Thursday, 16th September, 2021
The Senate met at Half-past Two o’clock p.m.
THE HON. PRESIDENT OF SENATE: I wish to inform the
Senate that Parliament will adjourn to Thursday, 7th October, 2021for the official opening of the Fourth Session of the Ninth Parliament and the State of the Nation Address (SONA) by His Excellency, the President of Zimbabwe, Dr. E.D. Mnangagwa. Details of the logistics relating to the SONA will be communicated at a later date.
*HON. SEN. CHINAKE: My question is directed to the Minister of Energy and Power Development. In March, the Minister of Finance came to this House asking for money to pay for electricity repairs at
Hwange. May he appraise this House on how far the repairs have gone? *THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF ENERGY AND POWER DEVELOPMENT (HON. MUDYIWA): I am not very sure of how
much the Hon. Minister of Finance asked for but I know that we have several projects going on at Hwange which include Hwange Expansion programme of unit 7 and 8. We still have challenges with electricity at Hwange. Hwange units 1 to 6 need to be serviced for better generation of electricity. Electricity at Hwange is still a problem because at most, it uses four units instead of six units. We have one unit which got burnt and has not yet been repaired but the other work has three or four at most. For example, today we are working with three units. I thank you.
HON. SEN. CHIEF NDLOVU: My question is directed to the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education. In his absence, I will direct it to the acting Leader of the House. The Ministry of Education has published examination dates and the calendar of the remaining academic year for 2021. I would like to know how the Ministry has compensated for the lost teaching and learning time for both the 2020 academic year where learners have attended lessons for less than three months and also that in 2021, the annual school calendar falls short of the expected number of school days. When we were last here, we made inquiries on these issues and we were promised that there will be a comprehensive response. I would like to know if that is available and we may know what it is. I thank you.
President. I would like to thank the Hon. Senator for a very topical question of our pupils in schools as well as examinations that they have to undertake. As you would know, we are in the COVID-19 pandemic period, which is an extraordinary disease, that also distracts society and therefore it needs extraordinary measures to respond to it. It affects everything including schools.
So, it is about how we coin our response to this menace, especially when it comes to our examinations and so forth. One of the most important things is for society not to be defeated by a virus but we continue fighting. Which means we have to put in place measures, what are the measures that have taken place? We know we cannot stretch a year but we know we can make most out of a day. We say things which were supposed to be done in one week, may be you can do them in three days. If things were supposed to be done in one month, may be you can do them in one week, if the situation is demanding that. So, students or pupils were given gadgets stuffed with materials, especially in the remote areas so that they can catch up. Also, we have to know that when students are at home, they also read, which means the face-to-face time which has been affected by the COVID, the only way we can compensate for it is to accelerate the way we teach as well as means of teaching that includes radio lessons. That also includes the giving of gadgets with materials so that students can work over time but examinations still have to go on.
So what did we do on the examinations, we said, yes they will start at the end of the year but they will overlap into the next year. This is the best we can do, given the scourge of the pandemic. We know this time is not normal, so we cannot be normal because if we are normal then it means we might want to stretch the year in a way that we might stretch it but it is not possible. What we will do is accelerate the way we do our things but at the same time make sure that we limit the loss of time by our pupils. I thank you.
HON. SEN. C. NDLOVU: Thank you Madam President. I would
like to thank the Minister for his response. However, the information on the ground is that rural schools have not received any assistance and that is where we are saying what response do we have to the pandemic that is of essence, which has not reached the rural schools. We also want to find out the specifics there.
HON. PROF. MURWIRA: Thank you Madam President. I wish
to thank the Hon. Senator for a supplementary question on the attention on rural schools. Our focus is on all the schools of Zimbabwe and our response should be to all the schools of Zimbabwe. Our strive is to make sure that we are 100 percent in terms of effort. We are not always successful but we have to keep on doing the correct thing. So, the correct thing is the approach that we are talking about. The effectiveness is what we have to work on every time and make sure that at the end of the day, our objectives of having our children in school and them attaining the level that they should attain are in progress.
If there are specific cases that need specific interventions, we would be very happy to know about those ones, so that specific interventions can be made for those schools. I thank you.
HON. SEN. ENG. MUDZURI: Thank you Madam President.
My supplementary question is on the compensation of days as asked by the Hon. Senator. As of today, both in the primary and universities, there is staggering of attendance. Even here in town you find out that students go to school on Monday, Tuesday they do not go, then they go on Wednesday. I do not know how they can compensate for that time in this pandemic, taking cognisant of the fact that children under 18, worldwide, are not being vaccinated. Some are doing from 15, 16 but those below are not being vaccinated but we are having that staggering. I do not know what efforts are there to help in covering for the lost time during the closure of schools.
HON. PROF. MURWIRA: Thank you Madam President. I
would like to also thank the Hon. Senator for the extra question on the compensation of time. As we said before, these are extraordinary times that need extraordinary measures. So, what we are talking about all of it is not normal because if we are normal, we will lose it. So the issue which is here is we have to stretch a day into multiple days. What it means is that if we were having lessons for two hours, we can have them for four hours. So the time is not the issue that is measured because anywhere – our experience is that even when you are at university or when you are at school, the whole day can be done in such a way that it can cover for two days. The actual day in terms of hours from sunset to sunrise or sunrise to sunset, we have to play around with the hours where we are busy to make sure that we utilise the little time that we have to the best we can.
The issue of vaccination is that now we know from 14 to 17 years, we can also vaccinate but the issue of limiting the number of hours is such that we minimise the chances of mixing of our pupils so that we minimise the chance of the spread of the disease. This is just a strategy to make sure that we remain alive and we make sure that we contain the disease to the best way we can. So, the compensation of time is through the amount of effort per unit time that we have to put and this is the only humane way we can do and we are trying our best to make sure that learning does take place. I thank you.
have the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development in the House and the Minister of Energy is also in the House.
*HON. SEN. CHIEF MAKUMBE: Thank you Madam President
for giving me this opportunity. I do not know who to direct my question to because it regards PRAZ, the procurement department. I know that the Second Republic is doing a lot of good things in developing Zimbabwe such, as road infrastructure and other tangible developmental projects. My question is, does Government have a deliberate policy which is going to cover all sectors so that Zimbabwean products are done by Zimbabweans, for example a dam project? Are dams going to be constructed by Zimbabweans just like what is happening on the road infrastructure? For the factories that are being built in Zimbabwe, is there Government policy which prescribes that they should be constructed by locals? This is because the young students who are being produced will be working to develop their nation. I thank you.
President. Thank you Hon. Sen. Chief Makumbe for accepting that Zimbabweans are working very hard and they are doing a good job as a team so that there is development in Zimbabwe. Everything that we see happening on our road network, for instance every time you hear His
Excellency, President E.D. Mnangagwa speaking, he repeats the fact that Zimbabwe has its owners and the owners are the ones who have the responsibility of building their nation. This means that the construction of Zimbabwe is being done by Zimbabweans. Those who come to assist might assist but being guided and led by Zimbabweans. So,
Government policy is there that whatever we do with our own hands, we can do that.
When you see the dam projects, road rehabilitation projects and Government housing schemes, you will discover that if Zimbabweans are given the opportunity or self-confidence to do their own projects, they do that. Government policy is there and it spells out clearly that we should do our own things as Zimbabweans. Zimbabwe is built by its owners. I thank you.
HON. SEN. DR. MAVETERA: Thank you Madam President for
giving me this opportunity to pose my question. My question goes to the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development. Madam President, we applaud the Government for removing some of the restrictions which have hamstrung business and all industries have been asked to open. My question to the Minister is, we have seen other industries, almost all sectors of the economy opening. What is
Government policy on the issue of commuter omnibus operators because they are the only ones who have not been given leeway to come back and if they want, they have to go through ZUPCO? Can we say it is now Government policy to try to ban the commuter omnibus operators using the COVID-19 restrictions? We understand commuter omnibus operators were a major employer which we applaud. I thank you
Madam President.
INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT (HON. MHONA): Thank you Hon. President of Senate. Let me also thank Hon. Sen. Dr. Mavetera for that very important question. Madam President, issues to do with transportation, I am happy that the Hon. Senator has raised that very important question. Let me also hasten Madam President to say this to the masses of Zimbabwe. Urban transportation falls under the purview of Local Government and the generality of transportation falls under the Ministry of Transport. What it means is that even though the urban transportation falls under the Local Government, the issuance of permits is done by the Ministry of Transport. So when it comes to superintending over the operations of urban transportation, it falls under Local Government. Your question has touched the aspects of urban transportation which normally covers the issues of ‘kombis.’ With your indulgence Madam President, you may allow the Hon. Minister to respond to that part.
I will also address the issues of transportation to say registration and issuance of permits; we understand the menace that was being caused by some of the ‘kombis’ that you talked about. I can cite a good example. Any operator who goes beyond 150km is not allowed to do intercity but you then find these kombis going beyond 150km, outside the scope of what is actually authorised. You then find that the discipline in that sector was quite problematic. I will not go deeper into the issue of ‘kombis.’ The Hon. Minister is here. With your indulgence Madam President, he can elaborate on the issue of urban transportation.
I thank you.
WORKS (HON. J. MOYO): Thank you Madam President. Thank you
Hon. Senator for asking that question. Yes, the general legislation of all public transport is with the Ministry of Transport – so the division of intercity, including inter-rural, that is governed by the Minister of Transport. Urban transportation is required in the urban areas and in the urban areas; we have two pieces of legislation, either the Urban Councils Act or the Rural District Councils Act. In there, we are supposed to organise omnibuses to run our cities. During the de-regulation that has taken place, it had not been amended that omnibuses ought to be running urban areas and when we saw that the increase in the number of vehicles in the urban areas was causing congestion, Government then made a decision to say let us organise urban transportation so that we introduce omnibuses and this was done in 2019. When we opened up to say let us have ZUPCO, as the omnibus which was there, in order to make sure that nobody goes without a job, we asked that all those who had buses which were plying in the urban areas and those who have omnibuses which were plying in the urban areas, they now operate under the omnibus system and nobody is barred from registering with ZUPCO so that they can run their businesses as usual.
Of course, they are now strictures where we require stricter public inspection. I know the Vehicle Inspection Department is for the Ministry of Transport but because we want to run a more safer transport system, we say in addition to what they are doing in VID, CMED which is still under the Ministry of Transport should further examine to make sure that since they have engineers more than VID, those vehicles are now inspected. So, whether it is a bus or it is a kombi, they must go through these two stage examinations. What we found out in Bulawayo is more organised. They had three transportations for cooperatives that almost self-regulated and made sure that others who would cause chaos are not allowed, but this a self regulatory system that they were operating, almost a monopoly of those three.
We went and discussed with them and we said the three associations can now join ZUPCO. So, those organisations have agreed. They complained about money that it was less than their vehicle operating cost and we were able to calculate together with them and the figure that they asked, we gave them. Bulawayo seems a little bit more organised than Harare. Harare had a more chaotic situation – between us and the Ministry of Transport, we recognised that out of 12 000 kombis operating in Harare, 8 000 of them did not have papers which are correct.
That is why when we insisted, go through VID and CMED in order to join ZUPCO, a lot of them still operate outside the system but the door remains open that they go and regularise themselves and they will do business with the Omnibus here in Harare. We have gone further and said if we are going to reach upper middle income and vision 2030, we cannot reach that with unorganised urban transportation system like all other cities throughout the world that have developed. They have very well developed urban transportation system.
We had liberalised but that liberalisation has limits as the increase in the ownership of vehicles, private and before I even go to mushikashika, the congestion that you are looking at here cannot be regularised until we have proper working omnibus system. COVID-19 came and it further exacerbated the situation with chaos, with the number of people who can go into an omnibus system that is competitive and it is peaking people from every corner of the town, we just thought we needed to tighten the regulation further. That tightening was done through a Statutory Instrument under COVID-19 but we continue to appeal to our people that urban transportation needs to be regularised but anybody who has a kombi or a bus, can join so that they earn their money from their asset which they have bought using their own resources. I thank you Madam Speaker.
have the Minister of National Housing and Social Amenities, the Deputy Minister of Mines and Mining Development, for those who want to ask them.
*HON. MOEKETSI: Thank you Madam President. My question
is directed to the Minister of Local Government and Public Works. At what stage are you now regarding the promise that you made to the Hon. Members of this august House after raising the concern that we do not have accommodation and you promised that you are going to allocated us stands? Some people are passing on because of COVID-19. We might not continue being in the House but it is important that we secure accommodation for the sake of our children. I thank you.
WORKS (HON. J. MOYO): Madam President, I would like to thank the Hon. Member for that pertinent question. I came to this Chamber together with the Speaker of Parliament. We spoke at length that for sure it is important that we fulfill what we promised in this august House even at Government level that Hon. Members of Parliament are given stands so that they construct their own houses. We agreed on where to allocate such stands here in Harare.
So I went and discovered that this area is more of a bush so, for them to construct there, we have Government laws which say that we cannot just allocate people stands in bushes without any development like sewer, roads or any servicing. We agreed that as Parliament, together with the Minister of Finance. The Minister of Finance should allocate money for infrastructure development. The Minister of Housing is here and we can work together to service roads so that when we allocate land to Hon. Senators and MPs, the area will be serviced. Those who were allocated stands in serviced areas have already started constructing their houses during the previous Parliament. So, in this current Parliament, we also agreed that let us look at different areas in Bulawayo, Mutare and other cities. So, our local authorities no longer have land. We need to look for land and we agreed to carry out an exercise to ascertain whether there is land.
We had another exercise with the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Lands to determine whether there is land in different towns in Zimbabwe so that we fulfill these promises. The land is available but the challenge is infrastructure development, the servicing of such land, so that when you are allocated a stand, you can get title deeds as required by the law. That can be done if there is service in those stands. I thank you Madam President.
HON. SEN. ENG. MUDZURI: Thank you Madam President for
allowing me to pose a question. Minister, in the last Parliament, some of the parliamentarians are already gone. People paid full amounts of the land and they paid in USD. They have got some papers which show that they have fully paid and they could go and construct their houses. It is surprising that the Ministry of Local Government is now saying that they have just made a push because the stands are already sized especially those who have left already, they would want to proceed and have somewhere to stay. Those who are here might still talk to you but it is difficult. What are you doing to assist so that they do not continue to be affected by inflation when they start building their houses since they have already paid for the land? That money could be used for all the surveys and the rest of what they are asking for.
*HON. J. MOYO: Thank you Madam President. I would also like to thank the Hon. Senator for his supplementary question. You will discover that people paid for the stands that they were given but these are just numbers that are found in plans, there are site plans and there are no changes. The site plans are there but they do not have numbers to explain that this Senator or MP was allocated this. Right now we are at the stage where we want to ascertain the actual position.
Madam President, there is no stand where one can build right now because the stands are not serviced. So, that is why we came back to the august House and requested that we have money from the Ministry of Finance so that we service. Those who were allocated already will not be prejudiced, it will not change anything because already we have records, we have that data but the challenge is that at the moment – the Minister of National Housing is going to support what I am saying. We agreed that we cannot proceed with the building of houses without servicing the stands. I thank you.
HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: Thank you Madam President, my
question is directed to the Leader of the House. Statutory Instrument 127 (2021) seeks to instil discipline on the foreign exchange market by imposing fines on individuals and businesses who fail to adhere. Has the Ministry made any arrests on the perpetrators if so, how many people…
question, we ask policy questions here.
HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: I thought Statutory Instrument 127
was a policy.
question without putting the issue of figures.
HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: I was asking, how many people
have been arrested…
THE HON. PRESIDENT OF SENATE: The question is too
specific, can you put that question in writing so that the Minister will be able to go and look for those statistics.
+HON. SEN. A. DUBE: Thank you Madam President for giving
me this opportunity to ask my question. My question is directed to the Minister of Local Government and Public Works. Is the Minister aware of the number of people who are paying for stands in different districts of the country yet these people have not been shown their stands? Most of them have died before getting the stands.
PUBLIC WORKS (HON. J. MOYO): We have people who paid
stands in different areas. Some were paying to councils and some paid directly to Government for State lands and some were paying for the pay for your house scheme. Those who paid at local authorities, we need to know such people so that we work with the Ministry and see how it goes. Those who paid to Government should avail that information so that we assist such people. For those who paid for the pay for your house scheme, there is a challenge; such question should be directed to the Minister of National Housing because he is the one who has records. Some may say I finished paying. We need to have that information so that we assist but I will direct the question to the Minister of National Housing.
Minister National Housing to answer the other part of the question. *THE MINISTER OF NATIONAL HOUSING AND SOCIAL
AMENITIES (HON. GARWE): I would also like to thank the Hon. Member for asking such a pertinent question. We have the national fund, right now we are doing an audit so that we know who paid and who did not so that when we build houses those who paid should benefit from the programme. I thank you.
HON. SEN. KOMICHI: My question is directed to the Minister of Local Government. The programme that is being done by the Ministry of Transport and the councils in road rehabilitation is a good programme. There is an area that is lagging behind, for example looking at Harare, can you not work with council to clean up Harare. I thank you.
PUBLIC WORKS (HON. J. MOYO): His question is very important, in our Constitution; there are some things that cannot be done by the central Government together with local Government. The issue that you mentioned regarding road infrastructure, there are some roads that are being rehabilitated by the central Government yet there are other roads that are being rehabilitated by the city Council. For example, Samora Machel is for the Government. There are other roads for the municipal authorities in urban areas. At times there is need for a state of emergency. When we declare a state of emergency especially for the pandemic, we can identify clinics because of the health state of emergency, we can say that over 1500 kilometres in local authorities can be run under the Ministry of Health so that we eradicate the pandemic that we might be facing. For instance, if there is a cholera outbreak, we can identify but we also look at the Constitution of the land which stipulates that we must not encroach on other sectors’ responsibility.
I believe that we need to make sure that responsible authorities perform – for example local authorities….
supposed to make sure that local Government is doing what they are supposed to do?
HON. J. MOYO: Yes, the Minister does that but it is important that local Government is administered by councils. Councils are led by Government but as parties, we would have seconded people to those departments, we need to assist. I request that we work together for we know that in councils, there are people who would have been selected to represent their parties. As a Minister, I want my colleagues, the councillors to continue working hard; otherwise the people will suffer because the responsible people are not tidying up cities. They are not giving good service delivery.
*HON. SEN. SIPANI-HUNGWE: Hon. President of the Senate, allow me to appreciate and commend the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development for the project of upgrading Chitungwiza road. As Government, you are doing a good job. Thank you very much.
My question is directed to the Minister of Energy and Power
Development. We are facing winter cropping season…
*THE HON. PRESIDENT OF SENATE: Please address the
Chair Hon. Senator.
*HON. SIPANI-HUNGWE: Madam President, we are facing the winter cropping season. You are aware that this is a period where we are found planting winter wheat. Our children eat bread a lot these days.
During this season, it is important that farmers have water. We spend two or three days without electricity and at times the whole week. There might be a small fault but ZESA personnel take long to fix the fault. I request that…
*THE HON. PRESIDENT OF SENATE: Hon. Senator that is
not a question.
*HON. SIPANI-HUNGWE: There is no electricity. What is Government planning to do regarding this important crop because we do not have access to electricity?
DEVELOPMENT (HON. SODA): Government is looking forward to
the successful ripening of wheat. We deliberated on this issue before and made sure that there is enough electricity. There is a sizeable allocation of electricity which is expected to be given to farmers. If there is not enough power, such areas where people are engaged in winter crop should not be affected by load shedding. I believe that at this stage, even as has been explained by the Deputy Minister of Energy that we are facing power challenges at Hwange Power Station- I believe that at the moment, we have a good crop of wheat which is promising that we
might have a good harvest. This is in line with the Government initiative that winter wheat farmers should have access to electricity. It might be a situation where we have our employees who delay in fixing power outages but we need to look at this issue and understand what exactly is happening.
Today we had a meeting with Concession farmers who were facing a challenge and we managed to go there. We started a nation-wide tour of going around the country identifying different challenges that are faced by farmers. If it is because of poor service delivery, then we need to get to the bottom of the issue so that as Government, we eradicate such complacency so that we meet the Second Republic standards. I thank you.
*HON. SEN. DR. MAVETERA: In 1980, ZESA had machines
that could troubleshoot and identify faults instead of waiting for reports from people. We would see them coming even without lodging any report. So, my question is why is ZESA still in a position to monitor their network to identify such faults because sometimes people spend two weeks with faults and yet ZESA is not aware. I thank you.
DEVELOPMENT (HON. SODA): It is very true that in the past, there were mechanisms that were in place that could be used to identify faults around the country but looking at that time, electricity was accessible to a few people. Now we have a widespread distribution of electricity. We are saying at the moment we have 56% of the total population of Zimbabwe in terms of access to electricity. What was supposed to be done was that such mechanisms were supposed to be upgraded, going in line with the distribution of the network. At the moment Government is taking steps to use modern technology to troubleshoot and identify what will be happening including gadgets vandalism in our networks. These are plans that are there, that we anticipate to be used here in Zimbabwe instead of physical monitoring of the faults.
Questions without notice were interrupted by THE HON.
PRESIDENT OF SENATE in terms of Standing Order number 62.
HON. SEN. ENG. MUDZURI: I move that time for questions
without notice be extended by 15 minutes.
Motion put and agreed to.
*HON. SEN. ENG. MUDZURI: I have another supplementary
question. Thank you Madam President. Hon. Minister, I was thinking that the issue regarding energy is an important issue. We need to understand how much power we have. We do not need to talk of wheat only but even in shops they are…
THE HON. PRESIDENT OF SENATE: Order, order! If you
have a question to the Hon. Minister, please ask the question. This is not a supplementary question. You cannot talk about shops and combine with wheat. It is a new question, not a supplementary question. Thank you.
*HON. SEN. FEMAI: Thank you Madam President for giving me
this opportunity. I would like to shorten my question. I will direct my question to the Leader of Government Business in the House. With your permission Madam President, I might need to digress. Let me thank the First Lady, Amai Mnangagwa for the good job that she is doing. My question is that what is Government policy regarding a woman who is doing good service delivery? What do you do about her performance? Is it not necessary to appreciate the good works? Thanking Mbuya Nehanda by erecting a statue is a good thing but what is Government policy regarding good things that are being done by women who are alive? I thank you.
President. I would like to thank Hon. Sen. Femai for identifying that there are patriotic Zimbabweans who are doing a good job. He spoke about the First Lady as one such woman. Madam President, during the Heroes’ Day celebrations, there were appreciations of Zimbabweans who are outstanding, being led by the President, E. D. Mnangagwa and his Executive, who saw it fit to commend and give medals to outstanding Zimbabweans. We have that in mind, like the First Lady whom you have identified, was also given a medal for being an outstanding citizen of Zimbabwe and for doing good deeds.
As Government and our Constitution has a principle which stipulates that people are the same. There is a certain lady overseas, in
America, who said “we lose talent because it wears a skirt,” meaning that we need to appreciate such people so that the nation becomes prosperous. I thank you.
*HON. SEN. MUPFUMIRA: Thank you Madam President for
giving me the opportunity to ask my question. My question is directed to the Minister of Health and Child Care but in his absence, I will direct it to the Leader of the Senate. With a few days after the opening of schools, there are around five provinces where we are being told that there are students and teachers who tested positive for COVID-19. What is Government doing to control the prevalence of COVID-19 in schools? What steps are being taken to prevent children and teachers in schools from infection? I thank you.
President. It is very true that in other schools, there are some students and teachers who tested positive for COVID-19. Government is working hard to make sure that when such an occurrence happens, measures are taken. We believe that in the long run it is important that all those should have been vaccinated for COVID-19. I would like to give assurance that Government is working hard to make sure that this pandemic does not continue spreading and affecting people. There are a lot of vaccines that are coming into this country. People at one time did not believe that this nation would be at this stage where people have access to such vaccines but it is happening. So we appreciate the good work that is being done by our frontline workers. The President at one time appreciated the good work of the frontline workers, which means that they are working to make sure that Zimbabweans are safe. This is the same thing that is happening in schools so that we eradicate COVID 19. I do not believe that it will overcome us but we know that we are united and we know what we are doing so COVID-19 will be eradicated.
I thank you.
*HON. SEN. MUPFUMIRA: Thank you Madam President. I
would like to thank the Hon. Minister for his response. We were preparing for the opening of schools. From what we are reading, there are a number of provinces where students and teachers have tested positive. My question is, what are we doing to rectify that and to prepare for the prevention of the pandemic in areas that have been affected? What is Government doing to make sure that we have protected all the students and teachers in schools? What is the strategy so that we prevent this before the disease spreads instead of responding or reacting to the pandemic by quarantining children, especially those in boarding schools who are far away from their families. We know that we have enough vaccines. What is the Government doing to prevent the prevalence of COVID-19? I thank you.
HON. PROF. MURWIRA: Thank you Madam President. Thank
you Hon. Sen. Mupfumira. Your question is quite pertinent. The
Government through the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education and the Ministry of Health and Child Care are working together to make sure that PPEs are available. We know that Government allocated a huge chunk of money to the Ministry of Primary and Secondary
Education so that they procure PPEs in the prevention of COVID-19. Also, there are indications that those who are 14 to 17 years can be vaccinated. These are some of the options that Government is looking at which can be employed in making sure the vaccine is not transmitted to many areas. At times, we might miss certain areas but we are working hard and the request is that every Zimbabwean should share their ideas with Government so that if there is an issue that needs to be looked at,
Government should look at it. I thank you.
Questions Without Notice were interrupted by THE HON.
PRESIDENT OF SENATE in terms of Standing Order Number 62.
HON. PROF. MURWIRA: I move that Order of the Day
Number 1 on today’s Order Paper be stood over until the rest of the
Orders of the Day are disposed of.
Motion put and agreed to.
HON. SEN. MUZENDA: I move the motion standing in my name that this House takes note of the Declaration of the 5th World Conference of Speakers of Parliament held in Vienna, Austria on 7th and 8th
September, 2021 under the overarching theme “Parliamentary Leadership for more effective multilateralism that delivers peace and
Sustainable Development for the People and the Planet”.
Jointly organised by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Parliament of Austria in cooperation with the United Nations, the in person 5th World Conference of Speakers of Parliament was hosted in Vienna, Austria on 7 and 8 September 2021 under the overarching theme, “Parliamentary Leadership for More Effective Multilateralism that Delivers Peace and Sustainable Development for the People and the
The Conference was preceded by the 13th Summit of Women Speakers of Parliament held on 6 September under the theme, “Women at the Centre: From Confronting the Pandemic to Preserving the
Achievements in a Gender Responsive Recovery”.
The Conference brought together close to 100 Speakers from 115
National Parliaments and a dozen Heads of Regional and other Parliamentary Organisations. Zimbabwe was privileged to be represented at the Conference by Hon. Advocate Jacob Francis Nzwidamilimo Mudenda, Speaker of Parliament, and Hon. Mabel
Memory Chinomona, President of the Senate.
The meetings were held in particularly extraordinary circumstances as the world battles the COVID 19 pandemic, among other global challenges. In spite of the restrictions, the Organisers of the Conference remained resolute in their endeavour for a successful in person Conference – the first International Parliamentary Meeting in eighteen (18) months. Accordingly, the Zimbabwe delegation wishes to express its deep gratitude to the IPU, the Parliament of Austria and the United Nations for the excellent arrangements which guaranteed the hosting of the Conference in a safe and conducive environment for dialogue.
The Summit paid tribute to women from all walks of life who were instrumental in confronting the COVID 19 pandemic.
The Summit’s deliberations informed the final Conference Declaration on the importance of placing gender equality and the empowerment of women at the heart of the pandemic response and recovery.
The Speakers of Parliament adopted a High-Level Declaration on “Parliamentary Leadership for More Effective Multilateralism that
Delivers Peace and Sustainable Development for the People and Planet.”
The Declaration underscored the importance of international solidarity and cooperation between Parliaments in post-COVID recovery efforts. Those efforts must uphold the rule of law, democratic principles and universal human rights. The recovery must be inclusive, sustainable, green and incorporate innovative solutions to addressing the climate challenges. I shall proceed to read the full text of the High Level
HIGH-LEVEL DECLARATION on parliamentary leadership
for more effective multilateralism that delivers peace and sustainable development for the people and the planet
In August 2020, we, the Speakers of Parliament, convened for the virtual segment of the Fifth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament. The world was five months into a global pandemic, with over 20 million recorded cases of COVID-19 infection and at least 750,000 deaths attributed to the virus. The virtual segment resulted in a commitment to strengthen international cooperation, solidarity and multilateral action, not only to lead the world out of crisis, but also to transform it for the better and to improve resilience. By the start of September 2021, the pandemic had resulted in close to 220 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection and over 4.5 million deaths, coupled with extensive disruptions to essential health systems in several regions, underscoring the urgent need for a well-coordinated, multisectoral approach to the health emergency, ensuring surge capacity at all levels in all countries.
Our declaration in August 2020 underscored the critical importance of multilateralism and international solidarity in addressing the daunting socio-economic challenges of our time. As some countries finally start to emerge from the pandemic, this declaration rings truer than ever before. The very fact that we have been able to meet in person in Vienna is testimony to the significant progress that has been made through our collective efforts, in particular in terms of developing and delivering life-saving vaccines for all to ensure that no one is left behind. This Conference has granted many of us the first opportunity in over 18 months to meet in-person to share our experiences and lessons learned from the pandemic and to look forward with renewed hope to a positive recovery, founded on our shared endeavour to build back – and build forward – better.
The recovery must take account of the particular impact that the pandemic has had on women and girls, young and elderly people, persons with disabilities, marginalised and vulnerable populations, refugees, and communities affected by conflict. The recovery efforts must uphold the rule of law, democratic principles and universal human rights. The recovery must be inclusive, sustainable and green and must incorporate innovative solutions to the climate crisis. We must work together as one human family in facing epidemics and other crises, overcoming differences of all kinds and seeking to foster a culture of tolerance, coexistence and acceptance of the other. A renewed commitment by all parliamentarians worldwide to meaningful and effective multilateralism is critical to such a recovery.
We recognise that women have made a significant contribution on the front line of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. And yet, the pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on women and girls, with lockdowns leaving them more vulnerable to domestic violence and increasing the burden of caring for children and the elderly. Women have also been more likely to lose employment or income as a result of the socio-economic downturn. Women and girls in conflict situations remain particularly vulnerable. All these situations have stressed the importance of putting gender equality and the empowerment of women at the heart of the COVID-19 response and recovery. We must build forward in a more gender-inclusive way and create a new global social compact for gender equality enabling the full and effective participation of women in all spheres of society. From this perspective, women must be part of the strategy and leadership of the COVID-19 recovery process, and the first step to achieving this is to ensure their equal and meaningful representation in parliaments, governments, private companies and other decision-making bodies.
We also acknowledge that social distancing and lockdown measures during the pandemic have had a devastating impact on youth, limiting their access to education and reducing their employment prospects, which has resulted in isolation and a surge in mental health issues. At the same time, young adults have undertaken vital front-line roles as healthcare, public utility and retail workers, as well as supporting their communities during the pandemic. We recognise these critical roles and pledge to harness the positive energy and innovativeness of young adults by making every effort to increase youth representation in our parliaments, including by joining the IPU
Campaign ‘I Say Yes to Youth in Parliament’, which is promoting several transformative actions. We also commit to promote initiatives aimed at educating and training young people in modern information technologies, thus preparing them for the jobs of the future.
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a multifaceted crisis that has undermined progress in the achievement of the sustainable development goals, made States more fragile and eroded international cooperation, resulting in worldwide increases in poverty, hunger, inequality and violence. Parliaments must rise to the challenge by, first and foremost, protecting the norms and principles of peace, development, democracy, human rights and respect for the rule of law. We must also tap into the many benefits of inter-parliamentary dialogue and cooperation in order to build bridges for better understanding, so as to lay the foundation for a more peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world where all people can live in freedom and dignity.
The global economic recovery must, therefore, be inclusive, with commitments to fight poverty and lessen inequality, reduce unemployment, and improve access to education and essential services. This should nurture renewed efforts to address the root causes of conflicts and build more peaceful, just and inclusive societies. As the United Nations has recognised, Parliaments have a key role to play in identifying bold and transformative actions to make the attainment of the SDGs a reality. With less than a decade to go, we commit ourselves once again to accelerating our efforts to fully implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in our work as parliamentarians.
A sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic will depend to a large extent on international cooperation and solidarity.
Accordingly, we reiterate our support for the World Health Organisation, in particular in terms of its work on research, rapid response and better pandemic preparedness through enhanced cooperation among nations. We call for strengthened international cooperation on vaccine research and development, production and distribution, and improving accessibility and affordability. In this regard, vaccines must be distributed rapidly, fairly and equitably, as well as universally. No one will be safe from COVID-19 until everyone is safe. Innovative measures, such as voluntary licensing and exchange of knowhow and technology must be taken to enhance equitable access to affordable vaccines and to scale up global vaccine production and distribution in the long term. We commend the collaboration among countries, along with health organizations and manufacturers, including through the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator and the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) programme. However, much remains to be done to ensure unimpeded and equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines for all countries.
We urge collaboration on continued research and innovation into the treatment and elimination of COVID-19 and coronaviruses more generally, including the debilitating long-term impacts of post-COVID-
19 syndrome (also known as “long COVID”). Moreover, we call for close cooperation to prepare the world for future pandemics. In this regard, it is important to work towards the establishment of a global health charter, to be agreed upon by world leaders, which guarantee health security for the world’s population, without exception, and to confront epidemics and disasters of a global nature with common universal principles and values, and in a manner that guarantees respect for human health rights.
The recovery of the global economy following the COVID-19 pandemic remains uncertain and unequal. Many countries will face huge budgetary deficits in the coming years and parliaments must be ready to address such challenges. We believe that a fair, open, inclusive, transparent and non-discriminatory rules-based multilateral trading system, with the World Trade Organization at its core, remains a pivotal foundation for the global economy. We call for increased coordination on macro-economic policy, continued efforts to strengthen sustainable global trade and oppose protectionism and unilateralism, and robust measures to revitalise the global economy – including in terms of developing a fairer global tax system. A key component of the economic recovery will be the advancement of the digital economy. We, therefore, call for more efforts to address the digital gap and ensure fair access to technology, internet connectivity and knowledge. Parliaments should help facilitate the development of core digital infrastructure and enhance digital skills among their populations.
The COVID-19 pandemic must not overshadow the urgency of climate action. In order to genuinely build a better future and long-term resilience, we must achieve a green, inclusive and innovation-based growth and sustainable recovery. We remain convinced of the compelling need to tackle climate change and reiterate the critical importance of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the actions and targets set out in the Paris
Agreement. We welcome increased support for the Paris Agreement, in particular, the return of the United States earlier this year as a party state to the Agreement. We express our strong support for an ambitious and collaborative outcome from the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP26) in Glasgow in November 2021, and stand ready to make a robust parliamentary contribution to this process.
We also express our deep concern about the negative impacts of the climate crisis on human health and security, such as increased food insecurity, water stress and resource scarcity arising from increasingly frequent and ever more severe weather events, all of which in turn fuel conflicts and tensions and force more people around the world to leave their homes. We stress the need for preventive strategies to mitigate climate risks and enhance resilience, especially for the most vulnerable and marginalised people. We recognize the importance of preserving biodiversity and express our support for COP15 to the Convention on Biological Diversity, due to be held in Kunming, China in October 2021, under the theme of Ecological Civilisation – Building a Shared Future for all Life on Earth.
The COVID-19 pandemic has also resulted in increasing threats to our democratic principles and institutions. In addressing the pandemic, the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government have had to take challenging decisions, notably curtailing freedom of movement, which has sometimes led to disillusionment and citizens losing trust in the political processes and in their representatives. Left unchecked, this dissonance, which is often fed by misinformation and extremist ideology, can create serious security threats to our institutions and to the physical safety of our legislators and staff. Governments should take people-centred measures, in full respect of human rights, in order to restore public trust that was eroded during the pandemic. Parliaments should serve as the centre of democratic accountability and transparency, including for COVID-19 responses, by systematically integrating public engagement into their work. This will enhance their legitimacy and the quality of parliamentary processes.
Parliaments have remained open for business despite restrictions on their ability to meet in person. This has led to unprecedented innovation, bringing information and communications technologies (ICT) from the back office into the very heart of parliamentary chambers, allowing remote working, remote sittings and even remote voting in many countries. We encourage parliaments to continue to innovate and expand the use of digital technologies in order to be appropriately prepared for future emergencies, enhance access to parliaments, and ultimately increase their accountability, transparency and openness to the public.
While information and communications technologies have allowed the world to remain as interconnected as possible, and have contributed to enhancing prosperity, development and security at all levels, our increased use of technology carries considerable risks, exposing us to cyber-attacks and cybercrime. The internet, and in particular social media, is fertile ground for misinformation, manipulation and the dissemination of false news and disinformation, discrimination, harassment, hate speech and violence. Increased mass surveillance, undue dependence on and unregulated use of algorithms and artificial intelligence, and digital privacy are also pressing concerns.
All stakeholders need to observe principles, rules and norms for responsible behaviour in the ICT environment. We call on the global community to come together and establish a multilateral framework for regulating the use of digital technologies and imposing greater accountability on big tech corporations. More generally, we must work for a global consensual approach to the management of these challenges, including data security and privacy, the consequences of the use of artificial intelligence, and the ethical aspect of scientific and technological innovation, in strict compliance with our human rights obligations.
We strongly believe that a global community with a shared future for humankind has interwoven mutual interests and aspirations. Common challenges can only be overcome through global responses, coordination and collaboration between all our nations. We therefore, reaffirm the key role of multilateralism, with the United Nations at its core. We also firmly support the IPU’s efforts to engage and mobilise parliaments and parliamentarians around major international global processes and global commitments, thereby further strengthening the parliamentary dimension of global governance. We must continue to review, revitalise and renew multilateralism, so as to ensure that the voices of parliamentarians are heard at the United Nations and other international fora.
We commend the Austrian Parliament and the IPU, our global organization of national parliaments, for bringing us together for this parliamentary summit at such a historic time. We pledge to take this Declaration back to our countries and our parliaments, and to work diligently in following up on its key recommendations. We look forward to coming together again under the auspices of the IPU and in cooperation with the United Nations so as to share our experiences and report back on progress achieved.
Reservations expressed: To paragraph 4 (gender equality) and paragraph 12 (climate change): by Turkey To the concepts of
“people-centred measures” (paragraph 13) and “global community with a shared future for humankind” (paragraph 17): by Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. I thank you Madam President.
HON. SEN. MUZENDA: I move that the report be adopted.
Motion put and agreed to.
Third Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Thematic Committee on HIV and AIDS on the study visit to
Uganda on HIV and AIDS management and financing.
Question again proposed.
HON. SEN. MUZENDA: I move that the debate do now adjourn.
Motion put and agreed to.
Debate to resume: Thursday, 7th October, 2021.
Fourth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the need to strengthen the health delivery system in Zimbabwe.
Question again proposed.
*HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI: Thank you Madam President for
giving this opportunity to wind up my motion. I would like to thank all those who contributed during debate and also the stance that has been taken that eventually there is development in terms of health issues in this country. Let me also thank our Government for seeing it fit that health is important in this country and that a country with good health is on its way to development. Again, Government will also look closely into the challenges of dialysis machines – that is mostly affecting rural dwellers. As we close this Session, we believe the Government will surely look into this issue to ensure that the kidney ailment is alleviated especially, because it also affects those that are in the rural areas. I thank all those who contributed and those who did not get the opportunity to do so. I now move that the motion be adopted.
Motion that this House:
MINDFUL that the health delivery system is based on primary health care approach as defined in the World Health
Organisation Alma Atta Declaration of 1978 and enshrined in Section 29 of the Constitution that the State must take all practical measures to ensure the provision of basic, accessible and adequate health services throughout Zimbabwe;
ALSO MINDFUL that the State must take all preventive measures within the limits of the resources available to it, including education and public awareness programmes, against the spread of diseases; DISTURBED by the inadequacy of medical provisions such as drugs and lack of transport to ferry the sick leading to some deaths which can be avoided if such resources are availed;
FURTHER DISTURBED by the absence of kidney dialysis machines in Provincial Hospitals leading to untold suffering by patients.
NOW, THEREFORE, CALLS upon Government to Partner with
the Private Sector in a concerted bid to:
- Strengthen the health delivery system as a way of achieving universal health coverage countrywide;
- Allocate adequate resources for the procurement of medical supplies and the also for the provision of ambulances and other forms of transport to enhance health service delivery in the country;
- Consider subsidising kidney dialysis as it is extremely expensive for our citizens who fall victim to such ailments and Provide decent accommodation to doctors as a way of motivating and incentivising them as they conduct their day to day health delivery services of saving lives of our dear Zimbabweans, put and adopted.
Fifth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on Report of the Thematic Committee on Sustainable Development Goals on the Provision of Quality Education, Sanitisation and Hygiene Management in Schools.
Question again proposed.
HON. SEN. MUZENDA: I move that the debate do now adjourn.
Motion put and agreed to.
Debate to resume: Thursday, 7th October, 2021.
Sixth Order Read: Adjourned debate on motion on the Assessment of progress on construction of Covid-19 Treatment, Quarantine and
Isolation facilities.
Question again proposed.
President. I now wish to wind up this debate and in doing so, I would like to thank the various Members who contributed so very intensively to this debate. As you are aware, the issue of COVID-19 is still topical today. The issue of damages that have occurred and cyclone is also pertinent. We are aware that Government has been urged by the Senate to put preparedness for future disasters that may occur. The twin tragedies of pandemic and also the destructions caused by cyclones, both of them cause loss of human lives and of course loss in property and loss in income capacity. In that respect, I would really like to thank the Hon.
Members who contributed towards this debate. I now move that the motion be adopted.
Motion that this House takes note of the Joint Portfolio Committee on Local Government, Public Works and National Housing and the Thematic Committee on Peace and Security on the Assessment of progress made in areas affected by floods and on construction of Covid-19 Treatment, Quarantine and Isolation facilities, put and adopted,
Seventh Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the heroics of
Mbuya Nehanda.
Question again proposed.
HON. SEN. KAMBIZI: Thank you Mr. President. I would like to wind up my motion. Before I do that, I would like to thank all Members of this Senate who debated thoroughly on this motion. I am particularly very happy that we all realise the importance of Mbuya Nehanda and the importance of the statue that was erected by our Government as it reminds all citizens and the future generations of the importance and the works of Mbuya Nehanda. Accordingly Mr. President, I move that the motion be adopted.
Motion that this House;
INSPIRED by the heroics of the legendary Nyakasikana Mbuya Nehanda in the fight against colonialism and oppression during the First
Chimurenga war.
COGNISANT that Mbuya Nehanda, as a woman of valour
selflessly sacrificed herself to challenge the evil forces of colonialism to the point where she was caught and hanged by the ruthless and callous imperialists who had the audacity to publicly lynch a defenseless woman.
- Applaud the Government for recognizing and honoring Mbuya Nehanda by erecting the magnificent statue of the iconic heroine in the city of Harare for all future generations and tourists to see and admire;
- Call upon all the people of this country to draw motivation and inspiration from the role played by Mbuya Nehamda which culminated in the Second Chimurenga and the ultimate liberation of our citizens;
Implore historians to preserve and author undiluted and unbiased literature on the role of other heroines who emulated Mbuya Nehanda and have continued to keep the glowing fire of the spirit of patriotism which was ignited by our iconic leader, adopted.
Eighth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the 65th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women.
Question again proposed.
HON. SEN. C. NDLOVU: Thank you Mr. President. I would
want to wind up debate on this Motion. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Hon. Senators who contributed and we had a robust debate on the CSW65 Report. Zimbabwe is part to and a signatory to multilateral agreements and legal frameworks, among which include CEDAW, SADC Protocol on Gender Development, Maputo
Protocol on Women’s Rights, the UN Convention on the Elimination on all Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Beijing Declaration, et cetera.
This year’s 65th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women took place virtually from 15th to 26th March, 2021 under the theme “Women’s Full and Effective Participation in Decision Making in
Public Life as well as the Elimination of Violence for Achieving Gender
Equality and the Empowerment of all Women and Girls.” The Session was held virtually due to COVID-19. Our participation under these circumstances are a testimony …
Hon. Sen. Ndlovu, you are winding up. You should not open a fresh debate.
HON. SEN. C. NDLOVU: Thank you Mr. President. I would like
to wind up by saying, I implore all the Hon. Senators in this House to take this report and use it as a reference document in all issues that were raised. I hereby move for the adoption of the motion.
Motion that this House takes note of the Report of the 65th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women on women’s full and effective participation and decision making in public life as well as the elimination of violence for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls held virtually from 15th to 26th
March 2021, adopted.
Ninth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the theft of
Question again proposed.
HON. SEN. MUZENDA: I move that the debate do now adjourn.
Motion put and agreed to.
Debate to resume: Friday, 17th September, 2021.
Tenth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the need to provide material and financial support to the SADC initiatives for the development of the liberation history modules.
Question again proposed.
*HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: Thank you Mr. President Sir.
First and foremost, I would want to express my gratitude to all the Hon. Members who contributed to this motion and in so doing, gave this motion their own views. The motion speaks to a lot of things that were done for us to be where we are today and our history does not reflect that. It was a call on the need to have our history updated and recorded so that our children can benefit from such writings.
I would also want to collate it with the history of Mbuya Nehanda as was the case with a motion that was before this august Senate which talks about our present and our future. There are some strides that have been mentioned. They do not have any written history about them.
There is need for documentation of such strides so as to improve our lives. We have a new Parliament that is under construction at Mt. Hampden. If possible, Mr. President Sir, we should have our history put into that Parliament building. We have our heroes because at the museum of African liberation is going to have history of all SADC countries. If our history was also to be housed in our own Parliament it would enhance us as a nation as we archive our own history and preserve it for posterity. Mr. President, I therefore move that the motion be adopted.
Motion that this House;
MINDFUL that Zimbabwe attained its independence after a protracted liberation war;
ALSO MINDFUL that SADC played a pivotal role in assisting liberation movements in Southern Africa.
COGNISANT that SADC member states with assistance from UNESCO and SARDC are currently reviewing the liberation struggle history curriculum and developing appropriate materials covering various modules such as, Youth in the liberation struggle and the role of front line states;
AWARE that it is essential to document the history of the liberation struggle;
DESIROUS to ensure the teaching of liberation history from a national to a regional perspective;
NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon Government to provide material and financial support to the SADC initiatives for the development of the liberation history modules, put and agreed to.
Eleventh Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the first joint
Report of the joint Thematic Committee on HIV and AIDS and Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Care on the Petition from the Advocacy Core Team (ACT) on the age of consent to accessing reproductive health care services by adolescents and young persons in Zimbabwe.
Question again proposed.
HON. SEN. KAMBIZI: Thank you Mr. President. Apparently
this motion was never debated even a single day. However, it has outlived its existence in this House and accordingly, I move that the motion be adopted.
Motion that this House takes note of the first joint Report of the joint Thematic Committee on HIV and AIDS and Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Care on the Petition from the Advocacy Core Team (ACT) on the age of consent to accessing reproductive health care services by adolescents and young persons in Zimbabwe, put and agreed
Twelfth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the efforts by the Government to stabilise the currency.
Question again proposed.
*HON. TONGOGARA: Thank you Mr. President for affording
me this opportunity to wrap up my motion but the same problem that has just been mentioned also met this particular motion. It was only I the mover of the motion and the seconder that debated, but Hon. Members did not get an opportunity to debate it. Be that as it may, I still remain steadfast and say that Zimbabweans are crying about the pricing regime because the auction system which is in place is not working. The regulations that the Government put those prices should be displayed in terms of USD and ZWD, nothing of that sort is happening. So I believe that this was an important motion which also affects every Zimbabwean citizen in terms of goods that we buy from the shops. I thank you for the opportunity that you have afforded me to bring this motion to this august
Hon. Tongogara. I just want to correct you that it was not because of lack of an opportunity but every time and when we are seated in this august House, we ask people to debate and there would be no people that would take up the opportunity to debate. I did not get you when you said people…
*HON. TONGOGARA: I said it was pushed way back. When
motions appear on the Order Paper, Ministers would come and take precedence and were knocking off at 4.30 p.m. because of staff members. So we did not have ample time to diligently deal with such motions, important as they are. Thank you.
what you said with due respect but let me just give you advice that if you feel that your motion is very important, you have every right to move that certain Orders of the Day be stood over so that your motion is dealt with. This is what we need to do. Did you get what I said? Maybe you should ask for advice when you are in this House but you can stand over a motion.
HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: On that note Hon. President, I now
move that the House adopts the motion.
Motion that this House;
RECOGNISING the frantic efforts by Government to stabilise the currency so that goods and services can be affordable to the general populace;
ALSO RECOGNISING the measures put in place by government
to curb overcharging by introducing foreign currency auction system for business people and service providers;
ACKNOWLEDGING the use of a multiple currency system and as
provided at law that prices of commodities be displayed in both foreign and local currency at the official exchange rate;
GRATEFUL that a new Commission to protect consumers from being unscrupulously overcharged was established;
CONCERNED that most of the measures put in place by government to bring normalcy to the economy by stabilizing prices are not being adhered to by manufacturers and service providers;
NOW, THEREFORE, CALLS upon the Executive to deploy teams
to monitor;
- Adherence to official exchange rates; and
- The pricing of goods and services countrywide, put and agreed to.
Thirteenth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the sexual harassment and violence against women.
Question again proposed.
*HON. SEN. MUPFUMIRA: Thank you Mr. President. This was
an important motion in line with the prevailing predicament of sexual harassment. Alas! It was not given ample opportunity for debating except that I moved the motion and my seconder Hon. Sen. Mavetera debated. It was as at the end of the Order Paper as has been mentioned earlier on by Hon. Sen. Tongogara. Hon. Members wanted to debate but they were not given the opportunity. We even gave them the copies but they did not debate. So, I do not know whether I should withdraw the motion or I will stand guided by you.
*HON. SEN. MUPFUMIRA (SPEAKING)… I stand guided by
you. It was an important motion that would ensure that women would be protected from sexual harassment in the workplaces, at home and all other such places. Happy I am, but rather angry that we were not given an opportunity to debate it.
Hon. Sen. Mupfumira. I still recall the day when you presented the motion, the first was Hon. Sen. Tongogara with the motion on prices and you presented your motion virtually, is that not correct? I said great motions presented by two women, do you recall that? I said they were very well researched and very well presented. In future, you have to inform your Chief Whip. I mentioned as I was presiding that the two women had done very well. In future you should talk to your Chief Whips so that they act on this so that the effort is not wasted. Once again thank you Hon. Sen. Mupfumira for a well researched motion. HON. SEN. MUPFUMIRA: With your guidance Hon. President,
I move that the motion be adopted.
Motion that this House:
AWARE that section 51 of the Constitution prescribes that every person has a right to have his or her dignity respected and protected;
MINDFUL that Parliament of Zimbabwe drafted and adopted an institutional Gender Policy in 2017 and 2019 respectively;
ALSO MINDFUL that in its conferences of 2019 and March 2021 the Commission on the Status of Women is calling for mechanisms that address sexual harassment to be put in place;
COGNISANT that Parliament of Zimbabwe is a member of the
Inter-Parliamentary Union which recently conducted a session on sexual harassment and violence against women;
CONCERNED that the absence of legislation directly speaking to sexual harassment disadvantages female participation in public life;
NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon Parliament:
- To implement the institutional Gender Policy;
- To implement the Inter-Parliamentary Union Gender
Sensitive Toolkit;
To enact legislation dealing with sexual harassment matters in all forms, adopted.
On the motion of HON. SEN. MUZENDA, seconded by HON. SEN. CHIRONGOMA, the Senate adjourned at Seven Minutes to Five o’clock p. m. until 7th October, 2021.