SENATE VOTES 18 August 2016 71

  ADVANCE COPY-UNCORRECTED     No. 71   PARLIAMENT    OF   ZIMBABWE _________________   VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE SENATE   _________________   THIRD SESSION – EIGHTH PARLIAMENT _________________   THURSDAY, 18TH AUGUST, 2016 _________________   Half Past Two o’clock pm. The President of the Senate in the Chair.   PRAYERS.   Bhebe M,…

SENATE VOTES 17 August 2016 70

  ADVANCE COPY-UNCORRECTED     No. 70   PARLIAMENT    OF   ZIMBABWE _________________   VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE SENATE   _________________   THIRD SESSION – EIGHTH PARLIAMENT _________________   WEDNESDAY, 17TH AUGUST, 2016 _________________   Half Past Two o’clock pm. The President of the Senate in the Chair.   PRAYERS.   Bhebe M,…

SENATE VOTES 16 August 2016 69

  ADVANCE COPY-UNCORRECTED     No. 69   PARLIAMENT    OF   ZIMBABWE _________________   VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE SENATE   _________________   THIRD SESSION – EIGHTH PARLIAMENT _________________   TUESDAY, 16TH AUGUST, 2016 _________________   Half Past Two o’clock pm. The President of the Senate in the Chair.   PRAYERS.   Bhebe M,…


H.B. 17, 2016.] I Appropriation (2016) II   presented by the Minister of finance and econoMic developMent BILL To apply a sum of money for the service of Zimbabwe during the year ending on the 31st December, 2016. ENACTED by the Parliament and the President of Zimbabwe. 5 1          Short title   This Act…


H.B. 2, 2016.] LAND COMMISSION BILL, 2016 ExpLanatory mEmorandum This Bill seeks to provide for the Zimbabwe Land Commission referred to in section 296 of the Constitution and for matters pertinent thereto, including the allocation of rights in State Land for agricultural purposes, the registration of such rights, the creation and extinction of servitudes over…