIRS: Hon C. W. Makova (Chairperson), Hon T. S.

Chipanga, Hon C Gwachiwa, Hon P. Kadzima, Hon T. Khupe, Hon W. Madzimure,

Hon Sen Chief D. C. Malaba, Hon Chief C. Malisa, Hon Sen L. Mbambo, Hon Sen E.

  1. Moyo, Hon T. Mubhawu, Hon W. Mutomba, Hon G. Mutsekwa, Hon W. Ncube, Hon Sen A. Rungani, Hon Sen H. M. Sinampande, Hon Z. Ziyambi. Clerk - Ms.


Committee Room No. 2 at 1000 hrs

LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Hon M. Zinyemba (Chairperson), Hon F. E. Chidarikire,

Hon G. Chimanikire, Hon I. T. Gonese, Hon J. M. K Machaya, Hon C. Majange, Hon

Sen. S. Majuru, Hon E. E.  Matamisa, Hon K. M. Matimba, Hon L. Matuke, Hon Chief

  1. M Mudzimurema, Hon Sen L. Munotengwa, Hon Sen. Chief E. M. Musarurwa, Hon L. G. B. Stevenson, Hon Sen. C. Z Tawengwa. Clerk - Mrs. Nyawo

Committee Room No. 3 at 1000 hrs


(Chairperson, Hon Sen. M. M. Chimene, Hon J. M. Gumbo, Hon Sen. R. C. Hove, Hon Chief J. T. M. Mabika, Hon A. Malinga, Hon F. G. Mhashu, Hon Sen. C. V.

Muchengeti, Hon L. Mugabe, Hon T. Mukahlera, Hon Sen. D. D. E Mumvuri, Hon E.

Mushoriwa,Hon W. Mutomba, Hon M. M. Ndlovu, Hon Sen. T. Ndlovu, Hon Chief Z. J. M. Shana. Clerk - Mr. Ratsakatika

Government Caucus at 0930 hrs



Chief R. M. Chiduku, Hon Sen. T. C. Chikwanha, Hon Chief G. M. Chimombe, Hon

Sen A. A. Dete, Hon J. G. Gabbuza, Hon A. Katsande, Hon Sen. D. Khumalo, Hon S.

  1. Mahofa, Hon N. Mguni, Hon E. M. T. Mkhosi, Hon S. G. Mugabe, Hon C. Pote, Hon V. M. G. Zvinavashe. Clerk – Mr. Ndlovu

Committee Room No. 4 at 1000 hrs

HEALTH AND CHILD WELFARE: Hon B. Chebundo (Chairperson), Hon. J.

Chandengenda, Hon E Chindori – Chininga, Hon T. S. Chipanga, Hon. N. M. Khumalo,

Hon. J. Madubeko, Hon P Madzore, Hon Sen A Mkhwebu, Hon Sen D. Mombeshora,

Hon L. Mupukuta, Hon E. Nyauchi, Hon Sen S. U. Sakupwanya, Hon J. Sansole, Hon M. Zwizwai. Clerk – Ms. Mukono


Committee Room No. 1 at 1000 hrs



(Chairperson), Hon Sen. F. Bayayi, Hon Chief J. Bidi, Hon F. E. Chidarikire, Hon T. S. Hon I. T. Gonese, Hon J. M. Gumbo, Hon W. Madzimure, Hon Sen. S. Mahere, Hon A.

Malinga, Hon Chief C. Malisa, Hon Sen T. J. Mapfumo, Hon Sen. Chief C. H. H.

Marange, Hon T. Matutu, Hon M. Mawere, Hon P. Misihairabwi-Mushonga, Hon Sen.

Chief L. K. Mtshane, Hon Chief P. M. Mudzimurema, Hon Sen Chief C. E. Negomo.

Clerk – Ms. Macheza

Committee Room No. 2 at 1000hrs



(Chairperson), Hon D. Butau, Hon D. J. Chandengenda, Hon E. Chindori-Chininga, Hon Chief T. M. Dandawa, Hon Sen G. Dube, Hon Sen. Chief S. Gambiza, Hon A.

Katsande, Hon J. M. Machaya, Hon Sen. Chief V. Maduna, Hon C. W Makova (Rtd

Col), Hon Sen. T. Mohadi, Hon Sen. S. Msipha, Hon Sen. V. Muchenje, Hon. Sen. V.

Muchicho, Hon P. Mungofa, Hon L. Mushore, Hon Sen. T. V.  Muzenda, Hon M. M. Ndlovu, Hon J. Sansole, Hon T. Sibindi, Hon Z. Ziyambi. Clerk - Ms. Dube

Committee Room No. 3 at 0800 hrs


YOUTH, GENDER AND WOMEN’S AFFAIRS: Hon S. B Mahofa (Chairperson),

Hon Chief S. Bushu, Hon B. Chebundo, Hon A. Chibaya, Hon L. Chikomba, Hon Sen.

  1. Goto, Hon C. Gwachiwa, Hon F. Kanzama, Hon P. Madzore, Hon Sen. E. Makono,

Hon E. Matamisa, Hon Sen T. Z. Matanga, Hon S. G. Mugabe, Hon T.Mukahlera, Hon Sen Chief W. Nemakonde, Hon C. Satiya, Hon M. Zinyemba. Clerk – Ms. Gondo Committee Room No. 4 at 1000 hrs


EDUCATION, SPORT AND CULTURE: Hon F. G. Mhashu (Chairperson), Hon

Sen. A Chimbudzi, Hon Sen. J. J. Chindanya, Hon S. M. Chiurayi, Hon J. Madubeko, Hon E. Maziriri, Hon N. Mguni, Hon Sen. S Mkusha, Hon L. Moyo, Hon Prof. J. N.

Moyo, Hon L Mupukuta, Hon W. Mutomba, Hon G. Mutsekwa, Hon C Pote, Hon

Chief Z. J. N Shana, Hon. I. Shumba,Hon Sen. Chief M. L. W. Sengwe. Clerk - Mrs.





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