Muzvezve Constiteuncy

  Full names:  Haritatos Vangelis Peter   Constituency:  Muzvezve   Political Party: ZANU PF   Nick name:  Vaggo   Gender:  Male               Date of Birth:  08/04/86               Place of Birth:  Redcliff Medical   Title:                              Marita status:  Married   House: National Assembly   Contact Details   Home Address:  No. 4 Smith Street Kadoma              …

Hon Jere Farai

  Full names:  Jere Farai   Constituency:  Murehwa West   Political Party: ZANU PF   Nick name:   Gender:  Male               Date of Birth:  15 / 12/ 73               Place of Birth:  Seke   Title:                            Marita status:  Married   House: National Assembly   Contact Details   Home Address:  18 Jacana Drive Borrowdale                          …

Zvishavane Ngezi Constituency

  Full names:  Jaravaza  Mecky   Constituency:  Zvishavane Ngezi   Political Party: ZANU PF   Nick name:  Jay Jay|   Gender:  Male               Date of Birth:  12/ 05/ 80               Place of Birth:  Chirumanzu   Title:                            Marital status:  Married   House: National Assembly   Contact Details   Home Address:  4731 Izayi Park Zvishavane              …

Kariba Constitituency

  Full names: Hon Gwangwaba Shine   Constituency:  Kariba   Political Party: CCC   Nick name:    Gender:  Male               Date of Birth:  05/03/78               Place of Birth: Kayi Village   Title:  MP                            Marita status:  Married   House: National Assembly   Contact Details   Home Address:  Mola Primary School P/A S/A via KM              …

Chipinge South Constituency

  Full names:  Hlatwayo  Clifford   Constituency:  Chipinge South   Political Party: CCC   Nick name:    Gender: Male               Date of Birth:  21 /11/ 1984               Place of Birth:  Chipinge   Title:                            Marita status:  Married   House: National Assembly   Contact Details   Home Address:  Checheche GP Chipinge                                               Cell Number: …

Chinhoyi Constituency

    Full Names: Mhangwa Leslie Everman   Constituency: Chinhoyi   Political Party: CCC   Nick Name:  Energiser   Gender: Male               Date of Birth: 02/08/1982               Place of Birth: Harare   Title: ENG                     Marital Status: Married     House: National assembly     Contact Details   Home Address: 4233 Coldstream Chinhoyi   Cell Number:…

Mashonaland West Youth

      FULL NAMES: Ziyambi Mutsawashe Carl   CONSTITUENCY: Mashonaland West   POLITICAL PARTY: ZANU PF NICK NAME:   Gender: male               Date of Birth:  02/08/1994               Place of Birth: Harare Title:  Mr                            Status: Married   House: National Assembly               Contact Details   Home Address: Farm 281  Zoua, Zvimba                …

FULL NAMES: Webster Kotiwani Shamu   CONSTITUENCY: Chegutu East   POLITICAL PARTY: ZANU PF   NICK NAME   Gender: Male               Date of Birth: 06 June 1945               Place of Birth: Harare   Title: CDE                            Status: Married   House: National Assembly             Contact Details   Home Address: 418 Brooke Lane Boron Brook Harare…

Silobela Constituency

    Full Names:  Jona Nyevera    Constituency:  Silobela   Political party: ZANU PF   Nick name:    Gender:  Male                             Place of Birth: Bulawayo   Title:                            Marital status:  Married   House: National Assembly   Contact Details   Home Address:  BB TURNOFF SILOBELA               Cell Number:  0774556222   Landline Number:   Facebook:  Jona…

Gwanda South Constituency

  Full names: Marupi Omphile   Constituency: Gwanda South   Political party: ZANU PF   Nick name: N/A   Gender: Male               Date of Birth: 18 September 1971               Place of Birth: Gwanda Manana Hospital   Title: Dr.                            Marital status: Married   House: National Assembly   Contact Details   Home Address: 6025 Luveve Bulawayo…