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- Create Date December 2, 2009
- Last Updated November 18, 2021
No. 7
Half past two o’clock p.m
The President of the Senate in the Chair. |
Members Present |
Chabuka K. Charumbira Chief F. Z. Chibagu G, Chiduku Chief R. M. Chimbudzi A. Chimombe Chief G.M. Chisunga Chief D. Chitaka P. Chitanga Chief F.C. Dandawa Chief T. M. Dete A. A. Dube K. Femai M.. |
Gampu Chief IV, A.S. Gaule B. Gava C. Georgias Gutu O. C. Jacob E. Kabayanjiri O. Karimanzira D. I.G. Katyamaenz a V. Komichi M. Mabhiza G. Mabika Chief J.T. Machaya J. M.K. |
Made J. M. Makhula R. R. Makore J. Makunde T. Makuyana C. A. Masaba J. Masendu Chief S.D Masuku A. Mathema C. G. Mbambo L. Mtshane Chief L.K. Mohadi T.B. Mtingwend e T. Muchenje |
V. Mudzingwa T. Mumbenge gwi S. S. Mumvuri D.D. E. Musarurwa Chief E. M. Mutsvang wa M. Muzerengw a T. S. K. Nebiri Chief W. Ngungumba ne Chief Z.N.M Nkomo J.L. Rimbi J. M. |
Rugara K.
S.T. Shana
N.Z.J., Zvidzai S.
- The President of the Senate announced that the Minister of Finance would deliver the budget statement at 1445 hours to the House of Assembly.
- On the motion of the Minister of State for State Security in the President’s Office: The Senate adjourned at twenty-six minutes to three o’clock p.m.
President of the Senate
- Muchiwa
Hon. Kabayanjiri
NOTING the number of people who are on Antiretroviral Therapy and those in need of Antiretroviral Therapy;
CONCERNED that the Community and Home Based Care givers are volunteers, and there is inadequate funding for Home Based Care Programmes from the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare and the National AIDS Council;
FURTHER CONCERNED that there are a lot of organisations involved in Community and Home Based Care Programmes;
NOW THEREFORE calls upon government:
- to make funding available for Community and Home Based Programmes
- to review the Home Based Care Policy so that it contains provisions for incentives for Community and Home Based Care Givers
- ensures further decentralization and standardization of Home Based Care Program
- SECOND READING: Financial Adjustments Bill [H.B. 8, 2009]-The Minister of
- SECOND READING: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Amendment Bill [H.B. 7A, 2009]- The Minister of Finance.
- Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (adjourned 1st
December 2009 –The Governor for Harare Metropolitan Province
[Time elapsed: 2 hour 47 minutes]
Question proposed: That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows: -
May it please you, your Excellency the President:
We the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament – Dr Sakupwanya.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the death of Vice President of Zimbabwe, Hon. Joseph Wilfred Msika (Adjourned 1ST Decenber 2009-The Deputy Minister of Public Works)
[Day elapsed: 1]
That this House expresses its sorrow on the death on Wednesday 5 August 2009 of the Vice President of Zimbabwe Hon. Joseph Wilfred Msika;
NOTES with pride the sterling role he personally played in the liberation of Zimbabwe;
APPRECIATES with profound gratitude the patriotism he rendered in bringing unity, tranquillity and progressiveness among the people of Zimbabwe,
APPLAUDS his selfless dedication to ensure a better and prosperous Zimbabwe; and
RESOLVES that its deepest sympathy be conveyed to the Nation and to the family of our deceased hero-Hon Mohadi.
- J. Dube
Hon. Mbambo
That this House hails His Excellency the President of the republic of Zimbabwe for the great speech he delivered on the occasion of the 64th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on the 25th September 2009 and resolves that its sincere appreciation and gratitude be conveyed to His Excellency
Thursday, 3 December 2009
At 0900 hours in Committee Room No. 2
HUMAN RIGHTS: Hon. Marava (Chairperson) Hon. Chando, Hon. Chief Charumbira, Hon. Chief Chimombe, Hon. Chitsa , Hon. Gutu , Hon. Hungwe, Hon. Katyamaenza, Hon. Khumalo D., Hon. Makamure, Hon. Makore, Hon. Makhula, Hon. Manyeruke, Hon.
Marava, Hon. Muchenje, Hon. Chief Mtshane, Hon. Mutsvangwa, Hon. Muzerengwa,
Hon. Chief Ntabeni, Hon. Ndlovu J, Hon. Chief Nembire, Hon. Rimbi, Hon. Sakupwanya – Clerk Mr. Ndlovu.
At 1100 hours in Government Caucus
INDIGENISATION AND EMPOWERMENT: Hon. Mutsvangwa (Chairperson), Hon
Chief Chisunga, Hon. Chief Dandawa, Hon Dete, Hon. Hon. Chief Gampu Sithole, Hon.
Gava, Hon Hlalo, Hon Kabayanjiri, Hon. Komichi, Hon. Chief Mabika, Hon Mabhiza,
Hon Makamure, Hon Makhula, Hon. Makunde, Hon. Makuyana, Hon. Marava, Hon
Muchihwa, Hon. Mutingwende, Hon. Chief Musarurwa, Hon. Mutsvangwa, Hon. Chief
Nyamukoho – Clerk Mr Ratsakatika
Monday, 7 December 2009
At 1400 hours Government Caucus
HIV AND AIDS: Hon. D. Khumalo (Chairperson), Hon. Chabuka, Hon Chimbudzi, Hon. Chief Chitanga, Hon Dube G.T., Hon. Dube J.Z., Hon Dube K., Hon. Femai, Hon.
Hungwe, Hon. Kabayanjiri., Hon Khumalo D, Hon. Komichi, Hon Mandava., Hon
Manyeruke., Hon. Mbambo, Hon Mohadi., Hon Muchihwa, Hon Ncube S., Hon. Chief Nebiri , Hon. Chief Ngungumbane, Hon Sakupwanya, Hon Sinampande H – Clerk Ms Mukono.
At 1400 hours in Committee Room No. 3
GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT: Hon. Chitsa (Chairperson), Hon Chibagu, Hon.
Chief Chiduku, Hon Chitsa, Hon. Dube J., Hon. Chief Chimombe, Hon Gaule, Hon
Jacob, Hon Komichi, Hon Katyamaenza , Hon. Chief Mabika, Hon. Chief Masendu, Hon
Mabhiza G, Hon Masaba , Hon Mlotshwa, Hon Mutingwende, Hon. Chief Nembire, Hon Sakupwanya, Hon. Chief Shana, Hon Sibanda, Hon Sinampande – Clerk Mrs Khumalo.
Tuesday, 8 December, 2009
At 1000 hours Government Caucus
MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS (MDGS): Hon. Chief Mtshane (Chairperson), Hon Chibagu, Hon. Chief Chisunga, Hon Chitaka , Hon Dete , Hon. Chief Chitanga, Hon.
Chief Dandawa, Hon Dube J., Hon Dube K. , Hon Hove , Hon Mandava , Hon Masaba,
Hon. Chief Masendu, Hon. Mbambo, Hon Mlotshwa ,Hon. Chief Mtshane, Hon Mumviri, Hon. Chief Nebiri, Hon. Chief Ngungumbane, Hon. Chief Nyamukoho, Hon Rugara, Hon. Chief Shana – Clerk Mrs Nyawo.