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- Create Date February 23, 2010
- Last Updated November 20, 2021
No. 13
The President of the Senate in the Chair.
Members Present
Chabuka K. Charumbira Chief F. Z. Chibagu G, Chiduku Chief R. M. Chimbudzi A. Chimombe Chief G.M. Chisunga Chief D. Chitaka P. Chitanga Chief F.C. Chitsa E. Coltart D Dete A. A. Dinha M. |
Dube G. T. Dube J. Dube K Femai M.. Gampu Chief IV, A.S. Gaule B Gava C Georgias. A Gutu O. C. Hungwe J.D. Jacob E. Karimanzira D. I.G. Katyamaenza V. |
Half past two o’clock p.m
Komichi M. Khumalo D
Mabika Chief J.T.
Machaya J.M.K Madzorere H
Makamure E. K.
Makhula R. R. Makunde T.
Makuyana C
Mandaba M. I. N.
Manyeruke J.
Marava M.
Mathuthu T. A.
Masaba J.
Masendu Chief S.D
Mbambo L
Mlotshwa S
Mohadi T.B.
Mtingwende T.
Muchenje V.
Muchihwa R.
Mumvuri D.D. E. Murerwa H.M
Musarurwa Chief E. M.
Mutsvangwa M.
Muzerengwa T. S. Ncube S. Ndlovu J Nebiri Chief W.
Nembire Chief C.N
Ngungumbane Chief Z.N.M
Ntabeni Chief M.
Rimbi J. M.
Rugara K.
Sakupwanya S. U.
Sekeramayi S.T Shana N.Z Sibanda A. Sinampande H.M Tapela L.A.
- Papers laid upon the Table-
Hon. Sen. Mumvuri
First Report of the Thematic Committee on Peace and Security on the role of the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development in promoting and safeguarding peace and security (S.C. 4, 2010).
Minutes of Proceedings and Minutes of Evidence of the First Report of the Thematic Committee on Peace and Security on the role of the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development in promoting and safeguarding peace and security (S.C. 4, 2010).
- COMMITTEE: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Amendment Bill [H.B. 7A, 2009]- The Minister of Finance.
(House in Committee)
Clause 1 put and agreed to.
Hon. Sen. Mutsvangwa moved:
To delete paragraph (a) of Clause 2
Clause 2 deferred.
The Minister of Finance moved : That the Chairperson do now report progress and ask eave to sit again.
(House resumed)
Progress reported
Committee to resume-tommorow.
- Sen. Mumvuri seconded by Hon. Sen. Gutu moved: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Thematic Committee on Peace and Security on the role of the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development in promoting and safeguarding peace and security.
On the motion of the Minister of Lands and Rural Resettlement: Debate adjourned until Tuesday 9th March.
- On the motion of the Minister of Lands and Rural Ressettlement. The Senate adjourned at a quarter past four o’clock pm until, Tuesday 9th March , at a half past two o'clock in the afternoon.
President of the Senate TUESDAY, 9TH MARCH 2010
THAT WHEREAS, Sub Section (1) of Section of 111B of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that any convention, treaty, or agreement acceded or executed by or under the athourity of the President with one or more foreign states
or |
governments or international organisations shall be subject to approval |
Parliament; |
AND WHEREAS, the Agreement for the promotion and Reciprocal Protection of |
Investments between the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe and the |
Government of the Republic of South Africa was signed on 27th November, 2009 |
between the Government of the Republic of Zimbawe and the Government of the |
Republic of South Africa; |
AND WHEREAS, Article 12 (1) of this Agreement provides that it shall enter |
into |
force 30 days after receipt of the last notification that both parties have |
completed their respective constitutional requirements;
AND WHEREAS, the Government of Zimbabwe, having signed the aforesaid Agreement and is desirous of operationalising it; and
NOW THEREFORE, the Senate ratifies the same and undertakes to faithfully fulfill and carry out the stipulations therein contained.
- COMMITTEE: To resume on the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Amendment Bill [H.B. 7A, 2009]- The Minister of Finance.(Progress reported 23rd February- The Minister of Finance)
(See Notice of Amendments)
- Sen. J. Dube
Hon. Sen. Mbambo
That this House hails His Excellency the President of the republic of Zimbabwe for the great speech he delivered on the occasion of the 64th
Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on the 25th
September 2009 and resolves that its sincere appreciation and gratitude be conveyed to His Excellency.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Thematic
Committee on Peace and Security on the role of the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development in promoting and safeguarding peace and security (adjourned 23rd February-The Minister of Lands and Rural Resettlement).
[Day elapsed: 1]
Question proposed:
That this House takes note of the the First Report of the Thematic Committee on
Committee on Peace and Security on the role of the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development in promoting and safeguarding peace peace and security (S.C. 4, 2010).
- Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 10th (Adjourned 10th
February 2010 – The Governor for Matebeleland North)
[Time elapsed: 2 hour 55 minutes]
Question proposed: That a respectful address be presented to the President of of
Zimbabwe as follows: -
May it please you, your Excellency the President:
We the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have which you have been pleased to address to Parliament – Dr Sakupwanya.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the death of the Vice President of Zimbabwe, Hon.
Zimbabwe, Hon. Joseph Wilfred Msika (Adjourned 10th February 2010 – The
2010 – The Governor for Matebeleland North)
[Days elapsed: 5]
Question proposed:
That this House expresses its sorrow on the death on Wednesday 5 August 2009 of the Vice the Vice President of Zimbabwe Hon. Joseph Wilfred Msika;
NOTES with pride the sterling role he personally played in the liberation of of Zimbabwe;
APPRECIATES with profound gratitude the patriotism he rendered in bringing bringing
unity, tranquillity and progressiveness among the people of Zimbabwe,
APPLAUDS his selfless dedication to ensure a better and prosperous Zimbabwe; and and
RESOLVES that its deepest sympathy be conveyed to the Nation and to the family of family of our deceased hero- Sen. Mohadi.
- Adjourned debate on motion on Home Based Care Policy (Adjourned 10th February