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- Create Date March 14, 2017
- Last Updated November 18, 2021
SENATE VOTES 14 March 2017 37
No. 37
Half past Two o’clock pm. President of the Senate in the Chair.
Bhebhe M,
Bhobho H,
Buka F,
Carter M.N,
Chabuka K,
Charumbira Chief,
Chifamba J,
Chimanikire A,
Chimhini D.A,
Chimutengwende C.C.C,
Chipanga T S
Chisunga Chief,
Chitanga Chief,
Dandawa Chief,
Goto R,
Gwenzi Chief,
Juba A,
Khumalo D.T,
Mabugu F.E,
Makone T,
Makore J,
Makwarimba C,
Marava M,
Marozva Chief
Masuku A,
Mathuthu T.A,
Matiirira A,
Mavhunga M,
Mkhwebu A,
Moeketsi V,
Mohadi T.B,
Mtshane Chief,
Mugabe C.T,
Muronzi M,
Murwira T,
Musarurwa Chief E. M,
Ndlovu J,
Nebiri Chief,
Nembire Chief,
Nyamukoho Chief,
Nyangazonke Chief,
Nyathi R,
Parirenyatwa P.D,
Shiri A,
Siansali Chief,
Tawengwa C.Z.
In attendance in terms of section 138(2) and (3) of the Constitution
Printed by Order of the Senate
Absent with Leave
Hon. Sen. Chiduku Chief, Hon. Sen. Chimbudzi A, Hon. Sen. Chizema C, Hon. Sen. Gampu Chief IV, Hon. Sen. Jadagu G, Hon. Komichi M, Hon. Sen. Machingaifa T, Hon. Sen. Maluleke O, Hon. Sen. Mawire J, Hon. Sen. Mashavakure N, Hon. Sen. Moyo S.K, Hon. Sen. Mumvuri D.D.E, Hon. Sen. Musaka M.B, Hon. Sen. Ncube S, Hon. Sen. Ngungumbane Chief, Hon. Sen. Ntabeni Chief, Hon. Sen. Rtd. Gen. Nyambuya M, Hon. Sen. Sibanda A, Hon. Sen. Sibanda B, Hon. Sen. Timveos L.
- The President of the Senate informed the House that the workshop on the Code of Conduct for all Members of Parliament had been postponed to the 22nd of March, 2017. She further informed the Members that the workshop would consider the Code of Conduct for Members of Parliament and the Privileges and Powers of Parliament Act and would be held at the Harare International Conference Centre, at 0830 hours.
Members were requested to take copies of the following documents to the workshop:
- The Parliamentary Salaries, Allowances and Benefit Act;
- Privileges, Immunities and Powers of Parliament Act; and
- Code of Conduct with its annexure, the declaration form.
- Member sworn:-
Caroline Tsitsi Mugabe
- The Deputy Minister of Media, Information and Broadcasting Services moved: That Order of the Day No.1 for today stands over until Order No. 12 has been disposed of.
Motion put and agreed to.
- Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the State of the Nation Address – (Adjourned 8th March, 2017 –Hon. Sen. Chipanga).
[Days elapsed: 12]
Question again proposed: That this House conveys its profound gratitude to His Excellency, the President Cde. R. G. Mugabe for addressing a joint sitting of Parliament on the State of the Nation.
Expresses its commitment to and support for the views contained in his address; and that a respectful address be presented to His Excellency the President, informing him
of the sentiments of the House – Hon. Sen. Chipanga.
On the motion of Hon. Sen. Chipanga, seconded by Hon. Sen. Chimhini: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.
- Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech-(Adjourned 8th March, 2017 – The Deputy Minister of Energy and Power Development).
[Time elapsed: 2 hrs. 11 minutes]
Question again proposed: That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows –
On the motion of the Deputy Minister of Media, Information and Broadcasting: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.
- The Deputy Minister of Media, Information and Broadcasting Services moved: That Notice of Motion No. 4 stands over until Order of the Day No. 12 has been disposed of.
Motion put and agreed to.
- Adjourned debate on motion on alignment of the Electoral Act to the Constitution (Adjourned 8th M arch, 2017 – Sen. Masuku)
[Day elapsed: 3] Question again proposed: That this House:
ACKNOWLEDGING the progress made by the Zimbabwe Electoral
Commission(ZEC) towards assuming its Constitutional mandate of ensuring that elections are conducted efficiently ,freely, fairly, transparently and in accordance with the law;
FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGING the financial restrictions facing ZEC due to scarcity of resources allocated by the Treasury and the interest from the international donors, including UNDP, to assist in supporting ZEC as a key pillar of democracy;
AWARE that the desire by government to engage the International Community as economic partners for the development of Zimbabwe will also be enhanced by inviting the widest range of international players to observe and monitor our national elections;
AWARE that the holding of a transparent, free and fair election in 2018 will depend on the integrity of the voters roll as well as an enabling environment;
NOTING the slow process of aligning the Electoral Act to the constitution means that there are areas wherein ZEC is acting unconstitutionally and that there have been actions by ZEC which have not been aligned even to the Electoral Act;
NOW, THERFORE, calls upon
- The Government to expeditiously align the provisions on ZEC to the
- ZEC to urgently engage with partners to implement the biometric voters roll in order to fulfill the Constitutional mandate;
- Government to align the Electoral Act with the Constitution and crate an electoral environment that complies with Article 17 of the African Union Charter on free and fair elections – Hon. Sen. Timveos
On the motion of the Deputy Minister of Media, Information and Broadcasting Services: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the SADC Model law on eradicating Child Marriages (Adjourned 8th March 2017- Hon. Mohadi)
[Day elapsed: 6] Question again proposed: That this House:
MINDFUL that the SADC Model Law is a milestone in eradicating the matrimony of the children and also in protecting those who are already in marriage;
APPRECIATIVE that the Model Law embraces all concepts on the prohibition of child marriages as adopted in Swaziland in 2016;
DESIROUS to see the end to child marriages as well as any retrogressive measures and hurdles that mitigate against the eradication of such unions;
NOW, THERFORE calls upon Government to domesticate provisions of the Model Law as part of our statutes-Hon Sen. Mohadi.
On the motion of Hon. Sen. Mohadi, seconded by Hon. Sen. Tawengwa: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.
- Adjourned debate on motion on advocating for unequivocal support for the National School Pledge by all Members of Parliament- (Adjourned 7th March, 2017- Hon. Sen. Chimbudzi)
[Days elapsed: 11]
Question again proposed:
APPLAUDING the noble initiatives by the Government to inculcate a culture of patriotism, unity of purpose and common desire for equality and justice as mandated by the Constitution.
DETERMINED to overcome any challenges that impede our resolve to cherish and uphold the fruits of our hard won independence;
COMMITTED to building a united and prosperous nation founded on core values of integrity and hard work anchored on the Constitution as the supreme law of the land,
DESIROUS to foster a strong sense of patriotism among school children as is the traditional practice in the global village.
NOW THEREFORE, strongly advocates for unequivocal support for the National School Pledge by all Members of Parliament- Hon Sen. Chimbudzi.
On the motion of the Deputy Minister of Media, Information and Broadcasting Services: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.
- Adjourned debate on motion on violence that had become a socio-political way of life among the people of Zimbabwe- (Adjourned 22nd February, 2017- Hon Sen. B. Sibanda)
[Day elapsed: 11]
Question again proposed: NOTING that violence has become an integral part of our socio-political way of life;
CONCERNED that we cannot build a progressive developmental nation within a violent environment;
CONCERNED about the violence oriented and negative legacy we are developing as a nation;
NOW THEREFORE calls upon this House:
- To denounce all forms of violence being perpetrated upon and among the people of Zimbabwe;
- To call upon the law enforcement arms of government to enforce law and order without fear or favour;
- To admonish political parties so that they desist from the use of violence in order to impose their will on the people of Zimbabwe.
- To challenge the executive to fulfill its constitutional obligation by respecting human rights in terms of section 48-78 of the constitution of Zimbabwe. – Sen. B. Sibanda.
On the motion of the Deputy Minister of Media, Information and Broadcasting Services: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.
- Adjourned debate on motion on Zimbabwe’s low population (Adjourned 22nd
February, 2017- Hon. Sen. Musaka)
[Day elapsed: 7]
Question again proposed: That this House: -
CONCERNED with difficulties to attract effective investors to Zimbabwe for sustainable profitable investment due to Zimbabwe’s low population;
FURTHER CONCERNED that most non-governmental Organizations diligently promote birth control down wards instead of encouraging family planning for prolife that is population growth;
CURRENT world trend in population are to encourage large families so as to grow market for products;
Now therefore, this House resolves that the Zimbabwe Government should encourage large families as follows;
- a) Give incentives to families to have a minimum of eight children;
NGOs and Organisation promoting birth control should now be requested to promote family growth-Hon. Sen. Musaka
On the motion of the Deputy Minister of Media, Information and Broadcasting Services: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the delegation to the 68th Session of the Executive Committee of the African Parliamentary Union- (Adjourned 22nd February, 2017 – Sen. Mumvuri).
[Days elapsed: 22]
Question again proposed: That this House takes note of the Report of the delegation to the 68th Session of the Executive Committee of the African Parliamentary Union held from the 2nd to the 3rd of June, 2016 in Khartoum, Sudan- Hon. Sen. Goto.
Motion, with leave, withdrawn.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Thematic Committee on Gender and Development on the Status of Children’s Homes- (Adjourned 8th March, 2017 – Hon Sen Makore).
[Days elapsed: 30]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Thematic Committee on Gender and Development on the Status of Children’s Homes (S. C. 14, 2016) – Hon. Sen. Makore.
On the motion of Hon. Sen. Makore, seconded by Hon. Sen. Chimhini: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the Second Report of the Thematic Committee on Gender and Development on Early Child Marriages- (Adjourned 22nd, February 2017- Hon Sen Makore).
[Days elapsed: 30]
Question again proposed: That this House takes note of the Second Report of the Thematic Committee on Gender and Development on Early Child Marriages (S. C. 11, 2016) – Hon. Sen. Makore.
On the motion of Hon. Sen. Makore, seconded by Hon. Sen. Marava: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.
- On the motion of the Minister of Health and Child Care: The Senate adjourned at five minutes past four o’clock pm.
President of the Senate.
- COMMITTEE: Land Commission Bill (H.B.2A, 2016) – (The Minister of Lands and Rural Resettlement).
(See Notice of amendments)
- Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the State of the Nation Address – (Adjourned 14th March, 2017 –Hon. Sen. Chipanga).
[Days elapsed: 13]
Question proposed: That this House conveys its profound gratitude to His Excellency, the President Cde. R. G. Mugabe for addressing a joint sitting of Parliament on the State of the Nation.
Expresses its commitment to and support for the views contained in his address; and that a respectful address be presented to His Excellency the President, informing him
of the sentiments of the House – Hon. Sen. Chipanga.
- Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech-(Adjourned 14th March, 2017 – The Deputy Minister of Media, Information and Broadcasting Services).
[Time elapsed: 2 hrs. 11 minutes]
Question proposed: That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows –
That this House -
DISTURBED by the persistent problems posed by stray dogs and other domestic animals to their surrounding neighborhood and communities countrywide;
COGNIZANT that all animals are protected under the laws of the country;
CONCERNED that owners of such stray animals denigrate on their responsibilities to look after them, thereby bestowing the onus to do so on other members of the community;
INCENSED by the fact that some people have suffered from bites inflicted on them by rabid dogs and have faced challenges in getting proper medication while others have been involved in fatal accidents caused by such animals;
NOW THEREFORE, calls upon the Local Authorities and the Society for Prevention of cruelty to Animals to:
- Enforce laws that do not only protect the stray animals but also safeguard the lives of people.
- Prosecute owners of stray animals and also ensure that proper facilities are constructed for the safe custody of such animals
- Adjourned debate on motion on alignment of the Electoral Act to the Constitution
(Adjourned 14th M arch, 2017 – The Deputy Minister of Media, Information and
Broadcasting Services)
[Day elapsed: 4] Question proposed: That this House:
ACKNOWLEDGING the progress made by the Zimbabwe Electoral
Commission(ZEC) towards assuming its Constitutional mandate of ensuring that elections are conducted efficiently ,freely, fairly, transparently and in accordance with the law;
FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGING the financial restrictions facing ZEC due to scarcity of resources allocated by the Treasury and the interest from the international donors, including UNDP, to assist in supporting ZEC as a key pillar of democracy;
AWARE that the desire by government to engage the International Community as economic partners for the development of Zimbabwe will also be enhanced by inviting the widest range of international players to observe and monitor our national elections;
AWARE that the holding of a transparent, free and fair election in 2018 will depend on the integrity of the voters roll as well as an enabling environment;
NOTING the slow process of aligning the Electoral Act to the constitution means that there are areas wherein ZEC is acting unconstitutionally and that there have been actions by ZEC which have not been aligned even to the Electoral Act;
NOW, THERFORE, calls upon
- The Government to expeditiously align the provisions on ZEC to the
- ZEC to urgently engage with partners to implement the biometric voters roll in order to fulfill the Constitutional mandate;
- Government to align the Electoral Act with the Constitution and crate an electoral environment that complies with Article 17 of the African Union Charter on free and fair elections – Hon. Sen. Timveos
- Adjourned debate on motion on SADC Model law on eradicating Child Marriages (Adjourned 14th March 2017- Sen. Mohadi)
[Day elapsed: 7] Question proposed: That this House:
MINDFUL that the SADC Model Law is a milestone in eradicating the matrimony of the children and also in protecting those who are already in marriage;
APPRECIATIVE that the Model Law embraces all concepts on the prohibition of child marriages as adopted in Swaziland in 2016;
DESIROUS to see the end to child marriages as well as any retrogressive measures and hurdles that mitigate against the eradication of such unions;
NOW, THERFORE calls upon Government to domesticate provisions of the Model Law as part of our statutes-Hon Sen. Mohadi.
- Adjourned debate on motion on advocating for unequivocal support for the National School Pledge by all Members of Parliament- (Adjourned 14th March, 2017- The
Deputy Minister of Media, Information and Broadcasting Services)
[Days elapsed: 12] Question proposed:
APPLAUDING the noble initiatives by the Government to inculcate a culture of patriotism, unity of purpose and common desire for equality and justice as mandated by the Constitution.
DETERMINED to overcome any challenges that impede our resolve to cherish and uphold the fruits of our hard won independence;
COMMITTED to building a united and prosperous nation founded on core values of integrity and hard work anchored on the Constitution as the supreme law of the land,
DESIROUS to foster a strong sense of patriotism among school children as is the traditional practice in the global village.
NOW THEREFORE, strongly advocates for unequivocal support for the National School Pledge by all Members of Parliament- Hon Sen. Chimbudzi.
- Adjourned debate on motion on violence that had become a socio-political way of life among the people of Zimbabwe- (Adjourned 14th March, 2017- The Deputy Minister of Media, Information and Broadcasting Services
[Day elapsed: 12]
Question proposed: NOTING that violence has become an integral part of our socio- political way of life;
CONCERNED that we cannot build a progressive developmental nation within a violent environment;
CONCERNED about the violence oriented and negative legacy we are developing as a nation;
NOW THEREFORE calls upon this House:
- To denounce all forms of violence being perpetrated upon and among the people of Zimbabwe;
- To call upon the law enforcement arms of government to enforce law and order without fear or favour;
- To admonish political parties so that they desist from the use of violence in order to impose their will on the people of Zimbabwe.
- To challenge the executive to fulfill its constitutional obligation by respecting human rights in terms of section 48-78 of the constitution of Zimbabwe. – Sen. B. Sibanda.
- Adjourned debate on motion on Zimbabwe’s low population (Adjourned 14th March, 2017- The Deputy Minister of Media, Information and Broadcasting Services)
[Day elapsed: 8]
Question proposed: That this House: -
CONCERNED with difficulties to attract effective investors to Zimbabwe for
sustainable profitable investment due to Zimbabwe’s low population;
FURTHER CONCERNED that most non-governmental Organizations diligently promote birth control down wards instead of encouraging family planning for prolife that is population growth;
CURRENT world trend in population are to encourage large families so as to grow market for products;
Now therefore, this House resolves that the Zimbabwe Government should encourage large families as follows;
- b) Give incentives to families to have a minimum of eight children;
NGOs and Organisation promoting birth control should now be requested to promote family growth-Hon. Sen. Musaka
- Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Thematic Committee on Gender and Development on the Status of Children’s Homes- (Adjourned 14th March, 2017 – Hon Sen Makore).
[Days elapsed: 31]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Thematic Committee on Gender and Development on the Status of Children’s Homes (S. C. 14, 2016) – Hon. Sen. Makore.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the Second Report of the Thematic Committee on Gender and Development on Early Child Marriages- (Adjourned 14th March, 2017- Hon Sen Makore).
[Days elapsed: 31]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Second Report of the Thematic Committee on Gender and Development on Early Child Marriages (S. C. 11, 2016) – Hon. Sen. Makore.
*1. HON. SEN. SIBANDA B: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to provide the House with detailed figures as at 30 September, 2016 of:
- The comprehensive foreign debt inclusive of interest accrued;
- Domestic loans debt and who these are owed to;
- Parastals debts that government has committed to take over;
- Individuals and or company debts covered by ZAMCO to date;
- Treasury Bills commitments including any that may have been rolled over; and
- Any other debt owed by government not covered by these specified above.
[Deferred from 2nd February, 2017]
*2. | HON. SEN. TIMVEOS: To ask Minister of Finance and Economic Development to explain:
(a) Whether any money has been budgeted to cater for the Shabanie Mine workers who have not been paid for the past eight years, considering that the mine managers in charge of affairs are dismissing the workers. (b) What criteria is being used to pay fifty dollars a month for some of the workers who are still at Shabanie Mine. (c) Whether money paid by Midlands State University students who are renting the mine houses goes to Treasury and if so, why is it not being used to cater for the workers’ salaries. [Deferred from 16th February, 2017]
*3. | HON. SEN. TIMVEOS :To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to |
inform the House what plans are in place to alleviate challenges posed by lack of point of sale fiscal machines in view of the fact that such machines are not readily available in the country, a situation that has affected business.
[Transferred on 23rd February 2017]
*4. HON. SEN. TIMVEOS: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Care to inform the House what plans the Ministry has in place to save lives that are frequently lost due to prohibitive costs of blood which requires as much as one hundred and twenty dollars a pint to buy.
[Deferred from 16th February, 2017]
HON. SEN. CHIMHINI: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Care, to give a progress report on Charamba Clinic in Ward 4, Chimanimani West which was constructed through CDF Program in 2011 and to clarify why the clinic is still not operational thereby disadvantaging the community which contributed its labour and local material for their benefit. |
HON. SEN. GOTO: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Care, to inform the House the measure in place to assist those school children who have developed anemia after donating their blood. |
*7. | HON SEN. CHIMBUDZI: To ask the Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science |
and Technology Development to explain the Ministry’s position regarding the implementation of policy on HIV/AIDS at institutions of higher learning in the country.
[Deferred from 2nd February, 2017]
*8. HON. SEN. MAWIRE: To ask the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare to explain to the House whether the refugees at the Tongogara Refugee Camp are genuine refugees.
[Re directed 9th March, 2017]
HON. SEN. CHIMHINI: To ask the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare to inform the House, what government plans are, as regards the removal and rehabilitation of street people who are a nuisance to motorists as they break vehicle windows and breach public peace. |
*10. | HON. SEN. MAWIRE: To ask the Minister of Home Affairs to explain to the House the |
measures have been put in place to prosecute the shop owners who continue to sell army regalia to members of the public, defying the directive that prohibits civilians from wearing army regalia.
[Transferred 9th March, 2017]
*11. HON. SEN. MAWIRE: To ask the Minister of Energy and Power Development to explain to the House what measures are in place to curb the rampant illegal selling of fuel in Mutare and the surrounding areas.
[Transferred 9th March, 2017]
*12. HON. SEN. MAWIRE: To ask the Minister of Welfare Services for War Veterans, War Collaborators, Former Political Detainees and Restrictees to explain to the House as to how long the War Veterans would continue to receive paltry sums of money considering that some of them were affected by chemicals during the war while some need specialist treatment and medication.
*13 HON. SEN. MOHADI: To ask the Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Industry whether the Ministry has plans to open the Rainbow and Holiday Inn Express Hotel in Beitbridge.
*14. HON. SEN. MOHADI: To ask the Minister of Mines and Mining Development whether the Ministry has plans to revive the Thuli Coal Mine in Beitbridge West.
*15. HON. SEN. MOHADI: To ask the Minister of Mines and Mining Development to explain:
- the measures the Ministry is taking to ensure that mining firms rehabilitate the environment degraded by mining operations.
- what the Ministry is planning about Chitulipasi Coal Mine in Beitbridge East Constituency.
*16. HON. SEN. MOHADI: To ask the Minister of Environment, Water and Climate to inform the House what plans the Ministry has put in place to curb the rampant poaching of wildlife in safari areas.
*17. HON SEN. NDHLOVU: To ask the Minister of Environment, Water and Climate to inform the House what measures the Ministry has put in place to resolve the water challenges between ZINWA and the Municipality of Gwanda.
*18. | HON SEN. NDHLOVU: To ask the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education whether it is Government Policy to change the curriculum without initially training teachers to enable them to impart knowledge to children. |
HON. SEN. CHIMHINI: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development, to inform the House, what measures the Ministry has put in place to supervise and monitor maintenance of roads including those done by the District Development Fund (DDF) and Local Authorities given the fact that it appears nobody is responsible for the maintenance of such roads, particularly in rural areas, as is the case in the following: Odzani Road from Bvuma turnoff to Penhalonga Via Jombe; Honde Green to Ngarura via Sahumani Primary School and the Road from Mutasa District Offices to London Stores via Bonda Hospital, whereby the section passing by Knowsticks Boys’ High School is impassable, due to lack of maintenance of the road.
HON. SEN. CHIMHINI: To ask the Minister of Industry and Commerce, to inform the House the sectors of the economy which are performing above expectations given the fact that there is no tangible economic growth in the face of continued company closures in all urban centres.
HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI: To ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation, to state the plans that the Ministry has to develop and promote sports in Zimbabwe.
HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and
National Housing, a) To indicate when the following government projects in Harare would be completed in view of the fact that they have remained outstanding for too long: i. Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Headquarters ii. Police Protection Unit Flats iii. Registrar General’s Office b) To state whether there is any supervision of the construction of such projects to ensure that they do not collapse before completion. c) To state whether it is not prudent and economic for the Ministry to complete at least one project at a time so that something tangible is realized. d) To state whether the Ministry is adequately funded to complete the construction of these buildings. |
*23. | HON. SEN. GOTO: To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation
Development, a) To inform the House what plans the Ministry has in place to provide adequate transport to Agriculture Extension Officers in order to enable them to monitor command agriculture, in view of the fact that the current fleet is inadequate. b) To state the steps taken by the Ministry to ensure adequate provision of stationary to the Agriculture Extension Officers.
*24. | HON. SEN. BUKA: To ask the Minister of Women’s Affairs, Gender and Community Development, to state the measures in place to ensure that women in both urban and rural areas are knowledgeable of the women’s socio-economic and political rights as enshrined in the Constitution of Zimbabwe. |
Land Commission Bill, (H.B 2, 2016)
CLAUSE 2 (Interpretation)
Between lines 32 and 33 on page 9 of the Bill, to insert the following definition:
“National Council of Chiefs” means the National Council of Chiefs established by section 285(1) of the Constitution;”
Between lines 35 and 36 on page 9 of the Bill, to insert the following clause in Part II of the Bill, the remaining clauses being renumbered accordingly: “3 Procedure for appointment of members
- Before the President appoints a member, the Minister shall, in writing, invite the National Council of Chiefs to submit to him or her the names of at least two traditional leaders, qualified in terms of section 296(2) of the Constitution, to be considered for appointment to the Commission.
- The Minister shall without delay forward to the President the names of any suitably qualified traditional leaders nominated by the National Council of Chiefs in response to an invitation in terms of subsection (1) and, subject to section 296 of the Constitution, they shall be considered for appointment to the Commission.”.
CLAUSE 36 (Appellate and dispute settlement functions of Commission)
Between lines 43 on page 21 of the Bill and line 1 on page 22, to insert the following subclause, the remaining subclauses being renumbered accordingly:
“(4) Where the appeal or dispute concerns agricultural land, or any other land that is under the jurisdiction of a chief, at least two of the names on the panel referred to in subsection (3) shall be that of a chief.”
Wednesday, 15th March, 2017
At 0900 hours in Committee Room No. 4.
Human Rights: Hon. Sen. Rtd Gen. Nyambuya M.-(Chairperson) Hon. Sen. Buka F, Hon. Sen. Carter M, Hon. Sen. Charumbira Chief, Hon. Sen. Chimhini D.A, Hon. Sen. Chipanga T, Hon. Sen. Chisunga Chief, Hon. Sen. Gampu IV Chief, Hon. Sen. Machingaifa T, Makone T, Hon. Sen. Makore J, Hon. Se. Makwarimba C, Hon. Sen., Hon. Sen. Maluleke O. Hon. Sen. Manyeruke J, Hon. Sen. Marava M, Hon. Sen. Mawire J, Hon. Sen. Mtshane Chief, Hon. Sen. Muronzi M, Hon. Sen. Musaka M.B, Hon. Sen. Nebiri Chief, Hon. Sen. Ntabeni Chief, Hon. Sen. Nyangazonke Chief, Hon. Sen. Siansali Chief, Hon. Sen. Sibanda B, Hon.
Sen. Sinampande H. (Committee Clerk—Mr. S. Manhivi)
Thursday, 16th March, 2017
At 0900 hours in Committee Room 413.
Peace and Security: Hon. Sen. Mumvuri D.D.E - (Chairperson) Hon. Sen. Carter M, Hon. Sen. Chabuka K., Hon.Sen. Charumbira Chief, Hon. Sen. Chiduku Chief, Hon. Sen. Chimbudzi A, Hon. Sen. Chipanga, Hon. Sen. Dandawa Chief, Gampu Chief, Hon. Sen. Hlalo M, Hon. Sen. Jadagu G.T, Hon. Sen. Komichi M, Hon. Sen. Machingaifa T, Hon. Sen. Makone T, Hon. Sen. Makore J, Hon. Sen. Marava M, Hon. Sen. Mawire J, Hon. Sen. Mohadi T.B, Hon. Sen. Musaka M.B, Hon. Sen. Musarurwa Chief, Hon. Ncube S., Hon. Sen. Nembire Chief, Hon. Sen. Ngungumbane Chief, Hon. Sen. Rtd Gen. Nyambuya M, Hon. Sen. Nyamukoho Chief, Hon. Sen. Ntabeni Chief, Hon. Sen. Sibanda A, Hon. Sen.
Sinampande H.M, Hon. Sen. Timveos. (Committee Clerk—Mr. A. Kunzwa)
At 1000 hours in Committee Room No.4
Indigenisation and Empowerment: Hon. Sen. Chizema M- (Chairperson), Hon.Sen.
Bhebe M, Hon. Sen. Bhobho H. Hon. Sen. Chimanikire A, Hon. Sen. Chief Chitanga, Hon. Sen. Dandawa Chief, Hon. Sen. Goto R, Hon. Sen. Juba A, Hon. Sen. Maluleke O. M, Hon. Sen. Marozva Chief, Hon. Sen. Mashavakure N, Hon. Sen. Matiriira A, Hon Sen. Mavhunga M, Hon. Sen. Mlotshwa S, Hon. Sen. Murwira T, Sen. Ndlovu J, Hon. Sen. Chief Nembire, Hon. Sen. Nyamukoho Chief, Hon. Sen. Nyangazonke Chief, Hon. Sen. Nyathi R, Hon.
Sen.Tawengwa C.Z. (Committee Clerk—Mrs. E. Mafuruse)