GWANDA STATE UNIVERSITY BILL, 2015 MEMORANDUM The purpose of this Bill is to establish the Gwanda State University and to provide for matters incidental to or connected with the foregoing. The main provisions of the Bill are explained below: Part I Clause 1 sets out the short title. Clause 2 provides the definition of…

Guidelines summary-LCC Meeting

Mandates and Conduct of Business of Committees Presentation by A.M Zvoma, Clerk of Parliament At the Liaison and Cordination Committee meeting Wednesday 24th February 2010       1.   Introduction Committees of Parliament exercise Parliament’s legislative, Executive Oversight and representational roles through various ways. The mandate for both Thematic and Portfolio Committees is provided for in the…

Public Hearing Guidlines

            PUBLIC HEARINGS GUIDELINES                     October 2003 Prepared by the Departments of Research, Committees, Table Research and Journals and Public Relations Parliament of Zimbabwe Harare           1.              Background In May 1999 the Parliament of Zimbabwe adopted the…


F1JBLIC PROCUREMENT A.D   B. 5, 2016]   Public Procurement and disPosal of Public assets   Public Procurement and disPosal of Public assets bill, 2016     memorandum   Public procurement is the procedure through which public bodies such as government ministries, parastatals and local authorities acquire goods and services and construct or acquire buildings…