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No. 17















Half-past two o’clock p.m

President of the Senate in the Chair


Members Present

Bayayi F. 

Charumbira Chief F.Z  Chiduku Chief R.M.

Chikava B.

Chimbudzi A. 

Chimene M. M. 

Chindanya J. J.

Dete A. A. 

Dube G.

Gava C.

Gumbura L. C. 

Haritotas P.

Jacob E. 

Kabayanjiri O.

Khumalo D.

Maduna Chief V.M.

Mahere S. C. 

Majuru S.

Makono E.  Malaba Chief D.C Malinga J. T. 

Mapfumo T. J. 

Marange Chief. H. H. 

Mbambo L.

Mkhwedu A. 

Moyo J. 

Msipa S. 

Mtshane Chief L.K.

Muchengeti C. V. 

Muchenje V.

Muchicho V. N. M. 

Mkusha S. 

Mumbengegwi S.C. 

Mumvuri D. D. E. 

Munotengwa L.

Musarurwa Chief


Mutinhiri T.

Ndlovu N. K. 

Ndlovu R.

Ndlovu T.

Negomo Chief C.E.

Nemakonde Chief                


Nyoni G.                                

 Patel K. G.            

Hove R. C.                            

Rungani A.                            

Sai S.                                      


Sengwe Chief                     


Sinampande H. M.               

Tawengwa C.                        

Thembani S. Z



Absent With Leave Chimbudzi A.

Mapfumo T..J.

Magadu R.F.E

Mohadi T.

Muzenda T.

Patel K. G.

Sai S.



                                                        Printed by the Order of the Senate

  1. The President of the Senate informed the Senate that the Minister of Finance would present the Budget today at 1445 hours in the House of Assembly and that Business would be suspended after notices of motions to allow senators to follow the proceedings on television. Business would resume soon after the presentation of the Budget.



  1. The President of the senate informed the Senate of the change of venue for the Post Budget Seminar to the Harare Club.

  1. Business suspended at twenty two minutes to three o’clock until twenty minutes to     five o’clock p.m.

                    Business resumed at twenty minutes to five o’clock p.m.

  1. On the motion of the Minister of Indigenisation and Empowerment: Questions for Oral Answer were deferred to next week Thursday.

  1. On the motion of the Minister of Indigenisation and Empowerment: The Senate adjourned at a quarter to five o’clock p.m. until Tuesday, 5th December,2006 at half past two o’clock in the afternoon.

  1. Madzongwe

President of the Senate




  1. Adjourned debate on motion on SECOND READING of the  Domestic Violence Bill (H.B. 9A, 2006) (adjourned 29th November  2006Minister of Indigenisation and Empowerment).


Question proposed: That the Domestic Violence Bill ( H.B. 9A ,2006)  be now read a second time - The Acting Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs)



  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 8th          November 2006The Minister of Indigenisation and Empowerment).

[Time elapsed: 2 hours 44 minutes]

Question proposed:  That a respectful address be presented to the President of

Zimbabwe as follows –

May it please you, your Excellency the President we, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech which you have been pleased to address to Parliament – Senator E. N. Moyo.


                    HON. SENATOR THEMBANI

   That this House takes note of the Second Special Report of the Committee on        Public Accounts, on Financial Management. (S.C. 34, 2006).

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the second report of the Portfolio Committee on

      Youth, Gender and Women’s Affairs  (adjourned on 29th November, 2006 –The    Minister of Indigenisation and Empowerment).

                                                                                                                                                                          [Day elapsed: 2]

      Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Second Report of the Portfolio         Committee on  Youth, Gender and Women’s Affairs, on the Half-year Budget        performance for the Ministries of Youth Development and Employment Creation,

      Small and Medium Enterprise Development and Women’s Affairs, Gender and     Community Development. (S.C. 30, 2006) – Senator Matanga

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on       Mines, Energy, Environment and Tourism (adjourned on 29th November, 2006 –The  Minister of Indigenisation and Empowerment).

                                                                                                                                                                          [Day elapsed: 1]

      Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio             Committee on  Mines,  Energy, Environment and Tourism on the Half-year Budget           performance for the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. (S.C. 36, 2006) -.Senator


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Budget, Finance and Economic Development (Adjourned 8th November 2006- The Minister of Indigenisation and Empowerment).

[Day elapsed: 2]

                    Question proposed:

      That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Budget,        Finance and Economic Development on the Mid-Term Fiscal and Monetary Policies           for 2006 (S.C. 24, 2006) - Senator Malinga


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the water problems in Bulawayo (Adjourned 8th November 2006 – Senator Patel).


[Day elapsed: 3]

                    Question proposed: That this House-

                    NOTING that Bulawayo is facing acute and perennial water problems;

      CONCERNED that the water crisis that Bulawayo experienced in 2005 is looming          and imminent in 2006;

                    NOW, THEREFORE, CALLS UPON the government to –

  1. construct a pipeline from Mtshabezi Dam to Umzingwane Dam; and
  2. provide other immediate short-term, medium-term and long-term                solutions to solve Bulawayo’s water crisis – Senator T. Ndlovu.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the deterioration of standards at the Zimbabwe Schools Examinations Council (ZIMSEC (Adjourned 8th November 2006 – Senator Patel).


[Day elapsed: 2]

                    Question proposed: That this House-


                    NOTING the deterioration of standards at the Zimbabwe Schools Examinations

                    Council (ZIMSEC);

      APPALLED by the flagrant breach of security and confidentiality of the examination      papers;

                    CONCERNED about the delays in the issuance of certificates;

                    NOW THEREFORE calls upon:

  1. Government to provide adequate funding for the organisation; and
  2. ZIMSEC to adhere to its service charter and provide improved services to the         nation -  Senator Chikava.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion the Fifth Report of the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Welfare (Adjourned 7th November 2006 - The Minister of Indigenisation and Empowerment).


[Day elapsed: 2]        Question proposed: That this House takes note of the fifth Report of the Portfolio             Committee on Health and Child Welfare on the half-year budget performance of the          Ministry of Health and Child  Welfare (S.C. 26, 2006)Senator Mutinhiri.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Lands,

Agriculture, Land Reform, Resettlement, Rural Resources and Water Development (S.C. 23, 2006) (Adjourned 7th November 2006- The Minister of Indigenisation and Empowerment).


[Day elapsed: 3]

                    Question proposed:That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio

      Committee on Lands, Agriculture, Land  Reform, Resettlement, Rural Resources and        Water Development on the state of preparedness by the agricultural sector for the       2006/7 summer crop (S.C 23, 2006)- Senator Zvinavashe.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on shortages of mealie-meal in Bulawayo (Adjourned 7th November 2006 – The Minister of Indigenisation and Empowerment).


                                                                                                                                                   [Days elapsed: 5]

                    Question proposed: That this House-

NOTING that most parts of the country recorded a good harvest in 2006;

CONCERNED that the people of Bulawayo are experiencing mealie-meal shortages;

NOW, THEREFORE, CALLS upon the government to immediately order Grain

Marketing Board (GMB) to solve all its logistitical problems in Matabeleland and        avail maize grain to Bulawayo – Senator T. Ndlovu.

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the ZESA deadline for phasing out all fixed load limiters (Adjourned 7th November 2006The Minister of Indigenisation and Empowerment).


[Days elapsed: 6]

Question proposed: That this House:-

NOTING that the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA) has set October 31, 2006, as the deadline for phasing out all fixed load limiters and replacing them with a metered supply;


CONCERNED that the minimum installation cost is overwhelmingly way beyond the ability of the majority of consumers to pay by the deadline;

      NOW, THEREFORE, CALLS upon the government to intervene and alleviate the         consumer’s plight by instructing ZESA to meet all the installation costs and stagger            the recovery of installation costs incurred from consumers over an extended period –          Senator T. Ndlovu.

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by the European Union (Adjourned 5thOctober 2006The Minister of Indigenisation and Empowerment.).

[Days elapsed: 8]

                    Question proposed:  That this House-

NOTING that economic sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by the European Union(EU), the United Kingdom (UK), and the United States of America (USA) are hurting the lives of ordinary Zimbabweans and driving many into poverty;

AWARE that the sanctions on Zimbabwe are punitive and generally political because of Zimbabwe’s Land Reform Programme;

      NOW THEREFORE, Calls upon the EU, UK and USA to withdraw sanctions and          end their hostile propaganda in favour of diplomatic solutions; and appeals to the           international community to support the call for removal of the sanctions and the       unlocking of bilateral aid and financial support as well as international goodwill –

                    Senator Georgias.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on           Education, Sport and Culture (adjourned on 29th November, 2006 –The Minister of           Indigenisation and Empowerment).

                                                                                                                                                                          [Day elapsed: 1]

      Question Proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio             Committee on  Education, Sport and Culture, on the Half-year Budget performance for      the Ministry of Education Sport and Culture. (S.C. 27, 2006) - Senator Mkusha

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on       Education, Sport and Culture (adjourned on 29th November, 2006 –The Minister of           Indigenisation and Empowerment).

                                                                                                                                                                          [Day elapsed: 1]

      Question Proposed: That this House takes note of the Second  Report of the Portfolio       Committee on  Education, Sport and Culture, on the Half-year Budget performance for      the Ministry of  Higher and Tertiary Education. (S.C. 36, 2006) - Senator Mkusha


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Third Report of the Portfolio Committee on         Education, Sport and Culture (adjourned on 29th November, 2006 –The Minister of           Indigenisation and Empowerment).

                                                                                                                                                                          [Day elapsed: 1]


      Question Proposed: That this House takes note of the Third Report of the Portfolio           Committee on  Education, Sport and Culture, on the Half-year Budget performance for      the Ministry of Science and Technology Development. (S.C. 37, 2006).



                    HON. SENATOR SINAMPANDE


   That this House takes note of the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on     Defence and Home Affairs,  on the Half-year Budget Report for the Ministry of      Home Affairs. (S.C. 38, 2006).






  1. SENATOR CHIEF MTSHANE KHUMALO: To ask the Minister of Water Resources and Infrastructural Development to state the reasons for the withdrawal of the contractor working on the water canal from Polland Dam to the irrigation site at Rotondale in Bubi District.

  1. SENATOR CHIEF MTSHANE KHUMALO: To ask the Minister of Transport and Communications to explain why only 1 km of the Bulawayo/Nkayi road has been tarred to date, this financial year, in view of the hyper inflationary environment, and the imminent rainy season.

  1. SENATOR MAVHAIRE: To ask the Minister of Transport and Communications to state what programme and action was in place to resurface the Beitbridge, Masvingo        Chivhu, Harare Road before the onset of the rainy season, given the fact that unless      urgent  action is taken to resurface this road, some parts of this road will be

  1. SENATOR MAVHAIRE: To ask the Minister of Transport and Communications to state when the government will resume the refurbishment and expansion of the Buffalo           range Airport

  1. SENATOR NDLOVU: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare to explain      how people living with HIV/AIDS can individually and collectively access              therapeutic treatment assistance through NAC and explain whether this assistance is  sufficient to cover hospital administrative costs as well as that of anti-retroviral drugs.

  1. SENATOR NDLOVU: To ask the Minister of Energy and Power Development to        explain why ZESA/ZEDC was cutting off electricity to consumers for arrears as little          as $28 but demanding reconnection penalties in excess of $ 8 000; explain whether           this was not a violation of consumers’ rights.

  1. SENATOR NDLOVU: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and    Urban Development to explain why Bulawayo City Council, which was the first to     moot and submit an application to clamp vehicles whose owners would have violated          applicable council by-laws, still has not received a favourable response and when the           City Council can expect to get the response.

  1. SENATOR BAYAYI: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and

      Urban Development to state the criteria used in allocating areas of operation for    NGOs, such as World Vision and Plan International, to assist the elderly people with  food, clothes and blankets and the areas that are covered and those that are not        covered by the NGOs in the Pumula-Luveve Constituency.







Committee Room No. 3 at 1400 hrs

PUBLIC SERVICE, LABOUR AND SOCIAL WELFARE: Hon. Mawere (Chairperson), Hon. Senator Chief Charumbira, Hon. Chibaya, Hon. Senator Gumbura, Hon. Gwetu, Hon.

Senator Haritatos, Hon. Senator Madiro, Hon. Maluleke, Hon. Matutu, Hon. Maziriri, Hon.

Mpariwa, Hon. Mushore, Hon. Senator Nyathi, Clerk- Ms. Mukono. Committee Room No. 1 at 1400 hrs



Hon. Senator Bayayi, Chief Bidi, Hon. Chidarikire, Hon. Chipanga, Hon Gonese, Hon.

Gumbo J. M, Hon. Senator Mahere, Hon. Malinga, Hon. Madzimure, Chief Malisa, Hon.

Matutu, Hon. Senator Mapfumo, Hon. Senator Marange, Hon. Mawere, Hon. MisihairabwiMushonga, Hon. Senator Mtshane, Hon. Chief Mudzimurema. Clerk – Ms Macheza

Committee Room No. 2 at 1400 hrs

TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS: Hon.. Mugabe L (Chairperson), Hon..

Chimbaira, Hon. Chikomba, Hon. Senator Magadu, Hon. Mdlongwa, Hon. Senator Moyo,

Prof. Moyo, Hon. Ncube, D. M, Hon. Senator R. Ndlovu, Hon. Porusingazi, Hon. Pote, Hon.

Senator Sai, Hon. Sikhala, Hon.. Ziyambi, Hon. Zwizwai, ClerkMr. Nyamayaro Senate Chamber at 1400 hrs

MINES, ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM: Hon. Gabbuza (Chairperson), Hon. Butau,

Hon. Chandengenda, Hon. Chief Dandawa, Hon. Senator Dube, Hon. Senator Gambiza, Hon.

Katsande, Hon. Machaya, Hon. Senator Maduna, Hon. Col. Makova, Hon. Senator Mohadi,

Hon. Senator Msipa, Hon. Senator Muchenje, Hon. Mungofa, Hon.. Mushore, Hon.. Ndlovu, Hon. Sansole, Hon. Sibindi. Clerk – Ms. Dube

Government Caucus Room at 1400 hrs

EDUCATION, SPORT AND CULTURE: Hon. Mhashu  (Chairperson), Hon. Senator

Chimbudzi, Hon. Senator Chindanya, Hon. Madubeko, Hon. Maluleke, Hon. Maziriri, Hon.

Mguni, Hon. Senator Mkusha, Hon. Moyo L, Hon. Prof. J. Moyo, Hon. Mupukuta, Hon.

Mutomba , Hon. Mutsekwa, Hon. Pote , Hon. Chief Shana, Hon. Senator Chief Sengwe.

Clerk – Mrs. Sunga.

Committee Room No. 4 at 1400 hrs


Hon. Chief Bidi, Hon. Biti, Hon. Bhebhe, Hon. Senator Chief Charumbira, Hon. Senator

Chikava, Hon. Senator Kabayanjiri, Hon. Kanzama, Hon. Senator D. Khumalo, Hon. Khupe,

Hon. Majange, Hon. Senator Malinga, Hon. Mashakada, Hon. Matuke, Hon. Mushoriwa,

Hon. Mzembi, Hon. Ncube, D. M. Clerk – Mr.s. Khumalo



Committee Room No. 3 at 1200 hrs

PUBLIC SERVICE, LABOUR AND SOCIAL WELFARE: Hon. Mawere (Chairperson), Hon. Senator Chief Charumbira, Hon. Chibaya, Hon. Senator Gumbura, Hon. Gwetu, Hon.

Senator Haritatos, Hon. Senator Madiro, Hon. Maluleke, Hon. Matutu, Hon. Maziriri, Hon.

Mpariwa, Hon. Mushore, Hon. Senator Nyathi, Clerk- Mrs. Mukono Committee Room No. 1 at 1200 hrs



Hon. Senator Bayayi, Hon. Chief Bidi, Hon. Chidarikire, Hon. Chipanga, Hon Gonese, Hon.

Gumbo J. M, Hon. Senator Mahere, Hon. Malinga, Hon. Madzimure, Hon. Chief Malisa, Hon. Matutu, Hon. Senator Mapfumo, Hon. Senator Marange, Hon. Mawere, Hon.

Misihairabwi-Mushonga, Hon. Senator Mtshane, Hon. Chief Mudzimurema. Clerk – Ms Macheza

Committee Room No. 2 at 1200 hrs

TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS: Hon.. Mugabe L (Chairperson), Hon.

Chimbaira, Hon. Chikomba, Hon. Senator Magadu, Hon. Mdlongwa, Hon. Senator Moyo,

Hon. Prof. Moyo, Hon. Ncube, D. M, Hon. Senator R. Ndlovu, Hon. Porusingazi, Hon. Pote,

Hon. Senator Sai, Hon. Sikhala, Hon. Ziyambi, Hon. Zwizwai, ClerkMr. Nyamayaro

Senate Chamber at 1000 hrs

MINES, ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM: Hon. Gabbuza (Chairperson), Hon. Butau, Hon. Chandengenda, Hon. Chief Dandawa, Hon. Senator Dube, Hon. Senator Gambiza, Hon.

Katsande, Hon. Machaya, Hon. Senator Maduna, Hon. Col. Makova, Hon. Senator Mohadi,

Hon. Senator Msipa, Hon. Senator Muchenje, Hon. Mungofa, Hon. Mushore, Hon. Ndlovu, Hon. Sansole, Hon. Sibindi. Clerk – Ms. Dube

Government Caucus Room at 1200 hrs

EDUCATION, SPORT AND CULTURE: Hon. Mhashu  (Chairperson), Hon. Senator

Chimbudzi, Hon. Senator Chindanya, Hon. Madubeko, Hon. Maluleke, Hon. Maziriri, Hon.

Mguni, Hon. Senator Mkusha, Hon. Moyo L, Hon. Prof. J. Moyo, Hon. Mupukuta, Hon.

Mutomba , Hon. Mutsekwa, Hon. Pote , Hon. Chief Shana, Hon. Senator Chief Sengwe.

Clerk – Mrs. Sunga.

Committee Room No. 4 at 1200 hrs


Hon. Chief Bidi, Hon. Biti, Hon. Bhebhe, Hon. Senator Charumbira, Hon. Senator Chikava, Hon. Senator Kabayanjiri, Hon. Kanzama, Hon. Senator Khumalo, Hon. Khupe, Hon.

Majange, Hon. Senator Malinga, Hon. Mashakada, Hon. Matuke, Hon. Mushoriwa, Hon. Mzembi, Hon. Ncube, D. M. Clerk – Mr.s. Khumalo

Committee Room No. 3 at 0900 hrs


HEALTH AND CHILD WELFARE:  Hon. Chebundo Chairperson), Hon. Chandengenda, Hon. Chindori-Chininga, Hon. Chipanga, Hon. N. M. Khumalo, Hon. Madubeko, Hon.

Madzore, Hon. Senator Mkhwebu, Hon. Senator Mombeshora, Hon. Mupukuta, Hon. Senator Mutinhiri, Hon. Nyauchi, Hon. Senator Sakupwanya, Hon. Sansole, Hon. Zwizwai. Clerk  -  Ms Mukono.

Committee Room No. 2 at 1000 hrs


(Chairperson), Hon. Chipanga, Hon. Gwachiwa, Hon. Kadzima, Hon. Khupe, Hon.. Madzimure, Hon. Col Makova. Hon Senator Chief Malaba, Hon. Senator Mbambo, Senator E. N. Moyo, Hon. Mubhawu, Hon. Mutomba, Hon. Mutsekwa, Hon. Prof. Ncube W., Hon.

Senator Rungani, Hon. Senator Sinampande, Hon. Zinyemba. Clerks – Mr. Daniel and Ms Manyeruke


Committee Room No. 1 at 0900 hrs


LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Hon. Zinyemba, (Chairperson), Hon. Chidarikire, Hon.

Chimanikire, Hon. Gonese, Hon. Machaya, Hon. Majange, Hon. Senator Majuru, Hon.

Matimba, Hon. Matamisa, Hon Matuke,  Hon. Chief Mudzimurema, Hon. Senator

Munotengwa, Hon. Senator Musarurwa, Hon. Stevenson, Hon. Senator Tavengwa. Clerk

Mrs Nyawo

Senate Chamber at 0900 hrs


(Chairperson), Hon. Chief. Bushu, Hon. Senator Chiduku, Hon. Senator Chikwanha, Hon.

Chief. Chimombe, Hon. Senator Dete, Hon. Gabbuza, Hon. Katsande, Hon. Senator D.

Khumalo, Hon. Mahofa, Hon. Mguni, Hon. Mkhosi, Hon. Mugabe, Hon. Pote, Hon. Senator Gen Zvinavashe. Clerk – Mr. Mugova

Committee Room No. 2 at 0900 hrs



(Chairperson), Hon. Senator Chimene, Hon. Senator Georgios Hon. Gumbo J. M., Hon.

Senator Hove, Hon. Chief Mabika, Hon. Malinga, Hon. Mhashu, Hon. Senator Muchengeti,

Hon. Mugabe, Hon. Mukahlera, Hon. Senator Mumvuri, Hon. Mushoriwa, Hon. Mutomba,

Hon. Ndlovu, Hon. Senator T. Ndlovu, Hon. Chief Shana. Clerk – Mr. Nyagweta

Government Caucus Room at 0900 hrs

YOUTH, GENDER AND WOMEN’S AFFAIRS: Hon. Mahofa (Chairperson), Hon. Chief

Bushu, Hon. Chikomba, Hon. Chebundo, Hon. Chibaya, Hon. Chief Dandawa, Hon. Senator Goto, Hon. Kanzama, Hon. Madzore, Hon. Senator Makono, Hon. Senator Matanga, Hon. Matamisa, Hon. Mugabe, Hon. Mukahlera, Hon. Senator Nemakonde, Hon. Satiya. Clerk – Ms Gondo.



Committee Room No. 3 at 1000 hrs


HEALTH AND CHILD WELFARE:  Mr. Chebundo Chairperson), Hon. Chandengenda,

Hon. Chindori-Chininga, Hon. Chipanga, Hon. Khumalo, Hon. Madubeko, Hon. Madzore,

Hon. Senator Mkhwebu, Hon. Senator Mombeshora, Hon. Mupukuta, Hon. Senator

Mutinhiri, Hon. Nyauchi, Hon. Senator Sakupwanya, Hon. Sansole, Hon. Zwizwai. Clerk  -  Ms Mukono.

Committee Room No. 2 at 1000 hrs


(Chairperson), Hon. Chipanga, Hon. Gwachiwa, Hon. Kadzima, Hon. Khupe, Hon. Madzimure, Hon. Makova, Hon. Senator Malaba, Hon. Senator Mbambo, Hon. Senator Moyo, Hon. Mubhawu, Hon.. Mutomba, Hon. Mutsekwa, Hon. Prof. Ncube W., Hon.

Senator Rungani, Hon. Senator Sinampande, Hon. Zinyemba. Clerks – Mr. Daniel and Ms


Committee Room No. 1 at 1000 hrs


LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Hon. Zinyemba, (Chairperson), Hon. Chidarikire, Hon.

Chimanikire, Hon. Gonese, Hon. Machaya, Hon. Majange, Hon. Senator Majuru, Hon.

Matimba, Hon. Matamisa,  Hon Matuke,  Hon. Chief Mudzimurema, Hon. Senator

Munotengwa, Hon. Senator Musarurwa, Hon. Stevenson, Hon. Senator Tavengwa. Clerk

Mrs Nyawo

Senate Chamber at 1000 hrs


(Chairperson), Hon. Chief. Bushu, Hon. Senator Chiduku, Hon. Senator Chikwanha, Hon.

Chief. Chimombe, Hon. Senator Dete, Hon. Gabbuza, Hon. Katsande, Hon. Senator D.

Khumalo, Hon. Mahofa, Hon. Mguni, Hon. Mkhosi, Hon. Mugabe, Hon. Pote, Hon. Senator Gen. Zvinavashe. Clerk – Mr. Mugova

Committee Room No. 2 at 1000 hrs


(Chairperson), Hon. Senator Chimene, Hon. Senator Georgias Hon. Gumbo J. M., Hon.

Senator Hove, Hon. Chief Mabika, Hon. Malinga, Hon. Mhashu, Hon. Senator Muchengeti,

Hon. Mugabe, Hon. Mukahlera, Hon. Senator Mumvuri, Hon. Mushoriwa, Hon. Mutomba, Hon. Ndlovu, Hon. Senator T. Ndlovu, Hon. Chief Shana. Clerk – Mr. Nyagweta.

Government Caucus Room at 1000 hrs

YOUTH, GENDER AND WOMEN’S AFFAIRS: Hon. Mahofa (Chairperson), Hon. Chief

Bushu, Hon. Chikomba, Hon. Chebundo, Hon. Chibaya, Hon. Chief Dandawa, Hon. Senator Goto, Hon. Kanzama, Hon. Madzore, Hon. Senator Makono, Hon. Senator Matanga, Hon. Matamisa, Hon. Mugabe, Hon. Mukahlera, Hon. Senator Nemakonde, Hon. Satiya. Clerk – Ms Gondo.



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